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 The interaction of society and the past is massive and so the

impact of history will always be there. The interaction is
- History will be an everyday occurrence as the saying History
have a way of repeating itself. 
- In our day-to-day life, we are also setting history for tomorrow,
so it is necessary to sets the positive impacts for tomorrow.
- Knowledge of the past and personal study will allow one to
realize the difference in time and the impact of past in our
daily living.
- The effort of historians to capture the moment and keep the lesson
for the future is important.
- History is a revelation for the things happening now. The experience
will always bring out a hint on how to handle and accept the things
- History is a powerful tool pointing on us to accept
responsibility for the choices we make today.
- Many human activities already have an impact on us now for
they are past but the consequences can be felt.
- History allows us to find moral understanding and identity in
The Society
- In the quest to find out our originality, history allows us to
understand where our morals and culture have come from.
- We get to appreciate our identity and the pride that comes
from appreciating our journey of discovery. A society will be
strong as their root has been or if they are willing to improve
and enhance their decisions.
- Learning from experience got mass results. When handling our
society decisions improving our standard every day we learn
from experience.
- What the historians did best as well as the mistakes they did.
If we did not learn from the previous generation’s mistake, we
could be in a worse scene. Cases like deforestation, we can
already learn from the past the effect can be felt and the
society is impacted. The key to a better tomorrow lies in
correcting today’s fault.

Let me tell you a fact to express my words hope u will get
that…Our ability to envision the future is strongly influenced
by our memory for the past. That is, we tend to use memories
of past experiences to predict what our life will be like in the
future. It is easier to use your memories when the future you
are predicting is close in time or may be random.

- Yesterday was history, we deal with it every day, and history

has a way of correcting itself. To be better prepared for
tomorrow the society does better when it knows its history.

- History paints us a detailed picture of how society, technology, and

government worked way back when so that we can better
understand how it works now. It also helps us determine how to
approach the future, as it allows us to learn from our past mistakes
as a society.

- We can take a recent example of a situation which has great

impact on us today that is—covid 19, as we all had suffered
that pandemic so we can now imagine and also take safety
precautions. In 2019 or starting of 2020 when the covid was
new to us or we can say a random pandemic which was highly
dangerous and at that time even our government was confused
how to handle all the citizens and their safety…but now in
2021 the second layer was occurred which was more
dangerous than the first one but as we all had experienced it
we can imagine it and take precautions and also the eligible
people were also got vaccinated which was not earlier.So this
was great impact of the past year// …like this there are many
cases which impacts our present and future somehow.
- History may be have positive impact or may be negative like…
Cutting down trees and littering have a negative effect on animals
and plants.  And also--

- Protecting endangered species and cleaning lakes and

seas has a positive effect on the environment.

- From the negative impacts we can also try to make it

beneficial if possible and improving it by correcting our
mistakes which we had done in our past time.

- So let it take in a positive way.. if it ever be negative then it

must had taught us something and if it’s impact was always
being positive then it gives us the hope to continue the

- So from morals of historical cases we had always learned

something and also we can understand as -- history gave us
the suitable mentality to understand the random cases .
- In conclusion I want to state that—
- History always had a great impact on the society because the
interaction between the society and its past is an unending
one, the interaction is mutual and continuous. ... History is
involved because of historians effort in shaping the group
memory and self-perception of the society. history will always
be there. It is recurrent. Its impact on the society will also be
there. Understanding current affairs and predicting the future
of the society will always be involved with the past. Let us
appreciate the role of history today.

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