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Atrium – damage – WOF- CVA, occlusion blood flow

a. Receives unO2 blood – Right
b. Receives O2 blood – Left
Ventricules- pump blood; Damage – CHF
a. Right to the lungs
b. Left to the system
Valves- prevents backflow and production of normal heart
WOF: endocarditis
Mx: heart murmurs- passage of blood- abnormal valves
AV valves- lining endocardium
Closing cause ventricular contraction
S1- lub sound/ systole
Damage of AV valves – prolapse or
regurgitation, systolic murmurs

a. Tricuspid “Close-Open”
b. Mitral/bicuspid Lub-Dub

Semilunar Valves – open, ventricular relaxation

S2 sound, dub, diastole
Damage to semilunar valves causes diastolic
a. Pulmonic valve 3. PR interval- QRS 2x- 0.12-0.20 sec- 3-5 small
b. Aortic valve boxes
Vein- (back) towards the heart 4. Rate- 60-100 bpm- if regular # of waves in a given
Artery- away from the heart 6 sec x 10 = 60 sec
5. Rhythm- regular/irregular

The limb leads

Conduction System of the heart

SA node – atrial depolarization/contraction
1°pacemaker =60-100bpm
P wave then Ventricular
edepolarization/contraction (QRS) then
ventricular repolarization (T wave)-most
sensitive part/vulnerable
SA node then to AV node then to Bundle of His (right and
left) then to purkinje fibers from AV noede to purkinje
fibers – ventricular depolarization/contraction the
ventricular relaxation

Electrocardiogram (ECG)

The Chest limbs

V1- 4th ICS R sternal border

V2- 4th ICS L sternal border
V3- midway V2 & V4
ECG parameters V4-5th ICS- mid-clavicular line
1. P wave- small, round and upright V5-Anterior axillary line
2. QRS complex- narrow; 0.6-0.10sec approximately V6- Mid axillary line
1-2 small boxes
1. P wave – Normal or partially hidden
2. QRS complex – Normal; .08 sec
3. PR interval – intermediate
4. Rate – >120 bpm
5. Rhythm – regular

NOTE: if you cannot identify the P waves automatic NOT

a sinus rhythm
Atrial rhythms – SA node fails! Impulse coming fr AV
node; Abnormal P waves Normal QRS

1. Atrial flutter –saw tooth

Sinus rhythms DOC-stable- Na channel blockers- procainamide
SA node pacing and quinidine
1. Normal sinus Unstable – cardioversion – unstable
tachycardia with pulse
1. P wave – abnormal
2. QRS complex – Normal
3. PR interval
4. Rate
5. Rhythm – regular (QRS)
1. P wave - Normal
2. QRS complex - Normal
3. PR interval - Normal
4. Rate – 70 bpm- 100 bpm
5. Rhythm – regular
2. Sinus bradycardia – Normal- athletes and elderly
DOC- atropine SO4 (stable) – Inc HR
PRIO for unstable/emergency- dec. BP
2. Atrial fibrillation-(chaotic) Same mgt/doc with
Transcutaneous pacing-temporary inc. HR
atrial flutter and additional Na channel blockers +
Pacing- no bradycardia
thrombolytics + anticoagulants + antiplatelets
Inc. risk for thrombus = fibrillation = stasis
in the heart = thrombus/clot = dec O2 =
1. P wave – none/abnormal
2. QRS complex – Normal
3. PR interval
1. P wave - Normal
4. Rate
2. QRS complex - Normal
5. Rhythm – irregular/chaotic (QRS)
3. PR interval – 0.12-0.20
4. Rate – <60 bpm 3. Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) – (bizarre)
5. Rhythm – regular p buried t wave; p wave unidentified
DOC- stable – Adenosine- 1st line drug
3. Sinus tachycardia- DOC-beta-blockers”olol”
Ca channel blocker- “dipine” Beta-blocker
Ca channel blocker
Unstable- cardioversion (with pulse)


3. Ventricular Fibrillation – no pulse / no

Mgt- Defibrillation
Ventricular rhythms – SA node & AV node fail!
Ventricles will shoulder responsibility of pacing the heart
Before with vasopressin

1. Premature Ventricular Contraction (PVC) –

DOC-Na channel blockers-
O2 Supp
4. Asystole – Mgt: CPR + intubate
*Refer 3 or more consecutive PVC leads to V
Compression- push hard & fast- rate 100-200/min
tach./ non sustained V tach ; > 6 in a min or
Depth: Adult- 2-2.5”
intermittent PVCs in a min
Child - 1.5-2”
Infant- 1.5” -1/3 of anteroposterior chest
DOC: epinephrine
Do not defibrillate as long as asystole
Ok with pulseless V-tach or V-fib

2. Ventricular Tachycardia – wide QRS

Mgt: monomorphic V tach- single foci
a. Pulseless- defibrillation
b. With pulse- cardioversion Heart Blocks
c. Lidocaine Causes: ischemia; Inc. beta blockers
Mgt: polymorphic V tach – multiple foci Mgt: atropine; pacemaker – no blockage, permanent
Ex. Torsade’s de pointes – dec Mg so give
Heartblock algorithm

PR interval – prolonged (>.20 sec)

Constant (same) – P:QRS
a. P = QRS - 1° AV block; 1st/early-atropine SO4
b. P>QRS - 2° type II (Mobitz II) – dropped beat; no
QRS sometimes
Variable (irregular) – reset (another Normal PR rhythm; * synchronize to R
Voltage 50-100-150-200 joules 3x 1st -200
a. With reset - 2° type I (wenkebach/Mobitz I) – with 2nd – 300
3rd – 360
Automated external Automated internal
b. Without reset – complete heart block -3° heart defibrillator (AED) defibrillator (AID)
block Procedure 1. Turn ON With pacemaker
2. Attach the chest pads 1.If shock deliver
3. Push analyze button (REFER!)
4. Announce clear 2.Keep diary ADL’s-to
5.Wait for shock to be determine factors that
delivered trigger defib.
6. 3x shock- if needed 3.NO MRI, high
voltages electricity,
contact sports to prevent

Artificial Pacemaker Holter Monitor

1.Count heart rate and PR daily Ambulatory ECG- 24-
2.Dizziness- REFER!-sign dec. 48°monitoring
cardiac output *interfere -electric devices
3. NO MRI, electric devices, no -wetting- swimming, complete
contact sports, at least 6 inches - shower, profuse sweating
contact Battery – AA- change every
4. Battery-10-20 years life span 24hours


Disorders in the heart

A. Coronary artery dse – common among Caucasians,
female, inc. cholesterol= dec HDL (good) & inc
LDL(bad) leads to plaque formation leads to
atherosclerosis then dec. O2 to myocardium leading
to MI
Managing Dysrhythmias: Modalities
Antidysrhythmic Drugs
Cardiac catheterization – coronary angiogram
Class I-Na-channel blockers Class II- beta-blockers “olol”
Atrial – procainamide, PNS effect Done: cath lab with local anesthesia
Quinidine WOF: Bronchospasm Assess: femoral ARTERY
Ventricular- Lidocaine Bronchoconstriction
CI. Asthma, COPD, wheezing – Prior: asked allergy to shellfish to avoid anaphylaxis;
S/E: DAN Mx-bronchoconstriction if allergic to shellfish its ok but you have to give anti-
Diarrhea histamine; if renal-use other contrast agent
Abdominal cramps
N/V Post:
Class III – K+ channel blockers Class IV- Ca+ channel blockers 1. Provide pt with sand bag over access site to
Amiodarone – S/E prolonged “-dipine” prevent bleeding & clot
use -bluish discoloration of the Verapamil
skin Diltiazem 2. Keep affected leg straight 4-6 hours
*AVOID – St. john’s wort – * AVOID- grapefruit juice, 3. Keep CBR 1st 12°without bathroom privileges
herbal meds, antidepressants – dec potentiates or aggravate
effectiveness hypotension 4. WOF: absent distal pulses (-)

Cardioversion Defibrillation Common sign for both “chest pain”

Indication Unstable tachycardia Pulseless & unresponsive Angina Myocardial Infarction (MI)
Purpose To temporarily stop the To contract the heart <20 min chest pain >30 min (not relieve by NTG)
heart to convert to stable
1.Stable – occur with activity esp 1.Ischemia – dec. O2, Inc. lactic
strenuous acid, T wave inversion
Anticoagulants- prevents clot formation Alert
2.Unstable- even @ rest require 2. Injury-inflammation
confinement Troponin I- most sensitive Blood thinners common
3.Prinzmetal- even @ rest require CK-MB in NCLEX
confinement; variant- same hour Myoglobin
Heparin – aPTT/PTT- Route: IV
hr a day WBC Clotting time: Normal therapeutic value- 1.5-2.5 X
DOC: vasodilator – 1st line - ESR normal / > normal
NTG C-reactive protein
Other: isosorbide - ST segment elevation With heparin- increase Normal but still NO bleeding
S/E: dec BP = before and 3. Infarction – necrosis aPTT- Normal – 20-36 sec. (thera. Range (T.R.)- 60-
during drug administration -severe depletion of Q wave
AKA pathologic Q wave
= dizziness (sit, lying, rest)
= headache - Mgt: Morphine SO4 clotting time – Normal 5-10 min = 16-20 mins
NTG- sublingual, store in dark O2 antidote- protamine SO4
bottles (drug photosensitive), six Naloxone (Narcan-
months – effectiveness antidote) Warfarin- oral
- take 1tab post pain another 1tab Aspirin inc. alert medic, require safeguards, double check
every 5 min (3x) only *complete relief of pain so report
- AVOID: even with slightest; even 1 out of with other RN before adm.
1.sildenafil (Viagra) -potent 10; Chest pain with MI – Normal PT- 9-12 sec (T.R = <30 sec)
vasodilator; lead to fatal REFER! For MI
INR-2-3 sec (T.R. = 4.5 sec)
2. alcohol- inc. S/E Dysrhythmias – leading cause of Antidote: Vit K. Enoxaparin_SubQ_use as a
Transdermal -patch death maintenance, No antidote but
- chest-non-hairy
- 12-16 hours indicated Treatment for CAD if ask same with heparin
- 24 hours changing a. Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary
-8hour patch free period – to dec.
tolerance, ideally at night time Angioplasty (PTCA) – “plasty”-repair
Stent to keep the blood vessel open
with stent – post surgery – antiplatelet
D.O.C. for Vasoocclusion
cath lab with local anesthesia
1. HMG-COA Reductase inhibitor- “statins”
for milder case
LDL dec
Inc. HDL
Pm/@ night time
Inc. cholesterol synthesis
DO- inc. function test (hepatotoxic)
Annual eye exam- cataract
Report- muscle weakness-sign of
rhabdomyolisis – breakdown of muscle b. Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG)
tissues Done – OR with general anesthesia
2. Fibric Acid Derivatives – Gemfibrozil, Fenofibrate Graft; saphenous vein (leg)
Action: dec. triglycerides Post-pro.: attach to drain
3. Bile acid sequestrants – Cholestyramine (Questran), CTT/mediastinal tube <100 ml/hr
bind with fats and excreted via stool Post 1st 2 hours – CBR & progress activity
S/E: constipation- dec fat soluble vit ADEK depending on rehab
Coronary arteriography – common comp.-
Antiplatelets Thrombolytics/fibrinolytics hemorrhage; S/Sx: shock
Aspirin “clot busters”
Clopidogrel “kinase”, “phase”
Dipyridamole Streptokinase
Ticlopidine Altephase
A/E: bleeding A/E: bleeding
S/E: GI irritants – with or post Antidote: Aminocaproic acid
meals (amicar)
*given to MI pt within 6°onset
decreases leads to shock – hypo, tachy, tachy, altered
LOC, pulsus paradoxus = dec. systolic BP during
inhalation; congestion- JVD, inc. CVP
IV vasopressor – inc. vasoconstriction, dec. to
relieve S/Sx of shock ex. Norepinephrine drip

Pericardium – something to do with the pericardial fluid

Pericardial sac/space – 30 ml- to prevent friction during
Myocardium- Muscle layer, for contraction. pump
Endocardium – lines the valves
Congestive Heart Failure – failure of ventricles
Inflammatory heart diseases *most useful monitor – B-type natriuretic
Generally, cause by: URTI- strep and staph. – Mgt: peptide
Penicillin and vancomycin; autoimmune – Pt with SOB, fatigue possible HF
corticosteroids- anti-inflammatory Left-sided Heart Failure – Lungs (backflow)
Bibasilar crackles
Endocarditis – “valves”; vegetation- accumulation, clots, DOB- Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea – DOB at night
fibrin and thrombus leads to murmurs and infective Orthopnea – DOB lying supine
emboli, in the skin: purpura, petechiae and nodules Frothy sputum – non-productive cough-hemoptysis
(janeway’s node – nodules in the fingers or lesions which Dec. Cardiac Output leads to dec. LOC or dizziness
is painless) (brain) and oliguria (kidney)
Right-sided Heart Failure – System (backflow)
IVC-inferior vena cava
Hepatomegaly – RUQ pain
Pt with vegetation on mitral valve reports Dependent edema
sudden left foot pain, no pulse palpable in Left foot, cold, SVC- superior vena cava – Inc ICP and dec. LOC
pale. Action: REFER! Periorbital facial edema
Arterial occlusion needs balloon angioplasty surgery JVD
Pulmonary edema
Myocarditis “muscles” – dysrhythmias or ischemia – Mgt- MORFUN
chest pain with persistent fatigue. Morphine
Pericarditis “pericardial fluid” – dec. amount of Rest: high fowlers
pericardial fluid leads to pericardial friction rub which Foley cath
inc. pain esp. supine & inhalation so dec. BP, JVD fUrosemide
Severe cases if left untreated WOF: Cardiac NTG
tamponade Medical Mgt:
Snow storm -x-ray for fat embolism Prob. Dec contractility and inc blood volume
1. Digoxin – 0.5-2 ng/ml
Cardiac tamponade- > pericardial fluid leads to (+) inotropic – inc contractility
pericardial effusion, distant muffled heart sound, >30 ml (-) chronotropic- dec HR
fluid which compresses the heart, so cardiac output Hold if HR < 60 bpm – adult, <100 infant
 Assess HR & PR daily full minute RAAS activation or Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone
 WOF: hypokalemia- inc toxicity System
Visual disturbances
Anorexia (1st)
Abdominal cramps/pain
 Antidote: Digibind
2. Dobutamine/Dopamine - (+) inotropic/
chronotropic DOC:
3. Diuretics- if taken with digitalis expect to ACE inhibitor “-pril”
use K+ sparing An hour before meal
Cough (dry, persistent & irritating)- REFER! So
Muga scan- AKA myocardial perfusion scan/imaging
they can use an alternative drug
* NO iodine
With radioisotope IV tracer Edema eyes and face / Elevate K+
CI: pregnant WOF: Inc K+ - A/E - REFER!
AKA: Thallium Scan- with technecium No salt substitute – rich in K+
ARB-Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers “sartan”
Measurement of Heart Function WOF: Inc K+
A1 adrenegic blockers “zocin”
CVP- N- 5-10 cm H2O
Ex. Prazocin (minipress)
3-8 mmHg
Beta-blockers “olol”
Measure: Right heart function
Ca+ channel blocker “dipine”
End of right heart
II. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Walking time bomb
Clot, plaque, thrombus = pulsating abdominal
mass (DO NOT palpate – inc. rupture-
aneurysm - SHOCK) = worsened by HTN =
thinning arterial wall = inc. risk impending
PCWP – N-8-12 mmHg S/Sx: dec back pain/pelvic pain or flank pain
Measure: Left heart function (warning/impending sign) sudden relief =
Swan-ganz cath-balloon cath tip is in rupture so pt will expire = REPORT!
pulmonary artey Mgt: “statins” “thrombolytics” “anticoagulants”
Inc PCWP- pulmonary congestion “antiplatelets” “anti-hypertensive meds”
Dec PCWP- shock Best- ASAP-
Surgery: Endovascular Stenting

III. Disorders of Peripheral Vascular System

Arterial Venous
Too low perfusion too much perfusion
Skin- cool skin-warm
Pale flush/redness
Pulseless Swollen, bounding pulses
Disorders of the Blood Vessels – in general WOF
Arterial Disorders
Orthostatic Hypotension
I. Hypertension
1. Peripheral Arterial Dse – CAD = intermittent Mgt: thrombolytics if diagnose avoid
claudication (pain with activity) ambulation to prevent dislodge (early
Mgt.: CBR 5-7 days ambulation), bed rest, anti-embolic/TED
DOC: Statins stocking, D-dimer test – detect clot
Thrombolytics formation
Antiplatelets Varicose Veins
NSAIDS Prolong standing = incompetent veins = pedal cramps
2. Buerger’s Dse “thromboangitis obliterans” = popliteal = vein dilation (spider veins)
Common among Boys, Bilateral, Baba (leg) Due: Teaching: NO crossing of legs and NO tight jeans
smoking / auto-immune = vasculitis (persistent Tx: Sclerotherapy -inject agent to dec. vein
redness of the lower extremities) Laser
= stasis = thrombus = dec O2 = gangrene = Vein stripping / Ligations
Combination with peripheral arterial dse
Mgt: thrombolytics, corticosteroids PSYCHIATRIC AND MENTAL
3. Raynaud’d Dse
Female, hands and fingers
White(pale)-blue(cyanosis)-red (rubor or
flush-sudden gush of blood) phenomenon I. Tips in Answering Psychosocial Integrity
Cause: cold climate/temp, stress leads to Questions
vasospasm (initial constriction of vessels- SAFETY – psychiatric, danger or
dec. blood supply) – White blue red P. emergency
DOC: Ca+ channel blockers – reverse Encourage verbalization of feelings
vasospasm, gloves (thera. com.) – if pt is out of danger,
during admission
For delusional pt. - Present reality,
Venous Disorders
Acknowledge, Allow verbalization of
SVC Syndrome:
Oncologic emergency
Promote/remind self-care and adaptation
Severe complication cancer
skills- assist pt with ADL’s/
Ex. Lung carcinoma = obstruction/congestion SVC
physiological needs (circulation- in
Late – Inc ICP & dec LOC
catatonic state)
Early: periorbital/facial edema, JVD
Avoid touching autistic pt
Chest pain, DOB, non-productive cough
II. Introduction to Psychiatric Nursing
Edema & flushing upper extremities
Therapeutic Communication
Generalized cyanosis below
Mgt.: Is a priority but only after a client is out
Chemo of immediate physical danger
Diuretics Always consider developmental,
Corticosteroids cultural, and physical variables when
Position: semi-high fowlers responding
Avoid Bp & venipuncture of the upper extremities Always ask open-ended questions and
seek for more information (not yes-no)
DVT- Deep Vein Thrombosis Always stay in here and now! Keep
Cause: due to prolong immobilization = stasis = thrombus focused (depressed pt, manic pt, crisis)
= dec. venous return or congestion = swelling (calf on issues at hand, refocusing
circumference reddened/flush/warm), bounding pulses, (+) Never assert personal opinion about
homan’s sign – calf tenderness anything or anyone
Using silence
Restating or reflecting
Exploring Schizotypal personality disorder “eccentric”,
Making observations magical thinking, very superior
Non- Therapeutic Communication Psychosexual (Freud)
Ignoring the pt a. Oral- Infancy
Flattery b. Anal – toddlerhood
Advising. “You should do this” – No to c. Phallic(oedipal) – Pre-school
battered wife syndrome d. Latency (quiet stage)- School age
Giving opinion/telling the pt what to do e. Genital – adolescent and young adulthood
“In my opinion, you should”
False reassurance “Don’t worry Psychosocial theory (Erickson)
everything will be alright” Age +Value -Value Factor
Changing the subject group
Challenging 0-18mons – Trust and Mistrust, Satisfaction of
infancy safety, oral paranoid needs thru
Giving approval or disapproval fixation personality feedings
Belittling “Don’t be concerned too disorder
much, everyone else feels the same” – overgratification-
always validate the concern or feelings gullibility
Judging “It’s your mistake. If you had 18 mons-3 Autonomy Shame vs doubt- Toilet training
yrs Independence dec self-esteem- Adequate- good
only listened to the doctor” Toddlerhood depression impulse control
Defending “All the nurses here are Dependence Too lax-
great” Too Strict- OCPD
WHY? – not good for asking feelings, 3-6 yrs Initiative Guilt Sexual curiosity,
Pre-school conscience
never put pt into a defensive state, develop @ 5 so
depending on the situation- OK for best time to teach
the child the
simple facts appropriate social
Conceptual Frameworks Antisocial- if not
Structures of personality prevented
6-12 yrs Industry and Inferiority Learning
a. Super ego – the conscience, morality School Age competence complex
principle OCD 12-20yrs Identity Role confusion, Vocation, Body
Adolescence Emotional emotional image
stability & immaturity, short disturbance-
Anorexia long-term term thinking Anorexia/
Antisocial thinking Bulimia
Equate love with
b. Id- the pleasure principle, avoid sex
pain Manic pt- very restless 20-35 yrs Intimacy, Isolation Relationship
Early The pt able to Withdrawn
Antisocial – they violate rules adulthood give and
Narcissistic – too loving receive love,
Addictions interpersonal
35-65 ys Generativity Stagnation- Support
Anhedonia- too little preference with ID – Middle Give support depression
inability to experience pleasure adulthood to self and Self-centered
c. Ego – the reality principle, balance Id and super others
65 yr up Ego integrity Despair Satisfying past
ego Older adult Fulfillment Regrets
For schizophrenia and schizophreniforms
 Psychosis marked X reality Human behavior
Ambivalence X balance Purposeful attempt to meet needs (biologic and
Schizophreniforms psychological)
Schizoid personality disorder “loners”, Meaningful, attempts to communicate the meaning
naturally detached 90 % - non-verbal
10 %- verbal
Response to stimulus f. Reaction formation- developing conscious
Learned – permanent change attitude and behaviors that are the opposite of
We learn to inc reinforcement (Positive-reward, what one really feels or desires to do
Negative-temper tantrums) vs punishment Ex. A woman who is very angry with her
(dec/stop induce pain and fear) boss and would like to quit her job may
Lying – loud (speak) anxious (slow voice), look for instead overly kind and generous toward her
pattern of behavior, Anxious boss and express a desire to keep working
there forever
Defense Mechanism (DM) g. Supression – the conscious, deliberate forgetting
Unwanted or painful stimuli = inc anxiety/tension = of unacceptable or painful thoughts, ideas and
triggers use of defense mechanism = Normal = feelings
purpose-dec. anxiety until no more actions necessary Ex. A young woman says she is not ready to
or to maintain equilibrium; Adequate use= acceptance talk about abuse as a child
-problem resolution or maintain equilibrium; Overuse
– no acceptance, no resolution =psychopathology,
results to inc anxiety, depression, trauma II. Less Primitive, More Mature DM
Step up from the primitive DM
I. Primitive DM Employed mostly by adults
Do little to try and resolve underlying issues or a. Displacement- redirection of emotional feelings
problems from original idea, person or object to a less
Less effective over long term threatening one
Very effective for short term, hence are favored Ex. A superior berates a head nurse, and
by many when she goes back to the unit, speaks
a. Conversion – expression of intrapsychic conflict harshly to the staff
symbolically through physical symptoms b. Identification – the unconscious attempt to
Ex. A student develop diarrhea on the day of change oneself to resemble an admired person
NCLEX-exam Ex. An adolescent dress like a rock star &
b. Denial – conscious refusal to accept reality or mimics his behavior
fact acting as if painful event, thought or feeling c. Rationalization – An attempt to make
did not exist, common for alcoholic unacceptable feelings and behavior acceptable by
Ex. A person who is functioning alcoholic justifying the behavior; making logical excuses
will simply deny they have a drinking Ex. A student fails the examination and says
problem, pointing to how will they handle the lectures were poorly organized
their job and relationship d. Repression – involuntary & unconscious
c. Dissociation – Separation and detachment of forgetting of unbearable ideas and impulses
emotional significance & affect from an idea or a Ex. An accident victim does not remember
situation, common- PTSD the details of an accident
Ex. A client grins & chuckles when telling e. Substitution – Replacement of an unacceptable
about his automobile accident and its tragic need, attitude or emotion with one that is more
consequences acceptable
d. Projection- attributing intolerable wishes, Ex. A woman rushes into marriage
feelings and motivations to other persons following a breakup with her bf
Ex. A reviewee blames the review center for f. Undoing- an attempt to actually or symbolically
his failure in the board exam take away a previously consciously intolerable
e. Regression – returning to an earlier and more action or experience
comfortable level of adjustment Ex. A mother who has just punished her
Ex. A 4 years old begins to wet his pants child gives him a cookie.
following the birth of his baby brother
III. Mature DM Mental status examination
Most constructive and helpful a. General Description – general physical
May require practice and effort to put into daily appearance of pt
use b. Mood and Affect- emotional expression/state
a. Compensation- an attempt to make up for real or Blunted- severe reduction of emotional
fancied deficiencies expression
Ex. A high school student does poorly in Flat – no reaction
academics but becomes a talented artist Labile – mood swing/ extreme emotional
b. Sublimation – Diversion of consciously change
unacceptable instinctual drives into personally & Inappropriate – opposite emotional state
socially accepted areas c. Speech – rate and tone
Ex. Strong sexual urges are diverted into d. Perception – senses are involved “sees, perceives,
creative arts like painting and sculpture hears, feels, taste, smells”
Hallucinations (auditory, visual, olfactory,
Phases of therapeutic Nurse-Patient Relationship gustatory, tactile), without stimulus
Goal: Illusions – with stimulus
Pre-interaction Phase- Self-exploration *Nrsg Dx: Alteration in sensory
Major Task: Develop Self-awareness perception
Initial NI: show of acceptance/neutral e. Thought- disturbance to how pt think
Countertransference- nurse reminded of someone she Thought process
knows Clang associations – rhyming of similar
Orientation Phase sounding words; repetitions of words or
Establish rapport and develop trust (first few days) phrases that are similar in sound but in no
Establish a contract, define goals – set a sched of other way
meetings Flight of ideas- rapid shifting from one
Prepare to mention termination of a relationship – topic to another, with train of thought; a
prevent separation anxiety constant flow of speech in which the
Major task: develop a mutually acceptable individual jumps from one topic to another
contract in rapid succession; Manic
“I will meet you from 10 am-12 nn for 2 weeks” Looseness of associations – Without
Working Phase thought; Schizophrenic; free-flowing
Promotes acceptance, expression of feelings thoughts that seem to have little or no
Promotes coping mechanisms connection to one another
Inc. Independence Neologisms- coining of new words; newly
Major Task: identification and resolution of the pt invented words, having no public,
problems consensual meaning
Anything related to pt problems; Identify; Thought blocking – suddenly stopping in
resolve/interventions the stream of thought for no apparent reason,
Termination Phase with no recall of the topic
Summarize, evaluate outcome Word Salad – mixture of incomprehensible
Gradual weaning process thoughts; an incoherent, incomprehensible
Encourage client to discuss feelings about termination mixture of words, phrases, consisting of
(final and clear) both real and imaginary terms
Major Task: Assist the client to review what *Nrsg Dx: Alteration in thought process
he/she has learned and transfer his learning to his Thought Content
relationship with other Delusions of grandeur – fix false belief;
DO NOT encourage verbalization of
feelings, far from reality, resistant to
logic/reason; inflated sense of self appraisal
Delusions of persecution – common among Phone Call privileges are remove if the client
paranoid schizophrenic exhibits harm to self and others – needs Dr’s order or
*Nrsg Dx: Alteration in thought content court order
If no senses are involved- disturbance in
thought and thinking Anxiety- subjective feeling of apprehension, dread, or
impending doom
f. Abnormal Motor Behaviors - Cause:
a. Echolalia- inner compulsion to repeat other 1. Endogenous- within, biological or
people’s words neurochemical, brain structure is the problem/
b. Echopraxia – repeat another people’s action imbalances of the brain; Gamma Amino Butyric
c. Waxy flexibility – the pt possibly allows Acid (GABA) -inhibitory neurotransmitter
examiner to move his limbs 2. Exogenous – cause is environmental
3. Psychodynamic – ineffective coping mech.
Modes of care - Levels of Anxiety
Milieu Therapy – envi. Modification/most effective: 1. Mild – inc. focus; NI: acceptance & continue freq
drug/subs abusers, rape; remove pt in the same envi.; monitoring
anxious, suicidal 2. Moderate – dec. focus; NI: encourage
Psychotherapy – focus on exploring past childhood verbalization of feelings, relaxation tech
experience & how this affect present behavior 3. Severe – no focus; therapeutic silence, PRIO:
Behavior modification – focus changing current safety
behavior without exploring the past thru 4. Panic- no focus; PRIO: safety; stay silent; simple
reinforcement and punishment instructions; stay with the pt; stay calm; element
Cognitive Therapy- focus on the pts thoughts and of fear to a specific stimulus
how it affect feelings = actions/behavior = - Mgt:
consequence/consciousness; Anxious- teach pt 1. Provide safety
relaxation tech thru guided imagery or deep breathing 2. Assist in minimizing the pts anxiety-deep
exercise; Depressed pt; Alzheimer’s- reminiscence breathing
therapy 3. Encourage verbalization of feelings
Group development/ Group therapy - 8-10 4. Pharmacotherapy - anxiolytics
members with same condition; #1 goal provide 5. Psychotherapy
acceptance & support (al-anonymous-for the 6. Milieu therapy
alcoholics, al-anon-wife, al-a-teen-children) 7. Behavior modifications
Psychiatric Disorders
Classified in Diagnostic & Statistical manual for Anxiety Disorders
mental disorders (DSM-V) that are most likely to - Recapturing of anxiety – provoking stimulus = re-
appear on the NCLEX-RX awakening of unwanted thoughts, feelings,
Admission to mental health institution could be experiences from the past memory
voluntary or involuntary 1. Phobia- irrational fear – specific;
-Voluntary- want to discharge = YES but there’s a Cibophobia- fear with food
grace period 48-72 hours reassessment with MD; Agoraphobia – open spaces
Good-OK; Bad- No involuntary commitment status Mgt:
-Involuntary- Client poses a threat to himself and - Provide acceptance
others, with informed consent and refusal to - Teach relaxation tech
treatment, if disruptive we can give a medication - Therapy – Systemic desensitization- gradual
within 24 hours Gen. Anxiety Panic Disorder
All pts rights are retained except for the right to leave Disorder
the Institution. Onset Chronic Acute
Duration >3 mons 10 min/episode
Gen. description Excessive Fear of going crazy
worrying about
daily concerns
Sleep disturbances (insomnia, nightmares, flashbacks-
S/Sx whenever we get bad experiences it gets frozen in the
Paresthesia brain)
A feeling of choking for no reason Hypervigilance
N/V Mgt:
chIlls - Be non-judgmental
Chest pain - Encouraged verbalization of feelings
- Assist pt in developing adaptive coping mech and in
Mgt is same with anxiety understanding association between feelings &
traumatic event
OCPD – no rituals, rigid personality; they lack insight of - Therapy: CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy),
what their problems is Psychoanalytic
- Support group with help
- Obsessive – thoughts Mood disorders
- Compulsion- Actions Bipolar Disorder – characterized by episodes of mania
- With rituals and depression with periods of normal mood and activity
- Insight/awareness in between
- Prob: Control of urges - Manic-depressive
- Prob: Activity itself - Cause:
- Time consuming - Biologic - Norepinephrine – excitatory neurotrans
- Physiological need is affected Serotonin
- Mgt: Intracellular Na+ - DOC – lithium
- Initially provide time for rituals -Psychodynamic – massive denial; faulty family
- Ensure physiological needs met dynamics (chaotic)
- Working phase- explain changes in routine (set - Activity: gardening, lawnmowing, finger painting,
limits) dec freq. and time delivery linens, NO sewing
- Reinforce the non-ritualistic behavior - Non- competitive activity
- Assist the client in connecting thoughts, feelings - requiring low concentration
associated with behavior - Nrsg Considerations:
- Other mgt same with anxiety Restless/hyperactive
Flight of ideas – refocusing
Irritable/manipulative/demanding: set limits – a
Trauma and stressor-related disorders matter of fact manner, just restate the fact/rules
2 types immediately after it has been violated
1. PTSD - > 1 mon Delusion of grandeur
2. ASD (Acute stress disorders) - < 1 mon Unable to sleep – envi- non- stimulating, provide
rest periods, assist with warm bath, soothing music
Risk factor: Offer: Diet: Inc Ca+ and Inc CHON – finger
War foods, cheese burger, drink: milkshake
Rape Mania
Violence Hypomania
Natural disaster NO MOOD
S/Sx: Mild depression
Detachment Major depression
Emotional numbness exaggerated startled response
Anxiety & anger outburst Depression
Depression - Affects feeling, thoughts and behaviors
- Cause: As a client with major depression begins to feel better,
Biological: Norepinephrine the client may have enough energy to carry out suicide
Serotonin attempt – WOF: sudden inc. in energy upon taking
MAO – inhibitory neurotrans. meds/antidepressants
Psychodynamic- general feeling and sense of Neurocognitive Disorders
worthlessness -affects consciousness, memory, orientation, attention,
Specifics of Depression: -TYPES:
- WOF: Suicidal ideation a.Delirium – ICU psychosis – manifestation of
1. Major Depression (2 wks) Vs Dysthymia hallucination; usually elderly in ICU
(chronic last 2 yrs, Chronic feeling of dec. self- b.Dementia – not reversible, generally intellectual
esteem, Poor deterioration
concentration, Depressed mood)
2. Involutional Criteria Delirium Dementia
Melancholia S/Sx: Onset Acute Insidious, gradual
Cause: infection and
Guilt – excessive, inappropriate trauma
Psychomotor retardation Course Fluctuating during Stable overtime
Older adults the day
Duration Short term, <1 month Long term
Early morning awakening Consciousness Dec. Clear
Significant wt loss/anorexia Alertness Impaired, Abnormal Normal
Anhedonia Attention Dec Normal
Orientation Impaired Impaired
Depression worse in the morning Memory Recent- impaired Impaired-recent then
3. Peripartum Depression remote
- During preg or within 30 days postpartum Mgt Treat the cause Maintain optimum
level of functioning
depression- prone to psychosis
Dementia of Alzheimer’s type
- RITA- Inc. Risk postpartum dep, irritable, - Degeneration and atrophy of brain cortex
tearful, anxious - Dec. Acetylcholine – inhibitory
4. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)- lifetime - Neurofibrillary tangles, neurotic plaques
Aka: winter/fall depression - Assessment: A4’s
Occurs: during winter/rainy days Amnesia/forgetfulness
Cause: absence of natural light Aphasia/Speech impairment(expressive/receptive)
Mgt: Phototherapy, spotlight, well lighted room Agnosia- inability to recognize object/person
1. Sadness at least 5 of the ff: Apraxia – inability to execute learn purposeful
2. Loss of interest movements
3. Worthlessness/hopelessness/low self-esteem - Stages:
4. Psychomotor retardation/agitation a. Mild- forgetfulness is the hallmark
5. Somatic manifestation b. Moderate – confusion, disorientation
6. Recurrent thought of death - 3As Apraxia, Agnosia, Aphasia
c. Severe – Personality and emotional changes
Points to remember: - Deterioration in all areas of function
A client with depression is preoccupied, has dec. - Sundowning Phenomenon – inc. disorientation
energy, and often even simple decisions – mgt. make during sundown, OK= lighting, close the curtain,
simple decisions for the pt “It’s time for you to eat” soothing music/radio // NO- TV
A person’s feeling of self-worth is generally - Nrsg. Intervention:
determined by accomplishments- ensure physiological - Pt wander – take hand & lead the pt back home
needs met; assist ADL’s; Activity: Simple; - Lock the facility
Acknowledge simple accomplishments to inc self-
worth “I’ve notice you take a bath today”
- Pt wanders from facility – follow the pt & redirect Treatment Plan – role Playing/Group therapy
@ safe distance, assess if pt can follow order if pt - Assertiveness training – for avoidant & aggressive
cannot then reinforcement is needed - Medications- Anti-depressants
- Wandering bracelet
- Check medical order Eating disorders
- *add note_ Alzheimer- neurotic plaques A. Anorexia Nervosa – self-employed
Personality Disorders starvation/perfection
- Rigid maladaptive, causing significant Etiology-
personal distress and impaired social 1. Biologic – Inc. Serotonin
functioning 2. Developmental factors
- Causes: 3. Social factor- adolescence, over demanding
a. Genetic factors – hereditary predisposition parents
b. Temperament factors – innate/inborn Personality Type: Achiever, perfectionist, female,
c. Biologic factors – ass. with depression adolescent
d. Psychoanalytic factors – rejecting, hostile, S/Sx:
neglectful type of environment Amenorrhea- within 3 consecutive months
Personality- integration of the systems and habits that No appetite
represent an individual Obvious wt loss
- Expressed through behavior Reducing ideation of perfection
- Everyone is unique Emaciated- extreme muscle loss-cachexia
Xerostomia- dry mouth
Cluster A -odd/eccentric behavior Image disturbance – Initial Dx
a. Paranoid – extreme mistrust & suspiciousness Abnormal har growth
b. Schizoid – withdrawn, cold, introvert Other Mx:
c. Schizotypal – similar to schizoid + delusions, Restricting calorie intake
perceptual distortions Intense fear of gaining wt
Decreased VS
Fluid & electrolyte imbalance
Cluster B – emotional/dramatic
Criteria for hospitalization:
a. Narcissistic- self-loving, loves to be admired and
Failure to gain weight in an OPD setting
praise; lack remorse (same antisocial); grandiosity
Loss of 30% of body weight within 6 months
b. Histrionic – attention seeker; extrovert; manipulative Fluid and electrolyte imbalance
c. Borderline – “psychotic-neurotic” “all good and all
WOF: Hypokalemia- cardiac dysrhythmias
bad”; splitting behavior, fears separation, impulsive,
Dec V/S: temp < 36°C, BP systolic <70 mmHg,
unstable relationship (hallmark)- shift one job to
PR dec 40 bpm
another or labile mood; suicidal ideation
d. Antisocial – violate rules and laws, lack the sense of
guilt, PRIO- SAFETY – set limits Mgt:
Re-establish appropriate eating behavior- set limits
Cluster C- anxious/fearful with eating time: within 30 mins, sit with pt 1-2 hours
a. Dependent – clingy; lack of self-confidence; looking after meal, pt wt- 2-3x/wk, wt goal: 3-5 lbs/wk
for dominant partner
b. Obsessive-Compulsive – perfectionist, rigid; order in Bulimia Nervosa
expense of efficiency & flexibility - Binge eating followed by vomiting
c. Avoidant – pre-occupied with being criticized - Etiology
Biologic Dec Serotonin
Principles of Nrsg Care: Psychodynamic- ambivalence with low self-esteem;
Consistency – specially with anti-social disorder chaotic & broken family
Limit setting – help develop trust, firm & consistent, - S/Sx:
emotional support Binge eating
Uses purging 6. Assist ADL’s
Laxative and diuretic abuse 7. Suspicious pts – develop trust, maintain eye
Induces vomiting contact
Metabolic alkalosis 8. Disruptive – safety & set limits
I (extensive caries) *restraints –
Chipmunk face and callus formation (swollen Renewal hours/order: every 4 hours
parotid) Expiry of order – every 24 hours
Slightly below or above normal weight Check V/S: every 15 mins
- Other manifestations Remove: every 2 hours for 10-15 mins
Under strict dieting or vigorous exercise
Loss of tooth enamel/tooth decay Somatic symptoms and other related disorders
Esophageal Varices- bleeding/aspiration - Persistent worry or complaints about physical illness
- Mgt: without supporting physical findings.
Set limits 1. Conversion DO – physical Sx or deficit suggesting
Improve self-esteem loss or altered body function
- Usually voluntary movement (ex. Conversion
Schizophrenia blindness, possible limb paralysis, selective
- Split mind (Bleuler) mutism)
- Disharmony between the pts thinking, feeling and - Underlying cause: Trauma, overuse of denial
actions - They do not seek immediate treatment – labile
- Theories of Causation indifference
Biologic – Inc Dopamine in most part of the brain - Not faking Sx; Do not ignore the client just the
(+) Sx condition
- Dec. Dopamine- (pre-frontal cortex) – CEO - Curable
(-) Sx secondary to meds - Goals of Treatment:
Psychologic theory- general vulnerability to - Make client functional as his condition will
stressors of life allow to improve the quality of life
Family theory – rejecting hostile neglectful family - To relieve Sx: initially- assess the complaint;
environment once admitted: ignore the condition but not
- General Mx: (DSM V) – deterioration of personality the pt.
a. Delusion - If the pt talks about the condition, listen
b. Hallucination shortly but learn to redirect the topic
c. Disorganized speech – ass. looseness
d. Catatonic behavior- disorganized mov’t/action 2. Factitious DO
e. Negative Sx - Munchausen Syndrome
- Impose on self
Positive Sx Negative Sx - Gain attention & emotional support
-bizarre, additional feature Withdrawn, missing - Fake Sx (medical/psychological)
Delusions Alogia-poverty of speech
Hallucinations Anhedonia – No pleasure - Alter medical Hx, specimen, result
Disorganized speech Avolition – NO motivation - Claim that they are sick
Insomnia Anergia- No energy - They inflict pain or injury
Grandiosity Asocial – same autism
Illusion – inappropriate affect Inattention- No attention - Cause: unknown
Catatonia Flat affect - Treatment: CBT, psychoanalysis; Be non-
General Intervention: judgmental; Acceptance; Trust
1. Acceptance - Munchausen Syndrome by proxy
2. Trust – firm & consistent - Impose on others
3. Present reality - Malingering
4. Acknowledge feelings
- external reward/incentive ex. Freedom fr
5. Withdrawn pts- 1:1
- needs legal intervention Behavioral- exhibit dependence, mistrust, feelings of
- Caregiver is overly attentive/concern inferiority, more phobic
- Hx of many hospitalization of the child - Detecting Alcoholism
- Improvement of child’s condition in the a. Blood alcohol level (BAL)
hospital but Sx recur when the child returns BAL S/Sx
home Up to 0.05% Loss of inhibition
Up to 0.1% Anxiety relief, euphoria, loud speech
- Labs & other Dx results do not match to Sx *0.1-0.15% Legal intoxication, slurred speech, motor intoxication,
- Drugs/chemicals (child’s urine & blood moodiness
sample) 0.2-0.3% Irritability, tremor, ataxia, may have memory lapse
- Common victim- <6 yo 0.3% and up Unconsciousness
- Perpetrator: mother or primary health care
giver “mother imposturing” b. CAGE Questionnaire
C- have you ever felt the need to CUT down drinking/drug
Substance related, and Addictive DO use?
Substance Use DO – a cluster of cognitive, behavioral, A- Annoyed at criticism?
and physiological Sx indicating that the individual G-Guilty about something done?
continues using the substance despite significant substance E-Eye opener
related problems
Criteria: Goals for Detox
1. Impaired control over substance – takes substance - Remove inc. toxins in blood
in a larger amount - Dec. craving
- Reports multiple unsuccessful efforts to
discontinue use S/Sx: antabuse –how long? – as long as alcohol detected
- Craving Inc. HR
2. Social Impairment- problems with family, Severe headache
occupational and social relationships Flushes/hot flushes
3. Risky use of substance – hazard; continuous use of Tremors
substance despite physical or psychological Mgt.: do not drink alcohol 24°before the 1st dose, 2 wks
problems post last dose
4. Pharmacological Criteria – withdrawal- Avoid: flagyl/metronidazole- because it contains benzyl
physiological response due to abrupt alcohol (preservative)
discontinuation of substance use that leads to
physical or psychological readjustment; tolerance Mgt.:
– need to increase the dose in order to get the same a. Short-term: DETOXIFICATION
effect - Mark the abrupt discontinuation of the subs;
liver- natural detox
Stimulant VS Depressant - Approximately 7-10 days
Intoxication Substance Withdrawal - PRIO- when was your last drink?
Inc/ upper Stimulant Decrease Stage Timing Withdrawal S/Sx
Dec/Downer Depressant Upper 1 6-8 hrs after last Tremors, sweating, agitation, GI Mx,
drink (excitability)
2 8-12 hrs Stage 1 + hallucination
Alcoholism – chronic disease or disorder, excessive
3 2-3 days Stage 2 + seizure
alcohol intake & interference in the individual’s health, 4 2-5 days (worst) Delirium tremens extreme CNS
interpersonal relationship and economic functioning irritability associated with alcohol
(WHO); depressants Mgt: seizure prec; anxiolytics-during
- Etiology detox; BP important – lead to stroke
Psychodynamic – oral fixation
Biologic – Dec Serotonin/hereditary b. Long term: REHABILITATION -45 days
1. Give up alcohol-abstinence; Disulfiram
therapy or Aversion therapy
Goal: to make drinking painful; milieu therapy - Cause: Biochemical factors- dysregulation of
2. Live a positive lifestyle norepinephrine & serotonin
Rehab goal: change of behavior thru Group o Biological factors – frontal lobe disfunction
therapy (alcoholic anonymous) (CEO- executive function of the brain)
Al-anon- wife - Mx:
Al-a-teen-for children - Poor decision making & impulsive control
- Fidgets with hands and feet or squirms in the seat
Commonly abuse substance - Easily distracted with external or internal stimuli
Substance Physical Signs Withdrawal - Difficulty in following instructions
effects - Poor attention span
A.Stimulants - Shifting from one uncompleted activity to another
Amphetamine Hyperactivity Depression
(shabu) Euphoria Irritability - Talking excessively
Inc. vs Wt loss Psychosis - Interrupting or intruding on others
Loss of appetite
Perforated nasal septum
- Engaging in physically dangerous activities
Cocaine-route Psychomotor
inhale MI or respi arrest- Seizure without considering the possible consequences
hyperstimulation of
heart and lung muscles
- Mgt:
B.Narcotics/opiates - Limit setting
-downers - Re-channeling off energy
- Safety
PinpOint pupils Runny nose
-Morphine Incoordination Impotence - Set limits
Dec. V/S Piloerection - Schedule
-Codeine Drowsiness - Structure the envi.
- Prio Nrsg Dx.: RFI – impaired social instruction
Other downers - DOC:
Methylphenidate (Ritalin) – prolongs the attention
span, Inc hyperactivity; CNS stimulant; Side effects:
“Hero Mo Co but I dec. appetite & sleep; headache, N/V, *growth
let you down”
retardation; rapid, repetitive ticks,
Hydromorphone - Do not give during hours of sleep/night
Oxycodone - Before meals for better absorption
Methadone - If once a day before breakfast; 2x a day
LSD (lysergic acid Dilated pupils-all stim. Visual disturbances before breakfast & lunch; 6 hours before
diethylamide) Hallucinations or flashbacks bedtime or around 4 pm
PCP-phencyclidine Inc. V/S Hallucinations
Mescaline(peyote) Next DOC: Dexedrine & Strattera
Autism Spectrum DO
Marijuana (stim.) Weight gain Lack of appetite - Developmental disorder characterized by impairment
Blood shot eyes Depressed mood in communication skills, or the presence of stereo-
typed behavior, interest and activities, with associated
impairment in social isolation
Neurodevelopmental DO
- More common in boys and occurs before 18 usually
diagnosed at 2
- Attention deficit- PRIO
- Cause: biological factor
- ADD-adult
- Main problem: Impaired interpersonal functioning
- Main problems
o Inattention
1. Impaired social interaction – prefer to be alone
o Hyperactive
2. Impaired verbal communication – echolalia
o Impulsive
- More common in boys- onset until 12 yo
3. May avoid eye contact but maintain eye contact to Priority: all types of abuse
establish communication 1. Safety – remove the child
4. Disturbance in personal identity- call by name to 2. Report- to the appropriate agency
establish identity Child/adult – child/adult protective service
5. Repetitive actions – learn about their routine Spouse- local enforcement agency
6. Resist change 3. Physiological needs met
7. Poor nutrition – be extra sensitive to their body
language/needs Elderly Abuse- maltreatment to elders
8. Temper tantrums – head banging (provide helmet) Mx.:
9. NO real fear of danger _ PRIO-safety, structure, a. Physical- inconsistent explanation to injuries
support, consistency possible contractures, presence ulcers
10. Apparent insensibility to pain b. Neglect – poor hygiene
Mgt.: c. Emotional abuse – fear, agitation, confusion
1. Offer presence d. Economic Exploitation- child’s handles the pt
2. NO touching (may not want cuddling) account; sign unable to pay bills; no
3. Activity: less demanding knowledge about own expenses/finances
4. Inappropriate attachment to object – allow Spousal Abuse (Battered wife syndrome)
5. Be consistent - Cycle of domestic violence characterized by wife-
Intellectual disability (Mental retardation) beating by the husband, humiliation and other forms
- Sub-average intellectual capacity of aggression
- Develops before 18
- IQ: below 70 - BWS cycle
- Cause: Biological factors: inherited 1. Tension building- verbal argumentation vices,
- Main problem: Inadequate mental functioning jealousy
2. Severe battery – physical contact
Levels of Intellectual Disability Trigger – NONE
Level IQ Feature Mental age DM: displacement; projection
Mild/moron 50/55- Educable 8-12 (school 3. Honeymoon – DM: undoing
70 age)
Moderate/Imbecile 35/40- Trainable 3-8 (pre-school) Mx/Common Cues of Partner Abuse
50-55 1. Repeated vague Sx- freq. hospitalization
Severe/idiot 20/25- Needs close 0-3 (toddler) 2. Unexplained injuries
35/40 supervision
Profound Below Needs(complete) 0 (infant) 3. Flinching in the presence of spouse
20-25 custodial care 4. Suicidal thoughts
Domestic Abuse- report automatically if suspected 5. Continual efforts to keep partner from getting
Child Abuse- maltreatment of child angry
Physical Sexual Emotional Neglect 6. Lack of relationship
Lack of crying Difficulty Suicide attempt Poor hygiene
Unexplained walking or Learning Inadequate wt Nrsg Interventions
injury @ sitting difficulty gain 1. Be non-judgmental
different Pain or Speech Constant 2. Ask directly if abuse is occurring
healing stages swelling of disorders- fatigue
Bald spots genitals selective Inconsistent 3. Acknowledge serious abuse- help gain insight
Extreme Unwillingness mutism school 4. Assist victim to assess internal strength
aggressiveness to change Mood changes attendance
or withdrawal clothes Anxiety Consistent
5. Give victim list of resources *local crisis hotline
Apprehensive Torn, stained Depression hunger 6. Don’t push the victim to leave abuser if not ready
child- or bloody Untreated 7. Help victim come up with safety plan/escape
reluctance in underclothing illness
changing WOF: any Sample: in one bag put all important documents
clothes for allegations including child’s favorite toy
sports made by the
Fear of parents child with
Frozen sexual
watchfulness concerns
1. Remove from immediate physical danger Loss and grief- Normal reaction to real or anticipated
2. Report to local engagement agency loss
3. Provide local crisis hotline Duration: 12-24 months
Rape 1. Anticipatory- occurs before loss
- Sexual act with penile penetration 2. Disenfranchised – loss is experienced but it cannot
- Without consent be acknowledged
- Truths about rape: 3. Dysfunctional – prolonged emotional instability
1. Is an act of violence
2. Act of domination and power Interventions:
3. There are more females raped than male - Allow adaptive denial (DABDA)
4. There is more acquaintance rape done - Explore the clients perception & meaning of loss
- Rape trauma syndrome - Encourage the client to examine the coping patterns
a. Acute phase – immediately post rape- last 4 wks; in the past & present situations of loss
denial, silent, withdrawn; Sit with pt, secure - Encourage pt to care for self
consent to assess injury, Thera: silence
b. Outward adjustment- pt begins to verbalize End of life
Mgt: encourage further verbalization 1. Ethical & legal concerns
c. Resolution – pt begins to accept – unacceptance= a. Living will/advanced directives- pt decides for
sexual dysfunction = frigidity = sexual his further treatment plan, Last will- properties
promiscuity b. Durable Power of attorney – pt assigns a
Mgt: refer to psychotherapy health care proxy to decide for his treatment is
case pt is incapable
Crisis 1. Hospice Care – terminally ill; 6 months to live
- Critical incident – experienced, witnessed, learned RN- pain mgt and supportive care- expertise
about = stress (coping OK; if unmanaged trauma) = *GOAL: to make the pt more comfortable
crisis- affect whole community; less severe – 3. Post mortem care
uncontrolled crying, feelings of panic, crying-yelling; Maintain dignity
severe – threatens to harm self of other & become out Organ donor: Driver’s license- if wife won’t
of touch with reality – psychosis permit, honor wife’s request cause everything
Characteristics of crisis state expires if pt dies not unless there is a Living will
1. Highly individualized Respect rituals
2. Self-limiting- 4-6 wks, true crisis state Thera com: silence and touch
3. Also affects significant others Establish privacy
4. Person is amenable to suggestions Maintain respect

Role of the nurse – more direct & active approach Suicide

Primary objective – give guidance & support - Anger turned inwards
Thera. Com: Focusing on the problem they can resolve - Ultimate for of self-destruction
- Cry for help
Steps in Crisis Intervention: - Who are these?
1. Assess the situation (resources) Depressed
2. Assess pt to develop cognitive awareness Hallucinating
“where were you” “who are you with” Borderline personality
3. Assist the pt. in managing feelings- deep breathing Client in crisis
4. Explore with the client the resources available “who Psychotic clients
are your relative that we can call” Widowers/divorced
5. Assist the client with the action plan Terminally ill; recent job loss
- Nrsg. Interventions Pregnant
1. Assess for clues of suicide Fracture
Valuables are given away Active bleeding tendencies
Living will change Fever/infection
Verbalization Pre Post
2. Conduct a lethality assessment Convulsive O2 100%
Oxygenate 100% Monitor- V/S esp RR
a. Plan- ask directly – are you planning on NPO- 6-8 hrs Effects: confusion, transient, mem
killing yourself> V/S every & post 15 mins ECT- loss, disorientation (Prio-reorient)
ONLY RN Headache
b. Method- high-lethal= gunshot, jumping, Urinate first to prevent seizure
poisoning; low lethal= med overdose, wrist induce incontinence
slashing Labs- ECG, EEG, x-ray,CBC
Secure complete PE
3. Keep the client safe Institute cardiopulmonary
- Remove sharp or harmful objects Clearance
IV route/heplock for meds NO
- Nurse pt ratio 1:1 IVF
- Suicidal- no harm or no suicide contract – not Pre-meds
Atropine SO4 – dec serotonin
legal to write notes Anesthetic short acting
- Check pt in varying time to avoid barbiturates
Brebital (methohexital)
predictability or every 5-10 mins = low Succinylcholine (Anectine) –
- Stay with the pt 24 hours round the clock = decseizure ep- NO paralysis
high Psychopharmacology
Telephone triage: Suicide -adrenergic -antiadrenergic
Express: genuine concern & a desire to work with the -anticholinergic -cholinergic (think of H2O)
NO water/dry -Inc secretion
caller Heart contractility Heart contractility
Identify: name, address, and tell # Cardiac output, blood sugar Cardiac output, blood sugar
Constipation Diarrhea
Acknowledge: how difficult & painful the loses must be Urinary retention (oliguria) Urinary incontinence (polyuria)
Assess: method Pupillary dilation Pupillary Constriction
Ask: give immediate solution; ideas; if anyone is with the Bronchodilation Bronchoconstriction
NO tears/dry Teary, lacrimation
caller; ask the significant other to help the caller Dry mouth Salivation
Refer: walk in crisis Brain
Excitatory Inhibitory
Refuse: give the tell # of the crisis center  Norepinephrine  MAO
 Serotonin  acetylcholine
 Dopamine  GABA
Electroconvulsive Therapy  Acetylcholinesterase
- If the pt does not respond to medications  Glutamine
- Indications: Drugs for Schizophrenia
1. Severely depressed not responding to meds -anti-psychotics
2. Acutely suicidal Typical – dec. Positive Sx
3. Catatonic, manic Haloperidol (Haldol) – Inc EPSe – S/E
- Contraindications Chlorpromazine (Thorazine) – WOF hypotension
CVA Thioridazine (Mellaril) – orthostatic hypotension
Brain tumor Atypical – dec negative Sx
Inc ICP Clozapine (Clozaril) – dec WBC- WOF
Spinal cord injury Agranulocytosis (fever, sore throat)
Glaucoma Olanzapine (Zyprexa)
HTN, ischemia Risperidone (Risperdal)
CHF, angina Seroquel (Quetiapine)
MI Aripiprazole (Ability)
Renal & Liver dse
Risperidone (Risperdal) - Tremors
1-2-3 regimen (1 OD / 2 BID/ 3 TID) Antidote- Dantrolene- muscle relaxant, dec fever
Therapeutic range – 4-8 mg/day
Autism DOC Anti-depression
Insomnia “TCA” -tricyclic anti-depressants
Suppress tardive dyskinesia “3 cute girls mahilig sa Tofu”
Irreversible Pamelor (nortriptyline)
Tongue protrusion Elavil (amitriptyline)
Lip smacking (teeth grinding) Anafranil (Clomipramine)
Tofranil (Imipramine)
Side-effect Nrsg Intervention WOF- cardiac dysrhythmias
Anticholinergic Sx
Dry mouth Encourage frequent sips of H2O, good
oral hygiene, chew sugarless gum SSRI
Blurred vision Reassure pt of transient nature of blurred “Pro taxil nagZOZOlo”
vision Prozac (Fluoxetine)
Retinitis pigmentosa Notify the dr; slow loss of vision lead to
blindness Zoloft (Sertraline)
Urinary retention or I&O, notify dr Paxil (Paroxetine)
hesitancy- kidney dys WOF: sexual dysfunction
Constipation High fiber, Inc OFI and exercise
Paralytic ileus- Notify dr.- surgery
obstruction/paralysis small MAOI – drug interact with SSRI AVOID
intestine Parnate (tranylcypromine)
Sedation Client teaching regarding need to restrict
driving or operation of machinery Nardil (Phenelzine)
Orthostatic hypotension Instruct ct to rise slowly form a lying to a Marplan (Isocaboxacil)
sitting position
Dermatologic Effects
Tyramine rich precursors so AVOID tyramine rich
Photosensitivity Instruct the ct to wear protective foods: processed aged, pickled, smoked, overripe fruits
sunscreens, clothing and sunglasses, and NO banana and avocado// OK cottage cheese or cream
to limit exposure time in the sun
Hormonal effects cheese
Dec. libido Explain that this may be transient WOF: hypertensive crisis
Amenorrhea Explain that this is reversible
Instruct ct not to discontinue the use of
birth control as ovulation is continuing Anti-depressants health teaching
and pregnancy is possible
- NO smoking, alcohol, drug to drug interactions
Weight gain Encourage proper diet and exercise
- 1 at a time
1st SSRI
General S/E
2nd TCA
1. Anticholinergic
3rd MAOI
2.EPSE- Extrapyramidal S/E
- Buproprion or novel (well butrin) – anti-
depressants without category new; instead of SSRI
- Dyskinesia- difficulty controlling mov’t
- Pseudoparkinsonism- cogwheel rigidity, bradykinesia - Wait 2-4 wks before you introduce
- Dsytonia – involuntary muscle spasm another antidepressant
- Laryngeal pharyngeal constriction
- Oculogyric crisis
- Writer’s cramp Drugs for Mania
- Torticollis (wry neck) Level- 0.6-1.2 meq; weekly checking of blood level
Increase urinary output-polyuria
- Akathesia- restless
Toxic-coarse hand tremors (mild)
Hands -fine hand tremors (N S/E)
NMS- Neurolyptic Malignant Syndrome
Inc OFI-2-3 L/day -expected polydipsia
- Inc temp *** indication
Uu- Normal mild diarrhea – toxic-diarrhea
- Dec LOC
Maintain-regular Na intake – 3g/day
- Muscle rigidity
Alcoholism - dec serotonin
Lithium- NO antidote Alzheimer – dec. acetylcholine
Therapeutic Mild Moderate Severe Anxiety – dec GABA
serum level Toxicity Toxicity (>3meq/L) Depression – dec Norep/ser and Inc MAO
(1.5-2) (2-3 meq/L) Manic – Inc. Norep/ ser/ intracellular Na+
Fine hand Diarrhea Ataxia Seizure
tremors Vomiting Tinnitus Organ failure
Anorexia – Inc. serotonin
Mild diarrhea Drowsiness Blurred vision Renal failure Bulimia nervosa – dec. serotonin
Goiter Dizziness Delirium Coma
Anorexia Coarse hard Nystagmus Death
Edema tremor
Wt gain Muscular
Pediatric Nursing
Polydipsia weakness
Polyuria Dry mouth Developmental Levels
Lack of
coordination Infants: 0-18 months
Tip Erickson – Trust vs Mistrust
Cause: SNS Tx Goal to Gen. S/E Freud- Oral phase – oral gratification
Norepinephrine PNS Jean Piaget – sensory motor learning – hearing
Serotonin Solitary play – they play with their body and senses
Intracellular Na+ Toys: mobiles (visual), rattles, teething rings (teeth
Anti-anxiety/Anxiolytics erupt 6 months), music boxes & squeeze toys, floating
- Major use to reduce anxiety, also induce bath toys
sedation, inhibit convulsion Significant others – mother
- Do not modify psychotic behavior Fear- Stranger anxiety – manifestation: crying
- S/E: drowsiness, mental confusion Accident/Injury: Aspiration, fall
- Next DOC: Carbamazepine Concept death: none
Hospitalization: Oral stimulation & sucking/BF
A. Benzodiazepine- > S/E Surgery: pacifier
- Alprazolam (xanax)
- Diazepam (valium) Toddler: 18 months – 3 yo
- Lorazepam (Ativan) Erickson – Autonomy- if met with self-control; over-
- Temazepam (Restoril) depressed easily vs Shame and Doubt – impulsive or too
- Chlordiazepoxide (librium) dependent or independent
- Flurazepam (Dalmane) Freud- Anal phase; elimination – toilet training starts
- Midazolam (Versed) 18 months- signs – baby is able to walk, talk and sit; 3
developmental task (1) there must be a control of
B. Nonbenzodiazepine < S/E sphincters as evidence by walking (2) cognitive
- Buspirone (BuSpar) understanding of what it means to void- empty the
- Zolpidem (Ambien) bladder (3) must have the desire
Medications to treat Alzheimer’s Dse Jean Piaget – pre-operational
-inhibits acetylcholinesterase Parallel play – no interaction
-Ex. Donepezil (Aricept) Significant others – parents
Tacrine (Cognex) – toxic -liver Fear- separation-crying
-S/E Ego-centrism
“Do not pisil” Accident/Injury: (1) falling (2) poison (3) burns,
-active bleeding tendency thermal
Toxic liver Toys push and pull, talking toy cordless telephone,
Comfort blocks, board book with large pictures; Criteria: (1) safe
Room visits (polyuria, incontinence) (2) purpose/goal- teach them to walk & talk
Impaired Sphincter control Concept death: reversible, temporarily
N/V Hospitalization: security objects to dec anxiety
Anorexia Behaviors to observe:
a. Negativism “no”, Mgt. (1) Offer choices, handling of emotion, poor interaction & short-term
types of foods; utensils places: clothing relationship, love is express thru sex)
; (2) Set limits by repetition & be firm Freud- genital; sudden inc. libido; sexual genital
b. Temper tantrums – expression of their need maturity – puberty – inc. hormones
Mgt: (1) ignore as long as safe (2) set limits Jean Piaget – formal
(3) time-out – remove from the scene and Fore play/courtship
discipline, face the wall, minimum of 3 mins. Significant others – peers
or as long as the age of the child 1yr=1min Fear- body image disturbance
Accident/Injury: Sports accident, Substance abuse
Pre-school: 3 yrs – 6 yrs, “why” (drugs & alcohol), suicide, sexual abuse
Erickson – initiative vs guilt - exploration Hospitalization: Provide privacy; let same gender
Freud- phallic stage – some genital dev, Inc Libido, assist; body diagrams; involve them in decision making
have sexuality awareness; 2 complexes = Oedipal -sOn Rapid growth with companion; Body changes which
to mother, Electra- daughter to father corresponds to puberty, moody & unpredictable, attempts
Jean Piaget – pre-operational to make decisions for himself/herself; make long range
Associative/cooperative play: loves to share and plans for the future.
imitate adults into play
Toys: role playing games – play school, play house, Developmental Milestone
doctor-nurse kit, hand puppets, paper dolls Fine Motor Skills- Proximo-distal
Significant others – immediate family Months
Fear- Body mutilation, castration, pain 0 – Reflex grasp
hospitalization “white coat fear” 3 – Hands held open with palmar grasp
Accident/Injury: MVA 6 – Palmar grasp starts to disappear
Concept death: temporary and reversible 9 – Pincer grasp (fingers)
Hospitalization: explain using puppets and dolls 10 – Points at object
11 – Puts objects in a cup
School Age: 6-12 yo 12- Throws an object/2 blocks build
Erickson – Industry (met: competent in doing
activity, attempting to learn) vs Inferiority (inferiority Years
complex- manifested by poor performances) 2 - 5 blocks
Freud- Latency – sudden dec energy = focus on 2 ½ - 7-8 blocks
learning/activities 3 – unbutton shirt
Jean Piaget – concrete 4 – buttons up
Competitive play – base on competence, collective, 6 – tie shoe lace
cooperative, Achievement oriented
Toys: card games, scrabble (board games), skipping Gross Motor Skills – cephalocaudal development
ropes, sport toys Months
Significant others – Teacher 0 – head lag
Behaviors to observe: achievement oriented 2 – lift head
Fear- doing wrong 4 – full head control
Accident/Injury: MVA 5 – roll over
Concept death: irreversible 6 – sit with support
Hospitalization: can appreciate simple charts & 7 – foot to mouth
8 – sit without support
9 – crawl
Adolescent: 12-20 yo 10– stand with support
Erickson – Identity (emotional stability; good 11 – cruising
interpersonal relationship) vs Role Confusion (poor 12 - stand without support
14-15 – walk
3 yrs – ride a tricycle Introduce food 1 at a time:
Interval 5-7 days to monitor for tolerance and allergy
sit with sit without Offer food – serving size – 1-2 tsp only
support support Feeding Problem:
Infancy – aspiration
Toddler – physiologic anorexia
Preschool – picky eaters; food pads
stand with stand without School – 0 cal intake (junk foods)
support support Adolescence – anorexia nervosa (disorder)

2 Notes on immunization:
General Contraindication & Precaution
Anaphylactic Reaction
Smile Live vaccine – immunocompromised, pregnant, allergy to
0 – may smile eggs & gelatin (derives from eggs) which serves as
1-2 months- coos, social smile nutrition/food for bacteria
2-4 months – laughs, makes consonant sounds Moderate to severe illness
6 months – imitative sounds
8-9 months – pronounces syllables (da-da)
12 months – says 4-5 words
2years – first phrase, 300 words
2 ½ years knows first name
3 years – 3-4 words sentences, 900 words

Growth Principles
Physiologic loss of weight a couple of weeks after birth
will be observed – 5-10% weight loss, length 1 yr – 50 %
Rapid stages: infancy & adolescents
Slow periods: toddler, preschool & school age
Reminders: birth weight
2x the weight: 6 months
3x the weight: 12 months
4x the weight: 24 months

Nutrition Principles
0-6 – exclusive breast feeding
4 months – dec. iron stores
Post 6 months – supplementary feeding
1. Cereals
2. Fruits
3. Vegetables
4. Meats
12 months – 1. Yolk – more nutritious General S/E /Inflammatory Reaction
2. White – contains most allergens Swelling
12-13 months infants start to drink cup Tenderness
To wean off from bottle Erythema
Prevent dental carries Fever
1 month – 1 tooth
1. Hepa B vaccine – if mother HbSAg + 1. Sucking/rooting reflex – dis 3-4 months
carrier/infected you have to clean to administer the 2. Tonic-neck/fencing reflex – dis 3-4 months
vaccine + Hep B Ig to the baby within 12 hours 3. Palmar grasp - 6 months
after birth 4. Startle reflex- 4 months, flexion of extremities
- test mom for HbSAg – HbSAg (?) – hep B Ig (protective mechanism)
ASAP 5. Moro reflex – 6 months, tilt head down @ least 30°-
- low birth weight – if baby is <2 kg hold the extension of upper extremities
vaccine 6. Babinski reflex- 12 months, normal fanning of toes
2. Rotavirus – cause AGE – severe DHN leads to once examiner stokes (J) the sole of the foot,
death Abnormal- for adult fanning, normally it should coil
- Oral route
- Withhold: n/v or diarrhea Birthmarks
3. DtaP – Diphtheria, Tetanus, acellular (without 1. Telangiectatic nevi (stork bite) - like rashes; Pale
nucleus of the cell in the vaccine) Pertussis pink or red, flat, dilated capillaries on eyelids, nose,
- Route: IM lower occipital bone and nape of the neck; blanch
- Comp: encephalopathy, seizure & high-grade easily; more noticeable during crying periods;
fever disappear by age 2 yrs
4. Hib: Haemophilus Influenzae B --CO2--
Pneumonia & epiglottitis (cause respi depression)
- Route: IM
5. PCV: Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine
- Route: IM
- Prevents: pneumonia; meningitis (2° to
6. IPV – Inactivated Polio Vaccine
- Route: IM/SubQ 2. Nevus flammeus (port wine stain) – capillary
- CI: allergy to streptomycin, neomycin, angioma directly below epidermis; non-elevated,
gentamycin, formalin(preserve) sharply demarcated, red to purple, dense areas of
7. MMR – Measles (Rubeola), Mumps, Rubella capillaries, commonly appear on face, no fading
(German measles) with time, may require future surgery, laser therapy
- Route: SubQ is indicated
- Avoids: allergy to eggs and gelatin 3. Nevus vasculosus (strawberry mark) – capillary
- If the child receives Ig – HOLD MMR for 3-6 hemangioma, raised, clearly delineated, dark red,
months with rough surface, common in the head region,
8. Varicella – Prevents chicken pox & herpes zoster disappears by 7-9 years
- Route: SubQ
- Avoid – aspirin – leads to Reye’s syndrome –
swelling of the brain and liver tissue; even
common flu still leads to Reye’s syndrome

Reflexes – disappearing age – any delays cause neurologic

Reye’s Syndrome_viral/think about
S – 3-4 months liver failure_so inc. ammonia, inc
ICP; avoid aspirin, chicken pox 4. Mongolian spots – bluish black pigmentation on
T– 3-4 months lumbar dorsal area and buttocks, gradually face
S– 4 months during the first and 2nd year of life, common in Asian
PM – 6 months and dark-skinned individuals
Ba – 12 months
The Risk Neonates Right (no cyanosis) – increase blood flow to the right
1. Premature < 37 weeks side so there is a right ventricular hypertrophy &
- S/Sx: respi. Distress syndrome increase heart beat leading to pulmonary hypertension
o Nasal flaring then pulmonary congestion (CHF)
o Fast breathing a. VSD (Ventricular Septal Defect) – there is an
o Chest indrawing/grunting opening in the right ventricle so increase blood
o Chest retractions flow to the RV
Complication is atelectasis cause dec. surfactant b. ASD (Atrial Septal Defect) – foramen of ovale
- Mgt: (normally closes 1 month
o ET after birth) still open
o O2 via Continuous Positive Air Pressure which increases the blood
(CPAP) – promote gas exchange flow to the RA
o Regulate body temperature – incubator So, for VSD & ASD –
WOF: hypothermia leads to anaerobic
metabolic ---lactic acid – fetal distress
o Maintain nutrition – gavage feeding-
orogastric tube (route), nasal breathing

2. Postmature > 40-42 weeks

S/Sx – signs of growth – long but thin (glycolysis-
muscle wasting)
Placenta is not viable at this period so related Dacron patch is use to cover the defect/hole
problems are malnutrition and fetal distress c. PDA (Patent Ductus Arteriosus) – Normally
Signs of malnutrition – dry cracking skin & DHN, closes @ 1 month of age/24 hours here it is still
no vernix & lanugo, long hair and nails, Alert look open so increase blood flow to the RA; connect
Assessment Problem pulmonary artery (pulmonary congestion) & aorta
1. Hypoxia – dec placental viability and dec. blood
flow, meconium d. COA (Coarctation of Aorta) – narrowing,
2. Hypoglycemia – Mgt: BF, D5 containing IVF, which causes
glucose water- use feeding cup pulmonary
3. Fetal Distress congestion, increases
4. Meconium Aspiration – suction BP (upper
No suctioning if NSVD extremities) and
5. Meconium Staining – bathing is required, oil extremities)
bath; Infection- IV antibiotics (gentamycin)
Diagnostic and
Management for Acyanotic Heart Defects
*Chest Radiography
*Echocardiography – 2D echo, somehow sound
waves or UTZ of the heart
- detect/measure pressure within chambers & measure
the ejection fractions (% of amount of blood pump
out within each chamber)
Pediatric Disorders *Cardiac Catherization (Dx & therapeutic
Cardiovascular d/o (immediate intervention)) - peripherally inserted
Congenital heart diseases *Corrective Surgery
1. Acyanotic heart = Open heart surgery – induction of asystole to
Defect – direction of prevent further injury; induction of hypothermia
the defect is Left to leads to dec. metabolic rate then dec. heart rate then
dec. cardiac O2 demand or general O2 demand; use Before surgery Rule of 10
If it starts with
of bypass machine – heart lung machine 10 lbs & 10 weeks “T” it is trouble
= Close heart surgery – Indomethacin (NSAIDS) – 2. Tetralogy of fallot
dec release of prostaglandin leading to PDA closes Ventricular Septal defect
Varied Pics Of
Balloon tamponade – use cardiac catheter resolve Pulmonic stenosis
the Ranch
coarctation of aorta; sometimes stent dissolves 3 Overiding of Aorta
months Right ventricular hypertrophy
Medical & Nursing Mgt:
Goal: Prevent Congestion
1. Drugs
a. Digoxin (Digitalis), Lanoxin
- WOF: hypokalemia (inotropic) leads to
inc sensitivity, so inc. PABOWS
- WOF: bradycardia (chronotropic)
< 1 yo - HOLD < 100 bpm
1-5 yo – HOLD < 80 bpm
*exertional dyspnea
6-10 yo – HOLD < 70 bpm
*tet spells – cyanosis during feeding/crying
>11 yo – HOLD < 60 bpm
*clubbing of fingers – chronic hypoxia
- WOF: toxicity
*polycythemia (inc RBC) – compensatory mechanism,
Visual disturbances
some irregular shape
*stranded physical growth delayed development
*dec. O2 demand
Abdominal cramps
*Propanolol – dec. tet spells, cause vasodilation promote
b. Diuretics perfusion
c. ACE- inhibitors – dec. peripheral resistance
*Monitor- Hgb & Inc Hct count
2. Diet- dec. Na+ - polycythemia- inc RBC so concentrated blood
3. Dec. Cardiac O2 demand then Inc Hct
a. Cluster care – plan activity nursing care a.intervention of tet spells that confines circulation on
b. Promote rest and sleep (PRIO) the vital organs
c. Emotional, social, mental rest
-squatting (older
d. Quiet play is encouraged, ex. Drawing
-knee-chest position
Cyanotic- Right to Left shunting (babies/infants)
1. Transposition of the great vessels – displacement of
b. O2 supplementation
Aorta & Pulmonary artery; no communication
c.Morphine – dec
between systemic and pulmonary circulation that’s
catecholamines leads to
why there is a cyanosis
vasodilation and then dec.
S/Sx: persistent cyanosis despite vigorous crying, anxiety
Hypoxia despite of O2 therapy *Monitor activity intolerance
Mgt: prostaglandin E1 (inc prostaglandin to keep Surgery:
PDA open allowing the mixture of UnO2 and O2 Palliative – Blalock- Taussig – subclavian artery
blood); corrective heart surgery; arterial switch connected to pulmonary artery promoting blood flow to
the lungs
Complete: Brock procedure - repair of pulmonary
Acquired Heart Disease Swollen hands, rash and lymph nodes
1. Rheumatic Heart Fever – an autoimmune dse that enlargement
affects Connective tissues b.Subacute stage
- It manifest 2-6 weeks after untreated GABHS Joint pain
infection of URT Thrombolytics – inc platelet
- Dx jones criteria Cracking lips
Major Criteria: Desquamation of skin on the tips of fingers
Carditis and toes
Arthralgia Cardiac manifestations – tachyarrhythmia
Chorea c. Convalescent stage – child appears normal but
Erythema marginatum – redness by lines signs of inflammatory may be present
Subcutaneous nodules
Minor Criteria
Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate or
positive C-reactive protein level- rel to
inflammation (might be generalized) - Intervention:
Prolonged R-R interval on electrocardiogram Assess: heart sounds
Note: for making a dx, 2 majors or 1 major and 2 Examine the eyes for conjunctivitis
minor manifestations must be accompanied by Monitor I&O
supporting evidence of a preceding streptococcal Diet: soft foods & liquids (dysphagia)
infection (positive throat culture for group A Passive range of motion exercises
streptococcus and an elevated or increasing Meds: Ig (IV), ASA *(Monitor for Reye’s Syn)
antistreptolysin o titer)
- Mgt: control joint pain and inflammation Kawasaki Dse
- Bed rest “do not try to buy a Kawasaki you might
- Antibiotics CRASH and burn”
- Salicylates/ASA/aspirin WOF: A/E tinnitus  Conjunctivitis
- Seizure precaution  Rashes
- Antibiotic prophylaxis for dental work  Adenopathy
& invasive problem  Strawberry tongue
 Hand desquamation and feet
2. Kawasaki Disease  Fever (burn)
- An acute systemic inflammatory disease
- Self-limiting for 4-8 weeks Gastrointestinal Problems
- Cause: unknown/autoimmune 1. Cleft lip
- Most serious complication is Heart involvement - Cause: multifunctional
- Common: males
- Surgery: Cheiloplasty
- Consider age – 3-6 months- to preserve the
sucking reflex
- Surgical readiness: 10 weeks and 10 lbs
- Surgical care: position post op: Supine
- Protect – Logan bar/bow (splint
- Pathognomonic sign: Strawberry tongue suture)
- S/Sx: - Future problem: speech defect
a.Acute stage and dec. social acceptance
Conjunctival hyperemia- sore eyes

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