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Melany Menezes

Professor Silguero
FYS 191
27 July 2023
Group 8
Progress is Our Most Important Product
It seems that reflecting upon our nation’s history we as a people have greatly progressed.
We have faced racism and governmental scandals, but we have yet to face the future. It is
unknown what the future shall bring our nation and our world though with the current state of
our environment the future is rather grim. We face oceans that face the loss of marine ecosystems
and deforestation in the Amazon. Though seemingly we have progressed, we have taken
ourselves into the future.
Progress comes at various costs, whether material or something intangible. The past was
a time in which not many were able to recognize and therefore attempt to solve the problems that
our future generations most certainly face. The ignorance of the past becomes the reality of our
future. I believe that it is up to our societies to make the change today so that tomorrow can
happen. If no action is taken now then how can we expect a future to even exist? It seems to be a
time in which good change is frequent, a time where we can make our own future exist. I think
that if we do nothing now, then I believe that we cannot expect there to be something later. The
future may remain unknown, but it can exist with actions in the present.

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