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Grade 10 Chapter 1


1. What steps can be taken to control soil erosion in the hilly areas?
● Contour ploughing:- Ploughing along the contour lines can decelerate the
flow of water down the slopes.
● Terrace Cultivation:- Steps can be cut out on the slopes making terraces. It
restricts erosion.
● Strip cropping:- It is a very effective method of soil conservation or
controlling soil erosion. Large fields are divided into strips and strips of
grass are left to grow between the crops.
2. What do you mean by soil erosion? How can we prevent it?
The removal of soil from one place to another by some natural agents like
wind and rain is called soil erosion. Conservation of lands and plantation of
trees are the methods adopted to reduce soil erosion.

3. Explain land use pattern in India and why has the land under forest not increased
much since 1960-61?

i) Land resources in India are primarily divided into agricultural land, forest land,
land meant for pasture and grazing, and waste land.
ii)Waste land includes rocky, arid and desert areas, and land used for other
non-agricultural purposes such as housing, roads and industry.
iii) According to the recent data, about 46% of the total land area is cultivable,
18% is covered by forests, and 4.7% is used for grazing. The rest is waste land,
with traces of miscellaneous cultivation.
iv) The land under forest has not increased since 1960–61 because there was a
demand for more land to expand agriculture mainly after Green Revolution
v) Developmental works and infrastructural facilities, led to clearance of forests
areas. Industrialisation and urbanisation also decreased the forest area. Thus, land
under forest has increased by only about 4% since 1960-61.
4. How have technical and economic development led to more consumption of
● Technological development provides sophisticated equipments. As a result,
production increases, ultimately leading to consumption of more resources.
● Technological development also leads to economic development. When the
economic condition of a country rises, the needs of people also rise, leading
to more consumption of resources.
5. Suggest some measures to conserve land resources.
Pen down the measures to prevent land degradation.

Degradation of land can be prevented by taking the following steps:

● Afforestation and reducing deforestation.
● Proper management of grazing.
● Proper management of waste lands.
● By proper irrigation.
● Proper management of land after completion of mining work.
● Discharge of industrial waste and effluents only after proper treatment.
● Creating shelter belts — planting of trees to create shelter.

Additional Questions
1. Define “resources” and classify resources on different bases.
2. Make a comparative study on ‘Soil types of India.’
3. “ Consequences of environmental degradation do not respect national or
state boundaries.” Justify the statement.
4. “ Indiscriminate use of resources has led to numerous problems.” Comment
on the statement.
5. What does sustainable economic development mean? How can we eradicate
irrational consumption and over- utilisation of resources?
6. Pen down the different steps involved in resource planning.
7. “ Resources can contribute to development only when there is appropriate
technology and institutional changes.” Explain with examples.
8. Enumerate the three characteristics or properties of resources.
9. “ Resource planning is essential for the sustainable existence of all forms of
life.” Give reasons.
10. Briefly describe any three human activities which caused land degradation
in different parts of India.


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