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Empire / Expressing / poems / words / bestselling / always / vocabulary / someone.

/ meaning

/ sadness / caught

Neil She became a ______________ author and wrote a book.

Sam into a culture where, traditionally, ________________ your emotions was discouraged.

Professor Thomas Dixon And then of course we have this huge _____________ of melancholy

Neil Professor Dixon explains that the original ____________ of the word sad was ‘full’ or fed up

Sam But fed up is just one of many _____________ to describe feelings of _______________

SAM Another is grief - a strong sadness often caused by the death of ______________ you love.

Neil In Irish culture, melancholy is expressed artistically in ____________ or songs.

Sam But according to Professor Dixon that wasn’t _____________ the case.

SAM During the time of Queen Victoria and the British ________________
Professor Thomas Dixon Englishmen rarely _________cry except under the pressure of the acutest grief.


(to be) fed up melancholy

grief stiff upper lip (to be) down in the dumps

a) sentirse miserable y deprimido

b) sentirse infeliz, aburrido de algo que ha estado experimentando

c) tristeza intensa y reflexiva

d) sentimiento de tristeza, especialmente causado por la muerte de alguien

e) incapaz de mostrar sus verdaderos sentimientos y emociones

f) no mostrar sus sentimientos cuando está molesto, aunque es difícil no hacerlo

1.- ¿What is the name of the book?
2.-¿What happen with the people in the time of Queen Victoria?
3.- ¿Who express sadness in India?

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