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(AC-S17) Week 1 - Task: Assignment – Cover


Wilmer Campos Urquizo Shirley Cajahuaman Palacios Jady Carderon Lopez

U20100888 U20243816 U21301417

(AC-S17) Week 17 - Task: Assignment – Cover Letter

Wilmer: Hi, guys! I'm excited to work on this cover letter together. So, why did you decide to study
your majors at the university?

Shirley: Well, I always loved science and wanted to help people, so I decided to study medicine.

Jady: For me, I've always had a passion for design and architecture. It's been a dream of mine since I
was a kid.

Wilmer: That's great. What outstanding personal experiences and achievements have you had?

Shirley: During my internship at the hospital, I was able to assist in a life-saving surgery. It was an
incredible experience.

Jady: Last year, I won first place in a national architecture competition. It was an amazing feeling to
see my hard work pay off.

Wilmer: Wow, you guys are impressive! What are your future goals?

Jady: My ultimate goal is to start my own architecture firm and design sustainable buildings that
benefit communities.

Shirley: As for me, I want to specialize in pediatrics and work with children in underprivileged areas.

Wilmer: Those are admirable goals. Lastly, what do you like doing in your free time that leads to a
good lifestyle?

Shirley: I enjoy practicing yoga and going for runs in the park. It helps me stay physically and
mentally healthy.
Jady: I love hiking and exploring new places. It keeps me active and inspired.

Wilmer: Great ideas! Now that we've discussed these topics, let's organize our ideas and start
writing our cover letter. Remember to be formal and use the appropriate grammar.

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