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1. Jay-cee is one of the best students in Electronics and one of the contestants in Technolypics.

would use the Multitester to measure the resistance value of a resistor but found out that the
most important part of the tester is missing. What part of Mulitester it is?
a. Zero-Ohm Adjustment b. Pointer c. Reading Scale d. Test Probe
2. A reading scale is where your reading measurement is based. It has three parts: Voltmeter scale
for measuring voltage, Ammeter scale for measuring current, and Ohmmeter Scale to measure
a. Power b. Volts c. current d. resistance
3. What part of a multitester that serves as the input portions, and has a metal tip and an insulated
a. Zero-Ohm Adjustment b. Pointer c. Reading Scale d. Test Probe
4. How to use the zero-ohm adjustment in a multitester?
a. Use it to move pointer and change value.
b. Use it when the pointer fails to point to zero when calibrating.
c. Use it to calibrate the equipment.
d. Use it to play the pointer.
5. V-O-M or multitester is a measuring tool. What does VOM means?
a. Voltmeter-Ohmmeter-Ammeter
b. Volts-Ohmmeter-Milliammeter
c. Volt-Ohm-Milliammeter
d. Voltmeter-Ohm-Milliammeter
6. How many areas are there in a ohmmeter scale?
a. 5 b. 7 c. 8 d. 10
7. How do we compute for the value of each calibration in an Ohmmeter Scale?
a. Line distance divide Total calibration involved.
b. Line distance multiply total calibration involved.
c. Line distance minus total calibration involved.
d. Line distance is equal to total calibration involved.
8. What is the value of each line in 0-2?
a. 0.5 b. 0.10 c. 0.20 d. 0.2
9. Read the value of the Ohmmeter scale.
a. 0.2
b. 0.6
c. 0.4
d. 0.8
10. Read the value of the Ohmmeter scale.

a. 39
b. 38
c. 40
d. 37

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