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The person I am choosing to write about is my younger sister, Queensha. Queen is my

younger sister but we both live in the same house full time. As Gabi is eleven years younger than
me, there is boundaries as to what I can share with her and what I should not. That being said, I
believe it is acceptable and also somewhat necessary to be deceptive in this relationship. I say
somewhat necessary because as an older brother, I feel it is my job to “shield” her from things in
my life since my experiences are different than her.

If you see my little sister, your first thought will be "her hair." My sister is about one of
the most cheerful people you can imagine. His physical appearance even showed it: small, curly,
innocent eyes, and a big smile. Within seconds of meeting my sister, you can tell how friendly
she is because of the way she presents herself. This is a big bubbly personality that has given me
the confidence and reassurance to be myself.

Maybe my lil sister is not the greatest, the funniest, or not the perfect but she is the one
whom I can trust. She is the one who can make me laugh. She is the one who can make me feel
great. And that's how every sister has been really important in our life. Today I will share a few
words about my younger sister. She is a really amazing girl. It's not possible to complete writing
about her. One of the cutest things about me and her, we always keep fighting. She is younger
than me, but I win the fight always. But I never hit her and she also doesn't. Many friends
revolved around him, his suspicion was that it was mainly due to his energy. He is a smart
character. I can't help but wonder where he got that funny response from. It really makes him a
very funny person.

Since she is only 9 years old, she doesn't have much to hide from anyone, I can't believe
she cheated on me that much. She is also a smart student. In his school time, he was top
everywhere from grades one to ten. I believe he sometimes lies to me. His white lies often come
from stealing or by definition "borrowing" my things. While it's frustrating when he does this, I
think it's normal in a sibling bond to do this so it doesn't concern me. The most common type of
deception I use on him is negligence. I can share all my secrets with my little sister. Even though
she is younger than me, he doesn't act like that. She is a very mature girl who handles all my
moods and desires accordingly. Another reason is his excellent study skills. She is a very good
student. I want to be a good student like him and want to perform well in every stage of my life.
My parents were happy with his helpful mentality. The most important thing is she has no
negativity. She is super positive every time. I love her laughing face, she never gets worried
anytime. And that thing gives me so much motivation and inspiration. I forget the pain and all
the problems in my life when I spend time with her.

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