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1) What are the main differences between a list and a tuple in Python?
2) What is object-oriented programming (OOP)? How does Python support OOP concepts?
3) How do you use conditional statements in Python? Explain the "if", "elif", and "else"
statements with examples.
4) How do you load and manipulate data using Python libraries such as NumPy and
5) What are the main considerations and techniques for handling missing values in Data
Science? Provide examples of how to handle missing values using Python libraries such
as Pandas.
6) How do you use "try-except" block with conditional statements in Python?
7) What are the key libraries in Python that are commonly used for Data Science tasks?
8) Explain the concept of data visualization in Data Science. How do you create
visualizations using libraries such as Matplotlib and Seaborn in Python?
9) What are the common summary statistics used in univariate analysis? How do you
compute them using Python libraries such as NumPy and Pandas?
10) Explain the concept of correlation and covariance in multivariate analysis. How do you
compute and visualize correlation and covariance using Python libraries such as
NumPy, Pandas, and Seaborn?

Machine Learning-

1) What are some popular machine learning algorithms, and how do you implement them in
Python? Provide examples of supervised learning algorithms such as linear regression,
logistic regression, decision trees, random forests, support vector machines (SVM), and
naive Bayes, as well as unsupervised learning algorithms such as k-means clustering
and hierarchical clustering using Scikit-learn.
2) Explain the concept of model deployment in machine learning using Python. How do you
deploy a trained machine learning model into a production environment, and what are
some popular tools and frameworks for model deployment, such as Flask and Docker?
3) Explain the process of model training and model evaluation in machine learning. How do
you split data into training and testing sets, train a model using Python, and evaluate its
performance using metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score?
4) What are some techniques for handling categorical variables in classification and
regression tasks using Python? Provide examples of techniques such as one-hot
encoding, label encoding, and ordinal encoding using libraries such as Pandas and
5) What are some popular regression algorithms in machine learning, and how do you
implement them using Python? Provide examples of algorithms such as linear
regression, polynomial regression, decision trees, and support vector regression (SVR)
using libraries such as Scikit-learn.
6) What are some challenges and best practices in machine learning model development
and deployment using Python? Discuss topics such as overfitting, bias-variance tradeoff,
data preprocessing, model interpretability, and model fairness.
7) Explain the concept of cross-validation in machine learning and why it is important. How
do you perform cross-validation using Python libraries such as Scikit-learn, and what are
the common types of cross-validation, such as k-fold cross-validation and stratified k-fold
8) What is classification in machine learning, and how does it differ from regression?
9) What are some popular classification algorithms in machine learning, and how do you
implement them using Python? Provide examples of algorithms such as logistic
regression, decision trees, random forests, support vector machines (SVM), and naive
Bayes using libraries such as Scikit-learn.
10) What are some techniques for handling imbalanced datasets in classification tasks using
Python? Provide examples of techniques such as oversampling, undersampling, and
SMOTE (Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique), and how do you implement them
using libraries such as Scikit-learn.

Visualization and Statistics-

1) What are some popular libraries in Python for data visualization?

2) How do you create a scatter plot in Python using Matplotlib?
3) How can you calculate basic statistics measures such as mean, median, and standard
deviation using Python?
4) What are the different types of plots and charts you can create using Matplotlib?
5) What is skewness in statistics?
6) How can you calculate skewness in Python using scipy.stats?
7) How can you calculate skewness in Python without using any external libraries?
8) How can you create a dashboard in Tableau?
9) How do you perform an ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) test in Python?
10) How do you interpret the results of a hypothesis test in Python, and how do you make a
decision based on the results?

NLP and Web Scrapping-

1) Explain the main steps involved in processing text data in NLP.

2) What is Named Entity Recognition (NER) in NLP and how can it be performed in
3) Explain the concept of sentiment analysis in NLP and how it can be done in Python.
4) Explain the concept of topic modeling in NLP and how it can be performed in Python.
5) How do you evaluate the performance of NLP models in Python?
6) Explain the main steps involved in web scraping using Python.
7) How do you send HTTP requests and handle responses in Python for web scraping?
8) What are the different methods for parsing HTML in Python and extracting data from
web pages?
9) Explain the concept of session management and authentication in web scraping using
10) What are some best practices for efficient and effective web scraping using Python?

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