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i. The K.E of gas molecule is equal to:

(A) ½mNc-² (B) ½mv² (C) ¼mc (D) ½mc²
ii. How put forward the K.M.T of gases:
(A) Bernoulli (B) Clausius (C) Graham (D) Max well
iii. If absolute temprature of a gas is doubled and pressure is reduced to one half the
Volume of the gas will:

iv. What are the SI Units of excluded volume "b" in Vander Waal's equation?
(A) dm³ mol-¹ (B) m³ mol-¹ (C) mol dm³ (D) mol m-³
v. If "a" and "b" are zero for certain gases then the gases are:
(A) Ideal (B) Real (C) Non-Ideal (D) Both a & c

i Write any two postulates of Kinetic Molecular Theory?

ii. In Joule - Thomson effect sudden expansion needs energy Why?
iii Diffrentiate between Artificial Plasma and Natural Plasma?
iv What is the role of critical temprature in liquefaction of gases?
v What is plasma?


iii. If absolute temprature of a gas is doubled and pressure is reduced to one half

i. The K.E of gas molecule is equal to:

(A) Bernoulli (B) Clausius (C) Graham (D) Max well

(A) Remain unchanged (B) increases four times (C) Reduce to ¼ (D) Doubled

(A) Ideal (B) Real (C) Non-Ideal (D) Both a & c

Volume of the gas will:

iv. What are the SI Units of excluded volume "b" in Vander Waal's equation?
(A) dm³ mol-¹ (B) m³ mol-¹ (C) mol dm³ (D) mol m-³

Q#02 Write Short Answer to these Questions: 5×2=10

ii. In Joule - Thomson effect sudden expansion needs energy Why?

iii Diffrentiate between Artificial Plasma and Natural Plasma?
iv What is the role of critical temprature in liquefaction of gases?
v What is plasma?

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