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Journal Dimensie Management and Public

ISSN: 2709-6211
Volume 4, Issue 1, 2023, page
The Effect of Kratom Flour Export Service Quality on Customer
Satisfaction at CV. Khatulistiwa Express Pontianak
Helman Fachri1
1Muhammadiyah University of Pontianak, Indonesia
*Corresponding Author: Helman Fachri
Received: November 2, 2022 Revised: December 16, 2022 Accepted: January 10, 2023

This study aims to determine the effect of Kratom flour export service quality on customer
satisfaction at CV. Equator Express in Pontianak. The population in the study were all customers
who used the services of CV Khatulistiwa Ekpress Pontianak to send kratom flour to various
countries in Europe and America with a total population of 58 entrepreneurs, both individuals
and small industries, who were the sample in the study, or saturated sampling technique. The
data analysis technique used is simple linear analysis, correlation coefficient (R), coefficient of
determination (R2), and model feasibility test (F test). The results show a simple linear regression
equation: Y = 2,360 + 0.117 X. The results of the correlation coefficient show an R value of 0.583,
which means that the relationship between service quality variables and customer satisfaction
variables is moderate. The results of the coefficient of determination show that the value of R
square (R2) is 0.576, meaning that the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction is 57.6%
and the remaining 42.4% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. The results
of the model feasibility test (F test) obtained an Fcount value of 7,330 > from Ftable 4.01 or a sig
value of 0.000 <0.05. Thus, H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that a simple linear
regression model can be used to predict the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction at
CV Khatulistiwa Express.
Keywords: Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, CV. Equator Express Pontianak
The delivery service industry varies quite a bit according to the dynamics that occur in the delivery
service sector, moreover supported by the development of digital technology which demands
that all companies, both large and small, must be able to make adjustments in order to survive
or exist and develop. The development of information technology encourages changes in
behavior that are fast, easy, high mobility, broad access, and ease of consumption or shopping
through business networks which tend to increase (Hong et al., 2006; Venkatesh et al., 2012).
The existence of delivery service providers is very helpful for business people because they can
deliver goods to customers both near the business location and those far outside the company's
operational area, so that they can expand market coverage which will automatically increase the
company's profits. The challenge faced by companies in the field of shipping goods is that
competition between providers of freight forwarding services is getting tougher as a result of the
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emergence of E-commerce along with the addition of new freight forwarders, so that in the face
of business competition, companies must be more competitive and provide services of the
highest quality which is necessary to achieve customer satisfaction which is a very important
One of the delivery service companies in Pontianak is CV. Equator Express. This company was
founded in 2012 and has branches in all major cities in Indonesia serving domestic and foreign
shipping services for exports and imports. In recent years, it has served export shipments of
kratom flour originating from Pontianak or West Kalimantan according to customer requests to
several countries, namely: the United States, the Netherlands, Germany, Ukraine, Canada,
Portugal and the Czech Republic. The development of kratom flour delivery services in the last 3
(three) years, namely: 2019: 29,899 tons worth Rp. 9,941,520,387.38, in 2020: 27,114 tons worth
Rp. 9,277,232,183.8 and in 2021: 42,295 worth Rp. 10,866,632,552.42. Increased shipments or
exports of kratom flour, which is processed from kratom tree leaves, which are spread across the
Kapuas Hulu area of West Kalimantan due to the needs of the pharmaceutical, health and beauty
and herbal beverage industries in several American and European countries.
Service quality is the main factor in the service industry that influences customer satisfaction
(Huang et al., 2019; Shokouhyar et al., 2020). Research by Aini (2008) explains that service quality
has a positive and significant effect on repurchase intentions and customer satisfaction.
According to Abbott (2003); Erevelles et al. (2003) satisfaction that is felt directly by customers
makes customers believe that the company has been able to do as expected. According to Aryani
& Rosinta (2010) many benefits are received by achieving high customer satisfaction, which can
increase customer loyalty, prevent customer turnover, reduce price sensitivity, reduce marketing
failure costs, increase advertising effectiveness, and improve business reputation. The study
conducted by Istianto & Tyra (2012) shows that service quality consisting of physical evidence,
reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy has a significant effect on customer
The problems in this study are: Is the quality of the kratom flour export delivery service at CV.
Equator express effect on customer satisfaction. Thus the aim of the research was to determine
the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction at CV Khatulistiwa Exress Pontianak.
This research was conducted at CV. Equator Express Pontianak which is located on Jalan Padat
Karya GG. Darussalam, Pontianak City. The object of research is the effect of service quality on
customer satisfaction at CV Khatulistiwa Express Pontianak. The independent variable in this
study is service quality (X) while the dependent variable is customer satisfaction (Y). The
population in this study were all customers who used kratom flour export shipping services
through CV Khatulistiwa Pontianak totaling 58 entrepreneurs, all of whom were samples in the
study. Data collection methods through interviews and questionnaires. The data analysis
technique used is: simple linear regression analysis, correlation coefficient (R), determination
coefficient (R2), and model feasibility test (F test).

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Results and Discussion
Characteristics of CV customer respondents. Most of the Khatulistiwa Express or 57% are male,
52% are aged between 24-28 years, 41% work as private employees, monthly income is Rp.
4,000,000- Rp. 7,999,999, the number of dependents 0-2 is 71%, the average monthly delivery
frequency is 3 times as much as 47%.
Validity Test
The results of calculating the validity test of the Service Quality variable (X) with 21 question
items are as follows:
Table 1. Service Quality Validity Test Results (X)
Number Question Item Pearson Correlation (rcount) R table Criterion
X.1 0, 761 0,300 Valid
X.2 0, 728 0,300 Valid
X.3 0, 761 0,300 Valid
X.4 0.757 0,300 Valid
X.5 0.782 0,300 Valid
X.6 0.716 0,300 Valid
X.7 0, 796 0,300 Valid
X.8 0.592 0,300 Valid
X.9 0.689 0,300 Valid
X.10 0.415 0,300 Valid
X.11 0, 761 0,300 Valid
X.12 0, 728 0,300 Valid
X.13 0, 761 0,300 Valid
X.14 0, 757 0,300 Valid
X.15 0, 782 0,300 Valid
X.16 0, 716 0,300 Valid
X.17 0, 796 0,300 Valid
X.18 0, 592 0,300 Valid
X.19 0, 689 0,300 Valid
X.20 0, 415 0,300 Valid
X.21 0, 516 0,300 Valid
Source: Primary data, 2022 researchers' preparations
Based on Table 1, it can be seen that all questions for the Quality of Service variable (X) have a
valid status, because the value of rhitung (pearson correlation) ≥ rtabel = 0.300 means that the
research instrument is declared valid. This shows that each of the questions on the Quality of
Service variable (X) is reliable and worthy of research.
The results of the calculation of the validity test of the Customer Satisfaction (Y) variable with 7
question items are as follows:

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Table 2. Customer Satisfaction Validity Test Results (Y)
Number Question Item Pearson Corelation (rcount) R-table Criterion
Y.1 0,719 0,300 Valid
Y.2 0,730 0,300 Valid
Y.3 0,844 0,300 Valid
Y.4 0,823 0,300 Valid
Y.5 0,715 0,300 Valid
Y.6 0,790 0,300 Valid
Y.7 0,614 0,300 Valid
Source: Primary data, 2022 researchers' preparations
Based on Table 2, it can be seen that all questions for the Customer Satisfaction variable (Y) have
a valid status, because the value of rhitung (pearson correlation) ≥ rtabel = 0.300 means that the
research instrument is declared valid. This shows that each question on the Customer
Satisfaction variable (Y) is reliable and worthy of research.
Reliability Test
The results of the reliability test calculation of the eight variables used in this study were Service
Quality (X) and Customer Satisfaction (Y) with a total sample of 58 respondents.
Table 3. Reliability Test Results
Variables Cronback Alpha Rtabel Criteria
Service Quality (X) 0,946 0,600 Reliable
Costumer Satisfaction (Y) 0,868 0,600 Reliable
Source: Primary data, 2022 researchers' preparations
Based on Table 3, it shows Cronbach's alpha value of the variable Quality of Service (X) of 0.946
and Customer Satisfaction (Y) of 0.868. It was concluded that the statement in this questionnaire
was reliable because it had a cronbach's alpha value of more than 0.600. This suggests that each
statement item used will be able to obtain consistent data which means that if the statement is
resubmitted it will get a relatively similar answer to the previous answer.
Normality Test
The normality test is intended to determine whether the residual regression model under study
is normally distributed or not. The test of the normality of the data was carried out with the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The normality test in this study used the help of SPSS 22.00 software
for windows. Normality test results can be seen in Table 4.10:
Table 4. Normality Test Results
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
Unstandardized Residual
N 58
Normal Parametersa,b Mean .0000000
Std. Deviation 3.55328626
Copyright @ 2023, Journal Dimensie Management and Public Sector, Under the license CC BY-SA 4.0 |12
Most Extreme Differences Absolute .080
Positive .080
Negative -.046
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z .080
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .200
a. Test distribution is Normal.
b. Calculated from data.
Source: Primary data, 2022 researchers' preparations
Table 4 shows at Asymp.Sig (2-tailed) values of 0.200, greater than 0.05, so it can be concluded
that the data tested are normally distributed.
Simple Linear Regression Analysis
The results of a simple linear regression analysis in this study.
Table 5. Simple Linear Regression Test Results
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients t
Model B Std. Error Beta Sig.
1 (Constant) 2.360 2.371 3.350 .000
Kualitas Pelayanan .117 .043 .340 2.707 .009
a. Dependent Variable: Customer Satisfaction
Source: Primary data, 2022 researchers' preparations
Based on Table 4.11, the regression equation is as follows:
Y = 2,360 + 0.117
From the simple linear regression equation used in this study can be described as follows:
Constant (β0)
Based on the results of simple linear regression, a constant value of 2,360 was obtained. This
value has the meaning that if the Quality of Service (X) changes then Customer Satisfaction (Y)
on the CV. Equator Express Pontianak by 2,360 percent.
Quality of Service
Based on the results of simple linear regression, the value of the Quality of Service (X) coefficient
of 0.117 shows that if the Quality of Service (X) increases by one percent, then Customer
Satisfaction (Y) in the CV. Equator Express will increase by 0.117 percent assuming that Quality
of Service (X) is constant/fixed.
Correlation coefficient (R)
The results of the first sub-structural coefficient of collation (R) test can be seen in the table 6

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Table 6. Correlation Coefficient Test Results (R)
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of
Square the Estimate
1 .583a .576 .566 3.387
a. Predictors: (Constant), Quality of Service
Source: Primary data, 2022 researchers' preparations
Based on Table 6 shows that the value of the coefficient of collation or R is 0.583. This value
indicates that the relationship between the variables Quality of Service (X) and Customer
Satisfaction (Y) is sufficient because the value is at an interval of 0.40-0.599.
Coefficient of Determination (R²)
The results of the coefficient of determination (R²) test can be seen in Table 4.12 obtained
information that the value of R Square is 0.576 or 57.6 percent which means that the variable
Quality of Service (X) in explaining its effect on Customer Satisfaction (Y) is 57.6 percent.
Meanwhile, the remaining 42.4 percent were explained by other variable outside the regression
model of this study.
Model Feasibility Test (goodness of fit)
The results of the first sub-structural model goodness of fit can be seen in Table 4.13 below:
Table 7. Model Feasibility Test Results (goodness of fit)
Model Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
1 Regression 94.206 1 94.206 7.330 .000b
Residual 719.673 56 12.851
Total 813.879 57
a. Dependent Variable: Satisfaction_Customer
b. Predictors: (Constant), Quality_Service
Source: Primary data, 2022 researchers' preparations
Based on Table 4.13, acalculated F value of 7,330 > from Ftable 4.01 or a sig value of 0.000 < 0.05 was
obtained. Thus H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that a simple linear regression model
can be used to predict the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction of CV Equatorial
Express Pontianak.
Based on the data analysis that has been carried out, it can be concluded that: Service Quality
has a significant effect on service quality, meaning that the higher the quality of service provided,
the higher the customer satisfaction of CV Equator Pontianak. Based on the results of the
research conclusions, then advice can be given to increase customer loyalty to CV. Equator
Express Pontianak is to optimize the service needed by customers to match their expectations or
Copyright @ 2023, Journal Dimensie Management and Public Sector, Under the license CC BY-SA 4.0 |14
desires, provide fast service and responsiveness to complaints and be friendly to all customers
without discriminating against customers who need service assistance.
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