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Objective: To understand physical and chemical changes through the process of fish
1. Fresh whole fish (small-sized) - preferably a non-endangered species
2. Salt
3. Baking soda
4. Herbs and spices (optional)
5. Plastic gloves
6. Plastic wrap
7. Scissors
8. Tray or dish
9. Paper towels
1. Introduction (10 minutes): a. Begin the lesson by discussing the concepts of
physical and chemical changes. Explain that physical changes involve altering the
appearance or state of matter without changing its composition, while chemical
changes result in the formation of new substances. b. Show visual aids or conduct
a demonstration to provide examples of physical and chemical changes (e.g., ice
melting, iron rusting, burning paper). c. Discuss the process of mummification
briefly, highlighting that it involves both physical and chemical changes.
2. Preparation (15 minutes): a. Divide the students into small groups, preferably of
3-4 members. b. Provide each group with a whole fish, gloves, plastic wrap, and
scissors. c. Instruct the students to wear gloves, as this activity involves handling
raw fish, and remind them of the importance of hygiene.
3. Physical Changes - Removing Moisture (20 minutes): a. Instruct the students to
carefully clean and gut the fish, removing the internal organs and rinsing it
thoroughly with water. b. Once cleaned, direct the students to pat the fish dry
using paper towels. c. Explain that the drying process is a physical change, as it
involves the removal of moisture, but the composition of the fish remains the
4. Chemical Changes - Preserving the Fish (20 minutes): a. Instruct the students to
sprinkle a generous amount of salt over the fish, covering it completely. Explain
that salt helps draw out moisture from the fish and inhibits the growth of
bacteria, thus preserving it. b. Next, instruct the students to sprinkle a small
amount of baking soda on top of the salt layer. Baking soda acts as a drying agent
and helps neutralize odors. c. Optionally, students can add herbs and spices to the
mixture for aroma and flavor, which introduces the concept of chemical changes
through seasoning. d. Once the fish is coated with the salt mixture, instruct the
students to wrap it tightly in plastic wrap and place it on a tray or dish. The
plastic wrap prevents moisture from entering the fish during the preservation
process. e. Explain that the salt and baking soda react with the fish's moisture,
resulting in chemical changes that help preserve the fish.
5. Observation and Conclusion (15 minutes): a. Instruct the students to store their
wrapped fish in a cool, dry place for a week or two. b. After the designated time,
have the students unwrap their fish and observe the changes that occurred. They
may notice that the fish has shrunk in size, become dry, and developed a leathery
texture. c. Lead a class discussion to summarize the physical and chemical
changes that occurred during the mummification process. d. Highlight that the
physical changes involved the removal of moisture and the fish's physical
appearance, while the chemical changes involved the reaction between the salt,
baking soda, and the fish's moisture to preserve it. e. Emphasize the historical
significance of mummification in ancient cultures, such as Egypt, and how it
connects to the understanding of physical and chemical changes.

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