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English IV– IDEN04

ES3, Oral Presentation, 15%

1. Description:
Working in pairs or individually, students will make a presentation about unit 10 from
the book Touchstone 2B. Unit 10 Communication. The presentation must have an
Introduction- Body- Conclusion.

2. Evaluation Criteria.

3.1.1 Comparando diferentes dispositivos.

3.1.2 Comunicándose en forma efectiva con buena pronunciación y fluidez.

3.1.3 Usando distintos tipos conectores tales como: and, but, because, however, etc. en
su presentación.

3.1.4 Actualizándose respecto de las últimas metodologías, tecnologías o tendencias de

su especialidad para el logro de objetivos y metas.

3.1.5 Usando material de apoyo en ppt , buen manejo de lenguaje corporal, vestimenta

3. Contents
Comparatives with adjectives – nouns- verbs.
Connectors- vocabulary and expressions.

4. Time:
Length must be a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 minutes each student.
5. Score:
Total score: 35 points.

6. Evaluation
The evaluation will consider the quality of the interaction or English communication
(fluency, intonation, pronunciation, vocabulary). Reading is not allowed.

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