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Senior Middle Two

Self-discipline refers to the training that one
gives one’s self to accomplish (v)完成 a certain task or to
adopt(v)采取 a particular pattern of behaviour although
one would really rather be doing something else. For
example, denying oneself of one’s favourite
cheesecake that is high in calories for an oat biscuit.
On the other hand, willpower is the ability to
overcome laziness and procrastination (n) 拖延. It is the
ability to control or reject harmful impulses (n) 冲动. It
is also the ability to arrive to a decision and follow
through with it with perseverance (n)毅力 until its
successful accomplishment.
Willpower gets stronger by holding back and not
allowing the expression of unimportant, unnecessary
and unhealthy thoughts, feelings, actions and
reactions. If this saved energy is not allowed
expression, it is stored inside you like a battery and
becomes available at the time of need. In fact, it is
one of the corner stones (n)基石 of success, both
spiritual and material.
Self-discipline is the companion of willpower. It is
the assertion (n)确信 of willpower over more base desires. To
some extent (phr)某种程度上, it acts as a substitute for
motivation, when one uses reason to determine a best
course of action that opposes one’s desires. It endows (v)赋
予 us with the stamina to persevere in whatever one does.
It bestows (v)赐给 the ability to withstand (v)经受 hardships
and difficulties, whether physical, emotional or mental.
Willpower and self-discipline help us to choose our
behaviour and reactions instead of being ruled by them.
With their possession (n)拥有, you will feel in charge of
yourself and your surroundings. As such, you are bound to
feel happy and satisfied.
There is a misconception (n)误解 in the public mind
regarding willpower. It is thought to be something
strenuous (adj)吃重的 and difficult and that one has to
exert (v)施加 and tense the body and mind when
expressing it. This is a completely wrong concept.
It is actually not difficult to develop the two
powers of willpower and self-discipline. If you are
earnest (v)认真 and are willing to become stronger, you
will certainly succeed. There are exercises and
techniques for developing these abilities. These
simple, but effective exercises, can be performed
everywhere and at any time. And by practising them,
you develop your powers the same way as a person who
trains his muscles in order to strengthen them.
Another effective method is to perform certain
actions or activities, which you would rather avoid
doing due to laziness, procrastination, weakness or
You need both willpower and self-discipline to rule
your thoughts and be the boss of your mind. The stronger
they are, the more control you have over your thoughts
and consequently, your powers of concentration get
stronger. When you are the master of your mind, you
enjoy inner peace and happiness. Outer events do not
sway (v)摆动 you and circumstances (n)形势 have no power over
your peace of mind. This might sound too unreal for you,
but experience will prove to you that this situation can be
Based on the passage given, write a summary on:
• the importance of having self-discipline and willpower
•exercises and techniques for developing them

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must
be taken not to change the original meaning.

Your summary must:

• be in continuous writing (not in note form)
• not be longer than 150 words
Please remember to use some cohesive devices,
such as:

1. WHAT is self-discipline?
2. WHAT is willpower ?
3. WHAT can we achieve when both spiritual and
material are better?
3. WHAT are the connection between self-discipline
and willpower?
4. HOW can they benefit us? [ 2 FOCAL POINTS ]
5. Are they difficult to master?
6. HOW can we develop them?
7. WHAT is the relationship between our powers, our
thoughts and powers of concentration?
• Are they directly proportional (phr)正比? adversely proportional (phr)反比 ?
• (stronger/stronger) or (weaker/stronger)
8. WHAT can we enjoy in our life when our thoughts and
powers of concentration are strong? [0.5 + 0.5 FOCAL POINT]

Write in one paragraph
Must not be longer than 150 words

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