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Mechanic    Dr. Sambath KY 

TD1 Shawllow Foundation

1. A footing 2m square, subjected to a centric vertical load, located at a depth of 1 m below the
ground, in a compacted sand (φ’= 30º, γsat = 18kN/m3). Determine the allowable bearing
capacity for a safety factor of 3 with the groundwater is located at (i) 5m below the
ground surface, (ii) at the groundsurface, (iii) at the bottom of the base of the footing,
and (iv) at 1m below the base.
Now the load is inclined at 20º to the vertical along the footing width. Calculate the ultimate
bearing capacity and allowable bearing capacity.

- The footing is subjected to a vertical load of 500 kN and a moment about the Y axis of 125
kNm. Calculate the SF.

2. A footing 1.8 m x 2.5 m is located at a depth of 1.5 m below the ground surface in a deep
deposit of a saturated overconsolidated clay. The groundwater level is 2 m below the ground
surface. The undrained shear strength (cu) from a direct simple shear test is 120 kPa and γsat =
20 kN/m3. Determine the allowable bearing capacity with safety factor = 2.5, for short-term
condition. Neglect the effects of embedment.

3. Determine the size of a rectangular footing to support vertical centric dead and live loads of
800 kN and 1000 kN, respectively, on a dense, coarse-grained soil. The friction angle φ’= 32º
and γsat = 18kN/m3. The footing is to be located at 1 m below the ground surface. Groundwater
level is 6 m below the ground surface. Assume safety factor = 3 and no footing base inclination.
Soil Mechanic    Dr. Sambath KY 

4. The soil profile at a site is shown below. A square footing 5 m wide is located at 1.0 m below
ground level in the stiff clay. Determine the safety factor for short-term loading for an applied
load of 3875 kN. Neglect effects of embedment.


5. Une semelle carrée S1 de 2m de côté est fondée à une profondeur de 2 m dans une couche de
grave sableuse incompressible de 5,5m d’épaisseur. Cette couche repose sur une couche
d’argile de 3 m d’épaisseur recouvrant l’assise de rocher. La semelle supporte un poteau qui
amène au niveau de la fondation une charge de 1200 kN. La densité en place de la grave
sableuse est de 1,9, celle de l’argile est de 1,72.
La contrainte de consolidation de l’argile déduite du diagramme oedométrique est c = 129
kN/m2 . le module oedométrique E’ est de 3000 kN/m2 (pour des contraintes inférieures à 1000
Cdalculer le tassement au droit de la semelle isolée.

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