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1. What values did the children portray in the movie?

Were the strategies applied

by Nanny McPhee effective?

The seven unruly children: Simon, Tora, Eric, Lily, Sebastian, Chrissie, and Aggie don’t
know what they're up against when their father hires mysterious and magical Nanny McPhee
to become their 18th nanny.
They are, in order, (1) to go to bed when they are told (and to say please), (2) to get up when
they are told, (3) to get dressed when they are told (and to say thank you), (4) to listen, and (5)
to do as they are told.
Absolutely effective, when they learn to go to bed when they are told (and say please), her
hair goes from gray to brown. When they learn to get up when they are told, the wart near her
nose disappears. When they learn to get dressed when they are told, the wart on her jaw
disappears. When they learn to listen (and say thank you), her uni brow disappears, her hair
turns blonder and wavy, her droopy earlobes disappear, and her complexion improves. When
they finally learn to do as they are told, her nose is no longer bulbous and the snaggle tooth
In other words, adults define what appropriate behavior is for children, and punish children
for stepping outside of their roles.

2. If you were Nanny, would you do the same as Nanny McPhee did?
If I were Nanny, I will do the same as what she did since the kids learned to solve their
problem on their own by using Nanny McPhee's lesson without knowing. There are also
different values and lessons shown in the movie Nanny McPhee that are valid for our children
today and these are:

Read the following situation: “I’m six years old,” says three-years-old Kate while holding up three
fingers. Dad says, “Let’s count those fingers, one, two, three fingers. You are three years old”. This type
of situation is called a “teachable moment”. Think of five situations in a classroom or in any learning
environment where “teachable moments” may occur. Also, tell what you would do or say in response to
these teachable moments.

Teachable Moments Teacher Response


Activity 1:
Study again the four repeating processes of the learning cycle for young children. Then, in one of your
classes, if you can still remember, identify their activities which utilizes the four processes. List down five
activities and alongside is the process.

Activity Learning Process

Construct at least 3 instructional materials for each subject areas in Science and Math. You can use these
instructional materials during your demonstration teaching. Take a photo of it and send your teacher a
2. List down the names of the instructional materials you made and explain what concept and skills in
Science and Math will be developed if will be used in the classroom.

Name of Instructional Materials Concepts and Skills Developed


Question 1:  Do you apply a learning cycle in your lessons? If yes,

please share some of your best practices. If not, please come up with
activities that involve a learning cycle.
One of the teachers here in school applied the learning cycle in their
lessons. As an educational assistant, I assisted the teacher during their
classroom activities. Here are the two of the many learning cycle
activities they performed:
Snow Melting Quest
Children will participate in an activity to learn more about physical
changes including the idea of snow melting and ways that we can slow
down or speed up the process.
How High Do Balls Bounce?
Children will be testing the height of bounce of several types of balls.
After a testing period is over, the students will share their findings to the
rest of the class. The children will then engage in a whole class
discussion on the effects of a ball’s bounce based on the information
each group discovered.

Question 2: How important are the learning experiences in teaching

young children? Give example of a learning experience and a sample
activity that can be done in school and at home.

Learning experiences are important especially in teaching young kids

because they observe how to perform with other children, exchange
ideas, and bring about options and outcomes. Kids will build self-
confidence by undergoing accomplishment and trials. They discover to
manage their feelings, lessen impulsive actions, or reduce anxiety as
they act out moods and happenings that might be bothering them.

Kids are learning every moment of the day at home or in school, for
instance, tidying their bedroom, wearing their winter coats and boots,
putting on their own shoes/tying their own shoelaces, arranging their
backpacks, pouring a drink like milk or juice or learning about science or
art through a hands-on activities or project. The main role of the teacher
is to enrich this situational learning.

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