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Friends is the best sitcom and popular series in the world.

Friends’s first episode published twenty

eight years ago. People watching Friends in nowadays. I think this case reason is characters’s
sincerity. Their friendship is so cute. They are loving towards each other. They always supported each
other I always love this. I started watching the series two months ago. My friend suggested Friends.
Friends is large TV series but no problem for me. Also this TV series has best soundtrack I think. I
always like Friends soundtrack. Soundtrack has Friends’s soul. The Rembrandts created I’ll Be There
For You. I liked Smelly Cat song. Phoebe singing this song. Song is awkard but nice. I will watch again
Friends because I loved this TV series. Everbody should have friend group like their friend group. I
love all the characters in the show. For example: Chandler. Chandler is my dream friend. He is funny
and handsome. I laughed Chandler and Janice realitionship. But my favourite character is Rachel. I
want to analyze for Rachel. Rachel is strong, sometimes annoying,sassy and grumpy.. But she always
stylish and chic. I think she is fashionista.She belonged to the wealthy part of society. She didn’t
married Barry and she decided to start a new life. She was the waiter of the Central Perk. She got off
to a bad start. She confused about orders. But other characters helped to Rachel. They managed
Rachel. Ross has loved Rachel for childhood. I think sometimes Rachel did injustice to Ross. Ross has
sensitive heart. I felt sad for Ross. Rachel was arrogant in first seasons but she was humble and calm
in last seasons. She was emotinally empty some seasons. I think she has the best character
development. For insteance first scene she logged in Central Perk with wedding dress. She was
hopeless. After that, second season eleventh episode Rachel’s mom went to Rachel. She want to
Rachel like. She wanted to broke up with husband. So, Rachel accomplished something

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