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1961 Optional tutorials are offered in the final week of a term. 1930 The essay should be clear during the
1929 The office opens on Monday and Thursday following the freshman seminar. 1928 Calcium's
nutritional value enjoys growing popularity every year. 1926 All laboratory equipment will be provided in
1925 During the examination, electronic devices must be left to the supervisors. 1924 Today we have a
guest speaker who is visiting from Canada.
1923 Digital scanners can scan all kinds of materials provided that they are in small pieces. 1922 It is a
debate about the value of knowledge.
1921 You may not manage your time well without a reading list. 1920 Your term papers should include
current social issues.
1919 It took three years to make the football stadium. 1918 You may not be allowed to read any book
without the reading list.
1916 More choices are available other than studying full-time at university. 1915 A few journalism
students need to read the school newspaper.
1914 The residence hall is closed prior to the academic building closing time at the end of the semester.
1913 They cannot put in everything: choices have to be made.
1912 Even the most motivated students may need help to choose their careers.
1911 The lecturer is here to visit us from Canada.
1910 Consumers are better informed today because of the Internet.
1909 Many students are now studying science, technology, engineering, and maths.
1908 Every year, more and more courses become available online.
1907 I will be back in several minutes.
1906 We encourage students to complete applications before the deadline.
1905 You may not arrange your time when reading the text. 1904 You do not need to be encouraged to be
a hero.
1903 Visual aid is really helpful for revising.
1900 Before choosing your university courses, you should consider your future career.
1867 Children need books in their own language with settings that reflect their lives.
1866 Keeping organized class notes makes study time more efficient.
1865 We no longer respond to any postal reference requests.
1857 All students can learn, even though they have different speeds.
1856 Please make an appointment with your tutor about work.
1854 The key to clear writing is clarity of thought.
1456 We have a lecture on the morning of Thursday.
1447 Foods containing overabundant calories supply little or no nutritional value.
1442 Rising inflation may indicate the increasing demand for consumer products.
1407 Undergraduate students can select what interests them most in the scientific program.
1403 You should submit your essay by midnight tomorrow.
1397 New media journalism is an exciting area of study.
1385 Members should make concentrated contributions to associated operating funds.
1365 All mobile devices must be switched off during the examination.
1295 A good abstract highlights the key points of your paper.
1293 The audition for the university choir will be on hold on the next week.
1288 The history course is assessed via three written assignments.
1258 There have been too many struggles in the mathematics department.
1148 The garden behind the university is open to the public in summer.
1130 Tutors should set a clear goal at the start of the class.
1125 Designing modern cities is a challenge for urban planners.
1117 The department has a higher-than-normal proportion of postgraduate students.
1115 Students who study overseas can significantly improve their work chances.
1112 Strangely, people are impacted by spontaneously using statistics.
1110 Research shows that exercising makes us feel better.
1081 Understanding how to use the library will save your time.
1071 This course is integrated because it has several parts.
1062 Theory and training are required to become a medical specialist.
1055 The timetable for the new term will be available next week.
1050 An undergraduate is required to do many projects.
1022 The essay will be published once the research is finished
1014 The curriculum needed to be adjusted for development.
1002 Textile manufacturing plays a large role in improving economies.
999 Students are instructed to hand in their assignments by the end of this week.
998 Students are encouraged to monitor their own attendance.
995 Some people regarded this as eyewash, whereas some people asked for the status of their complaints
and actions taken.
985 Remember, the prestigious section has strict eligibility criteria.
968 Nurses specialize in clinical work and management.
959 There will be a guest lecturer in the next class.
953 Let me give you an example to explain what I mean.
952 Lectures are the oldest and the most formal teaching method at universities.
934 I will come back to this in a moment.
900 You will be tested online.
897 Affordable housing is an important issue for all members of society.
892 A number of students have volunteer jobs.
886 Graduates from this course generally find jobs in insurance industry.
883 Accountancy students need to submit their dissertations this week.
875 A good academic essay should have a clear argument.
865 I cannot hand out my dissertation this week.
833 You will study two core and three optional modules.
831 Many experts think that the world climate is changing.
824 The north campus car park could be closed on Sunday.
821 When parents talk to children, the tense is simplified.
820 We were able to contact a number of research subjects.
816 We have not yet achieved equality in our society.
813 The rising temperature is changing the wildlife population.
808 Students must pass all the qualifying examinations.
807 Students are advised to use multiple methods for this project.
804 Please note that submission deadlines are only negotiable in exceptional circumstances.
800 It is really a comprehensive program comprising both theory and practice.
796 Convincing evidence to support this theory is hard to obtain.
Fill in the Blanks Highlight Incorrect Words
167 Banana
166 FSA
165 Feasting Food
164 Green Chemistry
163 International Coalition
162 Modern Wealth
160 Entrepreneurs
157 Election Commission
154 Wedding Season
152 Dire Predictions
151 Viking
150 Curie
141 Memory
140 Cavemen
139 Banana
137 Adidas
136 Medical Care
135 Lead-in Time
124 Sunflowers
120 Different Stories of Economy
115 Climate Adaptation
112 Researcher
109 Reading
102 Journal article
79 Central patterns generator
67 William
63 Sport and Exercise Science
55 Transpiration
Read Aloud
According to a peer-reviewed study medical cannabis led to "a statistically significant improvement" in
quality of life, employment status, and in the reduction of the number of medications in those with
Tourette's Syndrome, in addition to improving comorbidities.
A new breed of rice that is a hybrid of an annual Asian rice and a perennial African rice could be a more
sustainable option. The hybrid rice was able to produce grain for 8 consecutive harvests over four years at
a yield comparable to the standard annual Asian rice, with much lower costs and labour.
USA sexually ‗teased‘ its troops in the First World War to make them fight harder. Believing that
sexually satisfied men could not be easily motivated, the aim of this teasing was to generate unmet sexual
desire, which the War Department could leverage as motivation to fight.
Most babies start developing their hearing while still in the womb, prompting some hopeful parents to
play classical music to their pregnant bellies. Some research even suggests that infants are listening to
adult speech as early as 10 weeks before birth, gathering the basic building blocks of their family's native
People in their 20s and 30s who drink moderate to heavy amounts of alcohol may be more likely to have a
stroke as young adults than people who drink low amounts or no alcohol, according to a study.The risk of
stroke increased the more years people reported moderate or heavy drinking.
The Texas law prohibiting abortion after detectable embryonic cardiac activity was associated with a
decrease in in-state abortions and an increase in residents obtaining out-of-state abortions. The proportion
of out-of-state abortions obtained at 12 weeks increased significantly from 17.1% to 31%.
Belief that the COVID-19 pandemic was a hoax – that its severity was exaggerated or that the virus was
deliberately released for sinister reasons – functions as a ―gateway‖ to believing in conspiracy theories
generally. In study, pandemic skeptics were more likely to believe in 2020 election fraud.
Vitamin D deficiency linked to premature death. Over a 14-year follow-up period, researchers found that
the risk for death significantly decreased with increased vitamin D concentrations, with the strongest
effects seen among those with severe deficiencies.
Air pollution reduced when U.S. embassies around the world installed monitors and tweeted the
Readings. The resulting reductions in air pollution levels had large health benefits for residents in these
cities, speaking to the potential efficacy of other monitoring and information interventions.
A study of nearly 2,000 children found that those who reported playing video games for three hours per
day or more performed better on cognitive skills tests involving impulse control and working memory
compared to children who had never played video games.
Until now, Mars has been generally considered a geologically dead planet. An international team of
researchers led by ETH Zurich now reports that seismic signals indicate volcanism still plays an active
role in shaping the Martian surface.
Artificial intelligence has been one of the most controversial domains of inquiry in computer science
since it was first proposed in the 1950s. Defined as the part of computer science concerned with designing
systems that exhibit the characteristics associated with human intelligence understanding language,
learning, reasoning, solving problems.
China‘s war on particulate air pollution is causing more severe ozone pollution. According to the new
research, there was so much particulate matter in the smog around Chinese cities that it helped to quell
ozone production by acting as a sponge that collected chemical radicals.
A lullaby or cradle song is a soothing song or piece of music that is usually played for children (for adults
see music and sleep). The purposes of lullabies vary. In some societies, they are used to pass down
cultural knowledge or tradition. Lullabies can be found in many countries, and have existed since ancient
Most people do not realize that some banks literally make money by giving loans without having money
on deposit. The system is called fractional reserve banking and is used in most economies. It sounds as
though it is safe because it says that banks have to keep a fraction of their deposits with the Reserve Bank.
Your subject outlines are a good place to go to find information about which textbooks to buy. You will
usually be given one of these for each subject in the first lecture, but if you are missing one or need one
earlier then you should contact the subject coordinator.
The carbon is essential to life on earth, but scientists still struggle to grasp its complexities. Most research
to date has focused on major sources of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, and the use of fossil fuels. A
new study has come to the counter-intuitive conclusion that plants might accumulate more carbon in the
presence of predators and herbivores.
Eating a handful of almonds a day significantly increases the production of butyrate, a short-chain fatty
acid that promotes gut health. Whole-almond eaters had an additional 1.5 bowel movements per week
compared to the other groups. Eating almonds could also benefit those with constipation.
In the past, wars have led to inflation and higher commodity prices. Fighting disrupts trade and prevents
raw materials from being shipped from one country to another. In second-world-war Britain, a banana
was the highest of luxury.
Globalization refers to a set of changes rather than a single change. Many of these changes are social,
cultural, and political rather than purely economic, and one of the main drivers in addition to the global
marketplace is the communication revolution
The most obvious change is that 46% of college undergraduates are now women. When I went there, it
was only the third year that women had been admitted, and then seemingly grudgingly: about 70% of
students were male, and if there was a woman tutor she must have been a male impersonator.
It‘s not easy to make a wind turbine blade. Conventional blades require a lot of labor. They are a
sandwich composed of fiberglass, sheets of balsa wood, and a chemical called an epoxy thermoset resin.
A heat oven is required to give blades the proper shape, strength, smoothness, and flexibility to catch the
wind and turn the turbine.
We want a recreation in adulthood of what it felt like to be administered to and indulged. In a secret part
of our minds, we picture someone who will understand our needs, bring us what we want, to be
immensely patient and sympathetic to us, act selflessly, and make it all better.
We've spent a lot of money over the last 70 years on flood control, and it's protected millions of people
and has saved us billions of dollars. We've built dams to hold back the waters. We've built levees to keep
the water off the people, and we've raised the ones that were originally started in 1718.
This report includes a huge swath of macroeconomics, such as the effects of tax reform, a new industrial
policy, and understanding how to deal with the uncertainty inherent in global financial market. But it also
covers key areas of microeconomic policies, such as boosting laggardly rates of productivity.
Many individuals have unwittingly contributed to this book through sharing ideas with us as colleagues,
students, practitioners, tourists, and residents of destination areas. They are too numerous to thank
individually. And indeed, it is not possible to isolate exactly their specific contributions.
It is normally expected that the final version of your thesis which must be submitted to the university
library in both hardcopy and electronic form will be freely available to the public. Once in the library,
your thesis may be consulted, borrowed and copied in accordance with the regulations.
The committee would also like to express its gratitude to the independent assessors who joined the
committee for consideration of each case. Their expertise and advice play a vital role in our work. A list
of independent assessors who attended meetings during this reporting year is included at Appendix D.
We can see from the X-rays that at an early stage of painting, a window was painted at the left of the
portrait. It seems that there may have been two windows in the initial design for the portrait or that the
window was moved at an early stage.
The world's fifth largest continent: Antarctica is almost entirely covered by ice 2000 meters thick. The
area sustains varied wildlife including seals, whales, and penguins. The Antarctic treaty signed in 1959
and enforced since 1961 provides for international governance of Antarctica.
Environmental, individual and social traits of free-ranging raccoons influence performance in cognitive
testing. Shy raccoons are better learners than bold ones, a result that has implications for our relationship
with urban wildlife.
Covid-19 pandemic is linked to early onset of puberty in some girls. Several studies suggest that the
number of girls starting puberty early has more than doubled amid the coronavirus outbreak, and experts
are unsure about exactly why.
Researchers found that couples with higher satisfaction in relationship had greater neural synchronization
while watching marriage-related clips, but they don't know whether there is selectionbased behaviors
arising from similar brain activity, or whether couples evolve over time to develop it.
When someone commits a criminal act, we always hope the punishment will match the offense. Butwhen
it comes to one of the cruelest crimes, animal fighting, things rarely work out that way. Dogfighting
victims are tortured and killed for profit and "sport", yet their criminal abusers often receive a minimal
sentence for causing a lifetime of pain.
The role of women in promoting voluntary medical male circumcision uptake: research reveals the
important role played by women in influencing men to undergo circumcision. Women are also motivated
to convince men to undergo male circumcision because of the benefits associated with them such as
reduction of HIV transmission and cervical cancer.
Association between meatless diet and depression: participants who excluded meat from their diet were
found to have a higher prevalence of depressive episodes as compared to participants who consumed
meat. This association is independent of socioeconomic, lifestyle factors, and nutrient deficiencies.
An environment of rapid change, technological innovations and increasing business competitiveness has
highlighted the growing importance of management development. In particular, the general movement
towards great employee involvement and making things happen through people has emphasized an
integrating rather than a controlling style of management.
In every cultivated language there are two great classes of words which, taken together, comprise the
whole vocabulary. First, there are those words with which we become acquainted in daily conversation,
which we learn from the members of our own family and from our familiar associates, and which we
should know and use even if we could not read or write.
Bolstered by the result of laboratory experiments, researchers dare to say that gaming might be mentally
enriching. These scholars are the first to admit that games could be addictive, and indeed part of their
research explores how games connect to the reward circuit of human beings.
Despite many similarities with literary-political debates in other nations, there are also ways in whichthe
cultural and political situation in Scotland has left the study of Scottish Literature in a significantly
different condition from that of literary studies in many other parts of the world.
The central idea of this book concerns our blindness with respect to randomness, particularly the large
deviations: why do we, scientists or nonscientists, hotshots or regular Joes, tend to see the pennies instead
of the dollars? Why do we keep focusing on the minutiae, not the possible significant large events, in
spite of the obvious evidence of their huge influence?
To prevent mosquito-transmitted diseases, approaches based on genetic control of insect populations are
being developed. However, many of these strategies are based on highly invasive, self-propagating
transgenes that can rapidly spread the trait into other populations of mosquitoes.
Efficiency is not your friend when it comes to cognitive growth. In order to keep our brains making new
connections and keep them active, you need to keep moving on to another challenging activity as soon as
you reach the point of mastery in the one you were engaging in.
596 Psychology is the study of cognitions, emotions, and behavior. Psychologists are involved in a
variety of tasks. Many spend their careers designing and performing research to understand how people
behave in specific situations, how and why we think the way we do, and how emotions develop and what
impact they have on our interactions with others.
Summer Research Scholarships offer a unique opportunity for external organizations, academics, and
students to work together in research. Working with globally recognized researchers in a local setting,
students gain valuable real-world experience as well as an insight into what research is all about.
594 James Webb Space Telescope was specifically designed to observe this light, which comes from
some of the oldest galaxies to take form. How did early stars and galaxies take shape? What about the
cosmic material that is undetectable, known as dark matter? Is there evidence for it in the early eons of the
universe? These are some of the perplexing and fascinating questions that astronomers can begin
unraveling with Webb.
Every few seconds, our eyelids automatically shutter and our eyeballs roll back in their sockets. So why
doesn‘t blinking plunge us into intermittent darkness and light? New research shows that the brain works
extra hard to stabilize our vision despite our fluttering eyes. When our eyeballs roll back in their sockets
during a blink, they don‘t always return to the same spot when we reopen our eyes.
Using artificial intelligence, researchers can create photorealistic images from three-dimensional scenery,
paving the way for better driving simulators and better testing of driverless cars.
Investigations like this one have been plodding along for 40 years, and some studies — like one following
the deadly Kobe quake in 1995 — have found similar correlations. But study author Alasdair Skelton, a
professor of geochemistry at Stockholm University, says the unpredictable study subject
Reading Fill in the Blanks
458 French Lord
457 Maya
456 English in Change
455 Investment Choice
454 Chemistry
453 Reading
452 Folklore
451 Digital Media
450 Voter
449 Class Participation
448 Odorous House Ant
447 Golden Gate Bridge
446 Physical Activity
445 Ikebana
444 Study of Objects
443 School-skipping
442 Australia's Dwellings
441 Computational Thinking
440 Wind Moving
439 Women‘s Participation in Labour Force
438 The Origin of Species
437 Icebergs' Sound
436 Amazon Basin
434 Guide Stick
423 Private Schools
414 Cognitive Health
413 Academic Writing
410 English Language
409 Drinking Water
406 Iphone
402 Crop Losses
399 Sydney
396 Learning Process
395 Leadership
392 Egg-eating Snakes
380 Tokyo Skytree
378 Dictionary Publishers
375 A National Crisis
374 Birds
373 Nissan
371 Academic Writing (B)
370 Computer Viruses
369 Scientific Method
366 Giant Exoplanets
365 Selfies
363 Product Selling
349 Ants
348 Ancient Superhighway
344 Marshmallow Test
343 Kashmiri
342 Marshmallow
340 Coastal Fish Farms
337 Petrified Forest
333 Native Species in North America
332 MBA Programmes
329 Brain
328 Mothers' Employment
326 Financial Institutions
320 Charles Darwin
319 When to Revise?
318 Small Lakes
316 PIE
302 Fossil Fuels
299 Constitutional Interpretation
286 Novel Device
281 Dictatorship
273 Colour Preference
267 Heart Functions
243 Basic Organisms
242 Snails
230 Population Change
211 Anesthetics
207 Trinity Sport and Fitness
205 Ironbridge Gorge
204 Wind
203 Seminars
197 DNA
191 Foreign Policy
190 Bizarre Universe
180 Emerald
178 Daniel Harris
171 Divorce in Australia
164 Crime
161 Mechanical Engineering
157 Zika
Repeat Sentence
1848 Graduates from this course generally find jobs in the insurance industry.
1847 All the works you consult need to be mentioned in the bibliography.
1846 One of the first mass transit systems was located in France.
1845 Speaking one or more foreign languages will be useful in your career.
1844 I have lectures on Tuesday from nine o‘clock until two o‘clock.
1843 The professor plans to discuss issues in the news that reflect concepts taught in class.
1842 What's going on can help patients leave their fears at the door.
1841 Animal behavior appears to contain both similar and distinct aspects to that of humans.
1840 It's a great privilege to welcome our guest speaker to our college.
1839 Key aspects of this investigative paradigm may prove useful in other spheres.
1838 All laboratory equipment will be provided in class.
1837 Scientists have found all parts of science.
1836 The key findings seem to contradict our initial hypothesis.
1805 Students‘ papers should be about a current social issue.
1804 The college operates on a system of continuous assessments.
1803 Sleep is believed to play a critical role in storing memories.
1802 Please note, submission deadlines are only negotiable in exceptional circumstances.
1801 Tuesday is the final day for students to submit their assignments without any penalty.
1800 The paper has the potential to transform life science.
1799 Eating a healthy breakfast can provide energy throughout the day.
1798 The bibliography needs to be removed prior to publication.
1797 Students can borrow this book for a maximum of one day.
1796 The cafeteria is open on Monday and Thursday.
1795 Accommodations on campus are limited but there are more options nearby.
1764 The temporary library will be closed in the winter break.
1763 The bus right out in the front will take you to the station.
1762 There are lots of opportunities to meet people in this course.
1761 Extension is only available under special circumstances.
1760 The deadline of assignments is the fourth of February.
1759 The program is for technical and scientific students.
1754 This office is for students who want to study abroad.
1753 The paper must be reviewed thoroughly and appropriately.
1752 The beggar was laughed at by the children.
1751 The information you need for this meeting is on the website.
1750 The percentage of respondents who knew that the earth circles the sun once each year remained
essentially unchanged.
1749 Training covers a range of scenarios that an actor might encounter.
1748 Becoming a good actor requires persistence and motivation.
1746 This teaching method provides the opportunity for students to learn by completing tasks.
1745 This type of butterfly travels to a country with a warmer climate in winter.
1744 A company may have the same legal rights as a person.
1741 Junior hospital technicians have to work very long hours.
1739 I would like to make an appointment to see the professor.
1735 Tests should be administered by a medical expert.
1733 Students are encouraged to think carefully about their accommodation needs.
1730 An essay should use evidence from both primary and secondary sources.
1728 Organizational failure is considered from various perspectives in academic literature.
1725 The English expression is just a way of saying that age is not important.
1338 The first step was to establish a baseline of known distances.
1326 Students who'd like to help produce the college newspaper should come to a meeting tomorrow.
1316 The causality theory states that for every effect, there is a cause.
1314 Fungi are important in the process of decay, which returns ingredients to the soil, enhances soil
fertility, and decomposes animal debris.
1265 There is a new pharmacy on the north side of the university campus.
1261 Read the fitness center instructions before attempting to use the equipment.
1255 85% of people say they fear speaking in public.
1238 Robert Frost thinks the rural area is livable for people in New England.
1226 Unfortunately, their immune systems were not strong enough to fight off common earthly bacteria.
1224 Children can share their lunch at around noon.
1222 I would like the assignment less than 2000 words.
1221 The key to success in the exam is to study hard and do well.
1219 The theoretical proposal was challenged to grasp.
1212 She feared becoming an object of ridicule.
1206 The Arts Magazine is looking for a new Assistant Editor.
1203 I am glad that Professor Gordon just joined our faculty.
1188 We are not going to accept the assignment after the due day on Friday.
1171 Meeting with tutors could be arranged for students who need additional help.
1168 It‘s the words of common occurrence that have different referential value.
1164 Farmers do not always receive prices for agricultural goods.
1159 All undergraduate students should participate in the seminar.
1157 Students should take advantage of the internet before attending the lecture.
1149 I've always been interested in biology and physics.
1143 All of our accommodations are within a walking distance of the academic buildings.
1126 In marketing, short-term thinking leads to many problems.
1120 Students who selected two to three courses may need an extension.
1114 This session is not supported by documentation.
1113 Tomorrow's lunchtime seminar on nuclear engineering has been postponed.
1069 The thoughts never cross my mind.
1066 The School of Arts and Design has an open day on Thursday next week.
1062 The pharmacy was closed when I went past this morning.
1053 The bus in front of the building will take you to the bus station.
1046 Physiology is the study of the internal and external structures of the body.
1020 I think it's a shame that some foreign language teachers were able to graduate from college without
ever having studied with a native speaker.
1012 The final exam will test material from all chapters covered in class this term.
977 Establishing and retaining intellectual leadership clearly take strong management skills.
975 All the assignments should be submitted by the end of this week.
968 I'm glad that you've got it.
Summarize Spoken Text
218 Literature in Poem
217 Family Types
216 Description
215 Earthquake and Fault

214 Talent War(C)

213 Talent War

202 Telescopes and Eyes
201 Children's Online Safety
195 Architecture Design
190 Genetic Impact
187 Newspaper Industry
186 DNA Pieces
184 Absolutism
181 Air Pollution
152 Psychology of Crowd.
151 English Subject
148 Small-business management
146 Newspaper history
145 Telescopes 2
144 Financial Aid
127 Card forgetting at the ATM
102 Interview Observations
101 Abstraction
99 Brain Development
97 China's growing
96 Geography
93 The discovery of the structure of DNA

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