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listen the Bible says we all

with open faces we are beholding like an


and what we are beholding is the glory

of the Lord that enough says something

happens to us we are changed

remember it was in second Corinthians

chapter 4 verse 17. he tells you that

our light Affliction is only bought for

a moment but there is something is

working the Bible says is walking a far


eternal weight of blogging

so it therefore means you know there was

a standard in the song that says no one

likes a candle and puts it under a

butcher that means you are truly a city

that is set on the hill that cannot be

eaten it doesn't matter the whispering

of Satan because there are many of you

you came here with a discouraging heart

there are some of you God have spoken to

you greater than Mighty things how you

will take Nations but you are still in

the back side of the desert you know

this was the story of Gideon until

Elohim came and said thou Mighty Man of


what that means as the choir was

ministering one of the things I began to

pick was that there are many of you you

need to allow at the whispering of Satan

because the idea is we are with open

faces beholding Us in Amigo something

happens to us we are changed so there

are certain songs they are not sung they

are actually reconfiguring you so when

they say no one likes a candle and puts

it under a it's actually a

definition of what Jesus was trying to

teach you in Matthew chapter five that's

it you are not a village on the hill you

are a city you know

it means that I I was meant to shine no

wonder the Bible said it shall come to

pass in the last days where we are in

the last days that this mountain called

encounter Jesus Ministry International

shall be established on the top of the

mountains he said it shall be exalted

about the hills then something will

happen all nations remember it was Mika

that was telling us that pain we hold

the skirt of one that is a Jew and say

come and show us your God so I'm trying

to tell you and stay your heart just for

one minute I want you to allow and Sita

you are truly a city you are not a

village it means that there is something

about your life that is supposed to be a

force of it because nobody likes it can

do and puts it under equation it means

that I was meant to shine it doesn't

matter you say oh



Elijah was taken to the value of dry

bones and God asked him can these bones

live again Elijah said oh God it is you

that know and God looked at him

prophesied to the Bulls

you are the first prophet of your life

it doesn't matter what Apostles are

spoken over your life because if you

don't know how to perform because it was

Paul that came and told us I want you to

speak in terms but I will wish you


you know why when God saw Darkness he

said something let there be light and

because where the word of a king is

there is for and you are the one who

knew from Revelation I said we have been

redeemed as kings and peace for we were

taken out of everything people are

Nation that's why I tell you we have

come unto Mansion the city of the Living

God the people we are interacting with

you know our brother said something he

said that when we come into such a

country we left

our physical location so as I'm speaking

to you the likes of Paul because he

tells you incredible company of angels

He says the spirit of judgment made

perfect he said you have come to the

blood of sprinkling that we get better

things than the blood of Heaven he even

said you have come to God the thought of


my brothers and my sister if you live a

defeated life is it simply because you

don't know no wonder I said they know

not neither do they understand so they

walk on in darkness I have said that you

are gods and all of you are children of

the monster but there is something that

will happen to you says you will die

like men and fall like one of the

princess you need to run around and say

God forbid there is a glory inside for

he says we have this pressure in 18

vessel that there is something inside

and sometimes the reason why we raise

stands sometimes the reason why we are

what I

there is something

the glory

to you



there is a weight of Glory that is in

this place tonight

and the essence for that weight of Glory

is to shift you into another game

I was sensing the spirit of

unseriousness you know you know it was

Jesus that appeared to us in John

chapter 4 and 35

the disciples came and met him and

noticed that he had he was talking to a


they actually went to buy food they now

said we'll get the master food to eat

and when they began to regulate with

Jesus Jesus looked at them in 35 and

said something you know what he said he

said you have a saying that's your

problem and he just said the saying is

that there is still four months before

the Harvest so I have time

so somebody is here and he said I am

just 28 kids I still have time that is

he says there is still someone then

comes the others it was one day the Lord

came and told me one of the secret that

will make you an effective labor you

must have a sense of urgency no time

because what you are actually doing

today you were supposed to do it last

two days you are already late so there

are some of you the hand of the Lord

must come upon you like he came upon

Elijah to Adorn the horses of Arab and

there are some of you I said strongly

what the Lord is doing is that he is

recruiting men in the 11th hour because

the beauty of how the kingdom works even

those recruited at 11 are they are

actually paid the same the only thing is

that you need to make up your mind like

how our Minister said so I'm trying to

tell you I was praying I was saying a

sense and speaking of unseriousness on

people there are opportunities but

people are failing to build capacity and

enter into hey


ah yeah

encounter Jesus now


yeah yeah yeah

yeah yeah yeah






you need to understand who you are off

have overcome them because


you are off that means is egg

you know the word is Ecclesia and there

are two a good word for Ecclesia EK

until you

we are the called out once and that is

what he was trying to teach you if you

really Amplified of First Peter chapter

2 verse nine he said you I choosing this

you are a royal peace you are a

dedicated Nation enough said God's Own

purchase special people in case they ask

you why are you acting special they

don't know we are God's Own purchase

special people now the idea is this he

says it is to set foot oh dear holy

spirit of God you see you know he said

he gave someone to be Apostles Prophet

pastors and teachers you know said it is

for the equipping of the Saints for the

work of the ministry he now says for the

edifying of the body of Christ in 13 He

now says till we all come to the

unity of the faith and of the knowledge

of the Son of God unto a perfect man to

the measure of the scatter of the

fullness of Christ it was him that

taught us that of his fullness have we


that's why I said we are to set forth

his wonderful Deeds we are to display

the virtues and the Perfections of him

who had called us out of Darkness you

know what I'm trying to say

because of where you came from ah the

holy spirit of God as I speak to you the

Holy Ghost is already ministering to

people because the Holy Ghost is he's

bringing you up I am seeing people

sitting in depression sitting under the

whispers of the kingdom of darkness

telling you that you are a gay man so

nothing good can come out of a kingdom

no you need to understand that when we

came into science that's why I said If

any man

any man if you be in Christ immediately

you become a creature hi oh spirit of

God manifest

I must manifest your God is


to continue like this will not go

please let's sit down



um foreign


your life will become truly a Wonder

because you see the truth of God's word

is actually a mirror that reviews

so the reason why you have lived a

defeated life is because you fail to

understand the principle that as he

thinks in his heart so easy and that is

why Jesus came to tell you that you see

what a man do outwardly it's not

actually what defies him it is those

things that come from inside of him and

that is the reason why scriptures were

given so that you can truly meditate on

those scripture and give yourself to

these crystals of light that comes from

the scripture as you give yourself to it

you begin to notice that there are

certain things you are struggling with

maybe you may even be a weakling but you

see lie deep into this crypto is a power

it was a person that was teaching us

something about the love the spirit of

the life whereby you don't teach a man

out of sin you power him out or see

you know sometimes he's well Hallelujah

praise the living Jesus


praise the Lord

because of the burden of time

let me start from somewhere

first of all I I truly want to

appreciate my father

you will not understand

it was in April 16 in 2021 I have never

listened to apostle

God came and said invite somebody called

Apostle Michael I used to know him

and you know

those days in makoti will go like this

and we'll

so we used to know you

but Paul said no we know man after the


and God began to speak to me about

bringing him down to sukutu so I

through Pastor Godwin I put up the

application Apostle one week I think to

his wedding


with pleasure and everything he came for

the last day and it was on the 16th and

we actually prepared the cake to cut

and I said

the instruction was supposed to pray for


I noticed that he came and played eight

minute prayer and he was reading some

Scrolls that nobody

I have never shared those scrolls with

anybody and after that meeting God said

look at that one and follow him

and you know the kind of person that

post with you apply apply apply if you

are not patient and if you didn't hear

God you'll get offended and go

can you celebrate my father

sir I I truly

I'm serious

so I I I'm not saying this I know

flattery I if you understand the kind

and where I am from you can't afford to

be fake you know so I'm not saying this

thing to getting favor I know what I'm

saying my one minute spent with him I I

there is a way my heart



my life shifted everything about me

changed there was a totally


that happened to me


can you celebrate apples to Michael

thank you so much sir thank you very

much I deeply appreciate this let's sit



praise the Lord please celebrate to


encounter Jesus Ministry International

just briefly oh boy time has gone

but let me see how I can put up

something together it's a Bible study so

I will really love us to open scriptures

that's what I actually came here for

um knowing fully well the culture of the

place and that is why Bible studies

meetings are not packed

it's not fire

because people don't have the discipline

of sitting down to be taught

one of the things about picking is that

you bring people into a reality they

know not of

but in teaching you guide them dear and

one of the things you should understand

is this truth will not set you free it

is the truth you will know that will set

you free the truth you don't know can

never set you free you may be hearing it

but you will never be free until you

know it and in knowing truth you must be

guided lines upon lines and precept upon

precept a little here and a little there

let's start please media I'm a man of

many translations please give me message

it's a Bible study meeting

don't worry by God's grace will Ascend

at some point

um let's start with

First Corinthians chapter 2 from verse

1. let me read the message

God bless you can we lead it together

you said you will remember friends that

when I first came to you to let you know

in on God's matters matters too I didn't

try to impress you with Polish pitches

and the latest philosophy

I deliberately kept it clean and simple

first Jesus and who he is then Jesus and

what he did Jesus crucified

I was unsure of how to go about this I

felt totally inadequate when I saw this

translation I just noticed that hey

Paul was describing me actually

so you know if you have Peach you will

have best sermons

so you'll be thinking the day you have a

good platform you want to look for your

best sermon and share

Paul said when I came

I felt totally inadequate because

if I posted those 10 minutes yeah the

mystery is yes you now come and share


own me so in case you know anything you

have to leave it so he says I was scared

to death if you want the truth of it

look at the next verse that says and so

nothing I said could have impressed you

or anyone else but the message came

through anyway and this is what I'm

banking on he says God's spirit and

God's power did it he now went further

and said something

which may declare that your life of

faith is a response to God's power not

to some fancy mental or emotional

footwork by me or anyone else that is

why I'm sure God doesn't need an

eternity to change somebody's life here

tonight I am sure as your spirit is open

there is a download that will happen to

you because God spilled and God's power

will do a walk remember it is the spirit

that weakens the flesh profits nothing

there are majorly two encounters a man

must have in order for Kingdom to be

accomplished in and to his life the

first encounter is the encounter with


and I thank God for such a house of

Truth we have learned so much about life

you know it was Paul when he was praying

for the church in Ephesus he says ever

since I heard about your faith in the

Lord Jesus Ephesians chapter 1 verse 15

I see it's not to give thanks for you

making mention of you in my prayers he

heard about their faith in the Lord

Jesus and Jesus's life so in order for

Kingdom to be accomplished in and to our

life we must encounter life and the

purpose of life is to modify

now you know it was in second Peter

chapter 1 verse four he says by which

are given unto us exceeding great and

precious promises through this we might

escape the corruption that is in this

world through loss that means in the

heart of everybody there is corruption

so the reason why God gave you life is

not so that you can breathe because you

already have a biological life the

reason why he gave this away you know he

says that

this is the record God has given unto

mankind eternal life and that life is in

his son he now said whoever has the son

has life whoever does not have the son

does not have life that the reason why

you actually receives the way is so that

there is a process the way initiates

it's called multiplication and

modification is the excavation of

corruption from your soul it is that

corruption that makes you to look not

like Jesus so I'm trying to tell you

that the reason why although your name

is Moses and maybe you walk in Chevron

or in a bank the reason why people

cannot touch the true essence of

consenting from you is simply because

although you carry a Christian name

there is so much corruption in you so

for God to not help you what he did was

that he gave you life and the Bible now

says in Romans chapter 8 verse 2 that

the law of the spirit of life in Christ

Jesus did something to us which is

called he made us free from the law of

sin and death so I said something that

the first encounter a man has is an

encounter with life

then he will now have to move to an

encounter which is the encounter with


because it was Paul that was teaching us

when he was praying for the church in

Ephesus I would love be Amplified after

he thanked the Lord in Ephesians 1 15

that father thank you because you

actually made these people's partakers

of your life because they had faith in

you Paul now went to 17 he now said give

them the spirit of wisdom and Revelation

in the knowledge of you now let's hit

the Amplified

what says I always pray that the god of

our Lord Jesus Christ the father of Lord

we may Grant you a spirit and that

spirit is the spirit of wisdom and the

Revelation that gives you a deep and

personal and intimate insight into the

true knowledge of him you know I'm

telling you about the encounter with

light for we know that the father to the

spirit now look at 18 let's read 18

together one two go please this is a

Bible study you want to go

and I what

that what

the very center and core of your being

maybe end

look at what is in bracket flooded with

what fortiso by what the holy spirit so

that you will know there are three

encounters he now said when a man has an

encounter with light the first thing

that happens to him is that he will know

the hope to which he has been called he

will now know the exceeding Riches of

the Glorious inheritance in him as a


home Believers have these things you

know it was in Ephesians chapter one

verse the Bible says thanks be unto God

who has already blessed us with all

spiritual blessings in the Heavenly

places in Christ Jesus but he if that

blessing is yours how is it that you

still live a defeated life it's simply

because there is an encounter that has

not been Crystal that encounter is the

encounter with light so he tells you

that after a man encounters like taking

things are activated that he will know

what is the hope to which he has been

called he will know the Glorious

inheritance in him and sins then you

will now know the exhibition power he

said the exceeding greatness of his

power that he has made available unto us

what the Believers if you get it from

the Amplified he says I want you to know

he says and so that you will begin to

know what of the holy spirit of God look

at he says the immeasurable and

unlimited and surpassing greatness of

his acting
active spiritual power

is in us who believe this power is not

somewhere else this power is in you

so in verse 18

he told us something

and what he told us in verse 18 was this

by having the eyes of your heart flooded

with light

that the way Iman

comes into victory that something must

happen to him with regards to light

that means I can make profit

if I understand the word of God and that

is why very briefly the Lord just laid

in my heart

making profit from the word of God

that's what I just want to briefly look

into that a man can make profit if you

understand how to do business with the


that the reason why many of us have

lived they've defeated life is simply

because we don't understand how to do

business with the word of God

and first understand that perfectly one

of the things we need to read is in Mark

chapter 4 verse 13. Jesus has actually

shared many parables so maybe you give

me the NLT I will love it

Jesus was talking about the different

kinds of Parables he spoke a parable

called the parable of the Surah and when

they came to ask him the meaning of that

package look at what he said he said

he says that to them if you can't

understand the meaning of disparable

will you understand all other Parables

you know what that Parable is actually

the parable of light

that Parable is a parable of the

ministry of the word of God so that

Parable is actually explaining what

happens to each and everybody is sitting

down now when they relate to the word of

God that Parable is actually explaining

the reason why some people's lives are

productive even believe they're actually

hearing the same word with another


that's why in that Target with the

latter end of it he said that when those

who the word fell on good ground he says

some produce 30 40

let me tell you there was one of the

greatest inspiration I had to become a

better student you know those days when

we started

first semester I hit the class

when the Holy Ghost now came and he was

dealing with me but there was a reason

for that

then the only person asked me the person

hitting first class hope you know it's

the same lecturer that teaches the both

of you and you pay the same school fees

you come to the same lecture hall and

you will bank first class there is

somebody else who is complaining and say

this lecturers are bad whereas somebody

is hitting 4.4 Point each semester so

I'm trying to tell you that you see

Jesus said something about this Parable

that if you don't understand this Bible

how then can you understand others give

me the message of this Mark 14 13. look

at how the message puts it he says he

continued do you see how this story

works all my story works this way

that if you understand this story you

have understand the secret to life that

all my story works this way

maybe give me the good news if you have

sorry I like looking at different

translations then Jesus asked them don't

you understand this Parable how then

will you ever understand any Parable

then I now said if Jesus could make a

confession about a parable like this I

better sit down and look at it because

this Parable is actually the secret of

life because he's that if you wonder is

valuable you have actually understood

all other people it means that this

problem is as though it's a master key

that if a man can understand and

perceive and discern what this Parable

means because as I speak to you now this

is what happens every Sunday in this

place it is this Parable that happens

every Tuesday in this place it is this

Parable that makes Apostle far ahead of

some of us it is this Parable that makes

your neighbor better than you it is this

Parable it is our applying the truth

from this Parable that will actually

determine how will be different you know


said in Acts chapter 10 verse 34 if you

read the NLT Peter said I truly perceive

something that God has no favor rights

that in every nation those who fear Him

and walk righteousness are accepted

before him you know it was Cain that

killed Abel then in Genesis chapter 4

verse 7 God now came and said then if

you have done what is right you also

will be accepted it means that God has

favorites that's what he meant when he

says that God truly shows no God is no

respecter of persons so I'm trying to

tell you that it is our understanding of

this simple parable

that actually determines the gaps in our


so in Matthew chapter 4 sorry chapter 13

1 to 23 you'll find the parable if you

read Mark chapter 4 1 to 20 you'll find

the parable if you also hit Luke chapter

8 4

to 25 or 4 to 15 sorry you will find

that parable

so briefly let's look at Matthew chapter


Matthew chapter 13.

let's start from verse 3 Jesus gave us a


let's read it please give me the new

King James as my default scripture sorry

there's a reason

can we read this together then he spoke

many things to them in Parable saying

Behold a soul I went out to sue because

of time let me explain

Jesus identified two characters in this

Parable first the soul second the seed

and thought

the soil
and for the solar it could be anybody

but when it has to do with the seed he

said the seed is the word of God

it was First Peter chapter 1 verse 23

that tells us that being born again not

of corruptible but of Incorruptible seed

by the word of God which leave it and

abided forever

it was in Isaiah chapter 55 10 and 11 he

says that as the game comes from Heaven

and the snow from heaven and does not

return but it must water the Earth to

give food to the sower or see to the

Surah and food to the one who eats he

said so shall my word be that comes out

of my mouth it cannot combat void it

must accomplish that which at least and

must prosper in that which I send it but

how come even if the seed is potent

our lives are back and that is why I

said making profit from the word of God

that you and I can make profits that

this seed is not the issue

you know there are people here you will

say well I visited different people to

pray for me I have

listened to know the work you're correct

the problem is not the prayer

the seed is popular is potent is

actually the soil it fell on

that's why I said there are three

characters that Jesus identified the

first character is

the soul the second is the seed the

third is the soil

and when Jesus was trying to talk about

the soul he said that there are four

types of soil

soil is not actually Sansan

that that soil is the heart of man he

was describing the heart of people so as

I speak to you in this place now we have

four types of heart

somebody who said

his service was powerful no sir no ma is

your heart that will determine if the

service was truly powerful because

everybody will receive the same seed but

the problem is

in this place now I don't know

the way we have been compacted but there

are four types of heart listening now

and Jesus is trying to tell you what

goes on every Sunday and every Tuesday

in this place he's trying to tell you

the reason why your life and my life is

different he's trying to tell you why my

pastor here his life is producing a

particular dessert and yours is Barren

it's not because the seed is important

because everyone is open to the

Christians of light remember it was a

disciples that came and met Jesus and

said why do you speak to these guys in

Parables and Jesus looked at them he

said he says unto you it is given to


you know there are four places Jesus

gave thanks

four places and the first time Jesus

will give thanks in his life was in

Matthew chapter 11 verse 25 and the idea

behind the Thanksgiving is that father I

thank you you hate these things against

the wise you have now revealed it to

base that means the first reason why

Jesus gave thanks was because of


that Jesus was giving thanks because he

had access to Revelation the second time

Jesus would give thanks was for


he was comforted with cases four

thousand men came and the natural man in

Matthew chapter 15 4 33-36 10 said seven

laws of bread cannot do anything master

and Jesus looked at them and said no if

you know how to give thanks you can

actually feel the multitude with what

you have so Jesus gave thanks but let's

leave that now

Jesus now identified four types of soil

or four types of heart the first heart

he said there are those

that when the seed is sown it falls by

the wayside

Matthew chapter 13.

the Wayside heart


Matthew chapter 13.

verse 19.

verse 19.

when anyone hears the word of the

kingdom and does not understand it

then the wicked one comes and snatched

this away what was sown in his heart

so there are people now in this place

everything they are doing is they don't

understand shishi

peptide the man has a strong good

already says is it not these pastors

that use tights to buy a car how can I

pay tights

there is no understanding there is they

are being robbed by the philosophies and

deceit that comes from this world it was

in Colossians chapter 2 verse 8 the

sacramental industry on this he said

there are people whose Heart is Open to

certain kinds of philosophy so what

happens when the world goes on is that

they are fighting it

whereas there is somebody here as the

what is going on him is looking at how

there is too much heat in this place his

mind is not here there is somebody here

now he's thinking how he can revisit the

rice he ate yesterday maybe in chicken


plenty things are just going on in the

heart of men he's trying to tell you

that the reason why that man is not

productive is that the anytime the word

Goes Forth Satan comes immediately Satan

does not even wait for him to be out of

the service he's in the service

physically but in his mind in my being

is you know he could be in Dubai or

somewhere there is a fantasy he has been

thinking about so you say

that you are ever learning I'm not

coming to the truth you talk about the

sermon I know it about to just preach on

making a difference you talk about this

one no I know it you see the can call

and call to summons those are the kinds

of people that even if they are playing

sermons at home oh their mind is far

they can just be playing it for oh


Jesus Ministry International yes now

can't you see that we are so they are

ever learning never coming to the truth

and the reason for that is because of a

lack of understanding so they can be in

every service week in week out their

heart is not open and the reason why

their heart is not open is simply

because you see he says if our gospel be

waved it is veiled unto those that

attack you say whom the God of this

world are blinded there's something he

had done to your heart he has blinded

the heart who do not believe at least

the light of the Glorious Gospel of

Jesus Christ who shine in the heart and

you should believe it was in Ephesians

chapter 4 verse 18 He says having their

understanding he said they were now

alienated from the life of God because

of the ignorance that is in them through

the blindness of the heart

so they are listening but no

understanding is caught

Jesus now went ahead and said there is

another kind of story and I'll call it

the Stony heart

tell somebody the Stony heart

tell somebody find yourself find


you are not talking to somebody tell

somebody find yourself

you don't you don't understand look at

the other person I said which kind of

heart do you have

you have been in this ministry for

almost a year which kind of heart have

you been coming with

there are those that have the heart of a

Wayside there are those that have the

heart of his Tony camp and he now

identify the problem of the man in his

Tony gang Matthew Chapter 13 from verse


he says it

13 20. on Stony places this is he who

hears the word

and immediately he deceives it with John

the world is working my brother

wisdom is justified by our children


bloody bloody

you know sometimes people can just get


because of some biochemical reaction you

you can just be seeing light and maybe

in your village there is no you've not

seen this kind of light too you can

you can just get this and you say oh

so when they ask you how was your

service you say oh my God that service

was powerful he said lie the power of a

service is not seen by your shout the

power of a service is seen by the foot

you bear after it

it was when you see when the Pharisees

came to meet John the Baptist in the

wilderness he said

the only way we can know that you have

repented go and bear fruit

so you can see a people there oh

they are shouted they receive it with

joy but if you check their heart is Tony

for the past three years they have been

learning about Divine Health but today

they are still victims of sickness I'm

not trying to say it's bad to fall

because scripture says the righteous

will fall how many times now they what

seven times is not one two three four

five six seven seven is a word of

perfection it means that no matter how

many times you fall if you know how to

stand up

because he was the one that told us that

Rejoice not over me my enemy even if I


so I'm trying to tell you that but there

are those whom they have now been sown

being washed with religion before you

can say service really happen there must

be plenty Shout

the world was powerful no sir the world

is not powerful because you shouted the

world is powerful because there are

fruits that you bear

so he said that this this man that

received word in Stony heart they

receive it with joy but he now said

there was no depth of Earth in them so

the Bible now says when tribulation and

persecution arises for the very word

they stumble

he said man of God have been studying

about Divine Healing but the sickness is

getting worse who told you see it's a

sign that your prayers are answered you

know why anytime you begin to delve into

a matter there must be persecutions

there must be tires people don't know

you know don't

those early days I was doing all night

in church so after prayer like this I'll

finish all night one day I prayed and by

5 4 am like that you know those kind of

dozing off that you dose of and how

those of a woman now came and molested

me inside turtle


oh but there's nobody don't even

powerless because

for some of you you want to sleep you

put Bible and say oh God oh God this


when it happened

I have an intelligence

those who observe line vanities they

forsake their message

anytime you see attack

when you are walking by faith it's a


that you are touching the names of the

spirit but many people get this package

it's because they receive the word on

Stony heart summer

if you are a Christian is not a life of

cruising mode every day there are

difficult days

but that persecution must arise for this

word you are hearing so the day you hear

about financial resources that day you

will track home

that is the very day they will hold your

Finance you're not say ah all this world

know the work who told you it's not

working why we look not at the things

that are saying for the things which we

see they are temporal but the things

which are on sale they are etana

the Bible says in 19 he considered not

his own body

do you understand now then even if he

was a hundred years old neither the

deadness of Sarah's room what that meant

was this there was a particular time in

Abraham's life where his body was active

but he now said neither the deadness of

Sarah's room it means that even when

Sarah was 18 and she had a standing

breast she had a dead womb oh the Holy

Spirit do you understand but the Bible

said he considered it not

because the idea is this every prophetic

word you receive must be right there are

difficult days of persecution there are

days shall you say you are a prophet to

the Nations okay you will prophesy seven

times all will be wrong

you will now go and close that man they

know Sanoma

it doesn't matter how many times you

fall you can rise if you can hold on to

God's word over and upon your life

but there will be a day and a time that

Joy will come there is a prophecy upon

your life that you are a kingdom

financially don't throw it aside even if

today it looks as though you are


there is something

you know your area of battle is your

area of mantle he said have they known

they would not have crucified who the

Lord of Lord It's called The Hidden

wisdom of God I'm trying to tell you

that the reason why people stumble is

simply because the heart they came with

when they were preaching is a Stony

heart so I know there was a prophecy

this week that this week is your week

you will now go you will now say leave

the office

when they tell you leave the office you

will not say these pastors has come no

sir no man when they told you leave the

office it's not a sign that they asked

it's a sign that the prophecy is working

because you have to go to the Cross

before the glory so you see that's why

he said after you have done all

having done I know you have done

everything you know how to do some of

you have shown different kinds of seed

there is no kind of prayer you have not

prayed well you notice that this

situation is still staring you in the

face and it's not going summer those who

observe lying vanity forsake their own

Mercy I have learned one thing Heaven

and Earth will pass away but not one


what has God told you it will come to



it's just a matter of time that's why I

said there is a spiritual technology we

know how not to look at the things that

are saying how can you tell a man who

can truly see and say don't look at

things that I say

that is how it works if then you have

been engaged together with the

conceptual affection settle mine on

things above where Christ is seated at

the right hand of the father I'm trying

to tell you that the reason why you are

still defeated you are considered you

said he wavered not at the promise of

God to unbelief summer I came here with

a word of comfort as God appeared to you

before have you ever had access to the

voice of God had God told you that you

are a prophet to the Nations it will

come to pass it doesn't matter what you

are going through I know a god

who says that God raises the poor Out of

the Dust he leaves the beggar from the

donkey don't set him among princes to

make him inherit the Throne of Logan if

only you know this technology he says

even though our outward man perishes our

inward man is renewed day by day but he

says why we look not at the things that

I say but at the things that I will sing

for the things we see they are temporal


my brothers and my sister you need to

understand James chapter 1 verse two

give me the energy let everybody get it

dear brothers and sisters when Troubles

of any kind come your way oh yeah oh the

holy spirit of God consider it an

opportunity what do you mean so anytime

I have trouble it's actually an

opportunity not a day to cry I just go

step outside

he says consider it an opportunity for

what kind of Joy great joy

many of you have actually neglected your

plenty opportunities for Joy I'm trying

to tell you that the situation that

looks ugly today now is actually an

opportunity so

you said

against me is this is happening no you

are Towing an opportunity for great joy

the message let's get the message all

the good news look at what he says

consider it a share gift friends when

tests and challenges come at you from

how many side from outside there are

days you wake up you look at this place

it's not a time to cry it's a time to

actually Rejoice you know what

are invincible creatures I Now

understand what the Bible meant when he

says that all things work together for

good you know why that man will say that

he knows that whatever Satan is doing is

give me the good news look at all the

good news with it the good news is my


hey what kind of scripture is this this

thing sometimes is intoxicated he said

consider yourself fortunate

oh God Almighty he says consider

yourself fortunate well all kinds of try

has come your way what are you going


have you read First Peter chapter 1

verse seven let's get the energy

first without answer look at


we show that your faith is genuine

it is

kind of Revelation when I go to class I

say Satan Throw Your Best Shot

so since

and sit and look

should have made you to come you are

laughing you have killed him

well being here don't bring trash near

that guy

because he says when chayas come is

actually trying to make your faith

genuine it is being tested as fire tests

and purifies gold though your faith is

more precious than mere good if good

that you buy for a million naira will go

through fire and your faith is more


it means that the greater your battle

the greater your destiny

it will bring you much praise and glory

and honor in the day where give me the

Amplified let's say this from the

Amplified look at what the Amplified

said the Amplified said so that the

genuineness of your faith which is much

more precious than good which is

perishable even though tested and

purified by fire may be found to result

in your praise and glory and honor I

tell somebody calm down

there's somebody come down

ask the person what are you going to

my brother just chilled

the platform of manifestations are


I'm telling you nothing but the truth

light shines in darkness not in light

what are you passing through

that's keeping you depressed some of you

say yeah you see this I think yeah

people say I hate Mondays

schooled you

when he Daddy loves us with benefit

daily and this is the day that the Lord

will now come out with your I

hate Mondays

you don't know that you are programming

debt you know sometimes in the heat

of more I'll say thank God for the heat

you know why

the sun cannot smite me by day

the moon cannot smite me by night that

is why you are the first to catch a

sickness because you are thinking that

that ugly situation is actually against

you no Sanoma is For Your Glory

that there are those who receive the

world on it you know some people say

somebody is sick now why will I say


how can I say you know so now we have

told you to a cliche I am strong I am

strong actually means I am sick

but hope you know scriptures tell you

that let the weak say what

and let the Paul say what

is simply because that is how it works

that there must be persecution and

affliction that must come to you

no matter who you are it must come there

are days of tires but it's an

opportunity for Great Joy can somebody

give the Lord a shout of peace

are you sure you are shouting from your

heart can you give the Lord a shout


can you allow them more against Satan

don't shout him

when we shouted what happened to the

walls of Jericho

there is a shout that comes from the

Realms of understanding who who sits in

the heavens

Satan is this all you have

when the difficult days come don't act

like oh God do I make a mistake you

didn't make a mistake

no sir Numa

it came to pass it didn't come to stay

you see that ugly situation came to pass

some of you

you said no man have actually come to

you is men that have been coming

the Lord was teaching me on Thanksgiving

and he said the reason why Jesus gave

thanks on provision was simply because

everybody you have seven loaves or five

loaves of bread and two fishes

in your hands now

but you don't know how to multiply it

because your eyes are too big you see

like me

should be you've submitted a proposal

and they have already called you for an

interview that is your seven dose of

bread and two fish

but you are waiting for the day they

will give you a a letter of appointment

in Chevron then you now come and say

father thank you no Sanoma

you said no man is coming but the last

time I checked just from January to

April about seven women don't meet you

that's your seven loops and two fishes

if you know how to thank God the right

man will come

reason why people have stayed in their

predicament for a long time is simply

because they don't know how to turn

their difficult days

they don't know how to enjoy in their

difficulties how you enjoy

was it not in Hebrews chapter 13 verse

15. look at what the Bible says

to him therefore let us at all times

I'm showing a pathway of coming out of

your predicament some of you have not

rejoiced in the Lord

you you don't know how to rejoice in

population that's why the tribulation

has stayed for a long time no matter how

thick and strong the walls of jerichoa

they will fall down flat when the people

know how to shout

you know there was a man that three

kings came and attacked and he was we

are helpless and God said there is what

you need to do you don't need to fight

in these battles there are Mysteries

that you God is giving you seven loads

of bread and two fishes you say

nobody's inviting me but the last time I

checked they invited you to a Sunday

school program to teach but you don't

really know how to thank God so you will

never minister to the Nations Salma I'm

trying to tell you the reason why you

are where you are you don't know how to

turn your tribulation you don't know how

to shout at the walls of Jericho we see

you see Christianity is a stream of

endless joy we are invincible you know

why the joy of the Lord is my strength

so I'm trying to tell you that there are

days you will wake up don't know their

holy spirit of God why we look not at

the things that are said but that the

things which are unseen for the things

which we see they are temporary

there are none of a sudden something is

happening you know why

now you understand what first

Thessalonians 5 Verse 18 means it says

give thanks in all things in everything

details he says this is the will of God

for you in Christ Jesus it doesn't

matter what I'm going through now I tell

you nothing but the truth I know that

there are things

I sense strongly that the Lord wants to

bring men out of their predicament if

they only know how to shout if the only

one he says Rejoice shall we pour we

will talk about the Realms of Salvation

the reason why that mountain of state is

simply because you don't know that you

don't know this listening I'm trying to

tell you that why people are failing

they receive the word on spoonical they

don't know that persecutions are coming

they don't know that tribulations are

coming so you know what he tells it and

next time Satan Throw Your Best Shot

hey satan Throw Your Best Shot is this

all you have Pour Your Best Shot Satan

throw your best is this all you have

Satan Pour Your Best Shot Satan pray is

this all you have Satan Pour Your Best

Shot Satan I will not back down at the

word of the Lord say that oh Jesus

I am


I shared this testimony to the glory of

God I was extremely sick


I'm not against drugs don't get me wrong

they gave me a drug and said I must take

it every night or I die

I told myself I'm too young for this

those days in the University you know

what I did bought ew canyons and many of

those books I kept studying

and every day I'll go to the bush all

I'm doing is Isaiah chapter 53 I'm

speaking the word I'm speaking it I'm

talking it my roommate knew me in the


he didn't find he said there is somebody

that goes to the bush every break they

thought I loved God it was not love for

God that took me there it was


I was going to change my he says until

the spirit be poured from on high he

says then that real darkness will be

turned into a fruitful feed and the

fruitful feed will be counted for a

focus so as I kept speaking I caught a

revelation from the Lord and to God here

the glory is four years now I've not

taken a drug

you don't understand see I tell you

nothing but the truth this thing works

do you think there are no difficult days

my brothers and my sisters there are

days I felt like dying but I knew that

crying of my faith is more precious than

gold I knew that the crying of my faith

what are you going to now it came from

the world it came for the world I'm

trying to tell you that when you receive

a prophetic word there are days of

tribulations so there are many of you

with the oil of a prophet there are many

of you with different kinds of

ordination and after you go home your

mom will shout at you people have talked

down oh give me the message of Isaiah

chapter 53 let me show you something

from verse 2. look at Isaiah 53 message

he says for he will go up before him as

a tender plant and as a root out of a

dragon he has no form of comliness the

message please the message

the servant grew up before God as his

coming Cindy a Scooby plant in a patch

feet there was nothing attractive about

him do you understand

that nothing to cause us to look at him

a second time

have people despise you you were not the

first Jesus was despised look at the

next verse verse saying now says he was

looked down on

and then looked he says he was looked

down on and passed over a man who

suffered he knew staying firsthand he

knew do you understand Jesus knew pain


the Bible now says one looked at him and

people turned away we looked down on him

brought him oh dear they thought he was

a scam
what names have they called you

in one minute in one minute to reprogram

your life in one minute in one minute








so that I finish please let me turn

around up let's just sit down for a

minute ah


the aim is to bring you where you make

profit from the world then Jesus spoke

about the thought kind of heart those

that fall on Tony grounds and he said

the reason why these people don't make

profit is the cares of this world

is that these the Sinners of riches and

the lost all the pleasures of other


for the first time I noticed that Jesus

was talking about legitimate needs as a

hindrance to why the world will not

profit you

the cares of this world the

deceitfulness of which is took the word

and it becomes unfruitful

First Corinthians chapter 7 verse 29

give me the energy

the desire to want to make money

I know you will go to job you got to

work tomorrow

what Jesus is trying to tell you that

legitimate cares

have capacity

to stop the world from profitting you

so people can substitute their time

for meditation and the world for all

that things and they say well God

understands no he doesn't understand

there is a way to make profit from the


look at NLT your first Corinthians

chapter 7 verse 29 look at energy

he says but let me say these dear

brothers and sisters the time that

remains is very short

so from now on those with wives should

not focus only on their marriage so you

can't tell me that the reason why my

life is unproductive God understands

that I have a wife

look at the next verse

he now says Those Who weep or who

Rejoice or who buy things

should not be absorbed by their weeping

or their Joy or their possessions

the next verse now says

those who use the things of this world

should not become attached to them for

this world as we know it will soon pass


come and say the reason why I feel now

the prophetic

is that God understands he doesn't

understand anything

there is something you have been called

to seek it is the kingdom of God that

all other things we try to seek are


now the reason why do you date our life

most times is not productive is because

after this service some of you are

actually supposed to repeat the summer

all repeats on someone because to whom

the man that has more will be given to


there are many of you there is a study

you were supposed to do in April now you

have not started it and today is is

and the reason why you have not done it

is not because there is any is one

legitimate need God is telling you that

in case you are married it's good to be

married because we need Oneness to

advance the kingdom of God but he says

let that not become a legitimate reason

why the fullness of your ordination will

not come to pass you know some of you

are so entangled you have caught a new

girlfriend every night you do three

hours extra cool like us an angel is

calling you by night I'm trying to tell

you that the reason why many people he

says there are others if you read the

message he says they want to make money

at all costs so every single day you see

them they move here and there they are

saying oh man must work man must work

that is why your life is unproductive

I'm trying to tell you that the reason

why people are not making profit from

the world they hear every day they come

here they pack our service sometimes you

will say that some people came to church

but go and look them after the service

you will find out that there is actually

no foodborne from that word they had

because after the service it was there

was no the from this there are people

living came because of a girl now they

are waiting after the service how they

can so he says the cares of this world

they are I know you must marry and you

need to date somebody before you marry

but it has capacity if not well managed

that's what it means I know you need

money to advance the kingdom of God but

it has capacity that's why I said I wish

above all things that you prosper but

let your Prosperity not be at the

expense of your soul let your soul not

be dying I know you may gain for what

shall lead profit that is profit you

have gained something but hope you know

that that one million naira that you

gain let it not be at the expense of

your soul what did you sell to gain it

so people are not concerned people just

want to do things to make progress but

God is trying to tell you that the

reason why they were till today is not

bearing food in some of our life there

are tones in our heart and those

thoughts have capacity to hinder God's

word from going then you now went to the

fourth one he says there are those

I am showing you

where each and everybody belongs to that

is the reason why to date many of us

have not profited from the word of God

and when he said those that fell on good

ground he said even the good grandson

produce a 30 foot some is 60 and some a

hundred that means even the good Grand

we will not all get the same result so

I'm trying to tell you instead of

envying your neighbor you need to check

what kind of heart you have you may have

a 34th result you can make it 60 if you

check your heart away you may have a

64th result the aim is to get to a

hundred foot because we can be perfect

even as our heavenly father is perfect


I will just name them because my time is

up there are five things that makes for

a good heart the first is honor for the


there are people they have no respect

for the word of God the logos of God

they have zero respect

somebody just takes the word of God you

know sometimes there are people that

wonder what demonic influence the moment

the word of God is going on they are

chewing chingom

of rubbish and you will never profit

from the word of God there is a kind of

Honor I remember that time I was sick

the Lord told me something anytime you

read the Bible imagine it was Jesus

talking to you face to face

when you have that kind of Honor for the

word of God you will not sleep and open

your leg or reading a book

the light is my shepherd you will see

that God what are you saying a pain in

my hand a paper on my debt I have honor

I tremble at his word he says your word

were found and I did it's them it's

honor in Job chapter 23 verse 12 it says

I esteem your word more than my

necessary food oh no

for the word of God and that is the

reason why the word of God makes no

profit in the light in their lives the

second posture we must have with regards

to making profit from the word of God is

that the word we must search and find

the word the word we must cultivate the

habit of sitting down to such scripture

in Acts chapter 17 verse 11 he says the

big young Christians were more noble

than the Thessalonians Christians why

they received the word of God with all

the Readiness and such and such

descriptors daily to see if what Paul

was saying was so they had cultivation

he says that it is life to those who

find it the word of God must be searched

in Jeremiah 15 16 your words were found

your words were found there must be a

certain capacity you must have the

ability to sit down to subscribe

scripture he says till I come give

attention give attention to reading

Festival chapter 4 verse 13 we must call

the reason why we are unproductive one

of the things that makes for a good

heart men and women must cultivate the

habit of sitting down to subscriptions

research all sorts of nonsense on

Facebook start all sorts of things

online and we hope that we make progress

no Sanoma we must cultivate the habit of

certain scriptures third

you must have an open-mindedness pay

attention to the word of God in proverbs

4 20 he said my son give attention to my

words incline your ears to my sins do

not let them depart from your eyes keep

them I have the responsibility of

keeping the world paying attention to

the world

he says and these people which were

Imperial in Acts chapter 17 verse 11.

NLT and the people of vegan were more


than those in thessalonica they listen

eagerly have you seen people listen to

the word of God they don't sit anyhow

why will you not sleep

somebody wants to read the Bible he is

taking a posture on his bed

and that is 12 o'clock or 12 A.M he woke

up his study time is 12 am then he now

wakes up by 12 am and the posture he

took was that he went and lied down

my brother you wake up by 6 a.m and you

like ah how how did it happen the reason

is because there was no eagerness you

were not voracious for the world there

is a kind of open mind anytime the world

is supposed to be dished out there is a

kind of open-mindedness see can I be

honest with you when you come to church

forget who is beside you there is a word

you want to catch is the proceeding word

of God you must have that kind of

doggedness and actually an attention pay

attention to the word of God

last second but the last he says You

must maintain a humble heart towards the


Proverbs chapter 6 verse 6 there are

many people until he swans also they

can't be blessed

you know why the moment this Apostle is

not talking they can't be blessed they

are never humble

a donker can minister to you if you're

humble was he not God that met his

people and told them go and learn from

the ants if an ant can teach people is

it somebody he doesn't say all this

brother I don't like how they preach you

don't like how the people were it's not

about the brother preaching it's about

the person behind the brother

so most times people have configured

their mind and said this is how I want

to be blessed they are not humble to the

world that is why they are not going

whereas that man that was on the poop it

was actually bringing out the Council of

God that will change and move them


all these Anglican pastors they don't

get fire

D I know they get energy

listing to the world he says go to the

ants and learn from them

it means that anybody can teach you it's

a humble heart towards the world last

but not the least apply the word


many people come to here to not to apply


shall come to pass in the last days if

you shall diligently hack it to the

voice of the Lord your God to observe

and to do carefully all that they

commands you these days then he says he

will set you on high above how many

nations but the idea is that you do

the reason why we preach is not so that

you can hear you so that you can go and

apply so I'm trying to tell you that the

success of your life is tied to the

application of Truth

how many tools are you applying you can

hear a sermon on Thanksgiving nothing

has changed about your Thanksgiving life

there is no progress you just came you

shouted because you are like a man that

built his house on sun when they win and

the difficult he says it beats on the

house and it was his fault it was James

that told us this James told us that do

not be hearers alone of the world

deluding or deceiving yourself be it to

us put some scriptures are meant to be

applied so I'm trying to tell you that

if you've not understand a part of

scripture and you notice that it's not

working go and pick what the principle

he gave Joshua he says this book of the

Lord shall not depart out of your mouth

thou shall meditate in it day and night

so that thou mayest observe to do all

that is written in it for then thou

shall make your way what the idea why

puts are shared is so that it can be


my brothers and my sisters

where God wants to bring each and every

one of us to is a place of a good heart

and I told you that the first way you

get a good heart is that you must have

honor for the word when a man has honor

for the world the world will bless him

the world will now become like Jesus for

he says the logos of God

is quick he's a living thing he's quick

and tough coming guys on our feet

we must maintain a humble speak ing

towards the world

when a man maintains a humble Spirit

anybody can bless him he is open

he's listening he has an open mind

towards the world

where God wants to bring us to is the

place of a good heart you know the


have you seen a 34th result in your life

or is there somebody here you notice

that your life has been bugging for a

long time have you seen a 64th result in

your life I beg you in the name of God

lift up your voice now and say father

tonight I want to move into another

level of productivity I want to enter

another level another dimension of


the Lord tonight


I want to enter another dimension


God help my heart







look at what the Bible says if you can

give me the energy I love it

acts 10 34.

Peter replied I have seen I see very

clearly that God shows no favoritism

the next verse in every nation

when I saw the scripture

whatever you are going through any

results you need is possible it says in

every nation he accepts those who fear

Him and do what is right

you can make profit from the world


make up your mind today

you can become anything that God wants

you to be

that the reason why many of us have

stayed where we are is simply because of

how we treat the word of God


father we thank you

we give you glory we give you praise we

give you honor

we give you a donation

we thank you for your word

that this world will push your people

to another level

I sense strongly that the Lord is

rebuking the spirit of unseriousness

many of us here are very unserious with

the matters of Destiny very unserious I

am sensing that heavily

very unserious

but lift up your hands let me be father

in the name of Jesus

by the weight of your glory

First Peter chapter 5 verse 10 Amplified

push your people into where they ought

to be tonight in the name of Jesus

first Peter 5 10 Amplified

I decree in the name of Jesus look at

what the Bible says Amplified

after you have suffered a little while

the God of all dreams who imparts his

Blessing and favor who had called you to

his own eternal glory will himself

complete confirm strengthen establish

you making you what you ought to be kind

I speak into the lives of somebody

whatever you ought to be in the name of

Jesus you enter tonight in the name of


there are people here you ought to have

become something I decree in the name of

Jesus becoming tonight in the name of


be coming tonight in the name of Jesus

in Jesus mighty name we pray

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