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Mary Grace D.

EDUC 201 1-1 B Methods of Research

My Reflection to Group 1 Reporter

Reporters discuss about different types of research and what is research all about and my
insight was Descriptive Research includes gazing and documenting phenomena as they
obviously occur, without interference or manipulation. By supplying a complete information
of a particular subject, it gives treasured insights that function a foundation for similarly
investigations. Assessment and Evaluation Research makes a specialty of measuring the
effectiveness, efficiency, and relevance of interventions or programs. It allows data-pushed
decision-making and improves consequences through comparing the effect of tasks in real-
international situations. Applied Research bridges the distance among principle and practice,
making use of educational findings to cope with sensible problems and bring tangible
benefits. Collaboration among researchers and stakeholders guarantees the generated know-
how is applicable and applicable. Action Research involves energetic participation,
collaboration, and mirrored image to create fantastic extrude inside a particular context. It
empowers people and communities, spotting them as key individuals to co-developing know-
how and locating solutions.

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