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Day 1

- Barbell Squats

- Dumbbell Bench Press

- Bent-Over Rows

- Romanian Deadlifts

- Sample meals: Breakfast - Scrambled eggs, whole wheat toast, and sliced avocado; Lunch - Grilled
chicken breast, quinoa salad, and steamed vegetables; Snack - Greek yogurt with mixed berries and
a handful of almonds; Dinner - Grilled salmon, sweet potato wedges, and roasted asparagus

2. Day 2

- Bulgarian Split Squats

- Overhead Press

- Pull-Ups or Assisted Pull-Ups

- Walking Lunges

- Sample meals: Breakfast - Protein pancakes with berries and a side of Greek yogurt; Lunch -
Turkey or tofu stir-fry with brown rice and mixed vegetables; Snack - Apple slices with peanut butter;
Dinner - Grilled chicken skewers, quinoa, and steamed broccoli

3. Day 3

- Barbell Deadlifts

- Incline Dumbbell Bench Press

- Lat Pulldowns

- Step-Ups with Dumbbells

- Sample meals: Breakfast - Spinach omelet with whole grain toast; Lunch - Lean beef or veggie
burger on a whole wheat bun with sweet potato fries; Snack - Protein smoothie with almond milk,
banana, and spinach; Dinner - Baked fish, quinoa, and steamed asparagus

4. Day 4

- Push-Ups

- Seated Cable Rows

- Dumbbell Shoulder Press

- Box Jumps
- Sample meals: Breakfast - Greek yogurt with granola and mixed berries; Lunch - Grilled chicken or
tofu with brown rice and mixed vegetables; Snack - Rice cakes with almond butter and sliced
banana; Dinner - Grilled steak, quinoa, and roasted Brussels sprouts

Note: The list continues with a similar format for the remaining days of the 31-day exercise plan. It's
essential to adjust the exercises and meals according to individual preferences, fitness levels, and
dietary needs. Additionally, consult with a fitness professional or trainer for personalized guidance.

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