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(McDonald's Chocolate Fries Review | Japan Exclusive)

1. I like chocolate and...I like Mcdonald's.我喜歡巧克力,也喜歡麥當勞。

2. So when I heard McDonald's Japan had ___________ _______a brand new

menu ___________ called "Choco Potato"當我聽到日本麥當勞最新推出一個

3. it was like Christmas all over again...times... seven!!我感覺好像聖誕節的歡


4. I've always been a fan of McDonald's Japan's clever, quirky menu items

5. For example a few years ago, I covered some Limited Edition Gourmet
Burgers that came wrapped up like iPods.舉例來說,幾年前我買到了一個
限定版本,有著 iPod 包裝的漢堡。

6. And more recently I even witnessed an owl taking a selfie with Ronald

7. Although I suspect that may have just been the every day life adventures
of an owl 雖然我想這只是貓頭鷹的日常生活,

8. as opposed to some kind of clever ______________ by McDonald's.根本就不


9. But anyway enough of this talking business, let's go and see if it's any

10 A fork.嗯...一隻叉子。

11 Presumably it's gonna be a messy __________.大概會吃成一團亂。

12 Oh! ____________ Choco Sauce!噢!雙倍巧克力醬!

13 Because one chocolate sauce simply isn't enough.只有一種巧克力一定不

. 夠。

14 Original Golden Crispy McFry Potato Chocolate Sauce.原味金黃薯條巧克力

. 醬。

15 It's a bit of a mouthful, isn't it?這有點繞口,是不是?


16 Yeah I quite like the box. it's got me in the spirit of chocolate.我滿喜歡這個
. 盒子包裝的,他讓我有想吃巧克力的慾望。

17 Presumably nothing ______________ inside, just the fries.我想裡面應該只有薯

. 條,沒有其他特別的吧。

18 I'm always really _____________ with this.我真的很不會使用這種包裝。


19 That's a lot of chocolate.哇真的很多巧克力。


20 Actually looks quite___________ , I'm a little bit _____________ .它看起來滿美味

. 的,但我還是有點懷疑這到底好不好吃。

21 But it actually smells really nice.但其實聞起來滿香的。


22 Still can't believe I'm ___________myself eating McDonald's fries with

. chocolate sauce on.不敢相信我居然正在錄自己吃著麥當勞薯條配巧克力

23 I really need to get out more, don't I?我不該這麼宅的?


24 It works!這個組合成功了!

25 It definitely works.巧克力薯條真的好吃!

26 McDonald's Japan have done it again.日本麥當勞又再次讓人驚艷!


27 I don't know what they did before, but they've done it this time!我是不知
. 道他們曾經推出什麼啦,但這次真的有成功。

28 It actually is quite good, the salt on the fries doesn't _______________ the
. chocolate.巧克力薯條吃起來滿不錯的,鹽味並不會蓋住甜味。

29 Probably because there's 2 chocolate sauces instead of one, very clever

. that! 大概是因為有雙倍巧克力醬吧,真是聰明!

30 I could ___________ see this working outside Japan, especially in the UK.我覺
. 得這個產品在其他地方也會大賣,尤其是英國!

31 And yeah this would work, definitely!這一定會大受歡迎!


32 Then again I've had about 5 _____________ now and my mouth just doesn't
. know what is going on.我已經吃第五口了,但仍然很難形容這是一個怎麼

33 On one side it tastes quite salty and the other side quite sweet.一邊是鹹鹹
. 的薯條味、另一邊卻甜甜的。

34 So...I don't know if I like that now.我不確定我是不是真的很愛。


35 What would I give it ___________10?一到十,我會給幾分呢?


36 About a 7!應該七分吧!

37 But would I buy it again?你問我,會願意再買來吃嗎?


38 Nah, no i wouldn't!應該是不會!
39 But I don't regret buying it now, for the _________________ factor.但我不後悔
. 買了它,畢竟是個新奇的口味。

40 If you're in Japan, give them a ________ they're not that bad!如果你在日本,

. 絕對可以試試看!它們實在滿不賴的!

41 And if you're not in Japan..ahahah too bad! There's absolutely nothing you
. can do!如果不在日本,那真是抱歉,你也無能為力。

42 Except maybe buy some chocolate spread and just ___________ them over
. your fries.除非你要買巧克力醬然後塗在薯條上。

43 In fact that would be cheaper than the ones I just bought.事實上,這樣應

. 該比麥當勞便宜得多。

44 Now I feel like an idiot...我突然覺得自己很白癡...


45 Nah, no I don't, I've got Chocolate Fries, from McDonald's.不,我才不是!

. 我買了來自麥當勞的巧克力薯條。

46 See ya later!待會見啦!

47 Oh I finished them..that was quick.噢我居然吃完了,也太快了吧...


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