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Họ và tên: Nguyễn Thu Huyền

MSV: 2211410075
Ngày sinh: 05/05/2004
Lớp tín chỉ: EAB111.K61.25
Lớp hành chính: Anh 03
Chuyên ngành: Kinh tế quốc tế

TOPIC: Sedentary lifestyle is becoming. More common is modern society

nowadays. It leads to many diseases. In your opinion, what should we do to solve
this problem?

In this day and age, the most frequent reason given to avoid exercise is
busyness and limited time. Therefore, a sedentary lifestyle is becoming very
popular. But few people know that that lifestyle is one of the causes that
adversely affect human health.
The sedentary lifestyle causes a lot of serious problems. According to the
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study, inactivity can be twice as
dangerous as obesity. In addition, it is the cause of symptoms such as: stress,
insomnia, weight gain, slows down metabolism, easily depressed, stresses,
causes blood glucose diseases and has a high risk of stroke. In addition, this is
also the shortest path to cancer. In fact, the researchers found that "worldwide,
inactivity causes about 9% of premature deaths each year."
There are many possible solutions to reverse this unhealthy lifestyle.
First, we should increase physical activity. It is the lack of exercise that leads to
the inactivity of the body, which will stagnate and fatigue. Creating a habit of
physical exercise is also the most effective impact against dangerous diseases.
Every day, just spend 30 minutes jogging or walking in your free time to help
have a healthy body, refreshing mind.
Second, we should spend time for our own pleasure instead of
abusing social networks. Taking a break from work and relaxing will help you
regain your spirit and have the energy to move away from the negatives of life
instead of using Facebook, Twitter or other social networks to relieve stress..
Stop using social media as a tool to create fun and you will see positive effects.
Third, we should increase our exercise time. Physical activity is
important, but spending most of the day sitting is still dangerous. Simple
examples of this would be to take the stairs instead of using the elevator, or
stand instead of sitting on public transport, or if you have to make a phone call,
call outside the office and commute. back during a call,....
In short, a sedentary lifestyle gradually becomes a bad and common habit
in today's life. So, take action, change bad habits right away before they become
devastating to the health of each of us. Take the initiative to build a healthy
lifestyle for yourself and for the whole society.

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