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As far as I’m concerned, an ethical dilemma is a situation in the decision-making

process between two possible options, a conflict between two correct decisions. A situation in

which there is a conflict between ethics, values, morals, or principles. The dilemma is that we

would be doing something right and wrong at the same time, and by taking one right action

we will negate the other right actions. On the other hand, an ethical dilemma is a situation

between equally undesirable alternatives, any perplexing or difficult situation. Ethical

dilemma may force us to choose between being honest and dishonest, or between what we

know is right and what we know is wrong. In such a dilemma, choosing one moral will result

in violating another or doing one thing could be true results but is morally wrong. By that

definition, without us realizing it, we may face ethical dilemmas on a day-to-day basis in our

life society.

Ethical dilemmas will not only occur in our life society but also in the corporate

environment where we work. At some point, at work, we are bound to face an ethical

dilemma. For example, we did receive several applications. Team A was the best applicants,

but our bos instruck us to burry the team A' aplication in favor to another aplicant. Not

allowing the opportunity to the team A was discriminatory, but giving them the opportunity

will run some problems in our environement at work. This left us with the paradigm, to be

truth or loyalty, individual or community, short-term or long term, and justice or mercy. For

solving an ethical dilemma we can choose 3 steps from Jr.’s book or by answer 8 questions

from Arthur Dobrin. However, “what should we do if we can’t answer these 8 questions for

the dilemma we are looking to resolve?”.

Ethical dilemmas are extremely complicated challenges that cannot be easily solved.

From my perspective to understanding the problem, not only with our rational mind but also

with our feelings because our rational mind may neglect it. We need to interpret problems

with the values that are important to us. However, it can be still confusing to me to make a
decision. There is no satisfactory answer to the ethical dilemma problem. We just need to

choose an acceptable answer, an output that we can live with it (with consequences).

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