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ENS5543 Engineering Management Team Charter (Operational Plan)

This document is an operational plan that outlines the way your team will work together to complete Assessments 2
and 3. Consider this a living, breathing document that should be updated as your working arrangements evolve.
Once completed, upload it to your Blackboard Teams site so members can update details as milestones are completed.
Completion of this document will contribute to the marks allocated to you individually for the A4.
Your team is expected to meet weekly tutorial sessions and in your own time to discuss the progress of these
assignments against goals and task completion, up to and until Assignments 2 & 3 have been submitted.

Team name

Team members
Please list the full name (first name and surname) of each team member, and contact details
Name Telephone number

Team goals

Team goals Measure of success

Example 1: Distinction standard project Example 1: Achieving a score of 85% + for
Assessment Task
Example 2: Completion of all assessment tasks on time Example 2: Clearly articulated milestones with roles
and responsibilities and regular team meetings
ENS5543 Engineering Management Team Charter (Operational Plan)

In this section work out the major milestones (e.g. research, writing, editing, attending assignment drop in sessions),
who they are allocated to and their due dates.
Tasks Allocated to Due Date Completed?

Note: This is a significant clause in your charter, so make sure your team gives it lots of thought. Avoid simply allocating
big chunks of the assessments to each team member. It is preferable that all team members have a role in each aspect
of each assessment task or at a minimum in the editing of each of the submissions.

The team will meet to discuss the progress of the project on the following dates:
Meeting Ms Teams/Collaboate Planned Date Who attended
Online/Zoom/Face to face

Agreed team behaviours

The team agrees to abide by the following guidelines for team conduct:

Behaviour Consequence of breach

Example: We agree to attend each meeting and to let

others know if we cannot attend

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