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mark course

No category Today 3:26 pm

'' you are worthy of being loved ''

‘’A smile at the end of a long day is something that should be

appreciated more’’

‘’I feel like what’s important is that you gotta imagine yourself
being in the person’s shoes of who you are listening to so that
you can kind of relate and empathize more.’’

‘’I feel like the act of wanting to pursue something, may be

even more precious than actually becoming that thing, so, I
feel like just being in the process itself is a prize and you
shouldn’t think of it as a hard way and even if you do get
stressed out, you should think of it as happy stress. Just enjoy
while pursuing it, cause it’s that precious.’’

‘’You are normal, you know? This is life, this is what people go
through, this is what everyone before me went through, so
think of yourself as just one of them and that you are doing
fine, sometimes you are doing better, sometimes you are doing
worse but at the end, it’s you. I just want you to not have no
regrets, I want you to feel yourself grow and I just want you
to also love yourself.’’

‘’Quick reminder, don’t forget to be around the people who

love you and that you could be that person to others’’
‘’I want you guys to be around with people who will smile at
you, the way you smile at us.’’

‘’We live in a world that constantly tries to take away from

you. Everyone is being everyone but themselves, here but not

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