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Another Ark To Build | Preparing for the coming Revolution

we're thankful for Jesus on us thy Holy Spirit pour we thank you in Jesus name Amen good afternoon my heart
is both sad and happy at the same time amen sad because I know that very soon the camp-meeting will come to a
close amen but happy in the fact that God is pouring upon his spirit he wants to do a finishing work and I want to
be a part of that team how about you I have already sensed the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit and my
desire is to open up my heart not for less but I want more what do you say I'm going to ask please if you're
sitting in the back please don't ask if you will come forward I want us to just kind of press together if you're
sitting in that back if you just please come forward we don't want anything to distract us as those who are
coming in it'll make it easier for those right there slipping later please if you would just make your way out of the
back and come to the front please I would greatly appreciate that as we enjoy the presence of the Lord together
we should be moving very quickly please please I see some people over here and oh yeah I don't want have to
call you out amen I wouldn't be encouraged if you come forward I believe brothers and sisters if we really
believe the Spirit of God is going to be poured out we should want to get closer to the Spirit amen the Angels
they try to get as close to the throne of God as possible and so I want to encourage you what it will also make it
easier for those now there are a few my brother in the back please would you come forward yes my brother but
yes thank you and we want to come forward please so it make it easier for those in the back when they come in
they don't have to distract you when they come in I believe that God deserves respect you believe that do you
believe that God's presence is real my brothers and sisters sometimes we forget what it means to be in God's
presence our children sometimes just walking about talking playing and it's not their fault is our fault for not
showing them how serious it is amen so please if you're in that back please if we will come forward if we will
come forward thank you if we were come forward thank you now notice what the Bible says and the Book of
Isaiah what book can I say Isaiah chapter 38 and when you get there if you'll let me know by saying Amen I say
at the 38th chapter we have a lot of ground to cover this afternoon as we study today and my intention is it's
going to look like we're shifting directions for a little bit but we'll come back to the same place my intention is to
spell out exactly what it is that we should be doing some people have come to me they said look Jesus is coming
what should I be doing right now when I leave the camp meeting what should I be doing do you want to know
that we cannot remain the same there must be advancement there must be something that happens to us we
cannot say yes we had a good time but no change there has to be a revival on Reformation this is the burn in my
heart when I'm going to sleep at night and I've been here this mean I've been trying to look at your face and pray
for the adults or for the children for the youth for the families we need a change brothers and sisters we cannot
be satisfied in the condition that we have anytime that we can be in the meeting like this and you can have a
child playing video games in a meeting like this you know we're in trouble and I don't talk you on the phone in a
room like this you know we're in trouble how in the world can we be in the room like this and pick up a phone
and talk when God is trying to talk to us we have forgotten what it means to be in God's presence and we bear
the minister to say something about it but my friend's the Elijah I must speak amen so please we must be mindful
of that but before I go into that we've been studying all this week into a subject that is entitled what's that subject
talk to me another Ark to Bill now we have a book out there called another work to be oh that explains this
where materials are going to that history Redemption this we won't be able to cover everything but we want to
give us as much as we can cover today but before we do that I want to make a quick announcement I was happy
when I went into the bathroom and saw no tissue again amen but I was sat in when I was in the motel and I saw
children running up and down playing on the elevators that's not their fault the children should be able to run and
play outside amen but please if you have a child we want everything we do to be decently and in you want it to
be a representation of heaven on earth you see how young people God loves them and is going to have an army
of youth to finish the work but they have to be rightly trained and they cannot train themselves so we cannot
blame them the problem is us amen we need to end love help them train them keep them besides you if you see
somebody say that this meeting is so important if you see somebody talking mean signs you I tell you just tell
them I don't believe anybody came all the way from every where they came from to come here to the core you
didn't accidentally come here and I don't believe that you came and spent money so that someone can talk to you
you miss the Holy Spirit talking to you I would tell them look I paid good money to be here if you want to talk to
me talk to me later when it's on your time in that mind amen now my brothers and sisters just tell them and if
you don't have a mind you today because it's that important amen Jesus is about to come and God is wanting
someone that is going to be ready to meet him now also there was an announcement of me that I was asked to
make the announcement from registration and they said that they already passed in the final names of those that
are registered in the rooms they've had some tremendous times and they said that this organization this place this
that this conference center when they got the names they said that they have a rule that you cannot switch or
bring people into your rooms without it being part of the registration and if you do that it is a lie you know that
don't you it is a sin you know that don't you and it's not a law that we pass but it's something that we should be
living peaceably with if while we're on this earth amen so they asked me to ask you please some people say they
have family coming in and they have friends coming in they'll be here tonight but they were not registered and
your plan was to open up your room and let them sleep in your room tonight that is not God's plan if you want to
think to help them then you need to go to the registration and say look there's somebody coming and because this
is the way that this is run I'm going to be faithful and please what do I have to do to make sure that they have a
roam amen is that clear and I've told you now if you do it still nobody's gonna force you but if you do it still it's
not on me guess who is on you didn't want to say so I'll say it for you it's on you a man a man but not having said
that that's not our study tonight amen I believe that a crisis is coming do you believe that I'm not sure if you
believe that do you believe that do you remember yesterday I read a statement from the spirit of prophecy that in
that in spoke of at least four countries do you remember the countries India Russia China and America do you
remember that now watch what the Prophet says concerning his father bless these words as we have opened it in
Jesus name Amen let's read it together five magistrate released the real father you believe the Prophet now you
sound a very weak do you believe the Prophet all right it says in India China Russia and the cities of what
America thousands of men and women are dying of is that true starvation the what's that next word money man
now who are the money men what does that mean was it some of the men we have what is that time I'm Bill
Gates no not time I'm Bill Gates is that my Warren Buffett no according to these money men Warren Buffett is a
poor man there are four families are the richest families in the world - in Europe - an America these families own
somebody I remember one time reading the history about this and one of these men were asked are you going to
run for president he smiled and said run for president I choose presidents you're going down there Thomas your
Republican and a Democrat know you're a fool the Bible says that the bother that that the borrower is servant to
the what does the Bible say so proverbs 22:7 says that the bra was servant to the Linnet meaning whoever
provides the money that the rich are slaves to him it says the money men because they have the power control
over is there anything going on with the markets that they talk to me we talked about the brexit we won't talk
about that today we talk about that what's going on in Europe and in Britain in England that they have just
stepped out took a vote and stepped out of that European Union my brothers and sisters that means something
prophetically it means that there's another art to build and we don't have an arc yet I mean can you imagine what
it was like for Noah what if Noah said you know what I've got so much God's just gonna protect me through that
storm I'm just gonna pray God he's gonna take me through if he said that he would have drown in that flood am i
right if he loved God he would do what God said and God said build and now my brothers and sisters do you
know what that idea go to Genesis 6 before we go further go to Genesis 6 in your Bible go to Genesis I said I
said 20 but go to Genesis 6 met 9:30 we're just telling us we need to set our house in order that's true go to
Genesis 6 no that's where I want to go today Genesis 6 are you there amen hold your hand when you're in
Genesis 6 it says this means starvation to the controller market they purchase at little rates all they can obtain and
then sell at greatly increase could you put my time up so I'll be aware thank you as they said that they sell like
greatly increased prices at fair prices this means what else stop please let's read this together let's get this please
it says this means what starvation to the what classes now notice now is talk about not racist is talking about
what classes let me said it again it's talking about not racist is talking about what classes it says this means
starvation to the poor classes not it is true that there are some races that are our deeper in poverty than others
because of reasons that if you study slavery exploitation and oppression you understand why the devil has done
this not business this means starvation to the what poorer classes and will result in a let's read this together civil
war a what a civil war that is that seriousness or not now someone says well we don't have anything to worry
about because that's civil war already took place is that true no that's not true in fact what year was this written
would use that written talk to me what here with a civil remember yesterday we talked about this what year was
the Civil War is in 1860s going from 1861 to about 1865 depending on where you are this was the historical civil
war in America am i right was it bloody yes or no was it the most bloodiest war that we ever thought fall on this
soil yes or no yes now this says no it's just a little bit was sister one alive during the Civil War yes or no yes she
was born in 1820s sister what was alive in fact do you know that she stood up and prophesied of the Civil War
before it ever took place and she told the church that there were people right there in the church men women
children that were going to die in that Civil War and if she were alive today she would look in this room and
look at our children here and look at the adults here and say there are some in this room that are gonna face the
oppression and revolution of that civil but we're not taking the series you know there were men in that church
that were laughing the prophecies they were talking careless and she said they were in just a few short years that
same thing is coming back again this says this is 1899 several years now my brothers and sisters that when she
wrote this the Civil War was still fresh upon her brain and she says that in the future another system will take
place but it's going to be more severe in fact there's going to lead into the time of trouble such as we at that
means that this civil war is going to be worse this time than it was what last time now my brothers and sisters
what is another name for civil revolution revolution now my brothers and sisters that tells me that a revolution is
coming to America a revolution is taking place that is sweeping Asia and Africa and India and America and
China we're going to see a while why blow bad and we are not ready for this I'll turn away with this this is why
they can play around and talk and we are not preparing them for what is soon to take place in this world as an
overwhelming surprise when this bricks out many will say well I wish I knew Jesus but let me tell you
something then it'll be too late now is the time to build the ark and this says that a revolution is coming now
remember brothers and sisters when that revolution started the Civil War came the first time what was happening
to the seven finished church the seven evidence church was just what it was just starting in 1863 in the middle of
that civil war the the in 1869 civil war the seven vanished Church was completely organized with its name in
Iran Iran now in this final civil war that's in the future in this final civil war the Senate vanished race would not
be beginning its work the semanas church will do what finished or does that make sense now my brother says if
that tells me then that if I know that a revolution is just about to break and a few short months to a few short
years that means that we're in the finishing time does that make sense and whatever we do we better do how now
in Noah's day there was a revolution of some sort some crisis you know what Noah had to do talk to me Noah
had to do what know had to build an ark God had a plan to relieve Noah in his family do you know that if you
look close enough you can't see it yet but those are some words right there and then art can you see what that
says the relief work would you say that with me the relief work now you don't understand what that is yet it's all
right we're gonna study it more fully but we're gonna find out that if we are going to go through that revolution
we must be a part of not what gods and men says not what I say but we want to show you from the primacy of
prophecy God says that there is an inspired instructions there's a divine design but there is a beautiful blueprint
and we're going to show you it says every seven at - is to be a part of in order to go through the revolution I want
the instructions what do you say now what's there a relief work in the days of Noah yes or no now unless you
know what relief is you don't know go to Genesis 6 are you there a man over the Bible says in Genesis the sixth
chapter beginning in verse 13 Genesis 6 verse 13 the Bible says and God said unto Noah the end of all flesh has
come before me for the earth is filled with violence through them and behold I will destroy them where with fear
verse 14 says make V and art of what in other words it says may cannot prepare this art be love this art now go
over to Genesis the seventh chapter which after did I say and look at verse 16 now notice what this art there now
a flood came a river and came a crisis came but now notice what the Bible says and tennis seven beginning in
verse 15 and when you're there let me know by saying Amen let's read that together the Bible says and they that
went in went in how male and female of all flesh 7 verse 16 as God have commanded him and the Lord did what
shut him in verse 17 and the flood was forty days upon the earth and the waters did what was that a storm yes or
no was it a crisis yes or no and it says and bear up the ark that they don't go down or did he go up and it was was
the next two words lift it up above the earth was not even in the mists of that flood that took people how did that
same crisis lift somebody yes or no now an actual question do you know what the word relieve natal relief work
do you know what the word relief or relief come from the word relief comes from the word relief now how
many's never heard of levitate you ever heard of levitate what does it mean to levitate does that mean to go down
what does that mean Amy said what lift up now that's what this will come from to relieve the levitate it means a
lifting up and so my brothers and sisters you will find that going through that flood God had a plan to lift his
people about the crisis they came upon the world and the crisis they got once the problems got worse his people
rose above them I want that experience what are you saying then that means if you want to be lifted up because
it's already happened you can't happen the first time it has to happen again and if it has to happen again wait
we're not put in front of that what prefix want to put in from that three and so if I'm going to do it again then
what would I call that well that's how you spell relief amen no don't tell me that the way you spell it is by that
TomTom would that commercial say well you know the commercial the way you're supposed to spill relief is
Jesus and his plan and my brothers and sisters we're going to find out today that the real plan to take us through
is something that inspiration calls and out post Center hey what not I have a handout that I'm going to make sure
that every family gets one it's one they caught it's called the outpost and the relief work it is a thoroughly put
together pamphlet that goes through binary promises you need one I'm going to give it to you after this meetings
over who won't have people there now I don't waste handouts and so I'm not going to give it to you so you can
throw it down or just ski their view if you aren't interested in it we're gonna have enough people stationed up
here so you can move quickly get one and then if you're interested you can take it with you amen do you want
really for yes or no do you want to go through the crisis yes or no then I have another one here called the
sanitarium and the finishing work after we study you understand that we need some sanitariums today and there
is a difference between a lifestyle center and a sanitarium now this document goes through in detail there is a
difference you want to find out that the word sanitarium was changed that was the word God gave us you won't
find the statement right here you will find out what the name means you were to find out that there was a change
there was a period of time when the name was literally changed to a lifestyle center and we use these words
carelessly without understanding its historical nature inspired nature but you can search the spirit of prophecy in
vain a final life's Thompson my brother and sisters we're gonna find out that there is an art that has to be built
and it has to be built according to the inspired instructions and today we want to spell out the plan of what we
need to do are you ready yes or no now we got this study are you ready are you sure and so after the meetings we
want to make sure that we make these available to you now before we go a little bit deeper into our study let us
reverently jnanis we approach the Lord in prayer we need Jesus to do what man could never do let us pray father
the hour has come time is late Lord there's a great work that must be done in a short time nor for so long we've
wondered how are these outpost centres going to come into existence for nearly 20 years Lord I've been studying
this subject on my knees and father you have made it possible that in this generation they can take place it must
take place it has to take place but we can never get these instructions into first we embrace the understanding that
there is a limit just like Noor when he understood that there was the final generation 120 years then he was given
instructions of what to do so that they could go through the storm that was about to break and dear God that
storm is about the brick I've never been more certain than anything in my life that if ever there was a time to get
ready it's now father I don't have the ability to present this message I plead with thee that you will remove this
fickle feeble frail servant of thine and I applaud that you would take me and speak to me and through me to us
that we might understand Lord that a revolution is coming and that the only solution is to embrace Jesus and His
plan for these last days please dear God remove every distraction and show us our need of running to thee we
thank you Father still even the beautiful children they're precious calmed them dear God we know the enemy
would love to agitate them but calm these precious children for your sake and be with us in Jesus name Amen if
you'll take your Bibles and turn to Revelation the eighteenth chapter Revelation chapter 18 and when you get
there if you let me know by saying Amen Revelation the 18th 10th and I pray everybody has a Bible amen
Revelation chapter 18 and when you get there please let me know by saying Amen are you there amen now my
brothers and sisters listen to me the greatest and most important evangelistic movement that the world has ever
witnessed is steel in the future this seeking ready take place friend arrives the greatest evangelistic most powerful
movement that the world has ever seen is getting ready to break upon us and inspiration entitles this movement it
calls it the loud cry of the third angels message is that right or wrong both the Bible and Spirit prophecy says that
that loud try of the third angels message that the very power of the universe is going to be behind that movement
it says that the entire goal that the entire country that the entire world is going to be shaken from Center to
circumference the power of heaven is going to be behind that movement I want to be a part of it what do you say
revelation 18 beginning in verse 1 notice how the Bible deprives that movement Revelation 18 verse 1 altogether
the Bible says and after these things I saw what did you see Revelator and another angel doing what coming
down from heaven having great power and the earth not just one country not just one nation the earth was what
like ten how with fierce glory and I must understand this angel is going to enlighten the entire world now do you
understand that the reason why this angel is not a literal angel this angel is a symbolic angel how do we know
that now don't you understand that the that the work of giving the gospel was not interested solely to the
heavenly hosts in fact you will find that the primary were of giving the gospel is not with angels but with
humanity is that true do you remember when Jesus died on the cross resurrected and upon his resurrection he
spoke to his little man the truth that looked as if they could do nothing in the world there was less there than in
this room and that little banner soldiers jesus said I said all power how much in heaven and earth is given to what
me go he therefore not angels but me go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost is that true the power of heaven was behind his troops that was
going to finish the work in he says I am with you always even unto the end of my brothers and sisters this of the
world that tells us my brothers and sisters that this was the work not for sinless angels but this was the work for
God's church so this angel but where it only means messenger and so this messenger here is not the first
messengers God asked in a final human messengers that will take the message of mercy to a dying world could
the cooing close those doors out there to a dying world now my brothers and sisters the reason why this is this
angel is a messenger not of darkness it is a messenger of what light and it is going to finish the work I want to be
a part of that what do you say now why light where is that angel coming from is it coming from here or from
heaven now do you know that that angel comes from heaven to existed to reveal the exalted position of his work
that an angel come from heaven shows that is going to hit the attention of the world in fact think about brothers
and sisters if a man is lost today today whether he's in a desert whether he's on a mountain whether he's on the
see that there's one thing that they always give the man if they he wants to be found they always tell him have a
light so that it can get the attention of those that are far away am I right or wrong sometimes and see they shoot
that little blaze up in a light burst out to try to get the attention light is always used whether on mountain or
desert or sea but my brothers and sisters do you know that this is why God has given a light to his church the
light of present truth so they're in the midst of a world that is lost and the darkness of sin that this light is going
to get the attention of the entire world what do you say in fact do you know that we're told that before the son-in-
law passes that that little group of seven Adventists insignificant to the world it's going in a change is going to
come and the world is going to have their attention fixed on seventh-day adventists is it happening yes or not
we're told that Fox News CNN ABC that their social media everything is going to be looking at seven day
Adventists I read in the book Greek Honduras as one of the elders was preaching in the morning he could read
from that little book in the chapter called the final warning and I read that I've read that over and over again it's a
wonderful chapter and you know this is about what we're studying right now it says that those who represent this
angel that their faces are going to be lighted up with holy consecration can you imagine what it was like for
Moses to come off that mountain he didn't look ordinary the men could not even look upon his face is his face as
it were bright and almost as if they were looking upon an angel you know that when we leave this place this
camp meeting when those look at us they should see a glow about us inspiration says in the final warning met
those men are gonna go with holy concentration it says they're trained not so much by literary institutions but by
the unction of God's Spirit they're going to go forth with the words that God gives them and it says my brothers
and sisters that when they go forth you know inspiration says she says miracles will be wrought the sick will be
healed and many undeniable wonders will follow the believers I want to be a part of that it says that they're
going to go brothers and sisters from city to city from place to place from continent to continent to remote
country places that the message is going to go like fire in the Stuber it's going to go with rapidity with ancient
quickness these men are going to declare words that the world has never heard can you imagine what it's like
inspiration says she says very clearly she says these men who give that love try there's gonna be movement of
faint and prayer declaring the words that God give them and the world is going to listen it'll be like a snow
sometimes we sleep we put our heads now we in the back we're talking not then when Matt loud cry goes forth
that man can whisper and he would still be a low cry my brothers and sisters inspiration says she says very
clearly she says thousands upon thousands will listen who have never heard words like this can you imagine was
going to be like brothers and sisters in just a little while if we're faithful the latter rain will empower us like
nothing before inspiration says that when we do this in that chapter of the final warning if race it makes it very
clear it says with unmistakable clarity that when that time comes that immediately the whole world is going to
start listening and coming and following and wondering and saying dear God give me this message they're going
to go from east to west the Bible says now my brothers and sisters increasing says in Revelation 18 and Frank
let's continue beginning in verse 2 and when you get there let me know by saying Amen it says and he cried
mightily with a strong voice saying what Babylon the Great is what fallen is fallen and has become the habitation
of devils can you imagine that you hear this message and the messenger says that your church is the church that
belongs to the devil in amazement they're going to hear this in fact inspiration says it's gonna be so powerful she
says the church clad and the righteousness of Christ they're going to go forth to that final battle it says clear as
the Sun fair as the moon and terrible as an army with banners they're going to finish the work they're going to
say an amazement that the church that you're part of is Babylon that it has fallen because it's rejected the heaven
since messes of the 1st and 2nd and now you're going to receive the warning of the they're gonna hear about the
danger of the state of the day they're gonna hear the danger of spiritualism they're gonna hear the stealthy but
rapidly progress of the people power or we will be unmasked we're told that the sins of Babylon will be laid
open they're gonna hear in amazement the truth of just reform and health reform and music reform the plan or
redemption will be fully exposed and the devil will also be exposed my brothers and sisters the only one that will
be left standing is the man by the name of Jesus that message is going to shake everything in the sight my
brothers and sisters inspiration says that those thousands upon thousands will be scared and when they hear this
message they're not going to be like you're not today when they hear that message you know inspiration says that
they are going to come out of these churches in fact look at verse 3 verse 3 it says it became habitation of devils
the hold of every foul spirit cage of every unclean hateful bird verse 3 says for all nations together reading with
me others say have drunk of the wot of the wine the Ranford fornication and the kings of the earth have
committed fornication with her and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her what
do you know what time that's talking about symbolically is telling us that there is going to be a fornication a
union between church and state the image of the Beast at that time that is when the National Sunday law has
passed the loud cry goes forth and Ben they're going to hear with the announcement of the message the way the
truth the life the most holy place they're going to hear a message that says you cannot remain in the condition
you are and speed or be saved McGhee verse 4 verse 4 says and I heard what another voice from heaven saying
what was the next to worse come out now an answer a question where must a man be that calls another person
now I wonder if he's in an outpost it says come out of her my people now notice he doesn't say the Devils people
it says come out of her what that means that even though in the churches you know the Prophet says that just
before the son-in-law that even in these churches that there will be the influence of demons felt in the churches
now the sad reality is that that's going on among seven evidence you know play the drums and we play this so-
called contemporary gospel music that we invite the spirits of Beeman's into our churches in Francaise demons
in the form of men are present and we call that the movement of the Holy Spirit but the Holy Spirit never reveals
himself and such a method and such a bedlam of noise it is an invention of Satan my brothers and sisters we're
told that this would happen just before the close of and it's going on not tomorrow is going on when now we're
told that this will be felt in the Babylonian churches but you know that even though that those churches are of the
devil that God still has people in those churches in fact do you know that the the majority of true Christians
they're not in the seven heavens Church I know that might shock some of us but the majority of true Christians
are not in the survivalist church the majority of true Christians are in Babylon they're in the Catholic Church
they're in the Protestant churches the Baptist Church the the Methodist Church the Pentecostal church that the
sunday churches some of them on other religions some of them are in the Muslim religion and they in the Hindu
religion some of them are atheist so money they're going to church because of the Apocrypha of so-called
seventh-day Adventists and I'm gonna tell you something the while and the majority of true Christians in that
church the majority of Devils are in our church and there must be a shaking God cannot bring this Lao cry where
millions are coming out of these churches into a church that looks just like where they came from why God
would be a food to do a movement like that how do we think that we can do a meeting and baptize hundreds and
thousands into the church and think that this is the power of God and the church looks almost like Babylon
notice I said almost because the church will appear as about the phone that means that it would appear as if his
Bama in Babylon is fallen so would appear as if it's about to fall but it will not or the sinners in Zion will be
shaken out now this is the problem you ever been driving before you know you know how to drive and you're
driving the car and all of a sudden you sitting on the passenger seat you trying to teach some else at a time and
all of a sudden they they turn they make a wrong turn they get ready to crash what does your reflex do talk to me
what you're you flex do now you've been driving with people to know how to drive don't you your reflex makes
you want to grab the wheel mi ride along now my brother says you know the problem is that's what we try to do
to the church we think we can drive better than Jesus Christ all of a sudden it looks like the church is getting
ready to drive into a ditch because of the blind lead the blind both fall into a and so because of the blind leaders
leading the church some think the sudden if in his church are going to go down into that ditch and so when they
see the turn the shift in the church some people grab hold of the wheel but they mess up - later did they grab the
wheel - or you know it's Reagan says that Jesus will take the reins into his own hands see when you jump out of
the boat too early you drown Jesus is getting ready to take control but he's not going to do it wow this trash isn't
it like now you know that's in the trash a sin has to be cleansed out in fact God is very practical is God practical
yes or no think about this now there used to be a time when ministers used to visit every home am i right that's
when they were faithful shepherds pastors today you might have appreciate but no pastor let me say that again
today you might have a preacher but no pastor she a pastors a shepherd and a preacher he may preach to you but
he doesn't visit you he doesn't nurture you he doesn't feed you he doesn't grow you that's not a pastor that's a
preacher and even the devil is a preacher and so my brothers and sisters you must understand that when the
pastors used to be in the church they would visit every member they would take the children upon the knee they
would sit beside them and look at the condition and then the message they preached will be meat new season but
now in the day that you barely see the minister on Sam have you seen one Wednesday night and you see my
prayer meeting he just came back from the golf course now my brothers and sisters what we must understand
this is the devil's doing but when there was a time of faithful ministers they visit every home and you know do its
light your zones like this they come to your house we didn't know they come they sometimes they would even
give you a surprise visit am i right wall that the days that true pastors will come back and they give you a truth is
and all of a sudden you watching you watching think you give me one ever win window shows scandal yes you
watching scandal you know it's candidates are you watching there are you watching that no you you enter it to
you know ideas you know when you're written into a show you don't even know Sam I left the room you're
talking so I'm said there's a man in the water you've got bad person I even there you into it you hypnotize you are
hypnotized by the television you don't even know it by the internet you know how to do it they put you in a dark
room and they they put that light shining there and you look you don't even look anywhere else now you're in
your room waiting waiting novel said not come in the door you tell you check can't get the door I'm watching
scandal all was sitting they hear the door who is it pastor pastor what you do talk to me what did you do you
know what you do mamasan you look everything you cut them little all you thrown across the room on the table
cornflakes and socks on the ground you go pick up size phone right now you trying to set your house where
because you don't invite guests without fixing your house am i right now is man more practical than God why
would God bring in millions upon millions and to his church in the condition is in today no before the loud cry
before these millions come in there must be a change in the church I am six three seven eight let's read together
says the Lord does not what does he want - yes the king he said the Lord does not now work to bring and I
doesn't say any it says what i'ma take some if you are not a seventh-day adventists and you are in this room today
you are special if you are not the seven evidence and you're here today it means that God the special word for
you are thrown into a battle I never forget out with somewhere in another country and a man came up to me he
said you know what he said you don't know who I am but I know you are because I've been watching on
YouTube he said do you know that sometimes you say that there aren't true Christians in the Catholic Church
and when they hear this message they're gonna come out he says I am one of those I was a staunch Catholic my
whole family was Catholic and just a few weeks ago he said I was staunch he said but let me tell you something I
was looking to try to find a deeper experience of Jesus and I ran into your message on the youtubes and it woke
me up he said listen to me he said I'm one of those sheep you talked about he said when looking I'm no longer in
beveling he said now I'm a seventh-day adventists i'ma tell you something God has people today he's getting
ready but he cannot bring them now in fact when these you know that how many call me from other churches
and denominations that come into this message and they come and when they come to the seven heaviness
church you know what they say some time that the pastors and the members say why you coming here that Jesus
is not coming for another five hundred years I'm telling you not what I think I'm telling what I know you see God
can not bring the majority and now there must come a shaking in less than one percent of that original sin
tarnished church is gonna go through this I want to be one of them what do you say it says the Lord is not now
broke debris minute or two because the church members who have never been converted and those who were
what who were once converted but who had backslidden what influenced what these unconsecrated members
have on what were they not make of none effect they got get a message which is people have in other words
what use would it be to preach if there's no difference in our lives you see my brother this is amazing to me when
you start looking at this you begin understanding no that is right there what is that that's amazing to me we're in
this generation everybody has to have a cell phone today shower can't even talk has a cell phone no child but a
cell phone I mean today it used to be a time we gave dogs bones now we give them iPhones there's something
wrong with that listen was it one huh I'm not paying that much money I got straight talk it's amazing we want
straight talk for cheap money but we don't want the minister to give a straight talk now my brothers and sisters
now but but but but this is what someone would call a smart phone and there were they caught it now I would
never call it that but you call it that is that what you call it I would never do you say what you mean now listen a
phone that makes a man dumb I wouldn't call it smart you said what you mean years ago you knew your own
number you knew your mother's number you knew your grandparents number you know you're not you don't
even know young mi so how's the phone that makes you dumber and dumber how can you call it smart but that I
leave that with you but let's say this so-called so-called smart phone now on this so-called smart phone you can
get on the internet you can do all these various things and so in order to save money you get what is called a
service plan is that true because if you do it one at a time one at a time or what it starts doing it it starts to to
increase the bills you every time you takes you pay every time you takes so you get a service plan that gives you
unlimited this unlimited that unlimited this now I don't answer your question about that those who know you
walk along with me if you haven't heard it her here with me I want to say it again I want you to understand this
now listen to me now I'm gonna be a phone company now tell me some phone companies in America give me
some phone companies AT&T give me another Verizon give me another Sprint someone said t-mobile now I
won't and I won't tell you what the T stands for but that's another story but all of these phone companies not I'm
gonna be another phone cone I'm call myself John Doak phone company what type of phone company John Doe
phone coming all right I call you and John Doe for company I call you the phone ring ring okay you're with me
praise God I mean if your phone rings what you say hello all right ring ring I'm trying to a phone company I
want you to change your service you say why because I want your money and that what they don't tell you but
that's what they mean in is that right now if you are intelligent what do you say you say what what do you offer
in that right that's what you say now if you're intelligent this reason I do to switch over then you you you you're
not too intelligent but if you were intelligent you say what do you offer now you offer that and the man comes
back and says we know what that my service and the pricey gears is more than what you're paying do you
change you know why not you have something a bit of brains all right all right let me call you back because you
didn't get the sale let me call you back ring ring I'm John no phone company I want to offer you a service I want
to improve your service well I want to offer you another service plan from the one that you have if you're
intelligent what you say what are you offering now listen now what if I offer you the same plan I say I'll match
anything you have but wait I'll match it do you switch why not it's not an actual question how is it that we can
see that with cell phones but we cannot see that with evangelism you say what you mean you see my brothers
and sisters we go to the whirling and tell him to come to saddle service we go to the man in Babylon and the
sunday church is in the Catholic Church and the Protestant churches the Sunday service and we say to him we
want you to change your service from Sunday the first day of the week to serve up the 70 of the week change
your service but then we offer him nothing different than what he already has the same drums that is in his
church or in our church the same rock music that is in his church is in our church the same diet that is in his
church is in our church the same dress and jewelry and makeup and foolishness and educational system and
problems and divorces the same everything that is in his churches in our church same methods and valence
evangelism same message same message that is in his church why it was so bad that in one place in awkward I
won't say the name of the university church that was there but in one place the Minister that preached TD jakes
called him and his lawyer said we will assume if you do not play stop plagiarizing my sermons true statement I
know the person they caught there the person that edito me I know the person exactly and they were not a
member of this denomination but my brothers and sisters they knew TD jakes they knew what he said they knew
his lawyers and that person had gone to many TDH Simon's that person said they could finish the message
before the minister preached it because it was word-for-word from the from that little Potter's House yes it was
now what does that shock you you can't sit from babblings education and not preach babblings message now my
brothers and sisters this is what's going on today around the world my brothers and sisters how do we think that
we're gonna change them we must give them something different and in that difference it must be something
better am I right or wrong thy way O God is in the now do you know that this was the the power of evangelism
for the first kings what book did I say for the first Kings chapter 10 first Kings chapter 10 we got some ground to
cover today first Kings 10 now I want to understand do you know that God intended that Israel was to be the
head and not the tail Israel was to be a peculiar nation they were not to be reckoned among the nations they were
to be like none else they were to be God's peculiar treasure am i rather wrong and what ancient Israel were back
then seven Adventists are to be today we're told that the greatest wealth of crude ever done to mortals has been
given a seven M&S there is no denomination given like what God has given us and God is calling for revival and
Reformation now the first team chapter 10 we're going to find out what the power of the law is now remember
now revelation 18 says that the earth was lightened with God's what now in the law crime do you know that they
saw the message before they heard the message didn't say they heard the voice first it says I saw another angel
am i right then in verse 4 it says and I heard a voice which come first the seeing or the hearing but before you
can give the right declaration there must be a demonstration before there will be power in your preaching there
must be power and you're practicing before it can give power to the lips there must be the power of the
demonstration in your life now my brother and sisters this is how properly we can talk sometimes but we cannot
live what God has given us it's time to advance and demonstrate the glory of God what do you say now can we
do this by ourselves we will fail every time because without Jesus we can do what but I can do all things through
Christ who strengthens me Philippians 4:13 now what's Israel to be the light of the world yes or no do you know
that we're told in Deuteronomy chapter 4 verses 1 through 8 that they were given a message they were given the
book of the law and the statutes and judgments but if they did them that they're all the nations would have looked
and said that there are a wise and understanding nation and do you know the God intended for 7 heaviness God
intended that every seven at Venice divide that by the age of 12 what age how are you young man how are you
yeah praise God praise God good now but ancient world like this young man here he could be able to stand up at
the White House and solve the problems of humanity he should be able to be dropped off at the White House the
United Nations and solve the problems of the world that's what Jesus was and that's what God is calling us - am I
right or wrong now do you know that that was the plan for Israel and in one Kingdom and one experience this
was demonstrated in a little glimpse that's going to be revealed - on the loud cry looked at first Kings 10 and
when you get there let me know by saying Amen this is the kingdom of Solomon beginning in verse 1 notice
what the Bible says beginning the first one was the Bible say it says and when the wot queen of what Sheba
heard she heard she did what heard of the fame of Solomon concerning the name of the Lord she came to do
what proved him with hard questions verse 2 and she came to Jerusalem with a very great train with camels that
bear spices and very much what's the next word they must understand what this creature she became what she
was trying to do she was actually trying to wow Solomon so the son of man was oh no I'm not so great you're
greater than I but she didn't know that in the Church of Israel under the reign of Solomon he made he may go
like stones no no the Bible says that in chronicles Bible says that gold and silver in the reign of Solomon was
like stones and pebbles now you know that if that were true that means they had a good economy am i right in
heaven we're gonna be walking on streets of gold is that true that's a good economy why if you were to walk
down out here into this conference center call a conference ended up here and you'll go by the rocks and every
rock was a gold nugget you know what you'll be doing I've been looking at you but obviously your pack is
bolting and I said man you got a lot of handouts you said nah it's amazing brothers and sisters that right now we
walk might pick up this goal but not during the reign of Solomon they would leave the gold in the streets because
God had blessed Solomon's kingdom so much by following the statutes and judgments that it made them be the
head and not the tail above and not beneath they were the leading and the king of the nations and God intended
that for a seventh-day adventists that we were to not be in debt we were not to be sick we were never to have a
divorce our children which they supposed to be spiritual we were supposed to be the light of the world that when
the world looked at our homes it would look like heaven on earth they would say what can I do to become a
seven evidence young person running you know right now it's amazing that how young people run after jay-z but
if we had real young people like this that jay-z will be running after them see if you're above you can't look up to
somebody if you above you above the one thing you can do is look where see the world will look up to us and I
say but right nice and may is what we do sometimes we would invite Magic Johnson we weren't invite him the
church and preach to us when I say respectfully not against him as a person we would have Matt Johnson preach
to us from the podium I mean right now someone all of a sudden what's that what's that my player had the big
big big big beer what's that best player in a big beer what's his name what's his name come on tell me something
I know I know something that wasn't a say again yes hardly that's the name big beer he would come in a date
[Applause] Minister on the platform brother Hardy would you come to the podium and preach to us what could
Hardy preach to us it's amazing how we exalt the world but not Jesus you've hardly walked in this room I
wouldn't even acknowledge him but to tell him sit now and turn your cell phone off Jesus is coming Elijah must
come first to restore the family to restore our home to restore the church we're told in the time of the end every
divine institution will be restored so my brothers and sisters the Bible says the Solomon was not ruled by this
Queen of Sheba for her gold verse two says and when she was come to Solomon she commune with him of all
that was in her heart verse three mystery verse three what does it say and Solomon did what told her all her
questions did he solve her problems yes or no there was not anything heared from the king when she told her not
verse four says and when the Queen of Sheba had seen notice now she no longer heard see what now how can
you see a man's wisdom unless his wisdom was not preached it was practiced not only declared it was
demonstrated it was a full and final display it says she saw Solomon's wisdom and the house that he had what
you mean to tell me he knew some homebuilding yes or no that whole building was done brother Lopes in such a
way that when the Queen of Sheba now you must understand that those who are from Sheba those that were near
Egypt they knew about building today they even the pyramids that they built they still don't know how they built
in the day am i right or wrong but when they looked at the house the Solomon built they said we have never seen
anything like this that's our house this was what be he goes don't say what did he say what else verse five says
and the meat that is not talking about chicken wings amen that word meat means food it was a same thing in
Genesis 1:29 when it says the meat that the plant died they saw the special diet or in Solomon's plate do you
know that seven evidence should be the same way the person's can look and see this it says neither son only the
diet what else they said what else and the sitting of his servants though the way his servants sent their posture it
says and the attendants of his ministers looked at the helpers then it says and there what's the next word their
apparel you mean they tell me that they even look at what they were wearing their clothes how they were dressed
whether they had makeup on whether that church course skirts on whether they had tight jeans on they looked at
how they were dressed what else what did I say what else the cup area is what they were drinking were they
drinking soda pop or were they drinking water and his ascent and his ascent and it's what by which he went up
and to the house of the Lord they looked at all of the life and then after they looked at the system of living they
watched the center of how they worship and when the Queen of Sheba saw him worship in the most holy place
and the beauty of holiness her breath was taken away over the Bible says it goes who say what did I say it says
she said this he said and there was no more spirit in her and she said to the king it was a what true report that I
heard in my old land of not what they said but I by what acts and of thy wisdom verse 7 notice now this is very
important verse 7 says how be it what this she believed it when she heard it now my brother says I don't care
how good our missus sounds no one will believe it into somebody practices it you see they hear us preach here
but then they come to your home after the camp meeting and they see things on your table they should not see
they see things in my closet they should not see they see things in your house on your DVD on your internet on
your music collection they see things in the way you interact with husband and wife parents and children and
they say I heard what just said but I don't believe what you teach you don't even believe it look what it says the
Bible says verse 7 howbeit I believe that their words on teal until what I came I'm telling Sam this is what come
out of her what until I came and my eyes had seen it and behold look what she said let's read together behold the
what the half was not told me by wisdom and prosperity exceeded the fame which I heard she said look you have
something better it made her switch it made her come out it made her change and when the seven evidence
church preached this message with power because in the demonstration of their life they are eating different and
dressing different and living different and worshiping different their homes are different like a little heaven upon
the earth it will draw the world out they say I want what you have I want that what do you say now my brothers
and sisters but when they come I don't care how good and alright what we do is what would happen if we're not
happy no the Bible says verse 9 says verse 8 says happy are thy happy are thy servants which stand continually
before thee and that hear thy wisdom can you imagine you say I've got the best night I got the breast dress I got
the best Hill I got the best worship I got the best life and they look at you and you look like you're in your and
hail some way I gotta wear this dress I've got to eat this food I've got to be in this life I've got to be
homeschooled I've got to be this you think that's gonna convert them yes or no but I'm gonna tell you something
the Queen of Sheba is coming in just a few short months not much show you why she's coming because
something is happening in the world that it's going to make the Queen of Sheba come to the seven heavens
church and if we are not in position and are happy the Bible says whoso keepeth the law happy is and if you
know these things tell me something happy re if you want I want to be among that neighbor what do you say
now watch us now do you know brothers and sisters that we're told that a revolution is going to break out am i
right we studied this beginning last night that revolution is not breaking out now do you know that when a
revolution comes it breaks down the structure of everything in society you know that don't you this is that this is
listener this was a riot in Greece because the what took place I said a general strike disrupted services across
what I can't hear you across what and riots erupted once more outside of the Parliament do you know what they
say they went on the salmon load up it says pass that one this is the situation that the workers are going through
is tragic near poverty levels it says that one of these labor you said the government has declared what's the next
word come on Civil War and to this war we answer back with what and that's a war am I right or wrong now this
is an ongoing strike by what so during the revolution what happens to electricity what happens to it it goes now it
says workers kept rolling blackouts many Greeks we don't know and notice I said you know that all of them
that's always said if you read it I don't wanna be the Oracle but all the article says that every infrastructure the
city shut down the planes the trains the automobiles the stations every sit now electricity everything went out
then my brothers and sisters why are they doing this though why are they doing this let's read this together if you
can see it look what this is and the Peugeot just were less it says we don't want or any money it's the others who
stole the time of the government the money men now what they say it says said the 69 year old demonstrator
protester let's read this carefully were to say we're what why are they revolting we're resisting for a what better
society for the sake of our children and what else so what do people want in a revolution talk to me they want
something not the same that the government has given them they want something what better my brothers and
sisters do you know right now the day that any time a nation or people have been oppressed and so pressed for so
long that they express themselves in a revolution and I'm gonna tell you something right now in the day that the
world is fed up with the treatment that the government has been given the masses and we're getting ready to a
see an explosion worse than what we saw in Texas worse than what we saw in Ferguson worse than what we
saw in the world is going to be a bloodbath and inspiration says we've been get ready get ready get watch if
reason tells us that a revolution is coming it happened all across the world from the north to the south all the way
through we see its revolution coming now my brothers and sisters I want you to understand that the reason why a
Sunday law is going to be passed is to try to stop the problems that are coming upon the world why is the sin law
that we passed to try to stop the what now you must understand do you know where the devil learned this from
I'm going to show you brothers and sisters that from the Bible is for the prophecy right now the day the Sunday
law has been around since America was I can't say discover because you can't discover something that you stole
amen it's amazing how the wrong history will tell you they will tell you that Columbus discovered imagine
someone says I discovered your car and not even discover your car they stole your car so once I discover your
wallet no they didn't discover your wallet they what how can you say a country that people were already there
and you stole it that they country was stolen by another country how can you say you discovered it but now my
brothers and sisters after that has taken place when when when when the Columbus came to America when the
Native Americans were there do you know that sunny laws have been on the sundae blue laws had been on the
books am i right what is going to make the whole nation pass not a blue law which is a state law but a federal
law which will be a national sunny law for the world what must happen let me tell you something the devil only
can imitate what he sees gonna do I'm gonna show you that the power of the lab try is that my brothers and
sisters the gospel will be presented not as a lifeless theory but as a living power to change the life it will be
presented as a solution to life's problems never forget this every doctrine of Christ is a solution to a problem of
life would you say that with me every doctrine of Christ is a solution to a problem of life the reason why many
fight doctors now is because they look upon doctrines as enemies instead of solutions and the devil knowing that
this loud cries gonna go forth he seeks to prevent it by introducing a counterfeit before that time comes and in
order to pass a sunny law he's going to make the religious leaders of Babylon come to the nations of the world
that are full of economic problems and family problems and health problems and social problems and he's going
to tell them that the only way to solve your problems is to pass a what he's going to put in the context of the son-
in-law problems and solutions very important watch for the prophecies vol 9 page 13 let's read this we got to get
this written and sisters what does it say I can't hear you everyone that can read it says there are what so the only a
few not many even among educators and what else do you believe the Prophet yes or not everything the Prophet
says the Bible says do you believe that and everything the Bible says the Prophet says do you believe that well
then you're almost a seventh-day adventists it says that there not many of these intelligent levels of society will
comprehend what the next word the causes that underlie the present state of society why they're rewarding they
want a better society it says those who hold the reins of government are not able to do what talk to me somebody
saw the what so what's the problem the problems are getting increasing upon the world now I want you
understand some brothers and sisters do you know that right now that many people hate Donald Trump but
they're willing to vote for him because we're in an economic crisis and they said if he's a billionaire then maybe
if he runs the country then the country can come to come we've become a billionaire but that means you haven't
studied the companies that Donald Trump has led but this says those who authorized the government are not able
to solve the problem of what more what do we have a problem more corruption yes or no fornication adultery
pornography but pornography wouldn't be in the seventies Church would it it says moral problems what else
poverty then has to do with what money it says what else pauperism let's time up begging it says and increasing
what you know that you can be poor and not a popper say what do you mean a popper is someone who begs
that's what the name means you see beggars just begging but my brothers and sisters if we accept the third angels
message there will be no beggars on the street you know Jimmy you say what you're talking about the thirteen is
a message rises by but it's reason says that I'm in the Bible I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his seed
begging brain why because my God shall supply what do you know that we have a message that can do away
with Papa reason this is an increasing crime they are struggling ha in vain to place business operations on a more
secure basis if men would give more he to the teaching of God's they would find a of the problems that do what
so the reason why the world is running in the wrong direction is because they don't know the solution to the
problems of life I wonder is there solution I wonder where we will find it I read in a little book called ministry of
healing page 363 a wonderful statement it says that the gospel the what is a wonderful simplifier of life's
problems but you know the problem is we don't know the gospel like that but every doctrine of Christ is a
solution to a problem of life now watches now do you know that right now the world is filled today of economic
problems health promise but what is the reason watch what the Prophet says it won't happen great controversy
589 between that together brake caliber C 589 what does it say it says while appearing to the children of men as
a great physician who can hear all their melodies he Satan will bring disease and what else and disaster until
populous cities are reduced to ruin and what else desolation and there's a reason for this it says even nowadays at
work in accidents and calamities by CMI lay in great conflagration and fierce tornadoes and terrifically health
storms and tempest influence cyclones tidal waves and earthquake in every place in a thousand forms Satan
Satan is doing what exercising his power he sweeps away the ripening harvest and famine and what else distress
follows he imparts to the air a daily pain and thousands perished power by the pestilences Benny says watch
these visitations are to become more and more where the problems increased yes or no whether you're closer
together yes or no and then what is the devil going to do watch now it says and then the great deceiver the devil
will persuade men he will do what now he's persuasive I'm at a time listen to me man the devil knows how to
wear high heels and stilettos he can look good in him too he's very persuasive and women listen just because a
man has a suit on and says he's in the upper room doesn't mean he's an epitome I will be careful because if a man
comes to talk to you and hasn't talked to your father he's not a man he's a serpent and I only know one thing to do
what is certainly and if I find him I know what to do because the only good snake is a ditch name I'm not talking
emergere I'm not talking my murder don't put words in my mouth they already say too many things I'm saying
let me get back here before I lose my time is it it says he will persuade men that those who serve God are causing
these evils the class that provoked the displays of hamon will charge all their troubles upon those whose
obedience to God's commandments is a perpetual perpetual reproof so what talk to me - what transversus it will
be declared that men are offending God by the violation of what the Sunday Sabbath that this sin what sin talk to
me the foundation of sin he said that this sin has done what has brought calamities that will not cease until what
brothers and sisters until Sunday observance shall be what strictly enforced by the son-in-law coming because
the world cannot solve is what and then the devil is going to persuade Babel and religious leaders to put the son-
in-law in the context as the solution to life but my brothers and sisters the son-in-law can never solve a man's
problem you know why coach is there 24 could I is there 24 what but can I say now it's good to have a prophet
because everything the Prophet says the Bible says to the law and to the testimony if they speak not according to
this word is because there is what talk to me no light in them now my brother says if you were reading great
controversy 589 598 do you know that the prophet quoted this verse she said read this verse I'm on reading with
you Isaiah 24 notice Bible either 24 these are no brothers and sisters that the reason why there's a revolution is
because of the Roman Catholic Church system it's the man of lawlessness the man of and what is sin the
transgression of that power Daniel 7:25 says they shall think to change what times and what now do you know
that the reason for all of our problems is a violation of law why do we get sick because we do what violate law
why do we have financial problems because we violate financial law do you know that everything in the
universe is under law now where must I go then to find the solution I must go where the law is am i right well
where's the law of Iowa or God is in the what where in the sanctuary talk to me so in order to get the solution I
must go where talk to me look at nines there 24 look at I said 24 why is the problems coming I said 24 I is there
24 and when you get there let me know by saying Amen McCain universe for let's read is the Bible good yes or
no do you want some more yes or no man I'm getting energized now I want me to look listen let me tell you
some I want agree with it it's time to go to midnight a crisis is coming and God has given to seven day
Adventists the solution to the problem but we won't go where the solution is we're just like Israel of old we are
backsliding we say give us a king to be like all the nations when God will make us the head and not the tail but
you can never follow and be a head whenever you follow you become a butt but I'm going to tell you this if you
want to come back to be the head and not the tail we've got to go where Jesus is do you want to go watch why is
it 24 let's read together verse 4 Isaiah 24 beginning in verse 4 notice what the Bible says it says the earth does
what and what fate of away the world as what what does language mean talk to me it's dying have you noticed
that the climate is dying the earth is dying Families our finances are life is almost dead why let's read it says it
says what else the haughty does what people fear of do languish verse four says the earth also is defiled under
now notice who's defiling the earth under the one that's us living on the earth am i right now notice the problem
it says because what is the reason for this death of society it says because what they have transgress the laws
change the ordinance and broken the one everlasting covenant therefore have the curse devoured the earth and
they that dwell therein are what do you know brother this is what's going to create the desolation of the earth is
because we violated law and it will vomit us out this will cause bottomless pit revolution first with the people
then with the planet my brothers and sisters do you know that this is we're gonna semanas what's the problem we
are violated what what's the problem we've transgress what God must bring us back in harmony with law and
this is why the devil thinks that when their son-in-law the problems will be solved but my friends the problem
will not be solved in that Sunday law is passed in fact I will get better is going to get guess what it's gonna get
worse and worse now our next question what is or what does the Bible call a bottomless pit watch now let's read
this together great anniversary 6:58 let's read together it says the Revelator foretells the banishment of what and
the condition the what of chaos and desolation to which the earth is to be what reduced and he declares that this
condition will exist for how long is that in the Bible where would I find that in the Bible revelation 20 verses 1 to
3 write it down it says now notice it says after presenting the scenes the Bible then in the course is text on the
right when I watch this now so the bottomless pit equals a condition of what and don't forget that don't forget
that it's gonna be very important in a little while it says that the expression bottomless pit represents this is great
controversy great controversy six of the eight that the expression bottomless pit represents the I can't hear you
know what in a state of confusion and darkness is evident from other scriptures I wish we had time to go dogs
we don't right now but it says concerning the condition of the earth in the beginning the Bible record says the
Bible record says that it was without what and what else and darkness was upon the face of the what now watch
this the word here translated deep is the same that in Revelation twenty one two three is rendered what now
remember God declares the end from the does the Bible tell us that the earth will come back to this condition yes
or no go to Jeremiah let's look at one scripture go to Jeremiah you and Isaiah go to Jeremiah chapter four the
Bible tells us that the earth will be brought back to this condition and we know that there is a time that he must
be brought back to this condition because it's going to remain in this condition for a thousand years while the
righteous are not on earth but the righteous are in so how long what time frame will the earth come back to this
boundless pit at the end of how long six thousand years is going to happen on time now watch this Jeremih 4
does the Scriptures teach this Jeremiah 4 verse 23 you're there amen let's read that together the Bible says I
beheld the earth and lo it was without what wait a minute now I thought you said I thought I'd turn you turn to
Genesis are you reading here Maya so you mean to tell me that it says the same thing that Genesis is sure that
tells me that the earth is going to be brought back to the condition it was in the beginning now watch now
everything that prophet says the Bible says it says and the heavens and they had no what I beheld the mountains
now I want you to circle that word light so I didn't have any form no order no order and it had no light Circle that
word I beheld the mountains and lo they trembled and all the heels did what I beheld and lo there was no and all
the birds not Genesis one because at that time no bird had been created this is one but it says of the heavens were
what fled verse 26 I beheld and lo the fruitful place was a now remember every text helps us to explain the plan
Redemption why must the world at the end of time be made a wilderness again before Jesus comes talk to me
because of the day up now come on come on seven evidences to the tenth day after what if the day of atonement
comes from the end what is the last solemn service of the Day of Atonement that must happen on time that priest
must leave the most holy place and take the scapegoat into the one so the earth must be brought back in that
condition and it must happen on at six thousand years or before now watch the Bible says in verse 26 I beheld
and lo the foolish it was a wilderness and all how much of the cities it's good to gather the cities what do you say
there for affair of was broken down what did this what broke down the cities and the what that means the coming
of Jesus the presence of the Lord and by his fierce anger but notice what happens when he comes verse 27 says
for the said the Lord said the whole land shall be what yet will I not make a why now question why is he not like
a fool and talk to me somebody he's gonna lay this sin on the head and it's going to stay on this the Serpent's
head or the goat's head or Satan's head for a thousand years am i right and then the wages of sin will in in and eat
in loss will become e denarii but now my brothers and sisters watch little bit further now because we're gonna
find out that this bottomless pit as we studied yesterday has two parts the bottomless pit has what do you
remember what the two points on I'm testing you a good teacher always review and you thought I forgot didn't
you number one the bottomless pit number one is one an effect what tommen effect all right it's going number
one affect the people and then the two is one effect know what and the planet what's what happens first and then
which one finishes the bottomless pit know what and that's when Jesus comes are you with me now my brother
says we're gonna through this from Bible let's go a little further you ready to study yourself you want some more
you want some more alright watch this now bottomless pit condition of chaos condition of Earth structure
physical planet condition of Earth structure other people now watch is now this region tells us this this is no
expression balance plate represents earth in a condition or state of what confusion and chaos no annex a question
if everything is chaotic what do you think causes the chaos talk to me what do you think someone says
revolution here's what revolution is the result of something go to go to go to acts what book did I say now is God
the author of confusion yes or no does the Bible say so where would I find that in the Bible in fact let's go there
first let's go to first twenty pins let's move quickly let's go to the first Corinthians 14 someone says I'm moving to
France am i moving too fast alright good I'll slow down and then try to speed up a little more okay first for this
fourteen beginning in verse 33 now I got cover about I got a cover about a hundred years and I only have a few
minutes a mission now the Bible says the first Corinthians 14 because I'm telling some in 2016 a revolution is
about to break out and we must have the solution to the revolution or we die now what the Bible says in first
Corinthians 14 beginning in verse 33 which I'm not building the ark that's the solution look at verse 33 let's read
it together the Bible says for God is not V what's the next word then there's God calls a revolution yes or no
because the revolution is a state of confusion and what else chaos and what else darkness remember there was no
light Jeremiah says let's continue the Bible says in verse of confusion but of peace as in some of the churches do
you know that God is going to have an organized church to finish the work won't be disorganized won't be
independent guys will have an organized church not broken up and two independent atoms they're going to be on
one Accord they're going to move an exact order like a company of soldiers and verse 40 says let's read let how
many things all things how many things all things be done how decently and what else so chaos is the opposite
of what so my brothers and sisters what do you think produces order what has God made to produce order
because all the devil will do is remove that to produce chaos now you sound like a 7s go to my back except the
21 you see the devil that's why the devil's tricky he will make you trying to get away from law he'll call you a
legal S but that's not the Bible says you read the chapter martin revived was a greek on diversity you read what
the Bible says Thomas says the law of the Lord is perfect converting the Sun it's called the Royal law of Liberty
the Bible says oh it is my meditation what day and night the Bible say the soft one have you keep that law you'll
be blessed in that law and the devil doesn't want you to be blessed of our blessings you know that Israel's
prosperity to be the head and not the tail was bound with her keeping the law and the statutes and the judgments
am i right or wrong that was in the most holy place now that's what's in the Ark of the Covenant that's what
God's trying to bring us back to because the law does something for us now we can't get there yet go to acts 21
next 21 when you get there let me know by saying Amen what produces order acts 20:1 beginning in verse 24
let's read that together I'm not going to tell you the answer I want you to tell me from the Bible X 21 verse 24 the
Bible explains itself look at verse 24 altogether it says what is this take them then take and purify thyself with
them and be at charge as how that they may save their heads and all may know those things where they were
informed concerning thee or nothing but that thou thyself now here's the point let's read slowly now but that
vows I sell acts 21 verse 24 last line says also walkest what's the next word I can't hear you how and that's what
so what makes us walk orderly when we do what that's why it's called law and order I wonder what heavens first
law is order is heavens first law we're tow Heavenly Father let nothing remove your Holy Spirit please forgive us
for our feeble minds and remembering but help no one else that will cut our cellphones off that nothing will
distract us have mercy Lord sometimes we forget remind us in Jesus name Amen i'ma tell you something we're
in a serious time right now what produces order talk to me what produce daughter long so then what will
produced chaos law Les Mis so if I change times and laws the result will be what revolution all right now what's
just not what it says now now also light go to proverbs 6 because said there was no light no light go to proverbs
6 I want to make sure you get Bible for this go to proverbs 6 everything if it says the Bible says go to proverbs 6
and when you get there let me know by saying Amen the world is in darkness why the word that I said that the
earth when desolation the bottomless pit there was no light why proverbs 6 and when you get there let me know
by saying Amen then you will know why the bottomless pit is a bottomless pit proverbs 6 beginning in verse
from verse 6 beginning in verse 23 you there Amen let's read that together the Bible says for the commandment
he is a watt lamp and the law is a one so when the earth is brought back to a condition of chaos no law and when
it says that there will be no light darkness it means there's no one no law because what is the light it says in
proverbs 6 and verse 23 it says and verse 23 keep that private 6:23 says for the commandments and lamp and the
law is light and reproofs of instruction of the way of life that tells me without law there's no order there's no light
there's only chaos and darkness does that make sense alright now watch this now that's the condition now watch
inspiration tells the same thing great controversy 265 I want to see if you following this but good it says it says
the war against the what I can't hear you against the what carry forward so many centuries and France
culminated in the scenes of the revolution watch now it says that terrible out breaking what was that out breaking
civil war or what revver what caused and remember study from cause to effect the world does not understand
that cause this that are causing the problems that underlie the state of society now watch this it says that that
table out breaking was but the legitimate was the next word result of Rome suppression of the scriptures it
represented the most striking illustration which the world has ever witnessed of the working out of the paper
what an illustration of the results to which for more than a thousand years the teaching of the Roman Church had
been what you mean they tell me that it was the teachings of Rome that caused the French Revolution yes or no
what teaching of Rome did it talk to me what teaching a Rome with cause lawlessness and disorder talk to me
Daniel 7:25 he said he's above the Bible it might be an above the Bible usage traditions above that and you think
to change times and the result is disorder the result is revolution that is all is a law Les Mis now watch this
brothers and sisters at the same time education to Tony what's that next word what does NRK may go to your
dictionary look it up lawlessness without a ruler is at the same time anarchy is seeking to sweep away all law not
only the but what else human law that means countries without law we call that revolution the chain of
governments what are the prophecies it says the centralizing of wealth and power the various combinations for
the enriching of the few at the expense of the many the combinations of the poor classes for the defense of their
interests and what else I remember the money man it was about the classes it says the spirit of what else three
things unrest riot bloodshed let's say it again what three things unrest riot now I'm going to show you this is
getting ready to sweep the world are you ready for this are you ready to go through this bloody bath Luther says
the spirit unrest of riot of bloodshed the world wide dissemination of the same teachings that layer to the what
everybody the what the French Revolution or are tending to involve not just friends now all I'm telling them
evolve how much does that include India Asia Africa China America the world it says that it is pretending to
involve the whole world and a struggle similar to that which convulse what I'm a decent brother sisters do you
know in the French Revolution the blood of men and women and children ran to the streets like water children
guillotine cut up if you want to study something you study the French Revolution i'ma tell you something there
been revolutions throughout time American Revolution bloody Cuban Revolution bloody Mexican revolution
bloody Chinese revolution bloody but nothing was as bloody as the French Revolution an inspiration says that
the whole world is going to go through a revolution more serious than that what's happening at France is going to
lead to a time of trouble such as never was and there's just a few short months to get on board an arc that can
take you through that crisis I want to get ready what do you say now just not very missus now do you notice
watch now please only have a few minutes now you're not praying for that clock right now I need a few more oh
let me get this now listen to me listen to me you excuse me I'm making another board right here now listen they
sent me a brother sisters revolution comes before religious persecution you see what I said that's terrible the
people died in the flood are going to wake up and die again when Jesus comes gonna wake up and die eternally
that's terrible isn't it you imagine him drowned by water then burned by fire he'll join the revolution but we want
to go from a revolution into a religious persecution that's when the national sailors pass the Revolution is the last
thing that happens and do you know that the Sunday law is passed to try to stop revolution they will recognize
that lawlessness is the problem and so they will pass a Sunday law hoping to bring back order to society hoping
to improve the family and to improve the health and to improve the law but me remember now no fake law can
provide happiness it can only be the law of God they will think to change times and laws are you with me man I
wish we had time watches number than the sisters now let's go love watching a Greek on vs. is it says those who
honor the Bible said the word Sabbath will be denounced as what enemies of war talk to me somebody long and
what did we see it from the Bible yes I know everything the Prophet says the Bible says and everything the Bible
says the promise says do you believe it well then you're almost r7 evidence a limitation but if you go into that
most holy place and embrace the tenth day of the seventh month of Jesus Christ you are seven evidence now Isis
as breaking down the moreover what the restraints of society now notice carefully causing what so now watch
that revolution is going to be blamed on who seventh day adventists so all of the fury of the revolution that was
against the Ritz first is going to be turned against seventh-day adventists and we're going to be hated by all
nations and they're gonna say the only reason why we don't have law is because these people are teaching that
there is no such thing as a son-in-law they are the problems and that revolution is gonna be turned against us
unless you know the solution to revolution please go because what Joseph was in Egypt every seven evidence is
to be to the world what was Joseph Joseph knew that there was a prophetic problem coming in he know it's a
problem but that's not all he knew he knew that there was a practical prophetic solution and we must point out to
the world that trouble is coming but my friends we must do more than that we must show them that there's a
solution to this revolution and you and I should know this I just in Frisian tells us what it is I can't I don't have
time to go to this last part here mama let me get to a point now watch this now this says now I ask you a question
why do you think that the devil wants to bring a revolution what do you think wants to bring a revolution Tana
me quickly taught me quickly why do you think he wants to do is think about this now you see the devil the devil
is not thinking about you he don't care about you and us the devil is only interested in one thing talk to me what
do you know the one day remember talk to me he understands that the Day of Atonement comes to an end it's
too late he wants to hold us keep us prevent us from finishing the work until the time runs what he knows there
but short time you know that if it goes over six thousand years the scapegoat will be brought on time but if there
is no sinless generation his head will not be what now if you were not here you don't know that means what you
hear you understand now I'm a little further now my brothers and sisters do you know that this is why watch not
at Minister Phelan 36 for having us on 136 it says through the workings of trusts and the results of what labor
you is in strikes the conditions of life in the way in the what city are constantly becoming more and more what
difficult serious troubles not like troubles but what serious troubles are before us and for many families removal
from the cities will become a watt not a privilege but a what necessity watch now the trade unions and
Confederacy's of the world are a snare eyes the eight talks about this keep we're out of them and away from them
the crisis is coming home now watch this now it says because of these unions and Confederacy's it will soon be
very what's next word for our from what I can hear you for institutions to carry on their circle the next word
there what he's trying to stop the war talk to me he remember now he's trying to stop the work and our
institutions have worked I wonder what our institutions work is now publish me house our Center tame our food
factory I wonder what our churches for all for one thing is to prepare people to do what and when we can stand
the priest can finish the work cleanse the Saints where blood outs in crust fair to the serpent and so the devil says
I can't stop them from finishing the work I got up so he brings on the world a river and this is designed to shut
down every one of our institutions but this will only work if we don't have an arc this will only work if our
institutions are in the city watch it's this because of these it will soon be very difficult for my institution to carry
on their work where in the seas my warning is cheap we're out of the city's bill no senators indices educating I
didn't say condemn it says what what we need is not condemnation but what AG my people destroyed for lack of
knowledge it says educate our people to get out of the cities into the country where they can obtain a small piece
of what you will find that the basis of going through this we've got to have some land anytime that God wanted
to develop a people and give them freedom just as inequality to the developer people to become self-sufficient
and suffer self-supporting he had to give them the means and incentive and that is land when God wanted to take
a group of slaves and make them the head and not the tail what did he give them talk to me man he took Israel
out of Egypt and he gave them a promise what land do you know what America want it when they want to
independence they want it what man do you know what you need if you're gonna have some support some
freedom to you if if you're gonna have the ability to raise up do this crisis you need some what but if you don't
know the plan no Promised Land I'm gonna say it again if you don't know the beautiful blueprint the plan no
promise what you know the Israel was given divine these structures or what to do when they got on the land or
the land would vomit them out Leviticus 18 says it was spit about some people say live in my home in the
country and they're getting solar panels they're getting the water they're getting the RAM pumps they're getting
all the things together only to be spit out so that someone who knows the plan can come in now my brothers and
sisters information says that we must understand God's plan they were building olive tree and fruit trees for
Israelites to take over to do God's plan says educate up here to get out of the cities into the country interation
goes on to say it says the time is coming when the controlling power of the labor unions will be very what
oppressor again and again the Lord is instructed and how people are to take their families where away from the
cities into the country where they can raise their own provisions food they can grow a film food for in let's say
together for in the future the problem of what buying and selling will become a very does the Bible teach this in
Revelation 13 16 and 17 the Bible says that when that market the pieces getting ready to be enforced Revelation
13 17 says and that no man might do what buy or sell save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the
number of his name there's going to be a problem over buying and what else everything that purpose is the Bible
says let me tell you something we are nearing that time right now watches it gives you me a few more minutes
I'll get ready bring this to a close look at this this saves from the future problem buying sin will be a very serious
problem but her long there will be such strife and confusion in the cities that those who wish to leave them will
not be what can you imagine you want to leave but you know during a revolution nobody leaves during a
revolution nobody needs this sense we must be preparing for these issues this is the light that is given what the
Prophet says that we've got to get ready for this go to Matthew 14 what book did I say Matthew 14 I need is
about ten more minutes to bring to a close Matthew 14 Matthew 14 no so the Bible says in Matthew 14 and
when you get there let me know by saying Amen is the Bible good yes or no you are no more yes or no now
watch this now Matthew 14 look at this Matthew 14 now watch this watch ministration says you're going to
Matthew 14 watch Prince razor says this is council on health page 273 council on health page 273 now let's read
this together says for years I have been given special light that we are not to do what Center our work what not
general like I've been given what that we're not to send to our work with the next word now if we're not to sent to
our work in the cities then we are we to Center our work out of the cities and what will we call that out post
centers now this is the turmoil and confusion lawlessness that feel these cities the conditions brought about by
the labor use and the strikes will prove a great hindrance what's the next three words to our the devil is trying to
stop the work from being finished the revolution is trying to slow the work down so that we will not prepare
people to what on time it says men are seeking to bring those engaged and the different trade unions and their
bondage deserting you this says it's not me tip I'm gonna keep going my times gonna weigh in say well my time
is gone I need to go low for now watch this now now my brothers and sisters you must understand now look at
this do you know that there's only one church understand there's only one church and it's the remnant Church of
the most holy place I can't tell you bout that right now because my time is gone the minute I want to go here
what Joseph was in Egypt every 7:00 at Venice is to be to the one every seven evidences to be to the world what
Joseph was in Egypt and what Daniel and his fellows were in Mammoth this says in every institution established
by seven evidence is to be to the world what Joseph was in Egypt and when Daniel and the fellows were
remembering every individual and every institution what you'll be developing this way and this is what God
wanted he said repeatedly the Lord has instructed us that we are to work the cities from what Apple centers in
these cities were to have houses of what so what should be in the city houses of that's our churches should be in
the cities but then it says as memorials forgot but institutions for the publication of our what what do we call
those talk to me publishers for the healing of the sick what do we call those treatment rooms and sanitariums and
for the training of workers would we call those schools practically and evangelistically are to be establish we're
outside the city the specially is it important that I you shall be shielded from the temptations of what now if we
had timed I will show you that all this is is the life of Jesus do you know that everything that this is that's where
Jesus did when he was on this earth to finish the work he was preaching teaching preaching publishing he lived
in the country ministered to the cities this is nothing more than carrying on the life of oh Jesus now watch this
number than and sisters someone says are you sure about that look at Matthew 14 yes look at verse 14 do you
like to follow Jesus yes or no fact we'll pick on verse thirteen what's the first word say Matthew 14 13 it says
when who now do you know that if you had been following Jesus back there do you know where it would have
led you if you followed him back there because he is is the same yesterday today and forever is that true now if
you had followed Jesus back there I wonder now question would you have followed Jesus if you were back there
yes or no well let's see where it would have led you let's read Matthew 14 verse 13 says when Jesus heard of it he
departed thence by ship into a desert place apart and when the people had heard thereof they did what they
followed him we're not in cars not on planes they followed him on what now what's the last four words out of the
one so if you have been following Jesus back there it would have took you where and if you're following Jesus
today what is going to take you under this is because he's the same yesterday today and forever Hebrews 13 18
and so this is out of the cities out of the safe this has been my message for what yes everything the Prophet says
the Bible says exact words I want to follow the lamb whithersoever he goeth what do you say now my brothers
and sisters inspiration tells us again and again that the saves that'll be worked from outposts imma give your
hand out there some of this in it but my brothers and sisters how question is how are we going to get this about
because you know some people think is amazing some people think that just because they move out of the city
into the country that now an outpost because they have a program it takes time because the denomination you
know all of our publishing houses right now are where City our schools where city health facilities where City
how can they work during a revolution they can they will stop the work the infrastructure and God wanted to put
us in a position where we can minister from the country into the cities to do the work to do the work and so the
devil is trying to stop it we've got to get back to God's plan and follow the beautiful blueprint what are you
saying now watch this it really says this means can you read that it says just because it's 17 minutes institution I
wrote this down is in the country it doesn't mean that now that institution is now post an institution is only a part
of an outpost when that institution contains and demonstrates the what principles of heaven for solving of
problems and it's fulfilling God's great purpose or what their purpose is to prepare people to do what it says and
we have to make this point playing because if not we can have people leaving us thinking and outpost is only a
what a building an institution or a group of institutions set up out of the city in the country this is the furthest
thing from the truth now just watch for the prophecies what is the purpose of the system of living contained and
everlasting gospel great controversy 279 it says the gospel the what is that the perfect notorious message yes or
no the everlasting gospel revelation 14 verse 6 never destined gospel says it says the gospel would have brought
to what the what so what is the solution to the revolution the what the gospel it says the gospel would have
brought to France the solution of those what political and social problems that baffled the skill of her clergy her
kings her legislators and finally plunged the nation and to what and Nike and what else you mean to tell me that
in the three angels is the solution to the revolution and if we do it now that God can use us to solve the problems
of the world is that true now what is in the gospel ministry of healing 363 gospel the gospel is they what
wonderful simplifier of what that means that our institutions should have the simple solutions to the problem of
life and if we don't are we truly an outpost yes or no no now this is why God is trying to bring us back to this
condition every doctrine of Christ is a simple solution to a problem of life let me give a couple examples
Heavenly Father's we get ready to bring this message to a close though there's so much more in this last three or
so minutes please help me Lord to give us that which is most important it's time to get ready help us there God
and Jesus name Amen I'm going to show you one thing and I'm gonna skip real quick to the end so please bear
with me Amen you ready are you ready do you want cancer now remember we've got to learn how to put the
gospel in the context of problems and what else I'm actually again do you want cancer that's mouth cancer do
you want that all right do you want cancer you sound a little more certain that time let me show you again do you
want cancer I'm actually again do you want cancer do you want cancer the effects of a flesh diet may not be
immediately realized but this is no evidence that it's not harmful few can be made to believe that it is the meat
that they have eaten which has poisoned their blood and calls their what suffer many died of diseases holy what
is holy me do to what while the real cause is not suspected do you want cancer all right those who use flesh
foods little know what they are what cancers what tumors and all how much all inflammatory can you tell me
limit or disease can you tell me one off Rytas it says are largely caused by what meeting from the light God has
given me the prevalence of cancer and tumors it's largely due to gross living on what dear flesh Center on
brothers and sisters do you know that when God told us to get off flesh it wasn't because he didn't want us to eat
that good old chicken bone it's because he didn't want us to develop first the diseases of our bodies but secondly
the diseases of the mind and this is those whose festivals will know what they're eating if we could see what the
foods look like can you do you know what the animals look like they're coming these stores cut up and sliced up
like some some type of a ground beef and the only thing that is in it is pus just ease God is trying to save us from
that field and foolishness my brothers and sisters every doctrine of Christ is a solution to a problem of would you
want to solve the diseases of women yes or no 50% would you want that watch now many have become lifelong
immolates through the complaints with the demands of fashion displacements what else deformities what else
have we been saying more breast cancer and prostate cancer around many women yes or no it says cancer not in
the world but thomasmb evidence and other terrible diseases are among the evils resulting from fashionable
dress then half the diseases what percentages have 50 percent of the disease of women are caused by unhealthful
what so when God gives us dress reform either to make us look dumb and ignorant and foolish was he trying to
keep us healthy holy and happy yes or no see every doctrine of Christ is a solution to a problem of life what
about world hunger what we want to solve whoa yes or no illustration if you were to go to United Nations
tonight they will be talking about world hunger look at min ministry of healing good beautiful book ministry of
healing look what it says 287 let's read that together what did it say it says the Bible teaches what does the Bible
teach so yes or no where is that in the Bible write it down first Timothy 2 verse 1 and like men also that the
women adorn themselves in modest apparel with shamefacedness and sobriety not with broided hair or gold or
pearls or costly array if then it says look now it says out here it says in the professor what Christian world
enough is expecting or two things is expended for number one what joules remember - what needlessly expend
what are the two things joules and what else meters an expensive dress to feed how much how much all the
hungry and to clothe the naked you mean to tell me that if we practice dress reform no jewelry do you know that
we can end world hunger tonight every doctrine of Christ is a solution to a problem of life they're not arbitrary
rules and diet and dress in music and worship and Families and finances these are laws for our happiness to
make us the head and not to make us world and not sick to make us holy and not corrupted there to make us are
peculiar people so that the world just like the queen of sheba will come and say how can i have what you have
but my brother and sister will only get this when we go into the most holy what now how are we gonna get all
these institutions I won't get all this because I gotta bring it to a close look at these brothers and sisters Jesus was
the greatest problem solver the world ever saw am i right second spear superior pastor to six to assist as the Sun
was what setting do you like that name was that day Jesus saw before him five thousand people besides women
and children who have been all day without what the people to know what was going on they say how we would
eat the people had arranged themselves and required order working wondering what was to be done but their
amazement did what I love this their amazement knew no bounds when the problem was what what did Jesus do
he saw their problems he opened up a hygienic restaurant please go and he fed those multitudes Jesus was the
greatest Prime Minister on the world had ever known we're told in the last days and that's God's plans you see
the relief work is not canvassing canvassing is not bad there is a place for canvassing and the publishing work
but the relief work is not canvassing the relief work my brothers and sisters is to bring us to a place where we
can become problem solvers just like Jesus to make an individual or institution a family able to solve the
problems of humanity so that they can be the solution to the revolution this is the only reason why revolution
comes my brothers and sisters they say as a great work a what work now have you ever before great work little
time you ever heard that before have you ever wondered how we're gonna do a great working a little time yes or
no do you want to know there's no other statement you were fine like this do you want to read it I didn't write it
but the Prophet wrote a washing out what the Prophet says let's read together rhyme 979 last testimony she wrote
it says a great work is to be done in a world in a what I wonder how be what do we have a short time yes or no
now I wanted to show you today how I'm sure that time is but I can see I'm not gonna be able to show you it says
but we know we have a short time because we showed enough already it says and we must ought study to
understand and appreciate more than we have in past years the Providence of God in placing in our hands the
precious volumes what price object lessons now wait a minute that means they tell me that relief work has
something to do with handling Christ object lessons and ministry of healing that come a problem-solver I've
gotta know something about these books and this racin says that if you want to accomplish a great work and a
short time we need to understand more than we do these two books that will open the way to do the work that
God has given us as a what means now watch this now burn the sisters how this is really for it now the Bible
talks about this in Leviticus 25 verse 35 tells us that Israel was always to be really focus this is not another arc
that must be video bill but we must know what the problems are that are coming and the prophetic practical
solutions now I cannot talk about this now I was getting ready to talk about this but I can't my time is gone so I
wanna bring it to a close so bear with me as I close now I'm gonna pass through this for a moment I want you to
this last place as we're closing you've got to know what's coming we know there's gonna be a problem on buying
and selling we know there's gonna be a problem of sickness and health when there's gonna be a problem of all
these things coming upon the earth but we know that the greater problems gonna be even more than that in fact
the greatest problem that we have is a sin problem then when the judgment passes from the day-to-day living in
the problem the relief work is the biggest problem Simon might know that man is right there he might know that
man is a minor that man is that's linen anybody know what linen did you tell me this will get ready close him I
know a linen dear talk to me he started a what revolution watch this history watch what it says look at the top the
little-known story of the American effort to do what really to do what relieve starvation in the Soviet Union
Russia 1921 our job down here the first American relief ships arrived or what blow up the first American what
this is history who is the danger when you don't know history and I says the first American relief ships arrived in
Petrograd in September 1929 as the embers of the 1917 Russian Revolution still smolder American what relief
what workers were among the first outsiders to break through Russia's revolution now you know that when you
study history the only people that are led into a revolution and out of a revolution are relief workers so what type
of institution will remain functioning during a revolution relief workers what type of institutions will be able to
get in to a revolution in and out of the cities relief what do you know the view study the Chinese Revolution the
same thing if you studied the the French Revolution even in Nazi Germany where no one else can come in they
let in relief workers and has a plan to make 78 minutes in the most holy place relief workers for the purpose of
finishing the work what do you say watch this brother and sisters inspiration says this it says the warden is well
they were welcomed as what merchants where they would have been spurned as what mission yes my brothers
and sisters the relief workers the makers of problem songs that we can enter in to this we could have beaten with
Joseph was in Egypt every seven evidence he is to be to the world now my question is one last question is that
close I can't go this as that close one last question one last question bear with me there's one last question bear
with me there's one last question now this is the tip of the iceberg only the tip the real thing is when this when
the judgment passes from the dead to live them hopefully other mates will get on that now listen this this is
where I want to be this is where I want to be there's inspiration speak of a relief work I'm closing here I'm
closing the inspirational speaker relief work yes or no that's really my 980 45 it says the books what Ministry of
healing Christ and lessons are peculiarly adapted for and everything possible should be done to place copies of
these works in the hands of those who have leisure and inclination to do what let's read this together my heart
has rejoiced as I have learned of a revival of the what of the what is that a name that a man has made up the
brother Davis make this up yes or no is it in the testimony yes or no it says that the Prophet says my heart was
not sad it rejoiced when I learned of a revival of the relief work some have been given a special training for the
work of selling ministry of healing and as they have visited homes and the neighbouring cities and villages the
blessings of heaven has rested richly upon them and favor impressions have been made and they have about
people and their work prejudice was disarmed now question what else what was closely associated with relief
work many have never learned how to sell the books dedicated to the advancement of our what all of our
institutions to prepare people to stand now as your millionaire now so don't worry about this coming in here now
now this is in the cities within easy reach about sanitariums we would take these books it was God's purpose at
the minister feeling Christ out listens much means should be raised for the work of our what sanitariums and
what do you know there every of these institutions that will prepare people to stand the relief work was to
establish them maintain them prepare them they were to raise the funds raised the experience raised us into a
condition where we can be able to solve the problems of humanity now my brothers and sisters this says look at
the last line if our people will what now engage in the sale of these books as they are we should have much more
means money and energy and ability then we now have to do what read this with me now or tear this is to do
what carry the word in the way the Lord what designed that it should be carried now how did the landlord design
the work to be finished talk to me it is God's design remember how the design it is God's design that our people
should locate out the cities outside the cities and from these outposts Warren the what my brothers and sisters the
God would bring to us the ability know the prophecies imma give your hand now and I hand out to me close it
says that every seven at Venice is to be a part of this do you know that it says that at our camp means it talks
about the very thing and our camp meetings and talk about this many schools I can go to that they said listen he
says it says one point that should never be forgotten by workers and the Lord Jesus Christ is our chief director he
has outlined a what just like the building the ark but which by which the schools may be relieved of their
indebtedness and he will not vindicate the course of those who laid this plan what a sigh for lack of confidence in
a success when his people will come up unitedly to the help of his cause and the earth no good thing God has
promised will be withheld from them no good thing it says will be here withheld from them everything is God
has said not scarcely I got to stop there my brothers and sisters the devil has gotten control of our entire
denomination every institution today is out of line out of line every line of course and God must do something to
bring us back into line is that true and we only have a few short months left that handout I give you right after
you want to talk about how to get back into a position because if we don't all we have as to the healing of the
deadly womb please is closed please listen to me do you still like that night you like that diet do you want that
diet you know what that diet relief work open Josh you want that diet hope you don't with that diet everybody
that's on that diet will end up following the Beast am i right keep your eyes open you want you watching now
relief worker open your eyes your eyes open yes or no watch watch if we are on that flesh die but their diet we
will say yes to the Pope and when all of the world wonders after the beasts we will wonder with it this is why the
devil wants us to have worldly diet worldly dress worldly music world education worldly jewelry worldly life
why because if we love the world the love of the father is not in us I want the love of Jesus what do you say I
want the ark what do you say that when this revolution starts that God can lift us up through the revolution and
show the solution to the revolution that solution is in one man whose name is Jesus but Jesus is not in the other
court he's not in the Holy Place he is in that do you want to go in there yes or no do you want to relief work yes
or no do you want your institutions yes or no do you want your outposts do you know that you can do this relief
work with no money information say is urged every 7 evidence I'm gonna show you the first and says that
without money she says why we're not someone at your camp meetings the Prophet said that will call for
volunteers we're gonna I'm gonna show you our next program our next plan we're not just talking about this
thing our next plan is not only to preach but to build the ark but people who have failed to build the ark before is
because they didn't follow the plan the plan says don't invite workers unless you first get them into relief work
and so my brothers and sisters the relief work changes not first the community it changes how we live it teaches
us how to solve the problems in our home between husband and wife and our children and our dress in our diet
our life and win because listen you cannot give what you don't I want genius what do you say do you want your
problem zone are you happy here did you learn anything do you want some more man this presence is here
province this is another arc is about to be built let me tell you this first thing has to start with our hearts I'll never
forget written here in a story about a young woman she went to a college son in California real story college in
California and as she was there the first one of the main class he had was a class called American literature
American what American pitcher have you ever been to Meaghan is your class I took it I had the ticket around so
I don't want this class the book is about five times the size of your Bible to kind of really put together huge she
look at that book she hated it she lived in a book pour through it she she wanted nothing to do with it she said I
hate this class few months later she was at the University and there was a young professor also there same
University young professor they began to see each other got a chance to know each other later on before the year
is over they even got engaged quickly getting ready to get married and the young lady one day came to her her
fiance said look I we talk about everything but there's one thing that puzzles me that I never talked to you about
he said what listen right you could talk to me about anything and she said you know the American literature class
I have I hate it I hate the book I hate the class I hate everything about it so he said okay you know these things
happen what's your puzzle she said but my puzzle was this that one of the chief contributing editors of the book
who gave the information has the exact same name that you have he smiled and he said no it's not that strange he
said I wrote largely that book no that woman did she went back home the same night read for a whole book from
cover to cover and she said that was the most exciting book in the law did the book change their youth and adults
here today they thinks the Bible and the spirit of prophecy is the most boring book in the world they think that
the relief work that the plan the outposts the finishing work is the most boring thing in the world they'd rather be
out partying playing video games basketball in the world making money but my brothers and sisters if our
relationship with the author changes that which was once boring can become the greatest most exciting thing in
all the world love makes a difference but love is not always expressed in kisses and caresses sometimes love is
expressed in stern rebuke as many as I love I rebuke and chasten the chains have to be broken do you want that
type of love yes or no do you want to finish the work yes or no and let us pray Heavenly Father I've said what
you wanted me to say nor if ever there was a time to develop this relationship this love this experience to become
a problem solver the time is now we're gonna find Lord that is we study we have but a few short months left and
whatever we do we must do quickly but I pause this prayer tonight they say there's anyone that says Lord I want
you to start with me and my home just raise your hand just raise your hand Heavenly Father you see every lift at
hand give us this love give us this truth that we may stand we thank you Lord that there is another Ark that is
being built today that will save us through this coming crisis thank you Father may our home be a part of it in

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