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Wonders of universe and the Concept of God (Allah)

Wonders of the Universe and the Concept

of God
The sun has been moving
continuously along a fixed path in space for the past five
billion years at a
speed of 400 miles per second. Along with this, the caravan of 9
planets, 27
moons, and 100,000,000 meteorites is moving at such a speed that no
one has
ever been left behind or mistakenly entered a place. All are going their own
way according to their own agenda.

Even now, if someone claims that

there is no operator, there is a system, but not a
designer, there is a law,
but not an enforcer of the law, there is a control, but not a
authority. What will you say?

The moon is three hundred and

seventy thousand miles away from Earth; however,
the ocean's billions of tons of
water are stirred by the ocean twice a day so that the
right amount of air can be
taken for the creatures that inhabit them.

The sea water is consumed in a

certain amount. There are also freshwater oceans
below the surface that are
mixed with open freshwater oceans. There is an invisible
veil between all of

What is the logic behind this

surprising system? Who maintains this balance?

Was it the water's own thought or

the moon's decision?

Fourteen hundred years ago, when

modern science did not exist. There were no
schools or colleges in the desert
country of Arabia. "Washams wa al-Qumr Bahsban"
(Surah Al-Rahman
verse 5)

Regarding the depth of the sea,

he says that "Binhama Barzakh La Yabighin" is a
Barzakh (Barrier)
between them, which is kept under control.

When the star hangs in its place,

it is called a lamp and it says "Wakl fi Falk
Yasbahoon" i.e. all of
them are moving in their orbits (Surah Yasin verse 40).

When the Sun is visualized as fixed,

it is said to be "Walshams-e-Tajri-Mustagrilha"
meaning that the Sun
is always moving toward an arbitrary destination on its
appointed path. (Surah
Yasin verse 38)

When the universe is called a

solid sky (chit) and is said to be "wana lamusoon"
(Surah al-Zariyat,
verse 47)

He explains plant and

animal life and that the basis of all of them is water. Albert
Einstein is called
the founder of modern science for his discovery of "laws of power
immutable", but he said much earlier that "Matri fi Khalq Rahman Min
you will not see any difference in the creation of Rahman. (Surah
Al-Mulk verse 3)

Fourteen hundred years ago with

these proud discoveries of modern science, which
university did you study from?
Who used to work at Liberty? Was there any divine
intelligence behind it or was
it just an accident?

Who teaches the newborn baby to

stop and draw the mother's attention when he is
hungry? Who motivates the
mother to save the child in the face of every danger? A
common bird is compared
to the king, who gave it? Chickens start walking when
they come out of the egg, and animals cling to milk without learning, who teaches
them all? Who in the animal
world loves to put food in their beaks and into their
children's mouths? Where
did he learn this manner of life?
Still not God!

Is it just evolution?

Honey is extracted from each

flower in the far drawer garden with utmost honesty
and collected in the hive.
One of them is like an expert scientist who knows that
some flowers are
poisonous, they don't have them like a good engineer who knows
the art of
separating honey and wax, even when it's too hot. In each of them, there is
a feeling system that they go far away but do not forget their home. Who taught
them this way of life? Who gave them this wisdom? still say

No, just an accident? Only work


The spider makes such a web to

catch its prey with its mouth that even modern
textile engineers are unable to
make such a sophisticated web.

The domestic ant (Ant) gathers

food to go to the garden, builds a home for its
children, and lives in such a
system where all the principles of order are surprising
and admirable.

How have they maintained their

survival since the Salvation Army?

Who taught them about life? Who

has read these results of social order?

Still no God?

Is the earth so intelligent that

it also established the system of day and night by itself,
by tilting on its
axis at -67 1/2 so that the seasons change throughout the year,
whether it is
spring, summer or winter? And sometimes Khazai so that the people
living on it
can get vegetables, fruits, and food all year round?

The Earth also established a

strong magnetic system within itself from north to
south. So that due to this
effect, the electricity in the wind that changes the nitrogen
in the air into
Nitrous Oxide (Nitrous Oxide) provides some energy nutrients for the
plants on
the ground through the rain.

The deadly rays coming from

heaven collide with this magnetism and bounce back
so that terrestrial
creatures are protected from their deadly effects and life continues.

Is there no hand behind it all,

no mind, no design? Or was this also the land's own

The earth, the sun, the air, and

the earth agreed with the ocean that water vapor
would rise from the heat of
the sun. It will be collected in the form of a reservoir, it will
not melt when
there is a need for extra water in summer, and in the form of canals
rivers, it will irrigate the field and return to the sea. A perfectly balanced
that irrigates everything and nothing goes to waste.

Is this also a star? The air and

the earth had their own mutual thought?

Is our own life also an accident?

Our Pancreas (Pancreas) does not increase a
certain amount of sugar in the blood;
the pump of the heart continues to pump blood
without rest for 80 times every
minute without any maintenance in a 75-year life. Our
kidney (Kidneys) is a
unique and amazing cleaning factory that knows that the only
thing in the blood
that is useful is to take the wastes out. The stomach is an amazing
complex that separates life-giving components from food such as protein,
carbohydrates, etc.

This masterpiece of engineering

in the human body, this unique specimen of
science, this amazing factory in the
stomach from the small, did they all become the

No Designer, No Maker, No
Operator, Just One Process Development?

Who made the brain? Encased in a

shell of solid bone, it floats in water as a treasure
of intelligence, a store
of information, a center of command, and a source of
communication between man and
his environment.
A computer that humans have not
yet understood its design and construction.
Despite millions of efforts, no
supercomputer built by human hands and minds can
survive this age.

Every human being is a collection

of cells so small that they cannot be seen without
the help of a microscope,
but they all know what to do. Every cell of a human being
has consciousness and
is a complete personality in its own existence. Our entire
destiny is written
in these genes and life unfolds automatically according to this
closed program.
The whole plan of our life, our personality, our intelligence, our
purpose has
already been written on these cells.

Who wrote this?

Animals or plants, their entire

blueprint is enclosed within their seed, whose blueprint
is it?

A cell, which is difficult to see

even with a microscope, becomes a strong, intelligent,
and intelligent human
being. Whose creation is this?

Who taught us to move the lips,

tongue, and palate in sync?

Who produces the various

intelligent sounds from these movements?

Who gives meaning to these


Who is the creator of millions of

words and thousands of languages?

Nothing, just an accident?

It's just progress!

No God   But Allah Ta'ala is the first and last


Posted by
Muhammad Nafees
3:42 AM
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Wonders of universe and the Concept of
God (Allah)

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Muhammad Nafees

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