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1. New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time. 
Do you think the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?
Disadvantages =>
- Health
- Family
Advantages =>
- Study
- technological advances it is true that technology/computers
- greatly altered changed a lot
- around the world globally
- decidedly negative phenomenon since definitely bad thing starting
- far-reaching effects of technology on the human psyche are still largely unknown the impact of tech
on the mind is still unclear
- Proponents of people in favor of
- contend argue
- a variety of purposes many different uses 
- applies not only to traditional usages is true not just to old ways of using it
- burgeoning innovations new things
- artificial intelligence computers that are smart
- The recent emergence of applications like ChatGPT release of programs like a chatbot
- taught responsible usage habits learn to use technology well
- take advantage of exploit
- well-rounded learners good overall students
- future members of society people who fit into the world later
- psychological ramifications of effects on the mind
- centered around concerning 
- potentially severe possibly strong
- evolved changed over time
- properly interact use responsibly
- digital world online life
- vulnerable weak concerning
- addicted can’t stop using it
- less physically active not going outside as much
- see the world through a virtual perspective embrace the online world
- mild mental conditions related to anxiety and self-esteem small mental issues concerning being
nervous and insecurity
- more extreme ones related to disassociation and depression radical ones having to do with unreality
and feeling sad
- the often-cited statistics on research mentioned a lot
- the rising number of suicide attempts more and more people killing themselves
- since the introduction of social media platforms after social media has come out
- screen time how much time on devices

2. Nowadays, not enough students choose science subjects at university in many countries. 
Why is this?
What effects does this have on society?
Body 1:
Other fields are more appealing
Body 2:
Lack of workforce
Lowering a country’s development

. This is the result of the difficulty in acquiring these science subjects and other more appealing fields.
However, this will have severe impacts on the community.

There are cogent justification for the less popularity of opting for STEM-related subjects.

Nevertheless, this phenomenon may

It has become increasingly less common in recent years for individuals to more and more people today do
major in study, choose as your major
STEM-related subjects science subjects
this is the result of the growth of more business-oriented fields of study this is because there are more
economic type jobs today
opt to choose to
support white-collar professions allow for more office jobs
engage directly in earning a high salary the easiest way to making good money
requiring the hard work or talent needing diligence or ability
intensive scientific jobs hard jobs in science
increasingly gravitate towards work more and more move to
guarantees secures
greatest possible rewards with the least possible effort best compensation without doing much work
substantial demand for innovation in scientific fields being driven by both private and public interests lots of
need for new ideas coming from corporations and governments
worldwide response to the Covid-19 pandemic the global answer to Coronavirus
rapid development of viable vaccines faster making of medicines
hurt hinder
the average worker individual person
led to a decrease among certain segments of the population in their passion for scientific endeavors caused
fewer people in some demographics to pursue science
great work being done by professionals in a variety of fields good stuff done by people in many positions
it is a logical consequence of clear result of
compensated for in various ways resolved in different methods

3. Some people believe that children of all ages should have extra responsibilities
(for example, helping at home or at work). Others believe that, outside of school,
children should be free to enjoy their lives. 
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Body 1:
Skills <= communication + independence
Partly assist their family
Body 2:
Lack time to study

argued for the importance of are in favor of 

greater responsibility in the home more duty in one’s house
to be overburden put too much pressure on
under immense pressure at school to perform well academically have lots of stress to do
well in their classes
take additional classes sign up for more courses
tasked with are assigned
complete all their responsibilities finish their work
rest relaxing
increased responsibility encourages greater maturity and self-reliance more duty motivates
them to be more responsible
ensure make sure of 
how to run a household how to take care of your place
instill traits related to independence sculpt kids to be self-reliant
attends goes to
without a variety of life skills not having lots of abilities like cooking, cleaning, etc.
likely struggle to adjust probably have difficulty adapting
may be viewed as childish by their peers might seem immature by other classmates

4. Doing an enjoyable activity with a child can is better for their overall skills
development and creativity than reading.
To what extent do you agree?

Soft skills => teamwork / communication

Creativity => employ real skills => for example => drawing

facilitate make it possible to, allow for

imagination creativity, thinking of lots of ideas
participate in engaging activities instead of spending time reading do fun stuff rather than
reading books
beneficial to imagination to an extent helps you be more creative somewhat
take part in a more active pastime do more active activities
stimulates creativity makes you more imaginative
not only to impart moral lessons more than just telling you ethical stories
inspire encourage
imitate copy
imagine diverse worlds and characters think of varied places and people
By doing so in this way
rely on depend on
studies schoolwork
future work job later
requires greater levels of engagement need more interaction
employ use
learn the techniques to achieve any given effect know how to make different kinds of images
develop resilience become grittier
dedication commitment
push themselves outside their comfort zone far beyond challenge yourself
passively reading a book alone buried in a book on your own
a more active undertaking(N) not a passive activity
prioritize active engagement over passivity focus more on activity rather than doing nothing

5. It has been suggested that primary children should learn how to grow vegetables and
keep animals. 
Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

sensible policy logical idea

farm and raise animals take care of livestock
require enormous resources needs a lot of money, time
beneficial in terms of both physical and intellectual development good for both the body and
In order to implement such an ambitious program to put in place this reform
firstly need land nearby first of all require the space
animals and crops could be raised livestock and vegetables/fruits to be harvested
school’s pre-existing grounds a school’s campus
significant investment in infrastructure lots of money for buildings, rooms, etc.
reallocate a significant portion of their budget redirect money to
holistic development good for overall growth
spend more time than ever before passively using technological devices use smartphones
more often
By spending more time outdoors more time outside
adopt environmentally friendlier start doing better things for nature
compassionate lifestyle choices caring about the world around you
shopping locally rather than buying from large chains buying from nearby farms instead of
big supermarkets
necessarily involve physical exercise of course require you to be active
growing concern more and more of a worry
improve standards of physical fitness and establish healthy lifelong habits make them
healthy in the long-term
long-term effects impact later on

6. Some children spend hours every day on smartphones.

Why is this the case?
Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

ubiquity how common they are

a decidedly negative phenomenon definitely bad
portable devices smartphones
countless phone manufacturers many different phone maters
imitated copied
possesses multiple devices have smartphones
over-worked too busy
stressed worried about
keep themselves entertained allow themselves to be distracted
increased hours more time 
tremendous access more ability to use
smartphone usage using phones
replaced healthier habits take the place of better actions
advent beginning of
portable smartphone phones you can carry with you 
actively detrimental really hurts
normal cognitive development healthy mental growth
dissociative anxiety disorders mental conditions 
correlated with a result of
responsibility duty
screen time the time spent using a device

7. Today, many young people spend too much of their free time at shopping malls. This can
be considered negative for young people and society generally.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

productive activities useful uses of your time

hanging out idly with friends just spending time with friends (idly: vu vơ)
fast food establishment fast food restaurants
similarly passive activity not very active pastime
signaled was a mark of
period time
strayed from gone off the path to (stray from unhealthy habits)
subversive pastimes undermining uses of time (took part in more socially and personally
subversive pastimes) => negative
passive not active
largely center around mostly has to do with VD: These largely center around technology
streaming movies watching shows online, Netflix
involve in-person socializing will be hanging around with friends
condemned criticized

8. In many countries, children are becoming overweight and unhealthy. Some people
think that the government has the responsibility to solve this problem.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The current global obesity epidemic lots of unhealthy, fat kids today

primarily handled by mostly deal with by
duty responsibility
governmental regulation the state controlling, making laws
safeguard public welfare take care of all citizens
enact real reforms make new laws
strict laws harsh rules
children’s programming kid’s TV shows
maximum sugar most sweetness
fat content how much fat in something
regulatory bodies government institutions ( countries do not have …….. )
considerably higher rates of obesity much higher levels of fat people
take responsibility fulfill a duty
sugary soft drinks sweet colas and drinks
diet constituted of mainly food that you eat is mostly
positive eating habits good diet
obesity rates how overweight people are
lower socioeconomic backgrounds poorer people
finances money
instill healthy habits in make kid’s have consistent behaviors vd: parents must
themselves instill healthy habits in their children

9. Some people think that children should begin their formal education at a very early
age. Others think they should begin after 7 years of age. 
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Opinions are divided over whether young individuals ought to commence their formal
schooling from a very young age or after the age of seven. This essay will discuss this
question from both points of view and give my perspective on why I support that it is
more beneficial for children to enter school after they turn seven.

There are cogent justifications for why children should adopt early schooling. The main
reason is the acquisition of essential characteristics. Those who go to school at a very
young age are able to interact with other classmates and form strong emotional
connections with them. This in turn will help them become more outgoing and less
egocentric, potentially developing their personality effectively. Another motive is that early
schooling can serve as a long-term boon for their academic outcomes. It is scientifically
proven that if young children are taught a new language in their very first years of life, it
likely will make the task of mastering this language easier for them.
However, opponents contend that children should enroll in formal schooling only when
turning seven. In terms of their mental health, young children can avoid psychological
problems. This is because they are underdeveloped to tackle several arduous
circumstances at school. These not only include the stress of competition from other
children, but also the burden of homework and grades, which may lead to mental issues
such as depression. In addition, if children remain home longer, they can establish
stronger bonds with their family members. More specifically, parents can have more time
with their children and provide adequate love and attention to them, facilitating their
familial relationships.

In conclusion, after consideration, I believe that both arguments have their own
compelling reasons. However, on balance, I strongly argue that going to school after the
age of seven can be more efficient for children since it can prevent them from emotional
issues and assist them to form stronger bonds with their family members. I also feel that
parents can replicate the formal school environment by incentivizing their children to
socialize with neighbor friends.

ought to should
commence start
formal schooling real school 
early schooling first years of school
replicated outside the classroom reproduced not in school
emotional advantages benefits for one’s emotions
best illustrated by the case of clearest example of this is
home-schooled children kids who learn at home
underdeveloped not grown
persist continue
adulthood as you get older, no longer a child
social group peer groups
outgoing friendly
progress improving
normal childhood developmental stages how kids grow up cognitively
egocentric selfish: caring only about yourself
presence being around them
enormous benefits big advantages
reproduce replicate
neighborhood friends kids living nearby
serve as a long-term boon for help in the future
competition competing with others
burden extra weight to carry
form stronger familial bonds get along with family better
interpersonally between people
received adequate love got enough care
academics learning in school
strengthened made stronger
unseen emotional work not immediately obvious mental health growith
ramifications: result: implications
supportive environment loving family 

10. Because many children are not able to learn foreign languages, schools should not force
them to learn foreign languages.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?


It is a common belief that as a number of young individuals are incapable + of acquire

second languages, academic institutions should not emphasize this subject area. I totally
disagree with this concept since learning new languages is beneficial for children’s later
life and it is easier for them to study additional languages at that age.

The core justification for why I do not advocate that schools should not concentrate on
language-related subjects is that languages can serve as a long-term boon for their lives.
Those who master certain languages may confront fewer stumbling blocks in terms of
seeking occupations. More specifically, many international companies require applicants
to speak English, the world’s lingua franca, fluently as the need for effective
communication is imperative in these global working environments. Moreover, being able
to speak another language is vital for young individuals who want to migrate to other
countries as they can avoid language barriers which may lead to an aura of isolation or
alienation and cultural conflicts.

Further support for my disagreement that language fields should not be stressed in the
school curriculum is that it can establish a core foundation for their future learning. Even
though some children lack the ability to study languages, it is scientifically proven that
before the age of seven, the young are able to learn new languages most effectively. To
explain, they do not suffer from a large burden of work and therefore have ample time to
study this subject. As well as this, if people are young, they can enhance their
pronunciation productively which is an arduous task for older learners because they
already have fixed vocal formations.

In conclusion, I completely disagree that language domains should not be taught in

primary school. This is because of the positive impacts on children’s future regarding
work or migration and a stronger likelihood of successfully conquering new languages in
the very first years of life. It is recommended that language lessons should be
deliberately designed to enrapture children, making them more engaged in learning
international languages.

challenging difficulty
subject area
foreign language a language from another country
supporting second language education giving resources to classes for foreign languages
to be incapable + of aren’t able to
additional language another tongue
anecdotal stories
increasingly large getting bigger
burden of work pressure from homework
high-achieving nations countries with good scores
array variety
the world’s lingua franca common language among non-native speakers
little shared linguistic history not much the same in the past of the languages
lack self-esteem don’t think highly of yourself
engaging interesting
a stronger likelihood of success better chance of working out
research has shown that studies indicate that
stumbling block difficulty
fixed vocal formations muscles in your mouth can’t change
creative ways new methods
applies relates to
novel memorization techniques new ways of remembering
completely different perspective totally new way of seeing things
low rates of success doesn’t often work
11. Some believe children should be taught to give speeches and presentations in
Why is this?
Should this be taught in schools?

key part big role

school curricula what is studied in class
holistically all together
incorporate add in

in work contexts at various jobs

a competent presentation good speech
memorable easy to remember
young child little kid
book report presentation about a book
requires needs
divide up sections assign different parts
communicate talk to, interact with
team members people in your group
deliver speak
develop fixed characteristics become qualities for a person
intense pressure lots of stress
educators teachers
multidisciplinary approach learning about a lot of different subjects
review past lessons go over what you studied before

12. Many students find it difficult to focus or pay attention at school nowadays.
What are the reasons for this?
What can be done to solve this problem?

notoriously difficult famously hard

exacerbated made worse by
supervision monitoring
pervasiveness ubiquity
completing endless assignments finshing work over and over again
exploit take advantage of
fundamental human characteristics basic traits of people
research has shown that studies illustrate
a direct correlation with clear link => using …. Has a …. With …
a shorter attention span can’t focus for long
immediate gratification instant pleasure
human susceptibility people being vulnerable
predatory consumer electronics companies corporations that prey on human weaknesses
most feasible solutions most likely fixes
monitor students strictly watch students very carefully
consciously gift deliberately give
devices phones, laptops, tablets, etc.
by waiting until later in life holding on until they are older
limiting daily screen time not using devices that much
greatly mitigated impact lessened
confiscated taken away vd phones are ….
driven by caused by
curb limit
1. Nowadays, distance-learning programs have gained in popularity, but some people argue
that online courses can never be taken as good as those taken at a college or university
in person.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The rise in popularity of online-learning software and applications using apps like Zoom
more often
as effective as real-life lessons taken at university just as good as the classes in college
Proponents of online study point out how increased flexibility leads to greater efficiency
expend time traveling to and from waste time commuting
waiting before and after the lesson hanging out before and after classes
constitutes significant time lost combines all the time not used
finish assignments up until the minute class begins do work right until class starts
quickly begin their homework after the lesson do homework as soon as class ends
distracted during online lessons not paying attention during classes online
waste much of the time saved online not productively use your time
in-person lessons studying in real life
This was clearly evidenced during the recent Covid-19 pandemic when clearest example of
this was during the Coronavirus pandemic
transitioned to moved to
for a period of time over some time
generally less engaged in overall not as interested in
their overall productivity and learning suffered general efficiency and learning got worse
can be explained not only by the potential distractions students are vulnerable to online
but also by there’s an explanation that students might be wasting time online and not paying
lack of connection between not much link to
In a classroom setting in classes
personally interact with in person communicate with
high level of engagement and memorability makes it more interesting and easy to remember
far less effective than real world classes much less valuable than in-person lessons
online courses should remain a niche element of keep it a small part of the course
a university education learning at college

2. Some believe that money for education should mainly be spent on better computers
while others believe it would be better spent on teachers. 
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

- Increased flexibility leads to greater efficiency

- Convenience

- Role model

- Provide sufficient interactions

funding money
primarily spent on mostly money given to
computers laptops, desktops, etc.
paying the teaching staff higher salaries teachers making more money
deserving + of  should receive
prioritization more importance
proponents argue increased funding for people in favor point out more money for
expertise with doing well with
direct applicability later in relate right away in a student’s life as kids get older
numerous studies much research
pupils students
grateful to feel thanks to
at least one at minimum one
serves as a lifelong role model look up to that person forever
introduce show for the first time
elucidate explain
a teacher can introduce and elucidate a number of great thinkers
great thinkers smart people
writers authors
shape mold
political related to politics and government
moral philosophy related to religion and ethics
underpaid not earning enough
motivated encouraged
appreciated feeling valued
higher salaries making more money
to be short-sighted not thinking long-term
(ko co mao tu) greater overall impact more effect in general

3. Although it is generally illegal, physical punishment continues in many countries. Some

argue that parents should have the right to punish their children in this way. 
Do you agree or disagree?

traditional parents conservative moms and dads

historically ingrained privilege a right that dates back a long time
massive impact lots of effect
psychology related to the mind
future identity who you are later in life
sense of discipline feeling of controlling yourself
corporal punishment hurting the body, physical punishment
outweighed stronger than
emotional related to feelings
psychological abuse hurting the mind
vast majority most of
physically abused hurting the body
barrier obstacle
interpersonal relationships friends and partners
for their public persona đời sốngat work, outside the home
learned discipline through became more strong-willed
end up finally
this can create an ongoing cycle of abuse continues in the future 
this prerogative (N)their right
limited constrained
in the case of when it comes to
banning prohibiting

4. The best curriculum is not one based on a static body of knowledge, but one
which teaches students to cope with change.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

adaptability be able to change (ko có mạo từ)

discrete subjects separate areas of study
curriculum what is studied at a school
modern workforces people employed 
past generations parents, grandparents, etc.
providing lasting job security guaranteeing a job later
due to advances in because of changes in
automation specifically and technology generally computers and robots doing things
especially but also tech overall
handling change dealing with adaptability
cope with deal with
an uncertain future job market problems in the future finding a job
an invaluable base of knowledge really important subjects
core subjects basic things studied in school
well-rounded intellectually all around good for your thinking
will not yield practical skills won’t actually produce anything
curricula plural of curriculum
calligraphy study of writing letters
possess foundational knowledge have info about lots of areas
multiple disciplines different subjects
subject knowledge areas to study
flexible skills adaptable abilities

5. Some people think the main purpose of school is to turn children into good citizens and
workers, rather than to benefit them as individuals.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Many are of the opinion that some think

primary role main responsibility
good citizens productive members of society
working towards individual betterment making one’s own life better
aim goal
elevate raise
well-functioning society healthy public
advances in developments in
stimulate the economy help people make money
viable future career good future profession
accomplish finish
reprisals and repercussions consequences

6. Many people argue that in order to improve educational quality, high school
students should be encouraged to question and offer criticisms on their teachers.
Others think this will lead to a loss of respect and discipline in the classroom. 
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

greater latitude to more freedom to

critique question, criticize
question ask about
classroom management how the class is held under control
interrupted by distracted by
intentionally derail on purpose distract
undermine be rude to
create general unrest cause unhappiness and protest
not conducive not good for
the free discussion talking about openly
engage more fully pay more attention
criticisms critiques, saying bad things about
suddenly all at once
embark on go on
collaborative explorations working together to learn about
educational institutions schools
positive learning environment good place to learn
embrace academic rigor care about learning in all its forms in all varieties
1. Today, many people do not know their neighbors. 
Why is this? 
What can be done about this?

Habit =>spend more time online


Government => festival or musical performance

Individuals => organised party

less connected with their immediate neighbors not as close with the people living next to
a more insular society people being alone
physically isolated alone
In past generations earlier
To be in the habit of going outside usually go outdoors
nearby next to there
the average person to a normal resident
a variety of activities online many types of things you do on a computer
occupy the vast majority of take up most of a person’s time
no longer a need to interact with don’t have to talk to
This modern tendency can be countered by this new trend can be fixed by
communal activities doing things together with people
countered through proactive measures fixed by strong counter-actions
local government organizing a festival or musical performance in a park authorities can put
on shows 
form connections have relationships
thereafter remain in contact as either casual acquaintances or actual friends thus stay
together as friends
local citizens can also organize various events residents can do it themselves
The result over time will be a gradual thawing of relations between neighbors what
happens will be people getting closer slowly
community events things going on in your neighborhood
to be fractured disconnected and alienating alone

2. In many countries, people increasingly talk about money such as how much they
earn or how much they pay for things in their daily conversations.
Is this a positive or negative trend?

It has become increasingly pervasive in recent years for it is more common now
discuss money matters on a daily basis talk about finances every day
the discussion of one’s finances talking about your money 
coping with anxieties about dealing with nervous feelings related to
insecurities doubts
status in society how you are perceived in the world
wealthy individuals rich people
show off brag
investments money put into
property things you own
impress friends show off to friends
elevate their own self-esteem feel better about themselves
overall a negative trend on the whole is bad
exacerbates makes worse
unhealthy mindset not a health way to think about it
situations contexts
potential investments possible places to put your money
relieve their own nervousness less their anxiety
as a form of bragging a way of showing off
fun topics of conversation interesting things to talk about

3. Some think newspapers are the best method for reading the news while others
think other media is better.
Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

no longer in newspapers not in physical papers

sentimental reasons emotional attachment
newer forms of media are far superior more recent news sources are better
have typically maintained this habit for usually keep up this practice for
decades many years
emotional attachment caring about
the act of buying and reading a physical copy of the news the action of purchasing a real
paper in select markets newspaper in certain places
new forms of media allow audiences a wide range of choices more recent news sources let
people do more
enhance the overall experience make the reading better
user accessing a media website reader going online to read the news
take advantage of features use the extra stuff
(ko có mạo từ)automatically generated text-to-speech an article read aloud to you
links to related content hyperlinks to other articles
the ability to share an article posting an article on social media
select a diversity of news sources choose from different news items
Instead of rather than
A single news outlet one source of news
A liberal or conservative bias more modern or traditional prejudices
A wide array of better options many different choices
To be wary of less trustworthy sources worried about unreliable sites

4. Car ownership has increased so rapidly over the past thirty years that in many
cities around the world there are constant traffic jams.
How true do you think this statement is?
What measures can governments take to discourage people from owning cars?

inundated with filled with

increased levels of traffic more cars on the road
modes of transport way of getting around
One natural consequence one real result 
A burgeoning global middle class more people with money
automobile ownership having cars and private vehicles
densely populated cities such as urban areas with lots of people 
sitting in traffic in gridlocked streets
public transport buses, metros, etc.
residing near to their workplace living near where you work
a sign of social status shows how rich you are
a mark of success in life generally shows you have done well in life
best method to combat traffic best way to reduce too many cars on the road 
subways metros, undergrounds
commit to maintaining and expanding existing options support what is there already
providing free bicycles for short rides giving bikes to ride around
urban planners provide lanes specifically for compact people who plan cities carve out
places for small
there is far less traffic than in the lanes for bulky cars a lot fewer people than in the places
where big cars are
state can curb this trend government can hold back this pattern 
enacting policies to promote putting in place laws to help

5. Some people think that social networking sites have a huge negative impact on
both individuals and society. 
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

social media has an overall negative impact on both the average person websites like
Facebook hurt most people generally
society more generally all people in a country
I am in complete agreement with this opinion I agree 100% 
To be likely to suffer from probably will be hurt by
unhealthy addiction not a good habit
The most obvious effect of clearest result is
mental health emotional stability
have become to varying degrees addicted to different amounts can’t stop using
the small dopamine bursts little bits of pleasure
scrolling through their feed looking through social media
feeling outraged at posts be angry about social media
receiving likes getting thumbs up / love on a post
making positive or negative comments writing good and bad comments
gain satisfaction through a different route feel good in a different way
these self-esteem boosts feeling good about yourself
unhealthy relative to achieving something in the real world not good for you compared to
doing things in real life
numerous small groups and communities many online clubs
encourage anti-social impulses promote being alone
read about conspiracy theories online on a daily basis crazy ideas every day
Over time as time goes on
To be interpreted as protests seen as freedom of speech
normal citizens average people
abandon these platforms stop using social media

6. Some people say that to prevent illness and disease, governments should focus
more on reducing environmental pollution and housing problems. 
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The optimal means of improving public health best ways of keeping people healthy
confront pressing environmental and housing problems deal with modern problems related
to the environment and where people live
illnesses sicknesses
conditions illnesses
to be either directly or indirectly related to one’s environment right from or somehow from
what’s around you
overcrowded metropolises big cities 
deal on a daily basis with the immediate dangers of air pollution handle every day with risks
from unhealthy air
potential drinking water contamination possibly drinking bad water
In the last several decades over 20 to 30 years
lifespans how long people live
A standout example of this would be the best instance of this is
plant-based diets mostly just eating vegetables 
widely recommended by most nutritionists the advice of most doctors
consumes little meat not eating too many animals
reduces their carbohydrate intake not having so many grains and breads
mostly does not eat sugar will drastically lower the risk of conditions ranging from
diabetes and heart disease to Alzheimer’s and cancer not eating sweet foods makes it less
likely you will get diabetes or have a heart attack or suffer from dementia or get cancer
legislating putting into law
the levels of how high it is
unhealthy ingredients in food products fats, sugar, carbs

7. Some young people like to copy the behaviour and clothes of famous people
Why might this be the case? 
What problems can it cause?

imitate copy
the fashion sense what clothes you wear
general behavior how people act overall
celebrities famous people
celebrity lifestyles how famous people live
follow influencers in a way that was not possible in the past learn about celebrities in a new
keep their fans informed about let people who follow them now about
the pervasive media presence all over the news, TV, etc.
sell their products and services promote or endorse products
therefore thus
well-known entrepreneurs famous founders
lead to fractures  divisions in the social fabric how society is held together
polarizing behavior among younger generations younger people becoming more extreme in
their views

8. Today, many people use the internet and smartphones to transfer money to
friends, family, and businesses. 
Is this a positive or negative development?

transfer send money
various businesses different companies
a greater potential for fraud more of a chance of tricking people
particularly among less internet-savvy segments of the population especially with groups
that don’t understand technology that well
potential dangers possible risksim
chance possibility of
password what you input to get into your account
exposed to hackers vulnerable to online criminals
transaction exchanging money
senders people who are transferring the money
make a mistake in how much money is transferred make errors when sending money
avoid not deal with
opening phishing emails clicking open emails that try to trick you
naively clicking on the links inside innocently opening the sites inside
to be unable to recover their money afterwards can’t get their money back
make a trip to the bank go to the bank
wait in line stand around waiting to talk to a teller
fill in various forms write documents
the main reason online banking has become the de facto norm in recent years primary
cause of the advent of online transfers is now what is normally done
mindful of aware of
pervasive very common

9. In some parts of the world traditional festivals and celebrations have disappeared
or are disappearing. 
What problems is this causing?
What measures could be taken to counter this situation?

Around the world globally

traditional festivals cultural celebrations 
at risk of becoming outdated and irrelevant might start to be forgotten
contributes adds to
issues concerning cultural disintegration problems relating to cultures being lost
countered remedied
resulting from abandoning traditional festivals concern culture caused by not celebrating
older festivals relate to tradition
commercial holidays festivals mainly concerned with making money
naturally threatens smaller cultural groups of course cause problems for minorities
numerous ethnic groups living in remote areas smaller cultural groups in less populated
struggle have difficulty
preserve keep alive
learn more about the outside world the rest of the world
leave their hometowns move away
hand down through generations teach their children, grandchildren
actively encourage traditional festivals go out of their way to help older celebrations
reaching out to older members of the community talking to one’s elders
likewise attempt to engage more with their roots similarly try to learn more about tradition
connect with the sources of get back into contact with the origins of
globalization everyone around the world connecting

10. In many countries, people now wear western clothes such as suits and jeans
rather than traditional clothing. 
Why is this the case? 
Is this a positive or negative development?

⇨ Globalization => import

⇨ Advertisements

fashion industry the making of clothes

increasingly closer more and more near
common pervasive
wear western-style attire clothes from America, Europe, etc.
instead of over
traditional clothing clothes from your culture
procure get from their local area
efficiently transport good ways to send
fashion products clothes 
can undercut local manufacturers’ prices charge less than local companies
social media TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, etc.
accelerated makes it go faster

pervasiveness how common it is
to be decidedly detrimental definitely bad
aesthetic preferences artistic likes
vibrant design colorful clothes
a blander fashion world more boring clothes
without artistic merit no artistic value
impairs cultural diversity hurts cultures around the world

11. Nowadays, an increasing number of people with health problems are using
alternative medicines and treatments instead of visiting their normal doctor.
Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

unwell sick
adopt start using
medicines pills, drugs, etc.
treatments ways to deal with illnesses = remedies
the superiority of modern medicine how much better new medicine and doctors are
support alternative remedies favor less traditional doctors
Contemporary health researchers are doctors today can
scientific rationale good reasons
remedies in use today treatments now
viable medical treatment useful treatment
surgery operating on someone
better alternative to better way to
less verifiable treatments medicines that can’t be trusted
pharmaceuticals drugs
attempt try
rely on dependent on
usual doctors normal doctors

12. More and more young people from wealthy countries are spending time in
communities in poorer countries doing unpaid work such as teaching or building
Why is this?
Who benefits more from this, the communities or these young people?

wealthier nations richer countries

donate their time to  give time or money to someone else
aiding less developed countries helping poorer countries
easily access information from a variety of sources get what you want to know from many
conveniently abroad easily to other countries
the self-esteem how you feel about yourself
lack confidence low self-esteem
self-image how you view yourself
volunteer(V or now) person who helps others
causes things you care about
A young person of privilege a rich kid
Guilty(adj) bad conscience
The standard of living quality of life
lack of accomplishments haven’t done much in life
flaunt show off
university entrance essays writing to apply for university

13. Many cities are now turning parks and farmland into new housing developments.
Is this a positive or negative development?

current initiatives efforts right now

transform change
public parks places for people to experience nature in cities
farms agricultural areas
residential areas places where people can live
misguided not a good idea
dense urban areas crowded cities
policy idea, way of operating
mass migrations to cities lots of people moving to cities
subsuming nearby farmland into urban districts taking over nearby farms and making them
part of cities
clears away pristine natural land destroys nature
potentially lead to inflated food costs possibly raise the price of foods
optimistic living environment positive place to live
a life deprived of all contact with the natural world not experiencing nature at all

14. Weddings are getting bigger and more expensive. 

What is the reason for this?
⇨ Gain respect
⇨ Remmember
Is it a positive or negative development?
Financially affected
Lavish = sumptuous very expensive and large
burgeoning global middle class more people with money
greatly exceeds a lot more than
earnings wages
bride woman getting married
groom man getting married
in the aggregate combined
essential crucial
extreme excesses beyond one’s means spending a lot more than one can afford

15. Today family members eat fewer meals together.

Why is this?
Is this a positive or negative trend?

meet a wider circle of acquaintances make more friends

scrolling through social media looking through Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc.
lead to psychological problems cause mental issues
maximize healthy growth allow for better development
unconditional sense of security no strings attached feeling of love
more fulfilling and richer lives better quality of life
possesses has
1. Governments should make people responsible for looking after their own local
Do you agree or disagree?
Difficult in populous places
Governments should enact …

issue mandates send out orders = enact laws

responsible for protecting duty for taking care of
raise environmental awareness know more about the environment
not advisable should not be done
other steps different actions
to be compelled have to individuals should be compelled = obigated = forced
accept responsibility take on the duty
faces potential catastrophe combats possible harm
over-population too many people
consumer habits what people buy
a noticeable improvement clear progress
recycle re-use
clean up litter pick up trash 
neighborhoods communities
reduce cut down on their carbon footprint what you produce personally that impacts the
by not using private vehicles cars, bikes, etc.
single-use plastics bottles, bags, etc.
instill public duty engender care for all society
marginal small
regulations laws
enact pass
extremely difficult very hard
enforce make sure it is followed
populous nations countries with many people
value individual liberty care about freedom
environmentally friendly policies reforms good for nature

2. In many countries, the number of animals and plants is declining.

Why do you think this is happening?
How can this issue be solved?

Over population => accommodation + food

There is widespread concern over lots of worry

recent declines in  happened in the last few years decreases
(ko có mạo từ) global biodiversity around the world different types of animals, plants
residents require homes people need places to live
as evidenced by shown by
uncontrollable urban sprawl cities growing into the nearby land
in major metropolitan areas big cities
lose their natural habitats forests, land being taken over where animals live
services delivery, streaming services, etc.
corporations companies
have razed entire forests burnt down trees
drilled going keep into the ground for oil a fossil fuel that you use to power cars
in pristine natural environments untouched nature
effectively tackled good solution
establish clear regulations enact good laws
numerous national parks many conservation areas
established in built
beginning of the 20th century early 1900s
mitigate lessen the impact
threat risk

3. Some believe that people should make efforts to fight climate change while others
think it is better to learn to live with it.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

⇨ Rely on the goverment and corporations

accept admit
reality truth
climate change global warming
combat fight against
certain levels some degree of
ineffectual impact not much effect
the vast majority most of
related to concerning
countered by fought by
primarily involve corporations mostly have to do with companies
packaged foods foods in plastic/boxes
instant noodles ramen
plastic waste bags, packaging, etc.
enacting regulations passing laws
ensure make sure
environmentally friendly good for nature
key policy decisions choices made by governments
green parties political groups desiring environmentally friendly policies
hold tremendous sway a lot of influence
individuals empower given power these political parties by voting
political parties Republicans, Democrats, etc.
voting casting ballots in an election
protests being an activist against and consumer decisions choice by buyers
governmental bodies government organizations
passing laws enacting legislation
powerful authorities governments, companies
concerned citizens people who care about

4. It is a natural process for animal species to become extinct (e.g. dinosaurs, dodos,
etc.). There is no reason why people should try to prevent this from happening.
Do you agree or disagree?

humanity mankind
interfere get in the way of with
the extinction an animal species completely disappearing
species kind of animal
mankind humanity
disappeared gone away
due to a likely because of probably cataclysmic event big problem
diverse ecosystem lots of different plants and animals
contemporary human dominance recent era of mankind ruling
deforestation cutting down forests
climate change global warming
sustain booming populations feed more and more people
decimating natural habitats destroying animal homes and plunging thousands of
species making many animals disappear to the brink of extinction nearly gone
preserve species keep animals live
biological diversity different kinds of plants and animals
return come back

5. The manufacturing and use of cars damages the environment but their popularity
is increasing.
Why is this?
How could this be controlled?

greater disposable income more money to spend

ownership have a car
adopting greener modes of transport using more environmentally friendly options
a status symbol show-off
boost self-esteem feel better about yourself
serve a practical travel purpose useful
coupled with combine with
per capita GDP average income
range of possible environmental protective measures many ways to protect the environment
stricter laws better regulations related to emission standards how clean a car is
cut down on reduce
discourage car ownership dissuade people from buying cars
heavily a lot
there is a 200% tax on cars pay doble

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