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Lake Toba

Lake Toba is a lake located in North Sumatra. It is also

the largest lake in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. The lake
was named Lake Toba because the water level kept rising
and soon, the valley where Toba lived was flooded. Then,
a vast lake was formed at that place.
The Lake Toba was formed by three major eruptions of
Mount Toba. The first eruption produced a caldera on
the south side, the second eruption formed a caldera on
the north side, the third largest eruption turned Mount
Toba into Lake Toba, and according to legend, Lake Toba
was formed due to the revelation of the secret of a
princess incarnated as a goldfish.
The mountain is thought to have last erupted around
74,000 years ago, which formed a large caldera filled
with water, known today as Lake Toba.
Name:Vanessa MT Sianturi Class:VI-E

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