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Behavior: is a term used to describe the action of person or animal. Behavior is something which
can be observed by others.

Mental process: is the internal process that happen within the brain. This process influence the
behavior of people

There is strong relationship between behavior and mental process, which is evident in daily
activities of human beings. Mental process heavily influence the behavior of people. For
example if I will be making decision on my head today whether to go out or not my decision on
the matter will influence my action that is whether I will go out or not.

Organism Physical state are defining traits or features of a organism body. These are aspects of
appearance that are visually apparent to others, even with no other information about the
organism. They can include a variety of things. Hair and facial features play a big role but aren't
the whole picture.

A mental state, is a state of mind of a person. Mental states comprise a diverse class, including
perception, pain experience, belief, desire, intention, emotion, and memory.

External environment are influences that do not occur from within the individual but from
elsewhere like the environment and others around you. Examples of external environment are
your, work and school, and the people around you.


Two types of Influences on Human Behavior are:

Biological influence: human behavior is the result of both cause and effect of certain biological
condition that exist or develop, many deference between people are inherited and thus make each
individual genetically different. This deference are such as biological sex, height, voice, as well
as aspect of social behavior.

Environment influence: environment such as land, river and mountain also influence behavior
of an individual either positively or negatively this is because emotion ,feelings ,attitude habits
and body structure are a result of physical environment or leaning on which the individual

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