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1.- Transform these sentences into singular or plural:

1. There is a hill. =>

2. There is an island. =>
3. There are some mountains. =>
4. There are some trees. =>

2.- Change these sentences into negative:

1. There is a cave in the forest. =>

2. There are some animals. =>
3. There are four lakes in the forest. =>
4. There is a statue near the hotel. =>
5. There are some volcanoes in Asia. =>
3.- Put the words in order to make sentences:

1. are / some / there / rainforests / in / America. =>

2. any / there / volcanoes / are / ? =>

3. any / there / deserts / are / ? =>

4. isn’t / there / a / glacier / Mediterranean Sea / in. =>

5. valley / is / there / near / Guadalquivir River / a. =>

4.- Write is / isn't / are / aren't in the spaces:

1. ________ there any mountains in Spain?

2. ________ there any trees in the desert?

3. There ________ beautiful statues near my house.

4. There ________ any caves in that mountain.

5. There ________ some lakes in that forest.

6. There ________ any houses near the volcano.

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