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4th Primary… The laws of the jungle

Chapter 3
New vocabulary
Attendive ‫منتبه‬ Mischief ‫األذى‬

Payed careful attention ‫ً منتبهين جدا‬ Papaya ‫نبات البابايا‬

Avoid them ‫يتجنبهم‬ Vines

Identify ‫يتعرف على‬ Hoisted him ‫أستضافه‬

the traps human ‫الفخاخ البشرية‬ Mockingly ‫باستهزاء‬

From now on ‫من دلوقتى‬ Bounced ‫ارتد‬

Enemy ‫عدو‬ Her spot ‫مكانها‬

Learnt ‫الذى تعلمته‬ Slithered ‫ تزحلق‬/ ‫انزلق‬

By heart )‫من قلبه (بالطريقة الصحيحة‬ Teasing ‫إغاظة‬

Not be harmed ‫ال تتأذى‬ Darted out ‫مبلل‬

Realising ‫إدراك‬ Hissed ‫همس‬

Bandar-log Grip ‫سيطر‬

Wisest animals )‫أحكم الحيوانات (أكثرهم حكمة‬ Shrieked ‫صرخ‬

Kidnap ‫خطف‬ Chapatti

Shelter ‫مأوى‬ Commotion ‫هياج‬

A storm ‫عاصفة‬ Sighed ‫تنهد‬

Opportunity = chance ‫فرصة‬ Wondred ‫تساءل‬

Take a nap ‫ياخذ وقت قليل من الراحة‬ Respect ‫يحترم‬

Peeling ginger ‫تقشير نبات الزنجبيل‬ Peacefully ‫بسالم‬

Turmeric ‫نبات الكركم‬ Hornets ‫الدبابير‬

Smacked )‫صفع (ضربه على وجهه‬

.4th Primary… The laws of the jungle
Answer the following questions:
1-What lessons did Baloo the bear teach Mowgli?
Baloo taught Mowgli how to look for nuts and honey, how to climb
trees, how to understand the sounds of the jungle and he taught
him the magic words he could use when he was in danger in the

2-Why did Shere Khan hate Mowgli?

Shere Khan hated Mowgli because he wanted to catch a wolf cub to
eat for lunch, but Mowgli saved the cub from the trap.

3-What magic words did Baloo teach Mowgli?

Baloo taught Mowgli the magic words he could use when he was in
danger in the jungle.

4-Why wouldn’t Mowgli be harmed by the animals?

Mowgli wouldn’t be harmed be the animals because he had learnt
these words by heart.

5-Why did the Bandar-logs kidnap Mowgli?

Shere Khan asked the monkeys to help him kidnap Mowgli, so they
kidnapped him.

.4th Primary… The laws of the jungle
Answer the following questions:
1-What lessons did Baloo the bear teach Mowgli?

2-Why did Shere Khan hate Mowgli?


3-What magic words did Baloo teach Mowgli?


4-Why wouldn’t Mowgli be harmed by the animals?


5-Why did the Bandar-logs kidnap Mowgli?



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