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If you’ve already read the in depth masturbation article on how to

pleasure yourself, but want more specifi c masturbation techniques, then
you’re in luck! Below you will fi nd 10 diff erent masturbation tips &
techniques to guarantee you have super powerful orgasms. The other
great reason to read this article is to fully understand your anatomy and
what parts of your vagina give you the most pleasure.

You’ll fi nd that you enjoy some of these techniques more than others
when masturbating.The key is trying them all out and then fi guring
out which ones you enjoy the most. Lets start with some of the basic
techniques, then move onto the more fun ways to masturbate.


This is probably the most used masturbation technique of the 10 listed
here. It’s simple to do and will work well for anyone that enjoys lots of
clitoral stimulation. All you need to do is fi nd a comfortable position
where you can easily access your clit with your hand.

Then it’s a simple case of holding your 4 fi ngers together and rubbing
them back and forth over your clit like in the diagram below.

Like with all the fi ngering techniques here, the key is experimenting with
the direction and pressure you apply. Some women will prefer moving
their fi ngers side to side, while others enjoy more of an up & down
motion that also covers their labia and rest of their vagina. As I always
say here on the Bad Girl’s Bible site, make sure to do lots of
experimentation and see what you enjoy the most.
While the 4 fi nger technique is great for reaching orgasm, it’s not so
good if you enjoy long drawn out ‘teasing’ masturbation. Thankfully the
next technique will teach you just that.


Not many people seem to know about the U Spot. It’s the area of skin
just above your urethral opening and to the sides of it. To stimulate it you
just need to very gently stroke it with the tip of your fi nger like in the
illustration below. You’ll fi nd that using lots of lube is best to help keep it
pleasurable. For some women, the U Spot can extend higher than in this
illustration, to right below the clitoris.
I’ve covered a lot of masturbation techniques to bring yourself to orgasm
that focus on your clit. However, there are also a lot of great techniques
to make yourself cum that involve penetrating yourself. Fingering yourself
is the easiest.
It’s a simple case of making sure that your fi ngers have enough lube on
them, using either something like coconut oil or your own natural
lubrication and then slowly penetrating yourself. While you can simply
stick your fi ngers in and out of your vagina to fi nd out for yourself what
feels most pleasurable, I always recommend that you try stimulating your
G Spot as this is almost guaranteed to give you an orgasm.

The one tricky part for some women is fi nding your G Spot. Don’t worry, I
created a whole guide on fi nding your G Spot and having incredible G
Spot orgasms here . But if you don’t have time to read it, here is the short

Your G Spot is located about 2-3 inches inside your vagina as you can
see in the diagram and you can only fi nd it when you are aroused as I
explain in the article on fi nding your G Spot. So if it’s your fi rst time,
spend 10-15 minutes fi rst getting yourself in the mood.
Now it’s just a case of stimulating it. Insert 1 or 2 fi ngers and use the tips
of them to press it, massage it and rub it. You can learn more about
rubbing your G Spot in the squirting article here and the guide to your G
Spot here .


If you haven’t yet used a shower head or faucet to get off then you are
missing out! While it’s not exactly a standard masturbation technique, it
feels incredible, yet quite diff erent. All you need is a faucet that you can
maneuver your vagina under so that the water can freely fl ow over it or a
shower head that you can direct towards your vagina.
I don’t know the exact science behind it, but everyone that tries it reports
that the running water feels wonderful and can help you get off very, very
quickly. So experiment with the settings on your shower head to fi nd out
what feels best. Quick Hint: You may fi nd that the ‘pulse’ setting is


This last masturbation technique doesn’t involve your clit at all. Instead
you’ll be using a dildo to masturbate with and reach orgasm. I’m going to
assume that you already have a dildo (or dildo shaped object) and get
straight to some techniques you can perform with it when masturbating.

The In & Out – The easiest way to masturbate with a dildo is to simply
push it in and pull it out of your vagina, over and over. However, if you
angle it a bit, then you can hit your G Spot & A Spot which will be a lot
more pleasurable.

Using Your Dildo On Your G Spot – Like I’ve already said, you fi rst
need to be aroused to hit your G Spot (link to G Spot article). Once you
are, then you simply need to angle the dildo so that it’s making direct
contact with it. You can see the angle that you need to make from the
diagram below. Just remember that you really only need short, shallow
strokes to hit your G Spot. Like I explain in the article on stimulating your
G Spot , it’s about 2-3 inches deep.
Using Your Dildo On Your A Spot – If you’d prefer to go deeper with
your dildo, then you’ll hit your A Spot, also known as your anterior fornix.
Make sure you are careful at fi rst as you might accidentally hit your
cervix when looking for it, which is very painful. If you are having trouble
fi nding it, then you may need to experiment with the angle of penetration
a little bit until you fi nd it.

You can see in the illustration below that your A Spot is located much
deeper in your vagina, very close to your cervix. It’s location is called the
anterior fornix erogenous zone or AFE.
Some women have a super-sensitive clitoris. So sensitive in fact, that it
can almost be painful to touch. If you are one of these women, then you
may fi nd that using any of my masturbation techniques that I have
described above to be too uncomfortable…and possibly even painful.
If that’s the case, then instead of using my techniques to apply pressure
directly to your clit, you need to instead use your clitoral hood as a
buff er. That’s the fl ap of skin just above your clit that covers it. I’ve
indicated it in the illustration above with a slightly darker shade of pink
(in real life your clitoral hood has no distinct color). So if you have an
overly sensitive clit, then try rubing your clitoral hood instead of your clit.
You’ll notice that it’s a lot more pleasurable.


Now, you may happen to be someone who suff ers from a lack of
sensitivity and so need all the rubbing, grinding, touching & stimulation
you can get on your clitoris. No problem, the Bad Girl’s Bible can help.
To allow yourself to stimulate your clit more heavily, you’re going to need
to expose it more. It’s easy and the demonstration above should be all
you need to expose it.

As you can see, by placing your fi ngers above your clit and on either side
of it, then slowly pulling the skin backwards, you will pull back the clitoral
hood and expose it much more. Now you can use your other hand or a
vibrator to stimulate it directly.

The featherlite technique is just like it sounds, it involves a ‘feather light’
touch. It’s best to perform the featherlite technique while lying down in
bed, with your legs spread open. You’re then going to use just one fi nger
(usually your index fi nger) to gently apply the tiniest amount of pressure
to the very edge of your clitoris as demonstrated in the diagram below.

You’re only going to move your fi nger a few millimeters back and forth
making sure to apply only the slightest amount of pressure to your clit.
Many women report that it just feels too frustrating and they can’t keep
doing it for long, that it feels like they are teasing themselves, while
others report that the longer they do it, the better it feels.
My advice is to at least try it and do your absolute best to hold out for as
long as you can, making sure to always use the very least amount of
pressure possible.



Many women fi rst learn to masturbate through humping or grinding on

their pillow. It’s perfect for stimulating your clit and labia at the same
time. You’ll fi nd that you get most friction, stimulation and pleasure if you
are wearing your panties or nothing at all while grinding yourself off your
pillow. Here are a few diff erent ways to do it.

 If you have a long pillow like the one above, you can lie down on
your side with it between your legs.Then grip it between your legs
and pull it backwards so that it is against your labia and clit. Then
just start grinding.
 If you don’t have a long pillow like the one in the picture above,
grab a mid sized one and turn it on it’s side and straddle it. Or fold
it in half and straddle it, whichever works best for you. Then rest
your weight right down on it. Before you start grinding on it, you can
adjust it so that it’s fi rmly pressed against your vagina. Then simply
move your vagina up and down the pillow and ride it to orgasm!

 Another great way to provide even more pressure and stimulation

to your vagina when pleasuring yourself is to cover your pillow
tightly with a towel before you start masturbating with it. This way
you will be grinding over your slightly more rough towel instead of
your pillow. It also prevents your pillow from getting wet. Bonus
Tip: You can also experiment with putting diff erent things like
stuff ed toys or electric toothbrushes under the towel for a diff erent
sensation when reaching orgasm.

 Using a pillow is just the start. Why not try grinding on your
man the next time you are making out with him. Simply straddle his
thigh and start grinding!


Vibrators…Some call it cheating, but most don’t care because it feels so
dam good! Vibrators can give you the most intense orgasms…but
beware…often they can end up making your clit feel a little sore if you
use them too much.

Everyone has their own personal preferences so I don’t want to prescribe

any one technique as the only technique. Here are a few ideas to get you

 Some adore rubbing their vibrators all over their bodies and can
even orgasm from using them on their breasts and nipples.
 Some love feeling the vibrations indirectly on their clit. Direct
stimulation can sometimes be too much. So use tip #9 if that sounds
like you.

 Some need direct stimulation on their clit to cum.

 Some adore running their vibrator up and down their labia.

 Some adore being penetrated by their vibrator.

If you are using a vibrator to masturbate, my advice is to play around

with it and see what gives you the most pleasure. There is no “one size
fi t all” method to using a vibrator to orgasm. For more tips & info on how
to use your vibrator, check out this guide here .

If you enjoyed my tips in this article but want a true sex masterclass,
then you may be interested in watching this blow job tutorial
video where you'll learn my most powerful techniques & tips for giving
your man incredible oral sex. Enjoy!

Home » Conscious Sexuality » Spiritual Sex 101: A Badass Guide To Truly

Transformative Sex

Spiritual Sex 101: A Badass Guide To Truly

Transformative Sex
Posted by Walter Laston May 24, 2016in Conscious Sexuality0 Comments
The Author

Walter Last
Visit Author's Website

About Me

Walter Last combines training and experience as a Research Chemist, Biochemist, and Toxicologist with that of

Practicing Nutritionist and Natural Therapist. He has held positions in medical institutions at the Universities of

Greifswald, Cologne and Munich, working in research, and toxicological investigations. He worked as Forensic

Scientist at Cologne, Greifswald and Berlin, and later at Bio-Science Laboratories in Los Angeles. In 1970, he settled

in New Zealand and, dissatisfied with drug-based medicine, practiced as a Natural Therapist. Since 1981, he has

investigated a wide range of natural therapies to improve the effectiveness of natural medicine in treating medically

incurable diseases.
Our sexual energy is a concentrated form of life-force

It can be used to create children, to have an orgasm, fuel achievements, or even to

prevent and overcome disease. However, its ultimate purpose is to facilitate

spiritual growth by developing our connection to our higher guidance.

Converting sexual energy into spiritual energy can be done alone, but its power is

even greater when done with a partner. These methods of spiritual sex are sure to

leave you feeling in harmony with your partner, and the Divine.

How To Get Started With Spiritual Sex

You convert your sexual energy during meditative sex.

Before starting meditative sex, there should not be much foreplay. You do not need

a strong arousal, but neither should you try to connect without any stimulation of

sexual energies. The emphasis should not be on direct sexual stimulation, but

rather on expressing your affection for each other.

You may agree on one of you saying a prayer or invocation before starting, or you

may use music, fragrance, candles, or colored light to set the mood. Using

background music has the advantage of signaling when the meditation time is up.

Music can also be arranged to give the signal to move to the next agreed step.

MUST-DO: Check out the Pussy Massage Online Course™ (For Next-Level


Step #1 Focus on Points of Contact

Begin by concentrating awareness on the sensations at the points of contact with

your partner, especially in the genital area, and also wherever the skin or a
caressing hand touches. This generates pleasant sensations, which can be

converted into a loving feeling.

Open your heart and send this love to your partner, enveloping both of you in a
cloud of love.
Step #2 Assume Your Position
These Are Spiritual Sex Positions

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After some caressing you may assume your chosen position.

Comfortable positions for direct sexual contact are the sitting embrace, or the

‘basic’ or ‘scissor’ position shown above. In this position, the man lies on his side

and the woman lies on her back. She raises both knees toward her chest, and the

man moves his lower body to bring his penis in toward the vagina. She lowers one

leg and places it between his legs while the other leg rests bent over his body.
Facing each other in a close embrace while lying side by side is also a suitable


Step #4 Make Sexual Contact

Bring the tip of the penis in touch with the entrance of the vagina. Remain

motionless in this position for some time while focusing on feeling the energy

between you, especially where penis and vagina meet.

To initiate, or greatly increase the feeling of pleasurable sexual energy, both

partners may gently and rhythmically squeeze their buttocks, or just contract the

perineum. Coordinate each gentle pelvic contraction with an inhalation, and with

each other.

MUST-TRY: For More Tips On Conscious Sexuality Follow Us

On Facebook or Twitter


Step #5 Begin Penetration

If and when you feel like proceeding to the next step, either the male or female

may gently rub the tip of the soft or hard penis up and down between the clitoris

and the entrance of the vagina. If there is not enough natural lubrication, use a

natural oil such as coconut oil. When you feel ready, gently push the head of the

penis inside. If the penis has remained soft, firmly enclose the shaft with your hand

and the head can usually be inserted, and further stimulated with some slow


Step # 6 Generate a Stream of Sexual Energy

After penetration, you may either remain completely motionless for some time or

continue with the rhythmic pelvic contractions. You may also continue to contract
the pelvic floor with each gentle thrusting movement, and relax it during

withdrawal. The emphasis is on the inner awareness as well as on the feeling of

complete union with the partner.

Orgasm is not the goal of this session.

Caresses and slow controlled movements during intercourse generate a steady

stream of sexual energy that is consciously converted into feelings of sublime joy

and love.

Typically, this may continue for an hour or more.

MUST WATCH: Orgasms Without Touch

It is not necessary for the penis to be erect or even inside to enjoy this type of

lovemaking. Part or all of the time the tip of the penis may just touch the entrance

of the vagina or the sexual organs may not touch at all.

MUST-READ: 5 Ways Meditation Will Help You Have Mind-Blowing Sex

Do whatever feels best to generate a stream of sexual energy without becoming

too excited.

Step #7 Intensify your Spiritual Connection

Instead of feeling excitement just in the sexual organs, focus on feeling it like a

slow orgasm in the whole pelvic area, especially in the pelvic floor, or perineum. If

you feel the energies strongly, you may stop moving for a while and just focus on

intensifying whatever you feel.

MUST-READ: This Ancient Egyptian Sex Technique May Be the Secret to

Eternal Life
Now, you can radiate the energy not only throughout your own body, but also onto
your partner to produce a common field of sexual energy that envelops both of you.

When you have filled your brain and heart with pleasurable energy, move part of

your attention to the spiritual love that you feel for your partner. Feel your heart

expanding with a gentle love and add this to the cloud of pleasurable sexual

energy that surrounds and interpenetrates both of you. Feel that both of you are

now connected to the love and power of your higher divine guidance.

Feel united and in harmony with all levels of your own being, with your partner,
and with your spiritual source. Feel like you are melting into each other.
Step #8 Bask in the Afterglow

Initially, try to hold all of these levels of connection with your partner in your

awareness: the touching of the bodies, the pleasurable sexual energy in and

around you, the love that you radiate onto each other, and the feeling of both of

you being connected, loved, and protected by your divine guidance.

Just bathe in this symphony of feelings.

However, after a while, the sexual energy may fade. If it does, just continue to

remain aware of the love radiating from your heart, and the connection to your

spiritual source.

MUST-READ: Eye Gazing Does Something Crazy To Your Love Life.

By prior agreement you may then also send love, harmony, or healing energy to
another target, be it to heal a situation, a person, or the planet.

After a period of spiritual sex, one or both partners may feel a preference for a

strong orgasm for deeper relaxation. There are no fixed rules and you may use or

alternate different forms of lovemaking as you please

For many sensitive individuals, this is more satisfying than just mechanically

experimenting with different positions, or chasing an elusive orgasm.

You may also lie quietly connected, just to relax and feel close, cared for, and
protected, without attempting to generate any specific effects.


If sleeping together, it is good to develop a routine of connecting daily before going

to sleep, after awakening, or both. This may be done without moving, just to feel

close to each other. It is not only emotionally satisfying, but produces strong

bonding and greatly strengthens the relationship.

MUST-TRY: For Free Tutorials On Sex & Love Follow Us On YouTube

Cultivate Empowering Sexual Union

For most of our lives, our separation into males and females leaves us with a

longing to be united with a partner of the opposite sex. We try to achieve this

temporarily through sexual activity.

However, sexual excitement and striving for an orgasm usually take over, and we
do not have much of a chance to focus on feeling at one with our partner, feeling
whole again.

It is very satisfying to cultivate this feeling of being united with our missing sexual

half and we can do this by focusing on it in a meditative way, leaving us feeling at

one with our partner, loved, protected, whole, and utterly at peace.

Home » Conscious Sexuality » Spiritual Sex 101: A Badass Guide To Truly

Transformative Sex

Spiritual Sex 101: A Badass Guide To Truly

Transformative Sex
Posted by Walter Laston May 24, 2016in Conscious Sexuality0 Comments
The Author

Walter Last
Visit Author's Website

About Me

Walter Last combines training and experience as a Research Chemist, Biochemist, and Toxicologist with that of

Practicing Nutritionist and Natural Therapist. He has held positions in medical institutions at the Universities of

Greifswald, Cologne and Munich, working in research, and toxicological investigations. He worked as Forensic

Scientist at Cologne, Greifswald and Berlin, and later at Bio-Science Laboratories in Los Angeles. In 1970, he settled

in New Zealand and, dissatisfied with drug-based medicine, practiced as a Natural Therapist. Since 1981, he has

investigated a wide range of natural therapies to improve the effectiveness of natural medicine in treating medically

incurable diseases.

Our sexual energy is a concentrated form of life-force


It can be used to create children, to have an orgasm, fuel achievements, or even to

prevent and overcome disease. However, its ultimate purpose is to facilitate

spiritual growth by developing our connection to our higher guidance.

Converting sexual energy into spiritual energy can be done alone, but its power is

even greater when done with a partner. These methods of spiritual sex are sure to

leave you feeling in harmony with your partner, and the Divine.

How To Get Started With Spiritual Sex

You convert your sexual energy during meditative sex.

Before starting meditative sex, there should not be much foreplay. You do not need

a strong arousal, but neither should you try to connect without any stimulation of

sexual energies. The emphasis should not be on direct sexual stimulation, but

rather on expressing your affection for each other.

You may agree on one of you saying a prayer or invocation before starting, or you

may use music, fragrance, candles, or colored light to set the mood. Using
background music has the advantage of signaling when the meditation time is up.

Music can also be arranged to give the signal to move to the next agreed step.

MUST-DO: Check out the Pussy Massage Online Course™ (For Next-Level


Step #1 Focus on Points of Contact

Begin by concentrating awareness on the sensations at the points of contact with

your partner, especially in the genital area, and also wherever the skin or a

caressing hand touches. This generates pleasant sensations, which can be

converted into a loving feeling.

Open your heart and send this love to your partner, enveloping both of you in a
cloud of love.
Step #2 Assume Your Position
These Are Spiritual Sex Positions

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After some caressing you may assume your chosen position.

Comfortable positions for direct sexual contact are the sitting embrace, or the

‘basic’ or ‘scissor’ position shown above. In this position, the man lies on his side

and the woman lies on her back. She raises both knees toward her chest, and the

man moves his lower body to bring his penis in toward the vagina. She lowers one

leg and places it between his legs while the other leg rests bent over his body.

Facing each other in a close embrace while lying side by side is also a suitable


Step #4 Make Sexual Contact

Bring the tip of the penis in touch with the entrance of the vagina. Remain

motionless in this position for some time while focusing on feeling the energy

between you, especially where penis and vagina meet.

To initiate, or greatly increase the feeling of pleasurable sexual energy, both

partners may gently and rhythmically squeeze their buttocks, or just contract the

perineum. Coordinate each gentle pelvic contraction with an inhalation, and with

each other.

MUST-TRY: For More Tips On Conscious Sexuality Follow Us

On Facebook or Twitter


Step #5 Begin Penetration

If and when you feel like proceeding to the next step, either the male or female

may gently rub the tip of the soft or hard penis up and down between the clitoris
and the entrance of the vagina. If there is not enough natural lubrication, use a

natural oil such as coconut oil. When you feel ready, gently push the head of the

penis inside. If the penis has remained soft, firmly enclose the shaft with your hand

and the head can usually be inserted, and further stimulated with some slow


Step # 6 Generate a Stream of Sexual Energy

After penetration, you may either remain completely motionless for some time or

continue with the rhythmic pelvic contractions. You may also continue to contract

the pelvic floor with each gentle thrusting movement, and relax it during

withdrawal. The emphasis is on the inner awareness as well as on the feeling of

complete union with the partner.

Orgasm is not the goal of this session.

Caresses and slow controlled movements during intercourse generate a steady

stream of sexual energy that is consciously converted into feelings of sublime joy

and love.

Typically, this may continue for an hour or more.

MUST WATCH: Orgasms Without Touch

It is not necessary for the penis to be erect or even inside to enjoy this type of

lovemaking. Part or all of the time the tip of the penis may just touch the entrance

of the vagina or the sexual organs may not touch at all.

MUST-READ: 5 Ways Meditation Will Help You Have Mind-Blowing Sex

Do whatever feels best to generate a stream of sexual energy without becoming

too excited.
Step #7 Intensify your Spiritual Connection

Instead of feeling excitement just in the sexual organs, focus on feeling it like a

slow orgasm in the whole pelvic area, especially in the pelvic floor, or perineum. If

you feel the energies strongly, you may stop moving for a while and just focus on

intensifying whatever you feel.

MUST-READ: This Ancient Egyptian Sex Technique May Be the Secret to

Eternal Life

Now, you can radiate the energy not only throughout your own body, but also onto
your partner to produce a common field of sexual energy that envelops both of you.

When you have filled your brain and heart with pleasurable energy, move part of

your attention to the spiritual love that you feel for your partner. Feel your heart

expanding with a gentle love and add this to the cloud of pleasurable sexual

energy that surrounds and interpenetrates both of you. Feel that both of you are

now connected to the love and power of your higher divine guidance.
Feel united and in harmony with all levels of your own being, with your partner,
and with your spiritual source. Feel like you are melting into each other.
Step #8 Bask in the Afterglow

Initially, try to hold all of these levels of connection with your partner in your

awareness: the touching of the bodies, the pleasurable sexual energy in and

around you, the love that you radiate onto each other, and the feeling of both of

you being connected, loved, and protected by your divine guidance.

Just bathe in this symphony of feelings.

However, after a while, the sexual energy may fade. If it does, just continue to

remain aware of the love radiating from your heart, and the connection to your

spiritual source.

MUST-READ: Eye Gazing Does Something Crazy To Your Love Life.

By prior agreement you may then also send love, harmony, or healing energy to
another target, be it to heal a situation, a person, or the planet.

After a period of spiritual sex, one or both partners may feel a preference for a

strong orgasm for deeper relaxation. There are no fixed rules and you may use or

alternate different forms of lovemaking as you please

For many sensitive individuals, this is more satisfying than just mechanically

experimenting with different positions, or chasing an elusive orgasm.

You may also lie quietly connected, just to relax and feel close, cared for, and
protected, without attempting to generate any specific effects.


If sleeping together, it is good to develop a routine of connecting daily before going

to sleep, after awakening, or both. This may be done without moving, just to feel
close to each other. It is not only emotionally satisfying, but produces strong

bonding and greatly strengthens the relationship.

MUST-TRY: For Free Tutorials On Sex & Love Follow Us On YouTube

Cultivate Empowering Sexual Union

For most of our lives, our separation into males and females leaves us with a

longing to be united with a partner of the opposite sex. We try to achieve this

temporarily through sexual activity.

However, sexual excitement and striving for an orgasm usually take over, and we
do not have much of a chance to focus on feeling at one with our partner, feeling
whole again.

It is very satisfying to cultivate this feeling of being united with our missing sexual

half and we can do this by focusing on it in a meditative way, leaving us feeling at

one with our partner, loved, protected, whole, and utterly at peace.

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