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People around you

Have you ever thought about how you have changed during the
years? I have. How are feeling now? Isn’t it strange how in the past
you were one and nowadays you are a completely different person? I
have changed quite a lot during my lifetime due to my mother and
my best friend.
My mother is a unique person. She might not be very supportive in
my doings because in 8 of 10 situations I am wrong, but she always
shows me where my mistakes are. She is the cleverest and
emotionally the strongest person I know. I look up to her because of
that. This woman taught me it does not matter whether you are
good or not in something, you must give 110% of yourself. Also, to
be smart if I am going to play games with the Devil. Because of her I
know how to defend myself; I am hard as a rock and I am the most
cunning person of all my friends.
What to tell you about my best friend? There is not a second person
like her. She is kind but at the same time rude, mature but behaving
like a child, showing morality in a second and in other immorality,
looking calm but insane. From her I learn that it is OK to wear a mask
and no one can judge you about that. Being different in school, at
home or even among your friends, is not a bad thing. But the most
important I learned is to be loyal to my desires because ‘desire
becomes surrender, surrender becomes power’ as she always says.
Every single person we meet up with affect us no matter in what
way. Some make us weak, other strong. We must learn how to deal
with our own matters and of course the closest to us will help us.
Just do not expect that there is always going to be someone who will
solve your problems for you.

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