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Model Student TMAs*   
Communication Programme 
COM301e PUBLIC RELATIONS (July 2019 Semester) 

Answer all of the following questions. (100 marks)

ComfortDelGro is one of the largest land transport companies in the world with a global
workforce and a global shareholder base. The company operates in seven countries and has
a fleet of close to 43,300 vehicles. ComfortDelGro’s businesses include bus, taxi, rail, car
rental and leasing, automotive engineering services, inspection and testing services, driving
centres, non-emergency patient transport services, insurance broking services and outdoor

As a market leader in the transportation sector in Singapore, it has been rolling out
corporate social responsibility initiatives targeting commuters to highlight its efforts of
being a sustainable business, but with limited success.

Assume that you are the public relations manager working for ComfortDelGro in
Singapore, and you have been tasked to raise the profile of the company’s sustainability

a) To better reach out to the commuting public and to keep them informed of the
company’s sustainability programme, you have proposed a social media-based
publicity plan to raise awareness for your company.

Examine the suitable social media platforms that you can use as part of your publicity
programme. Discuss and recommend key considerations to bear in mind when building
relationships with stakeholders through social media platforms.

(50 marks)
TMA script submitted by student

b) Prepare a feature news release story about ComfortDelGro’s approach to sustainability.

You should include a strong news angle in the title and lead paragraph and support it
with newsworthy information about the company’s sustainability programme from its
website and other credible news sources. You may also make up plausible information
for a suggested sustainability initiative for ComfortDelGro, for the purpose of this
feature news release.
(50 marks)

The word limit for this assignment is 1600 words.

NOTE:  Although it is very difficult to select one TMA from the course and from 
three different types of assignments, the course team has selected this TMA to be 
used  as  a  model  TMA  answer  to  help  new  students  in  the  course.  The  student’s 
TMA is reproduced as it is without any editing and without tutor’s feedback and 
corrections. This means that there may be inaccuracies and errors in the TMA. 

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 Question A 

While ComfortDelGro is actively committed to sustainability, it has to communicate 

its CSR efforts to the public to enhance corporate reputation and garner public support 

and social media is a good platform to use. The ubiquitous presence of social media has 

made it an essential platform for communicators. Social media allows communicators to 

reach a much wider audience as compared to traditional platforms (Ali, Jiménez‐Zarco, & 

Bicho, 2015) and can also disseminate information quicker to the stakeholders without 

relying on traditional media (Boundless Marketing, n.d.). It also affordable and allows 

more interactive possibilities to create engaging content that can disseminate and 

promote information, as well as to engage with various stakeholders (Ho, 2019). 

Social media offers many opportunities for ComfortDelGro to communicate their 

sustainability efforts and stories. Stakeholders can also be engaged by using rich 

interactive multimedia such as the sharing of videos and images to complement their 

message (Ali et al., 2015). Additionally, social media allows for two‐way communication. 

By conveying ComfortDelGro sustainability efforts to their stakeholders, they will be able 

to generate dialogue and receive feedback that will help build and strengthen 

relationships with stakeholders (Ali et al., 2015). This helps to create a shared 

understanding between ComfortDelGro and its stakeholders (Cortado, Chalmeta, & Ntim, 

2016). Furthermore, communicating through social media helps ComfortDelGro be more 

transparent and accountable to its stakeholders (Ho, 2019) and helps shape stakeholder’s 

behaviour (Ali et al., 2015). This leads to higher message credibility and also boosts 

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ComfortDelGro’s reputation (Cortado et al., 2016). Lastly, activities generated by 

stakeholders on social media are third‐party endorsements and earned media thus 

providing more credibility (Lynch, 2018) build a strong and credible corporate image, 

strengthen stakeholder–organisation relationships and turns stakeholders into 

ComfortDelGro’s advocates on social media (Ali et al., 2015). 


With over 2 billion active users, Facebook has the largest users amongst all other 

social media platforms (Influencer Marketing, 2019) and is a popular platform across all 

demographic groups (Smith & Anderson, 2018) and is also becoming increasingly popular 

with elderly (Sweney, 2018). With the functionalities that Facebook has, it can help build 

brand awareness, boost engagement and increase traffic and conversions (Bell, n.d.). 

Furthermore, about 43% of Americans get their news from Facebook (Matsa & Shearer, 

2018), proving its popularity as a platform to receive information. This makes Facebook 

the top choice to promote and spread awareness about ComfortDelGro’s sustainability 


Facebook offers many different functionalities such as the ability to post updates, 

photos and videos, ComfortDelGro to share stories about ComfortDelGro’s sustainability 

activities. By sharing the ups and downs of ComfortDelGro’s sustainability journey, it 

allows the brand to show more of its personality and transparency and in turn, bring the 

brand closer to its stakeholders. It will also raise the organization’s profile and reputation 

amongst the commuters and increase customer loyalty (Levinson, 2018). 

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Facebook allows ComfortDelGro to connect to consumers and engage with them in 

real‐time. Consumers can engage with through liking, sharing and commenting on the 

posts as well as giving feedback. This allows ComfortDelGro to listen to the opinions of 

various stakeholders, thereby building a relationship with them. Activities from 

stakeholders will help increase awareness and credibility of the message.  

Another functionality of Facebook is the ability to create targeted advertising to 

target relevant people that will be interested in their content. This can help generate more 

clicks and further spread awareness of its sustainability programmes. 


With only 280 character limit (Larson, 2017), Twitter is the best platform to 

announce and update stakeholders about upcoming or ongoing sustainability activities. 

Due to the fast‐flowing information on Twitter, many journalists turn to Twitter for story 

research (Whaling, 2011). Therefore, it is a top medium to connect and engage with 

journalists and industry influencers (Agius, 2019; Buttry, 2018). It is essential to target 

journalists and the media as their wide reach and their huge influence in public can 

further raise awareness about ComfortDelGro’s sustainability programme. 

Twitter also has a hashtag function and using hashtags such as #GoGreen and 

#ClimateChange (or anything relevant to the CSR activity) that can link the post to a larger 

conversation and help raise awareness of the cause (Dugan, 2011). Furthermore, engaging 

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by responding or retweeting mentions (or media coverage) not only acknowledges and 

show appreciation to the writer (or journalists) but to bring awareness to followers 

(Harrison, 2018). This will help solidify the relationship with journalists and strengthen 

brand presence. 


In 2016, about 51% of Singaporeans use Instagram (Ngu, 2018) and it's also highly 

popular amongst the younger audiences (Ngu, 2018). It has been reported that teenagers 

are switching from Facebook to Instagram (Bernal, 2019; Solon, 2018), making Instagram a 

top platform in targeting younger audiences. ComfortDelGro can captivate audiences by 

posting creative and interesting photos about the sustainability activities and events, this 

can capture likes, spread awareness and build brand affinity with younger consumers. 

Behind the scenes posts can also help establish a personal connection with stakeholders. 

By letting stakeholders know more about ComfortDelGro’s efforts helps to humanize the 

brand and increase brand authenticity (Harrison, 2018) which further strengthen the 

relationship with stakeholders. 


YouTube is crowned as the top viewed social media website, with over 4 million 

YouTube in Singapore (Ngu, 2018). It is also popular across all generations (Smith & 

Anderson, 2018) which makes YouTube an essential platform to target stakeholders. As a 

video sharing site, ComfortDelGro can utilize the platform to introduce and kick off any 

CSR campaigns or to show key highlights from existing campaigns. Because of the 

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storytelling ability, videos are a great way to engage stakeholders and to raise awareness 

about the campaigns (Carrach, 2011) and to solicit public support for the same cause. 

Additionally, YouTube offers advertisements targeting to target relevant audiences 

(YouTube Help, n.d.) that can help raise awareness about ComfortDelGro’s sustainability 

efforts and drive audiences to the brand channel.  


As a popular platform among professionals, LinkedIn allows ComfortDelGro to 

communicate their workforce sustainability programme. By announcing ComfortDelGro’s 

sustainability practices and social impacts such as diversity and workplace safety, 

ComfortDelGro will be able to raise awareness and engage with existing employees. This 

helps create a better organisation culture that can engage, motivate and inspire 

employees (Hall, 2018), as well as recruit and retain employees (Hall, 2018). 

LinkedIn is also a platform to help build network and connect with investors, 

business partners and even media (PR Superstar, 2018). Commenting on industry posts 

and responding to questions increases the engagement levels of ComfortDelGro with its 

stakeholders as well as get a credibility boost (PR Superstar, 2018). 


While social media comes with many benefits, there are also risks. Due to the 

nature of social media, everything that ComfortDelGro does will be scrutinized and 

critique (Ho, 2019). Users can express negative impressions and complaints that can be 

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damaging to ComfortDelGro. Therefore, ComfortDelGro needs to stay active and be quick 

to respond to crisis as poor interactivity and response can also give ComfortDelGro a bad 

reputation (Cortado et al., 2016).  

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Question B 

ComfortDelGro Corporation Limited 

205 Braddell Road Singapore 579701 

News Release

For Immediate Release


ComfortDelGro reaffirms its commitment to a Greener Future by
announcing its plan to expand its electric vehicles fleet and to
convert all vehicles to meet the green standards by 2024.

Singapore, 30 August 2019 - In alignment with Prime Minister Lee Hsien

Loong speech to tackle climate change at this year’s National Day Rally,

ComfortDelgro announced a number of sustainability initiatives that include

a phase-out of all diesel vehicles, further expansions of electric vehicles

fleet and the launch of a new research programme for alternative fuels.

During the industry sustainability event hosted at ComfortDelgro main

office today, Chief Executive Officer, Yang Ban Seng announced the

initiatives which include:

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 Eliminating all diesel vehicles including taxis, rental cars and buses

by the end of 2024. This will offset all negative impacts and make

rides fully carbon neutral.

 To expand the fleet of fully electric vehicles to all our taxis and

rental cars by 50% by the end of 2025

 With the nationwide phase-out of diesel vehicles and the introduction

of fully electric vehicles, ComfortDelgro will be rolling out electric

car charging stations to all petrol kiosks in Singapore.

 In an ongoing effort to reduce carbon emissions, ComfortDelgro is

partnering with National University of Singapore to research and

trial the use of alternative fuels.

ComfortDelgro is committed to supporting local initiatives of

greener transportation and will be leading the newly established

Green Transport Council to bring together various environmental

stakeholders such as the government, NGOs and industry partners

including SMRT, Grab, Volvo and Hyundai to find ways to move

towards a greener Singapore.

“We are proud to announce ComfortDelgro new initiatives in reducing our

emission profile. These are only the beginning of our efforts for mitigating

climate change and creating a greener future, ” said CEO Yang Ban Seng.

“Climate change is a real issue and we are treating it with utmost

seriousness. We are doing our part by reducing air pollutants and carbon

emissions by reducing the environmental footprint of each passenger

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journey, this way, we can minimize the harmful effects of our operation on

the environment.”

Consumers are beginning to demonstrate a shift towards more sustainable

attitudes. Recent survey has shown that more than 50% of Singaporeans

believes that organisations should practice sustainability and not harm the

environment. Millennials, in particular, are willing to spend more for

sustainable services.

“We have made progress in reducing our emission profile by converting our

taxis to hybrid vehicles, reduce our organization wastage, supporting

community initiatives, organizing e-waste collection and recycling

campaigns, and sourcing and researching for sustainable fuels, however,

there are more to be done to meet our consumers’ expectations.” Jessica

Cheam, Director of ComfortDelgro noted.

“ComfortDelgro new initiatives represent our commitment to a sustainable

future. While it has its challenges, but together with our commuters and

industry partners we will endeavour to continue to improve our

environmental performance and strive towards a greener future.”

The cabbies of the two fully-electric Hyundai Ioniq taxis have taken more

than 1000 passengers trips since the launch last year and the feedback from

them has been positive.

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One of the drivers, Mr Tan commented “The electric taxi is very

comfortable to drive and the charging the taxi is quick and convenient. The

cost of electricity is cheaper than fuel and allows me to drive for much

longer distance. Furthermore, driving the taxi makes me feel like I am doing

my part to save the earth.”

Our first fleet of fully-electric Hyundai Electric charging stations that will be
Ioniq taxis deployed to all petrol kiosks in Singapore.

Environmentalists have also expressed their support for ComfortDelgro “It’s

great to see transportation giants such as ComfortDelgro taking initiatives to

reduce air and traffic pollutants,” comments Mayur Singh, founder of The

Green Collective. “We hope that this will kickstart a movement and

transform Singapore into a greener island.”

To follow the progress and changes made in ComfortDelGro, please



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About ComfortDelGro

Formed on 39 March 2003, ComfortDelGro is the leading transportation

service in Singapore. It has expended significantly across the world with a

global fleet size of over 43,300 vehicles. Its business includes taxis, buses,

car rentals, outdoor advertising, engineering and inspection services, non-

emergency transport services, broking services and driving centres.

For media queries, please contact:

Clary Smith (Ms)

Director, Public Relations

ComfortDelGro Corporation Limited

Tel: 6123 1234 / 9123 1234


Word Count: 1675

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Agius, A. (2019, March 15). 5 Tips for Reaching Out to Journalists on Twitter. Social

Media Today. Retrieved from


Ali, I., Jiménez-Zarco, A. I., & Bicho, M. (2015). Using Social Media for CSR

Communication and Engaging Stakeholders.


Bell, G. (n.d.). How to Use Facebook as Your PR Engine. Retrieved August 25, 2019, from

Neil Patel website:

Bernal, N. (2019, January 29). Facebook loses ground to Instagram as young users log off.

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Buttry, S. (2018, August 30). 10 ways Twitter is valuable to journalists. International

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Carrach, J. (2011, April 21). The PR Pro’s Guide to YouTube. Mashable. Retrieved from

Cortado, F.-J., Chalmeta, R., & Ntim, C. G. (2016). Use of social networks as a CSR

communication tool. Cogent Business & Management, 3(1), 1187783.

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Dugan, L. (2011, July 22). Twitter 101: Why Use Hashtags? Adweek. Retrieved from

Hall, B. (2018, September 12). We need to be shouting about CSR – to our employees.

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Harrison, K. (2018, July 2). Top Social Media Tips For Every Platform Part 1: Facebook,

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Ho, B. (2019). COM 301 Public Relations (Study Guide) (V1.4). Singapore: Singapore

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Influencer Marketing. (2019, August 1). Internet in Real Time [Visualization] - Social

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Levinson, C. (2018, November 8). What Are the Benefits of Corporate Social

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Lynch, C. (2018, April 17). Council Post: Earned Media Is Part Of The Customer

Experience. Forbes. Retrieved from


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Matsa, K. E., & Shearer, E. (2018, September 10). News Use Across Social Media

Platforms 2018 | Pew Research Center. Pew Research Center. Retrieved from


Ngu, T. (2018, August 8). Social Media Landscape in Singapore (2019). Hashmeta.

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PR Superstar. (2018). 7 Ways to Use LinkedIn for PR. Retrieved August 26, 2019, from

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Smith, A., & Anderson, M. (2018, March 1). Social Media Use 2018: Demographics and

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Solon, O. (2018, June 1). Teens are abandoning Facebook in dramatic numbers, study finds.

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Sweney, M. (2018, February 12). Is Facebook for old people? Over-55s flock in as the

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Whaling, H. (2011, April 14). The PR Pro’s Guide to Twitter. Mashable. Retrieved from

YouTube Help. (n.d.). About targeting for video campaigns. Retrieved August 26, 2019,

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