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Father (Luis): Luis is a middle-aged Peruvian man who takes pride in his roots.

He is a native
Spanish speaker and knows some words and expressions in Quechua, one of Peru's indigenous
languages. Luis is a skilled cook and enjoys preparing traditional Peruvian dishes like ceviche
and lomo saltado. He also loves playing the guitar and singing criolla music at family

Mother (María): María is a loving and dedicated Peruvian mother. In addition to speaking
Spanish, she has learned to weave and embroider, skills passed down from previous
generations. María is also passionate about Peruvian folk dance and has participated in
traditional dance groups. She enjoys dressing up in colorful traditional costumes during
festivities like Inti Raymi and Carnival.

Daughter (Sofía): Sofía is an energetic and curious young Peruvian girl. In addition to speaking
Spanish, she is learning English at school. Sofía has artistic skills and enjoys painting and crafts.
She is also passionate about Peruvian cuisine and assists her mother in preparing dishes like
rocoto relleno and arroz con pollo. Sofía participates in cultural activities like marinera, a
traditional dance of Peru.

Son (Pedro): Pedro is an active and sports-loving Peruvian boy. Apart from speaking Spanish,
he is learning to play soccer and has shown talent on the field. Pedro enjoys following the
matches of the Peruvian national team and dreams of becoming a great football player
someday. He also shows interest in Andean music and is learning to play the zampoña, a
typical Peruvian wind instrument.

Please note that these descriptions are fictional and represent a common portrayal of a
Peruvian family. The diversity of Peruvian families, their customs, traditions, languages, and
hobbies can vary significantly.

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