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DZW 型生物质燃料整(组)装蒸汽锅炉


警 告


目 录
一、锅炉系统设备简介 ............................................................................................................................... 5
1.1、锅炉主机 ...................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1.1、锅炉本体 ........................................................................................................................... 5
1.1.2、链条炉排 ........................................................................................................................... 5
1.1.3、省煤器、空预器、过热器 ............................................................................................... 5
1.2、锅炉辅助设备 .............................................................................................................................. 5
1.2.1、燃烧系统设备 ................................................................................................................... 5
1.2.2、供水系统设备 ................................................................................................................... 6
1.2.3、供汽系统设备 ................................................................................................................... 7
1.2.4、排污系统设备 ................................................................................................................... 7
1.2.5、除尘系统设备 ................................................................................................................... 8
1.3、控制系统设备 .............................................................................................................................. 8
1.3.1、控制箱 ............................................................................................................................... 8
1.3.2、动力柜 ............................................................................................................................... 8
二、锅炉运行条件 ....................................................................................................................................... 9
2.1、三大安全附件 .............................................................................................................................. 9
2.1.1、压力表 ............................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.2、安全阀 ............................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.3、水位表 ............................................................................................................................... 9
2.2、锅炉水质 .................................................................................................................................... 10
2.3、运行基本条件 ............................................................................................................................ 10
三、操作、调整及运行 ............................................................................................................................. 10
3.1、三大安全附件的操作 ................................................................................................................ 10
3.1.1、压力表操作 ..................................................................................................................... 10
3.1.2、安全阀操作 ..................................................................................................................... 10
3.1.3、水位表操作 ..................................................................................................................... 11
3.2、水质检验 .................................................................................................................................... 11
3.2.1、锅炉给水 ......................................................................................................................... 11
3.2.2、锅炉炉水 ......................................................................................................................... 11
3.2.3、锅炉水质标准及水质检验 ............................................................................................. 12
3.3、燃烧操作及调整 ........................................................................................................................ 12
3.3.1、升火操作 ......................................................................................................................... 12

3.3.2、燃烧操作与调整 ............................................................................................................. 13
3.3.3、正常燃烧操作 ................................................................................................................. 14
3.4、供水系统操作及调整 ................................................................................................................ 15
3.4.1、软水器 ............................................................................................................................. 15
3.4.2、锅炉给水泵 ..................................................................................................................... 16
3.4.3、除氧器 ............................................................................................................................. 16
3.4.4、取样冷却器 ..................................................................................................................... 17
3.5、供汽操作 .................................................................................................................................... 17
3.6、排污操作 .................................................................................................................................... 17
3.6.1、连续排污 ......................................................................................................................... 18
3.6.2、定期排污 ......................................................................................................................... 18
3.6.3、定期排污操作注意事项 ................................................................................................. 18
3.6.4、定期排污操作 ................................................................................................................. 18
3.7、锅炉传热面清理和吹灰操作 .................................................................................................... 18
3.8、除尘设备的操作 ........................................................................................................................ 19
3.8.1、多管除尘器 ..................................................................................................................... 19
3.8.2、水膜除尘器(水膜脱硫除尘器) ................................................................................. 19
3.8.3、布袋除尘器 ..................................................................................................................... 19
3.9、停炉操作 .................................................................................................................................... 20
3.9.1、临时故障停炉 ................................................................................................................. 20
3.9.2、暂时停炉 ......................................................................................................................... 20
3.9.3、完全停炉 ......................................................................................................................... 20
3.9.4、紧急停炉 ......................................................................................................................... 20
3.10、锅炉控制系统设定与操作 ...................................................................................................... 21
3.10.1、水位控制与保护 ........................................................................................................... 21
3.10.2、压力(燃烧)控制和保护 ........................................................................................... 22
3.10.3、启动、停炉控制和联锁 ............................................................................................... 22
3.10.4、遥控操作 ....................................................................................................................... 22
3.11、正常运行 .................................................................................................................................. 22
3.11.1、锅炉正常运行注意事项 ............................................................................................... 23
3.11.2、正常操作 ....................................................................................................................... 23
3.11.3、交接班及运行记录 ....................................................................................................... 23
四、维护保养及常见故障 ......................................................................................................................... 23
4.1、维护保养 .................................................................................................................................... 24

4.1.1、运行期间注意事项 ......................................................................................................... 24
4.1.2、日常维护 ......................................................................................................................... 24
4.1.3、定期保养及检修 ............................................................................................................. 25
4.1.4、停炉保养 ......................................................................................................................... 26
4.2、常见故障及处理 ........................................................................................................................ 27
4.2.1、燃烧设备 ......................................................................................................................... 27
4.2.2、安全附件和阀门 ............................................................................................................. 28
4.2.3、水泵、风机 ..................................................................................................................... 29
4.2.4、爆管 ................................................................................................................................. 30
4.2.5、锅炉和管道水击 ............................................................................................................. 31
4.2.6、炉墙损坏 ......................................................................................................................... 31
附表 ..................................................................................................................................................... 32

本说明书按 DZW 锅炉常规配置进行编写,与实际使用产品不相符时请参阅实际


一、 锅炉系统设备简介
DZW 型燃生物质锅炉是双锅筒纵置式链条炉排锅炉,锅炉主体由链条炉排和锅炉本体两大组
DZW 锅炉系统常规配置设备如下:

1.1、 锅炉主机
DZW 型燃生物质锅炉本体采用双锅筒纵向布置水管结构,由水冷壁管、前后拱及炉床构成锅
锅 炉 本 体 的 结 构 、 制 造 质 量 必 须 符 合 TSG G0001-2012 《 锅 炉 安 全 技 术 监 察 规 程 》、
链条炉排是工业锅炉应用最多的机械化燃烧设备,燃烧方式为移动火床燃烧。DZW 生物质锅
锅炉配置 GL-P 系列调速箱,电机有电磁调速和变频调速二个系列。
链条炉排应符合 JB/T 3271-2002《链条炉排技术条件》等标准要求。
DZW 锅炉通常配套铸铁省煤器,铸铁省煤器具有耐腐、耐磨、维护费用低的优点。
省煤器制造按 GB/T16507-2013《水管锅炉》、JB/T2639-1993《锅炉承压灰铸铁件技术条件》标

1.2、 锅炉辅助设备

炉前料仓送入炉前料斗,并在连接通道中设置可靠的隔离装置。、炉排及炉排调速箱:(见 1.1.2、)、配风设备:锅炉配风设备有鼓风机、二次风机、引风机。
二次风机:通过炉膛上部的二次风管向炉膛送入二次风,二次风量为总风量的 25-30%,风速
为 50 米/秒为宜。
风机按 JB/T 4357-2008《工业锅炉用离心引风机》等标准标准设计、制造及验收。、除渣设备:生物质锅炉一般配置 SGB 双链刮板出渣机进行锅炉的出渣。
出渣机按 JB/T 3726-1999《锅炉除渣设备通用技术条件》等标准标准设计、制造及验收。
人工操作软水器分固定床和浮动床二大类,最常见的为 LFN 型浮动床纳离子交换器。
锅炉用水的原水和处理后的软水品质应符合 GB/T 1576-2008《工业锅炉水质》的规定,原水

软水器设备应符合 JB/T 2932-1999《水处理设备 技术条件》和 JB/T 6692-1993《锅炉水处理
全自动软水器进水温度不得高于 45℃,进水压力一般控制在 0.2-0.3Mpa 之间,如果进水压力
原水硬度>4mg/L 时,应加大软水器的处理能力,原水的浊度>20 度,应在软水器前应加装机
械过滤器。、软水箱:用于经过处理软水的储存,其容积一般应大于锅炉 1 小时用水量,软水箱可
除氧水泵自软水箱为除氧器供水,流量应略大于锅炉用水量,扬程通常在 25m 左右。
水泵按 GB/T5657-1995《离心泵技术条件分类-III》等标准标准设计、制造及验收。、除氧器:蒸发量≥10t/h 的锅炉应配置除氧器,工业锅炉常用的除氧器为热力除氧器。
DZW 锅炉一般配套大气式热力除氧器,工作压力为 0.02Mpa,工作温度为 104℃,除氧器出力
除氧器下部的除氧水箱可作为锅炉给水箱,其容积多为除氧器出力的 50%。
除氧器按 JB/T10325-2002《锅炉除氧器技术条件》等标准标准设计、制造及验收。、取样冷却器:用于锅水和蒸汽取样,通过冷却水对流经取样器的高温介质进行冷却以
汽管上,取样点前必须有 6D(主汽管直径)的直管段。、加药装置:用于向锅内投加化学药剂以改善水质和疏松水垢。加药装置通常采用电磁
1.2.3、供汽系统设备、分汽缸:锅炉通过分汽缸对用热点供汽,10t/h 以下蒸发量锅炉的标配分汽缸接口为一
进四出,15t/h 以上蒸发量锅炉的标配分汽缸接口为一进五出,特殊需要的分汽缸接口按需进行设
径大于最大接管直径的 2 倍,当分汽缸最大接管为锅炉主汽管时,分汽缸筒体直径应大于主汽管直
径的 2 倍。

一般为 0.2Mpa,其规格按容积划分,常用的有 0.7,1.5,3.5,5.5m3 四个规格。、定期排污膨胀器:用于锅筒、集箱底部杂质的定期排放。排污水通过定期排污膨胀器
的有 0.8,3.5,7.5,15m3 四个规格。
排污膨胀器按 GB150-2011《压力容器》标准设计、制造及验收。
DZW 锅炉常用除尘设备有多管除尘器、水膜除尘器、布袋除尘器。、多管除尘器:XTD 型立式陶瓷多管除尘器,具有耐磨、耐温、耐腐蚀、造价低等优点,
除尘效率为≥95%,阻力为≤900Pa,主要消除粒度大于 20μm 的粉尘。
多管除尘器按 HJ/T286-2006《工业锅炉多管旋风除尘器》,JB/T8129-2002《工业锅炉旋风除尘
器技术条件》标准设计、制造及验收。、水膜除尘器:XL 型水膜除尘器,有单筒和双筒之分,利用惯性分离和水膜冲洗、吸
附进行烟气分离,除尘效率可达 92-98%,筒体阻力为 700Pa,含文丘里阻力为 1200Pa。利用碱性
水膜除尘器按 HJ/T319-2006《花岗岩湿式烟气脱硫除尘装置》标准设计、制造及验收。、布袋除尘器:DZW 锅炉采用脉冲袋式除尘器,除尘效率高达 99%,阻力小于 1500Pa,
布袋除尘器按 JB/T4735-1997《钢制焊接常压容器》和 GB/T6719-2009《袋式除尘器技术要求》
双级除尘,烟气颗粒物含量可控制到 100mg/m3 以内,多管+布袋的双级除尘,烟气颗粒物含量可控
制到 30mg/m3 以内,采用覆膜布袋可控制到 20mg/m3 以内。

1.3、 控制系统设备
DZW 锅炉控制系统提供了锅炉的水位、压力、燃烧、安全保护几个方面的控制。
DZW 锅炉通常采用单向手自动控制模式,也有采用可编程控制(PLC)模式。

蒸发量小于 4t/h 锅炉,控制箱与动力柜合于一体。

二、 锅炉运行条件

2.1、 三大安全附件
用于指示介质压力,锅炉本体上必须安装 2 个压力表,反映锅筒内的蒸汽压力,压力表表盘直
径:视距>2m,≥150mm,视距>5m,≥250mm;量程为锅炉工作压力的 1.5~3 倍,最好 2 倍;精
度等级≤2.5 级,常用 1.6 级。
压力表必须经过当地计量部门校验,有效期为 6 个月。压力表应装有存水弯管和三通旋塞。
1) 泄压后指针回零偏差超标;
2) 表盘玻璃破碎或刻度不清;
3) 封印损坏或超过检验有效期;
4) 表内泄压或指针不正常跳动;
5) 二压力表反映压力值不一致。
安全阀是超压泄放的安全装置,DZW 锅炉采用弹簧式安全阀,其压力等级和排放量根据锅炉
额定蒸发量>0.5t/h 的锅炉必须安装 2 个安全阀,安全阀应经技监部门进行校验后方可投入使
表 2.1.1、蒸汽锅炉安全阀整定压力

锅炉蒸汽压力 Mpa
最低值 最高值

≤0.8 工作压力+0.03Mpa 工作压力+0.05Mpa

0.8<P≤5.9 1.04 倍工作压力 1.06 倍工作压力

>5.9 1.05 倍工作压力 1.08 倍工作压力

直接反映锅炉水位的仪表,为操作人员监视水位变化,控制水位在允许范围内波动,DZW 锅
炉采用平板式水位表 2 个,或平板水位表和双色水位表各 1 个。

2.2、 锅炉水质
锅炉用水必须符合 GB/T1576-2008《工业锅炉水质》标准要求,锅炉操作人员应定期(一般每
锅炉给水、锅炉炉水、水质标准及水质检验详见 3.2、水质检验。

2.3、 运行基本条件
1) 锅炉用水各项指标应符合 GB1576《工业锅炉水质》标准;
2) 各转动部件的轴承箱油位正常,轴承箱冷却水管道应该畅通;
3) 锅炉各辅机运行正常,所有附件尤其是三大安全附件符合安全计算要求,并在检验有效期
4) 所有管道阀门处于正常的开启和关闭状态;
5) 所有电控仪表工作正常;
6) 锅炉给水系统工作正常,锅炉水位处于正常位置;
7) 锅炉供汽系统工作正常,用汽设备已处于待机状态。
8) 锅炉安全管理人员、运行操作人员和锅炉水处理作业人员应当按照国家质检总局颁发的

三、 操作、调整及运行

3.1、 三大安全附件的操作

后应无泄漏情况,安全阀冲洗应在锅炉压力较高状态下进行。每隔 2-4 星期应升高汽压一次,作排

1) 首先旋转下考克使其处于开启状态,此时水位表三考克全部处于开启状态,锅炉中高压的
2) 旋转中考克使其处于关闭状态,此时水位表上下考克处于开启状态,锅筒中高压的蒸汽通
3) 再次旋转中考克使其重新处于开启状态,此时水位表恢复状态 1),水位表又处于“混合
4) 旋转上考克使其处于关闭状态,此时水位表中下考克处于开启状态,锅炉中高压的炉水通
5) 再次旋转上考克使其重新处于开启状态,此时水位表恢复状态 1),水位表又处于“混合
6) 关闭下考克,水位表恢复正常工作状态,冲洗工作完成。

3.2、 水质检验
1) 浊度:水中悬浮物(不溶于水的无机杂质和有机固体杂质含量,形成锅内沉淀物和漂浮物
2) 硬度:水中钙、镁离子之和,是产生水垢的重要指标;
3) PH 值:水的酸碱性指标。PH 值<7 的水会加速金属腐蚀,一般要求锅炉给水的 PH 值为
7~9 之间;
4) 溶解氧:水中氧含量。水中各种气体中氧气最有害于锅炉金属,是发生金属氧腐蚀的重要
5) 油脂:水中油脂类物质含量,是形成假水位和汽水共腾重要指标。

1) PH 值:炉水的酸碱性指标。锅炉给水通过加热蒸发和炉内加药后,炉水的 PH 值将提高,
炉水 PH 值小于 8 或大于 13 时,加热面水侧的 Fe3O4 保护膜会溶解或脱落,导致加热面金属
2) 溶解固形物:炉水中溶解固形物含量。炉水蒸发浓缩使炉水中溶解固形物将增多,导致水
3) 总碱度:能与水中强酸发生中和作用的所有碱性物质的含量。炉水含碱量过高将导致锅炉
4) 相对碱度:炉水中游离 NaOH 含量与溶解固形物之比,防止晶间腐蚀的重要指标。
5) 磷酸盐:防结垢,保护金属表面保护膜的有效成分,通常通过加入含有磷酸盐的添加剂控
1) 锅炉水质标准:按 GB/T1576-2008《工业锅炉水质》
外水处理,锅炉的给水和锅水水质见附表 1 的规定。
2) 水质检验:按 GB/T1576-2008《工业锅炉水质》附录“水质检验方法”。

3.3、 燃烧操作及调整
1) 锅炉在升火前应进行全面检查(包括有关附件、管道),而后进行给水工作。未进水前必
2) 将已处理的水通过省煤器缓缓注入锅内,进水温度一般不高于 40℃,当锅炉内水位升于
3) 生物质燃料易着火,升火时可将料斗内生物质燃料通过炉排送至锅炉中间的拨火处,开启
燃料能连续着火后调节引鼓风量,炉膛负压维持在 20-30Pa 使燃烧趋正常。
4) 升火时温度增加不宜太快,避免各部分因受热不同而产生过大的热应力,影响锅炉寿命,
初次升火从冷炉到汽压升至工作压力的时间 4~6 小时为宜,以后升火时冷炉不短于 2 小时,
热炉不短于 1 小时。
5) 生火后应随时注意锅内水位,因为加热后水位会上升,如超过最高水位线时可进行排污。
6) 当开启的一只安全阀内冒出蒸汽时,即应关闭安全阀,汽压升到 0.05-0.1Mpa 时,冲洗压
力表弯管和水位表。汽压升到 0.3-0.4Mpa 时,检查人孔及手孔盖是否渗漏,如有渗漏现象应

7) 当锅内汽压逐渐升高时,应注意锅炉各部件有无特殊响声,如有应立即检查,必要时立即
8) 锅炉升火期间,应监察省煤器的出口水温,该水温应比工作压力下饱和温度低 40℃,如
1) 料层厚度与炉排速度:生物质燃料种类繁多,一般生物质燃料的自然堆积密度都很小,为
低位热值 自然堆积密度 料层厚度
燃料名称 炉排速度
KJ/KG KG/m3 mm
II 类烟煤 18850 750-1000 80~90 V
稻壳 14360 123 160~180 (4~5)V
废木片 18500 200-300 180~200 (1.5-2)V
锯末 18500 240 120~150 2.5V
木质颗粒 18500 >600 80~100 1.1V
秸秆颗粒 15000 >600 80~100 1.3V

2) 料层厚度的控制:DZW 锅炉通过炉前料斗对锅炉供料,由于生物质燃料非常易燃,为了

锁料叶轮 拨料滚筒

3) 炉排速度的控制:DZW 锅炉炉排的调速装置通过变频电机或电磁滑差调速电机进行传动,

4) 配风的调整:
施,所以 DZW 燃生物质锅炉均配置二次风机和二次风管。
a) 一次配风的调整:常见生物质燃料的理论空气量为 4~5m3/Kg,炉膛出口空气过剩系数控
制在 1.4 左右为佳,一次风约占总风量的 70%~75%,通过调整炉排下部各分段分仓的调
b) 二次配风的调整:二次风约占总风量的 25%~30%,风速 50m/s 为宜,二次风量通过鼓风
DZW 燃生物质锅炉配置了燃烧启、停自动控制系统,正常情况下应采用自动操作。
注意:任何情况下,锅炉停炉时应保持炉前约 0.5-1 米炉排应无燃料,避免燃料在缺氧情况下
1) 炉膛内正常的燃烧工况应是:火床平整,火焰密而均匀呈亮黄色,没有穿冷风的火口,燃
烬段整齐一致,从烟囱冒出的烟呈淡灰色。炉膛负压保持在 20-30Pa。
2) 根据用汽情况及时调整锅炉负荷和调整燃烧室的运行,保证锅炉汽压的稳定,用汽部门应
要是通过开大或关小鼓引风调节门来达到,调节完毕应保持炉膛负压在 2-3 毫米水柱。
3) 各风室的积灰每班抽拉风室底部的落灰板 1~2 次,使炉排下部的灰通过炉排带到炉排前下
部落灰箱,落灰箱的积灰每班应清理两次。锅炉后拱上部的积灰通过转动锅炉对流管束下方 4
4) 料斗内不能缺燃料,随时消除斗内搭桥(燃料不往下落到炉排上)的现象。
5) 生物质燃料挥发分高、易燃,为了防止燃料在煤闸门下面燃烧,应注意观察炉膛燃烧情况,
6) 发现结焦时要打焦,焦块不得大于 300 毫米,以保证其灰渣顺利进入出渣机发现大块结焦

7) 当火床上呈现火口或高低不平时,应耙平,消除火口保证火床平整。
8) 避免长时间的压火,生物质燃料固定碳含量很低,长时间压火将导致无法重新着火。短时
间压火应将燃料层离开进料口 500 毫米(燃烧自控系统具有此功能)
9) 运行时,应注意锅炉各部分有无特殊的响声,如有应立即检查,必要时停炉检查。炉排如
10) 炉排卡住可能由下列原因引起:
a) 炉排左右两边调节螺母紧松相差很多,致使炉排严重跑偏。
b) 炉排在链轮轴处拱起与侧密封角钢卡住。
c) 由于铁的物件、炉排片的碎片、沉头螺钉松脱把炉排片卡住。
d) 大块结焦而增加的阻力。
11) 炉排片之间的松紧程度:一般串好后左右两方各有间隙总和约 10 毫米,过紧会造成炉排
12) 生物质燃料种类繁多,相当部分生物质燃料的灰渣亲水性较差,灰渣易浮在水面导致出渣
13) 如遇铁器、僵块炉渣等把出渣机卡住(此时安全离合器发生跳动)应即关掉电动机,打开
14) 若采用螺旋出渣机则头部减速箱上的弹簧压紧其间隙总和不可小于 10 毫米。

3.4、 供水系统操作及调整

DZW 燃生物质锅炉配置全自动离子交换水处理装置(软水器)
1) 软水器的操作

2) 软水器的调整
软水器控制器有机械式和电子式 2 种,详细调整、设置操作请参阅所选用软水器使用说明书。
DZW 锅炉采用多级离心泵进行供水,水泵的实际扬程与大气压、吸入压头、吸入管路损失、
汽化压头有关,并应保持 0.5-1m 的安全余量。以下情况会影响水泵的供水能力:
1) 水温高:水温升高,水的汽化压力下降。普通水泵使用温度一般应小于 80℃,热水泵使
用温度一般应低于 120℃,但水温提高都会导致汽化压力下降,例如:水温 80℃时汽化压力
约为 5m,当水温超过 90 度时汽化压力会明显上升,水温 120℃时,汽化压力达 20m。
2) 流量大:流量明显大于额定流量时,水泵扬程会明显下降;
3) 吸入管阻大:从低处抽水、从长水管抽水和进口条件差都将影响水泵的进口压力。
DZW 燃生物质锅炉配置大气式热力除氧器,大气式热力除氧器通过蒸汽将给水进行加热,使
除氧器内应保持稳定的压力和温度,最佳工况为工作压力为 0.02Mpa,温度为 104℃~106℃。
过蒸汽调节阀(fz)控制进入除氧头与给水混合对给水进行加温,fs,fz 调节阀由水位和水温进行
控制,其开度调整应根据实际运行情况进行调整。付蒸汽阀 f2 用于除氧器水箱内水温偏低时的辅
助加热,以保证除氧器内的水温保持在 104℃。

软化水 冷凝水




定期进行除氧器中水的含氧量检测,检测方法见 GB/T1576-2008《工业锅炉水质》附录“水质

取样时,蒸汽或锅水样品通过冷却器应冷却到 30-40℃。
盛装样品的容器应采用玻璃或搪瓷制品,采样前将容器洗刷干净,采样时再用采样水冲洗 3 次。

3.5、 供汽操作
水),在任何情况下勿使水位淹过玻璃管,同时总汽阀不应开得过大,一般控制在 1 1/2-2 圈之间,

3.6、 排污操作

污一次,排污时间 0.5-1 分钟,以排出锅水的浑浊情况(目测)和碱含量(化验)确定排水量。
果好。排污的次数和数量要视水质情况确定,一般情况下每班排污一次,排污时间 0.5-1 分钟,以
1) 如二台或二台以上锅炉使用同排污总管,而排污管上又无逆止阀门,排污时应注意:
a) 禁止二台锅炉同时排污;
b) 如另一台锅炉正在检修,则排污前必须将检修中的锅炉与排污管路隔断分开;
2) 排污应在低负荷、高水位时进行,在排污时应密切注意炉内水位。每次排污以降低锅炉水
位 25-50 毫米范围为适宜。
3) 假如排污管端不是通到排污箱内或排污井内,并且没有保护设备,则必须在确实知道靠近
1) 锅炉上有锅筒、集箱的独立排污系统,都分别串装有两只排污阀,排污时首先将第一只(与
2) 排污完毕关闭排污阀后,应检查排污阀是否严密,在停止排污较长时间后手摸排污管道是

3.7、 锅炉传热面清理和吹灰操作

对流传热面管束一般每 2 个月进行全面一次吹灰清理,平时应定期采用压缩空气通过锅炉对流

3.8、 除尘设备的操作
除尘器二种方式,前一方式烟气排放粉尘含量可以达 100mg/m3 以下,后一配置烟气排放粉尘含量
可以达 30mg/m3 以下。
新建锅炉大气污染物排放极限见附表 2。
投入正常运行后,务必按时出灰,一般不超过 4h/次,以防止灰斗内集尘过多。
定期检测循环池水的 PH 值,并根据检测结果采取相应的释放碱液程序。(检测可采用 PH 试纸)
建议循环池的水常处于碱性状态(PH 值保持 9~10)。
烟气需要脱硫处理时,应在循环水中添加脱硫剂,一般采用 NaOH 为脱硫剂,烟气脱硫效果的
高低取决于燃料含硫量及脱硫剂的数量。燃料的含硫量为 0.8~1%,脱硫效果可达到 85%以上。生
扫或人工清理,一般状况下,10t/h 蒸发量以下的锅炉可采用人工清理,每班清理 1-2 次。

3.9、 停炉操作
门。迅速处理有关故障,如在 1-2 小时内还无法解除故障时就转入暂时停炉。继续解除故障。
1) 停炉前根据用汽情况,可提前 20-30 分钟停止向炉前料斗供燃料,炉排速度减为最慢,抬
起点火门,等炉排前的燃料进入煤闸门后 400-500 毫米时,停止炉排转动,将煤闸门放下,防
2) 锅炉冷却后水位要降低,因此停炉时水位宜高于正常水位。
3) 停止供汽后使锅炉筒内压降到 0,再关断总汽阀及烟气调节门。
1-3 个月应停炉一次,停炉时注意安全和维护设备。按照暂时停炉的步骤停炉后,待炉水慢慢冷却
到 70℃以下时,才可把炉水放出,这时须先将安全阀抬起,让锅筒内部与大气相通。如须缩短冷
1) 水位表玻璃管里看不到水位,采用“叫水”仍然看不到水时,不许突然进水;
2) 不断加大向锅炉给水及采取其他措施,但水位仍继续下降;
3) 锅炉水位已升到运行规程所规定的水位上极限以上时;
4) 给水设备全部失效;
5) 所有水位表、安全阀、压力表,其中有一种全部失效;
6) 锅炉的主要零件上(锅筒、集箱)发现裂纹或主汽管、水冷壁管、省煤器管发生爆管;
7) 燃烧设备、炉墙严重损坏,威胁锅炉安全运行;
8) 其他导致运行情况,且超过安全运行允许范围。

1) 先停止鼓风,后停止引风。
2) 将煤闸门降到最低,迅速铲出料斗内存余燃料,并打开点火门,清除炉排头部堆积的燃料。
3) 以最快速度使炉排转动,把炉膛内的炉渣及燃料通过出渣机全部清除掉(未烧烬的燃料可

3.10、 锅炉控制系统设定与操作

DZW 锅炉控制系统常规配置有锅炉水位、蒸汽压力的控制、报警和联锁,并设置有风机风门
锅炉水位控制有位式给水和连续给水两种控制方式,蒸发量 D≤4t/h 的锅炉一般采用位式给水
控制,蒸发量 D=6t/h 以上的锅炉通常采用连续给水控制。
电级式水位控制器由起泵和停泵 2 根水位控制电极组成。
水位报警器由高报警和低报警、联锁 2 根水位报警电
极组成。≥2t/h 锅炉的锅壳顶部设置 1 根极限联锁电极。 高报警 高
水位控制工作范围如左图所示。 停泵水位
1) 位式给水控制:水位控制器在起泵水位到停泵水

位范围之间对水泵运行进行控制,当锅炉水位低于 水
极限联锁 低
2) 连续给水控制:浮球式水位控制器或压差式水位
控制器通过电流信号进行给水电动调节阀开度或水 水位控制、报警器工作范围
3) 水位报警及联锁:水位报警器在水位控制失灵时工作,当出现水位低于起泵水位到达低报
4) 受控状态:控制系统设定在联锁模式时,水位控制和保护均有效,控制系统设定在非联锁
5) 极限联锁:当水位低达极低联锁保护电极(锅筒顶部电极)时,无论水位控制在联锁模式

6) 水位电极需要进行清洗,锅炉首次使用 3 个月后 安全阀起跳

DZW 锅炉采用电接点压力表和压力保护器进行锅炉 (停风机)

的燃烧控制与超压报警。 低工作压力
在压力保护器上根据锅炉的实际工作压力范围分别 (起风机)

设定超压报警点(见压力控制、报警工作范围图)。蒸汽 压力 0

压力上升至高工作压力点时进入停炉控制顺序,蒸汽压力 压力控制、报警工作范围

炉控制见 3.10.3、条)。当蒸汽压力达到超压报警点时报
少量空气,延时数分钟,停止炉排和引风机,此时炉前约 0.5-1m 长炉排上无燃料,炉内无黑烟产
常见生物质燃料燃烧的料层厚度、炉排速度及风量的推荐数据见 3.3.2、条,炉膛负压为 2-3

3.11、 正常运行

1) 锅内水位:经常注意锅内水位变化,使其保持在正常水位±25 毫米的范围内不得高于最
2) 水位表:水位表玻璃管保持经常性整洁,确保水位清晰正确可靠,如发现玻璃管垫圈漏水、
立即临时停炉、直至一个水位表恢复正常后方可继续运行。水位表冲洗操作见 3.1.2、节。
3) 压力表:压力表工作必须正常,如发现压力表损坏,应立即停炉修理或更换。压力表每半
4) 安全阀:注意安全阀动作用应正常,安全阀每年应校验一次。
5) 给水设备:所有给水泵运行应正常,交接班时需进行开车检验。如有故障立即进行修理。
6) 蒸汽压力:经常注意压力变化,尽可能保持锅内压力稳定,勿使汽压超过最高允许工作压
7) 排污:按 3.6、节规定做好排污工作。
见 3.1、~3.10 各章节。
1) 接班的司炉工要在规定的时间前到达锅炉房,做好接班准备。
2) 交班的司炉工要做到:
a. 锅炉蒸汽压力和水位正常;
b. 炉膛内燃烧稳定;
c. 各机械设备运转正常。
d. 锅炉各附件(包括管道、阀门、仪表)安全灵敏可靠。
e. 锅炉房清洁整齐,灯光明亮。
f. 交接班双方要认真负责,同时将交接中的情况和问题记录入运行记录簿。
g. 锅炉运行工况,必须做好切实记录,以便进行机组的经济核算和职责考核。

四、 维护保养及常见故障

1) 锅炉房应保持清洁,锅炉房里不应堆放其他杂物。
2) 注意室内照明,对水位表、压力表尤应有良好照明,使司炉工看得清楚。经常巡视锅炉周
3) 锅炉底部地平面上不可积水,以防潮湿腐蚀底座。
1) 日常检查

序号 内 容 要 求
1 性能符合要求,阀门开关状态良好。
2 性能状态符合要求。
3 处于正常状态。
4 见 3)日常维护
通风系统:包括鼓风机、引风机、调风门、烟 风机运行、风门开度正常,风道畅通,
风道等 无漏风。
2) 试验、测量及记录
a. 试验:经常进行水位测定及报警联锁装置,自动给水设备等装置和设备的试验,保证这
b. 测量:DZW 燃生物质锅炉标准配置具有蒸汽压力、给水压力和温度、锅水水位、炉膛
c. 记录:做好锅炉日常运行情况记录,并对问题进行分析处理。
3) 日常维护
a. 炉排调速箱及链轮轴承导轨处保持清洁,防止杂物渗入机件内部影响正常工作。调速箱
皮带轮张紧度应适中,大小皮带轮端面错位控制在 1mm 以内。调速箱十字头联轴节内充满

b. 不允许炉膛喷烟正压燃烧室因容易烧坏煤闸门,看火门以及弧形管砖托等。如发现前拱
砖断裂脱落,应在 24 小时内停炉进行更换,否则拱板会被烧坏,漏烟。
c. 若引风机发生剧烈振动,应停车检查,一般系内部叶轮磨损所致,应予调换。
d. 当采用螺旋出渣机时,如发现渗漏灰浆,应随时压紧垫料,或临时停车更换新垫料,制
e. 除尘器是否因各接口和排灰阀漏风而失效。
1) 日常维护中发现需要解决的问题,不能马上处理且锅炉可以继续运行的,应确定年度、季
2) 锅炉运行 2-3 星期,应对以下几个方面进行检查一次:
a. 进行全面的自控系统设备及仪表的检查、测定,水位、压力等重要检测仪表及自控设备
b. 检查对流管束及省煤器,如有积灰应予清除。如无积灰,以后可延长检查时间,一个月
开一次,若仍无积灰,可延长到 2 个月到 3 个月检查一次。与此同时检查管端焊接处有无
c. 空载转动链条炉排,在炉前链轮轴处逐排检查是否有炉排片断裂,如有应进行更换;
d. 检查引风机轴承座油位是否正常,冷却水管应畅通;
e. 检查前拱砖是否断裂脱落;
f. 水位表、阀门、管道法兰等处如有渗漏应予修复。
3) 锅炉运行每隔 3-6 个月后,应停炉进行全面的检查维修,除做上述各项工作外,尚需进行
a. 电极式的水位控制器应进行水位电极的清理,使用了 6 个月的压力表应重新校核。
b. 打开省煤器顶盖,清除管外积灰,并拆除弯头,清除内部污垢。
c. 清除锅筒内部、水冷壁管内以及二只集箱内的水垢和泥渣,并用清水清洗。清除水冷壁
d. 对锅炉内外进行检查,如受压部分的焊缝,钢板内外有无腐蚀现象,若发现有严重缺陷
e. 检查引风机的滚动轴承是否正常,叶轮和外壳的磨损程度。
f. 清除除尘器积灰,检查磨损情况,安装后各接口应严密不漏。
g. 必要时将炉墙及外面罩壳,保温层等卸下,以便彻底检查。如发现有严重损坏部分,必
4) 锅炉运行一年以上应作下列检查维修工作:
a. 炉排调速箱,出渣机减速箱,引风机轴承箱等均应拆开清洗,并调换润滑油,安全离合

b. 出渣机磨损配件更换。
c. 检查除尘器磨损情况,排灰阀密封情况。如发生磨穿现象,可自制相似形状铁板焊于其
d. 拆开链条炉排,检查链轮、炉排片、炉排销轴、后滚筒法兰轴支架上和底板上的摩擦板
e. 锅炉保温层罩壳及锅炉底座,每年至少要油漆一次。
1) 干法保养
然后将 10-30 毫米块状的生石灰或无水氯化钙干燥剂分盘装好,均匀放置在锅筒内,其数量为:生
石灰以锅筒容积每立方米 1-3 公斤,无水氯化钙以锅筒容积每立方米 1-2 公斤,然后将所有的人孔、
2) 湿法保养(适用于短期保养)
炉水加热到 105℃,让水中的气体排出炉外,然后关闭所有阀门,
在湿法保养中,炉水碱度维持在 5~12 毫克当量/升之间,每 5 天左右化验一次,如碱度低于下

碱性溶液 锅炉放入凝结水时 锅炉放入软化水时

氢氧化钠(NaOH) 2 8~10

磷酸三钠(Na3PO4·12H2O) 5 20


1) 炉排

项 目 内 容
1. 炉排断续停止或完全停止转动,炉排有跑偏现象
2. 调速箱或炉排发出碰击声
3. 炉排电机电流非正常上升
4. 炉排传动机构的保险离合器动作或保险销折断
1. 炉排两侧的调整螺杆调整不当,前后轴不平行或与两侧板不垂直
2. 链条太松于链轮啮合不好或链轮磨损严重,使炉排转动不正常
3. 炉排片有断裂,炉排长销有弯曲
4. 炉排被异物或大块焦渣卡住
5. 炉排片之间间隙过小,受热后拱起
6. 防焦箱或侧密封铁与炉排面间隙过小
1. 炉排出现停转现象,应切断炉排电机电源,找出故障原因予以排除
2. 用扳手倒转炉排,根据用力大小判断故障程度,如果倒退不困难,则多退一些,
故障处理 检查炉排有无异物卡住并进行异物清除,重新启动运行,检测轴承温度和电动机电
3. 必须停炉检修时,应进行压火停炉,组织抢险
2) 火床过前

项 目 内 容
故障现象 燃烧过于靠前,料斗油漆受高温烘烤变色
1. 料仓厚度与炉排速度调整不合理
故障原因 2. 前部风仓配风过多
3. 炉前存在燃料滞留死角,部分燃料不随炉排前行
1. 料层适当减薄,炉排速度适当加快
故障处理 2. 减小炉前供风量
3. 清除炉前死角,必要时应进行炉前结构变动以清除死角
3) 积灰结焦

项 目 内 容
故障现象 炉膛内炉墙有挂渣现象,烟管内有结焦、积灰情况
1. 锅炉负荷高,炉膛温度过高
故障原因 2. 燃料灰熔点过低
3. 二次配风不足
1. 保持锅炉在额定出力之下运行,炉膛温度控制在 950-1000℃之间为宜
2. 木质燃料灰熔点较高,植物秸秆燃料灰熔点较低,尽量选择灰熔点较高的燃料
故障处理 3. 二次配风除了保证烟气充分燃烧之外,还可以调整炉膛温度
4. 对灰熔点低的燃料可以考虑加装烟气再循环系统以控制燃烧温度
5. 机械、手工铲除挂渣、结焦和积灰

1) 压力表

项 目 内 容
故障现象 指针不动,指针不归零,指针抖动,表面模糊或有水珠
1. 旋塞未开或位置不对或旋塞、表弯管通道堵塞
2. 指针与中心轴松动或指针卡住
3. 弹簧弯管与表座的焊口渗漏或弹簧弯管产生永久变形
4. 扇形齿轮与小齿轮松动、脱开
5. 中心轮上游丝失去弹性或脱落
6. 中心轴两端弯曲
2) 水位表

故障现象 故障原因 故障处理

1. 旋塞材质或加工有缺陷 1. 更换旋塞
旋塞泄漏 2. 塞芯与塞座接触面磨损或腐蚀 2. 研磨或更换旋塞
3. 填料不足或变质 3. 更换填料
水位停滞不 1. 连通管或旋塞被堵 1. 疏通连通管和旋塞,冲洗水位表
动 2. 旋塞被关闭 2. 打开旋塞
1. 汽旋塞被堵 1. 冲洗或疏通汽旋塞
显示水位高 2. 汽旋塞误关 2. 打开汽旋塞
于实际水位 3. 炉水碱度高而起泡沫 3. 加强排污
3) 安全阀

故障现象 故障原因 故障处理

1. 阀密封面有污物
1. 吹洗安全阀,吹洗无效应拆卸清理
2. 密封面损坏
2. 更换阀芯与阀座或机加工后研磨
漏汽 3. 阀杆弯曲变形或阀芯与阀座支承面
3. 更换阀杆或重新调整水平
4. 更换弹簧
4. 弹簧失效
1. 手动冲洗安全阀,严重时停炉后研
1. 阀芯阀座粘连
2. 阀杆与外壳间隙过小,受热后卡住
超压不开启 2. 加大阀杆与外壳间隙
3. 弹簧过紧
3. 重新调整
4. 阀门通道被障碍物堵塞
4. 去除障碍物
1. 弹簧紧度不够 1. 重新调整安全阀
低压开启 2. 弹簧变形失效 2. 更换弹簧
启闭压差超 1. 弹簧弯曲 1. 更换弹簧
标 2. 阀芯阀座安装位置不正被卡 2. 重新安装安全阀

4) 水位控制、报警器

故障现象 故障原因 故障处理
1. 电源不通
1. 接通电源
2. 连通管堵塞
无水位信号 2. 疏通连通管
3. 浮球式壳体内有污物,阻碍浮球动
3. 清污

1. 浮球式 1. 浮球式
报警水位与 水位开关位置未调整好 调整水位开关位置
实际水位不 如所有水位同时偏高,可能浮球有渗漏 检查浮球是否损坏
符 2. 电极式 2. 电极式
测量电极未调整好 调整电极位置及绝缘情况
1. 浮球式
报警时而正 检查电器线路,检查水位控制、报警器
常,时而不 的工作状态,修复。
2. 电极式
正常 加强日常检查。
5) 排污装置

故障现象 故障原因 故障处理

1. 排污管径太小,排污阀位置安装
1. 排污管堵塞 1. 排污管径应大于 DN25,锅筒排
2. 锅内脏物排 污管径应大于 DN40
2. 排污操作不符合要求,造成 2 个
不净 2. 排污管应在锅筒或集箱的最低处
3. 排污阀渗漏 3. 排污阀安装位置应便于操作
1) 电动离心泵

故障现象 故障原因 故障处理

1. 吸水管被堵
2. 泵头内有空气
水泵不出水 3. 叶轮反转
4. 实际阻力超过水泵扬程
5. 叶轮密封损坏
1. 锅炉工作压力升高
2. 电源电压偏低
3. 吸水管密封差
4. 水温较高、吸水阀阻力大
1. 润滑油质量差或缺油
轴承温度急剧升 改进
2. 轴变形或轴承损坏

3. 轴与轴承间隙不当
1. 叶轮与壳体发生摩擦
2. 轴变形或轴承损坏
振动和噪音 3. 吸水管或出水管的固定松动
4. 吸水管阻力大或出水量过大
5. 地脚螺栓松动
1. 填料过紧或叶轮与壳体发生摩擦
2. 水泵超负荷运行

2) 风机

故障现象 故障原因 故障处理

1. 风机轴与电机轴不同心
2. 叶轮变形
3. 地基不稳固或地脚螺栓松动
4. 密封过紧有摩擦
1. 润滑油质量差或缺油
轴承温度急剧升 2. 轴承安装不当或轴承磨损
高 3. 轴承压盖螺栓过紧
4. 冷却水管被堵
1. 转速未达到额定值
风量与风压不足 2. 叶片脱落、变形、磨损
3. 壳体磨损漏风

故障现象 故障原因 故障处理

1. 水质不符合标准,没有水处理措施或对给
受热面管束破裂 水和锅水的质量监督不严,使管子结垢或腐
不严重时,可以听 蚀,造成管壁过热,强度降低。
到汽水喷射的响 2. 水循环破坏,管子内部被脱落的水垢堵塞;
声,严重时会发出 管外结焦,受热不均匀,破坏了正常的水循环; 1. 炉管轻微爆破,如补给
明显的爆破响声 3. 机械损伤,管子在安装中受到机械损伤, 水尚能维持,故障不会迅
或在运行中被耐火砖或大块炉渣跌落碰坏; 速扩大时,可短时间减负
炉膛压力升高,水 4. 烟灰磨损,管壁受烟气长期冲刷而减薄; 荷运行,至备用锅炉生火
汽和炉烟从炉墙 5. 管材质量不合格。管子未按规定选用和验 后再停炉。
的门孔及漏风处 收。如管子有夹渣、分层等缺陷,或者焊接质 2. 炉管爆破后,不能维持
大量喷出 量低劣,引起爆破; 水压时,应紧急停炉。
水压、排烟温度迅 6. 升火速度过快,或者停炉放水过早,管子 3. 如有数台锅炉并列供
速下降 热胀冷缩不匀,造成焊口破裂; 水时,应将故障锅炉与供
7. 严重缺水时管子缺水部分过热,强度降低; 水母管分开。
给水量增加 8. 炉管上焊有鳍片,鳍片过宽,而鳍片所在
火焰发暗,燃烧不 部位炉温过高,停炉起炉又很频繁,鳍片受交
稳定,甚至灭火 变应力的作用造成裂纹,裂纹逐步扩大,拉裂
1. 打开节能器、冷凝器回
1. 给水管内有空气或蒸汽 器内蒸汽回至软水箱
给水管水击 2. 给水泵不正常或给水止回阀失灵 2. 检查水泵和给水止回
3. 给水温度激烈变化 阀
3. 保持给水温度水温均

1. 供汽前未很好的进行暖管和疏水 1. 进行暖管和疏水
蒸汽管道水击 2. 送汽时主汽阀开启过快、过大 2. 缓慢开启主汽阀
1. 开启节能器、冷凝器安
1. 升火时未排净节能器、冷凝器内空气 全阀排汽,打开节能器、
节能器、冷凝器内 2. 出水温度过高,节能器、冷凝器内汽化 冷凝器回水管阀门使节能
水击 3. 节能器、冷凝器入口止回阀不正常 器、冷凝器内蒸汽回至软

2. 控制节能器、冷凝器出
3. 检修止回阀

故障现象 故障原因 故障处理

9. 给水管止回阀关闭不严 1. 修复或更换止回阀
锅筒内水击 10. 长时间停止供水,省煤器或管道内 2. 尽量采用连续给水,打开省煤器回
有汽化 水管阀门使省煤器内蒸汽回至软水箱
4. 打开省煤器回水管阀门使省煤器内
4. 给水管内有空气或蒸汽
给水管水击 5. 给水泵不正常或给水止回阀失灵
5. 检查水泵和给水止回阀
6. 给水温度激烈变化
6. 保持给水温度水温均衡
蒸汽管道水 3. 供汽前未很好的进行暖管和疏水 3. 进行暖管和疏水
击 4. 送汽时主汽阀开启过快、过大 4. 缓慢开启主汽阀
4. 开启省煤器安全阀排汽,打开省煤
4. 升火时未排净省煤器内空气 器回水管阀门使省煤器内蒸汽回至软
省煤器内水 5. 出水温度过高,省煤器内汽化 水箱
击 6. 省煤器入口止回阀不正常 5. 控制省煤器出水温度
6. 检修止回阀

项 目 内 容
1. 发现脱落砖块
损坏现象 2. 炉墙支架、外壳等温度突然升高
3. 砖墙出现裂缝,保温填料脱落
1. 筑炉质量存在砖边碎裂、砖缝太大、灰浆比例不当、未留足够的膨胀缝等问题
原 因 2. 烘炉不彻底
3. 燃烧火焰中心偏移、正压燃烧、炉温过高、炉膛结焦严重、升火过快
1. 发现炉墙有损坏,应进行严密性检查,并降低运行负荷,保持炉膛负压
处 理 2. 如存在砖墙倒塌可能,应紧急停炉进行抢修
3. 调整燃烧,防止正压燃烧,控制炉膛温度

附表 1 采用锅外水处理的自然循环蒸汽锅炉和汽水两用锅炉水质(GB/T1576-2008)
P≤1.0 1.0<P≤1.6 1.6<P≤2.5 2.5<P<3.8
项 MPa
目 软化 除盐 软化 除盐 软化 除盐 软化 除盐
水 水 水 水 水 水 水 水
浊度(FTU) ≤5.0 ≤2.0 ≤5.0 ≤2.0 ≤5.0 ≤2.0 ≤5.0 ≤2.0

硬度(mmol/L) ≤0.03 ≤0.03 ≤0.03 ≤0.03 ≤0.03 ≤0.03 ≤0.005 ≤0.005

PH 值(25℃) 7~9 8~9.5 7~9 8~9.5 7~9 8~9.5 7~9 8~9.5

给 溶解氧(mg/L) ≤0.1 ≤0.1 ≤0.1 ≤0.05 ≤0.05 ≤0.05 ≤0.05 ≤0.05

油(mg/L) ≤2.0 ≤2.0 ≤2.0 ≤2.0 ≤2.0 ≤2.0 ≤2.0 ≤2.0

全铁(mg/L) ≤0.3 ≤0.3 ≤0.3 ≤0.3 ≤0.3 ≤0.1 ≤0.1 ≤0.1

— — ≤550 ≤110 ≤500 ≤100 ≤350 ≤80

全碱度 无过热器 6~26 ≤10 6~24 ≤10 6~16 ≤8 ≤12 ≤4

(mmol/L) 有过热器 — — ≤14 ≤10 ≤12 ≤8 ≤12 ≤4

酚酞碱度 无过热器 4~18 ≤6 4~16 ≤6 4~12 ≤5 ≤10 ≤3

(mmol/L) 有过热器 — — ≤10 ≤6 ≤8 ≤5 ≤10 ≤3

锅 PH 值(25℃) 10~12 10~12 10~12 10~12 10~12 10~12 9~12 9~11

溶解固形 无过热器 ≤4000 ≤4000 ≤3500 ≤3500 ≤3000 ≤3000 ≤2500 ≤2500
物(mg/L) 有过热器 — — ≤3000 ≤3000 ≤2500 ≤2500 ≤2000 ≤2000

磷酸根(mg/L) — — 10~30 10~30 10~30 10~30 5~20 5~20

亚硫酸根(mg/L) — — 10~30 10~30 10~30 10~30 5~10 5~10

相对碱度 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2

附表 2 新建锅炉大气污染物排放极限值(GB13271-2014)

限值 污染物排放监控
燃煤锅炉 燃油锅炉 燃气锅炉 位置

颗粒物 (mg/m3) 50 30 20

二氧化硫 (mg/m3) 300 200 50

氮氧化物 (mg/m3) 300 250 200

汞及其化合物 (mg/m3) 0.05 — —

烟气黑度 (林格曼黑度,级) ≤1 烟囱排放口


Boiler is special equipment. Please install and commission

the boiler equipment according to “Boiler Installation
Manual” strictly!!
1. Brief introduction of boiler system equipments ...................................................................................... 37
1.1 Boiler main components................................................................................................................ 37
1.1.1 Boiler body ......................................................................................................................... 37
1.1.2 Chain grate ......................................................................................................................... 37
1.1.3 Economizer, air preheater and superheater ......................................................................... 38
1.2 Boiler auxiliaries ........................................................................................................................... 38
1.2.1 Combustion system equipments ......................................................................................... 38
1.2.2 Water supply system equipment ......................................................................................... 39
1.2.3 Steam supply system equipment ........................................................................................ 41
1.2.4 Blowdown system equipments ........................................................................................... 41
1.2.5 Dust removal system equipments ....................................................................................... 42
1.3 Control system equipments ........................................................................................................... 43
1.3.1 Control cabinet ................................................................................................................... 43
1.3.2 Power cabinet ..................................................................................................................... 43
2. Boiler running conditions ........................................................................................................................ 43
2.1 Three major safety accessories ...................................................................................................... 43
2.1.1 Pressure gauge .................................................................................................................... 43
2.1.2 Safety valve ........................................................................................................................ 44
2.1.3 Water level gauge ............................................................................................................... 44
2.2 Boiler water quality ....................................................................................................................... 45
2.3 Basic running conditions ............................................................................................................... 45
3. Operation, adjustment and running ......................................................................................................... 45
3.1 Operation of three major safety accessories .................................................................................. 46
3.1.1 Pressure gauge operation .................................................................................................... 46
3.1.3 Water level gauge operation ............................................................................................... 46
3.2 Water quality test ........................................................................................................................... 47
3.2.1 Boiler feedwater ................................................................................................................. 47
3.2.2 Boiler water ........................................................................................................................ 47
3.2.3 Boiler water quality standards and water quality inspection .............................................. 48
3.3 Combustion operation and adjustment .......................................................................................... 48
3.3.1 Firing operation .................................................................................................................. 48
3.3.2 Combustion operation and adjustment ............................................................................... 49
3.3.3 Normal combustion operation ............................................................................................ 51
3.4 Operation and adjustment of feedwater system............................................................................. 54
3.4.1 Water softener..................................................................................................................... 54
3.4.2 Boiler feedwater pump ....................................................................................................... 54

3.4.3 Deaerator ............................................................................................................................ 55
3.4.4 Sampling cooler.................................................................................................................. 56
3.5 Steam supply operation ................................................................................................................. 56
3.6 Blowdown operation ..................................................................................................................... 57
3.6.1 Continuous blowdown........................................................................................................ 57
3.6.2 Periodic blowdown ............................................................................................................. 57
3.6.3 Periodic blowdown operation notes ................................................................................... 58
3.6.4 Periodic blowdown operation ............................................................................................. 58
3.7 Boiler heat transfer surface clean and soot blowing operation ...................................................... 59
3.8 Operation of dust removal equipment ........................................................................................... 59
3.8.1 Multi-tube dust collector .................................................................................................... 59
3.8.2 Wet scrubber (water film desulfurization dust collector) ................................................... 59
3.8.3 Bag filter............................................................................................................................. 60
3.9 Boiler stop operation ..................................................................................................................... 60
3.9.1 Temporarily failure stop ..................................................................................................... 60
3.9.2 Temporary boiler stop......................................................................................................... 61
3.9.3 Complete boiler stop .......................................................................................................... 61
3.9.4 Emergency boiler stop ........................................................................................................ 61
3.10 Set and operation of boiler control system .................................................................................. 62
3.10.1 Water level control and protection.................................................................................... 62
3.10.2 Pressure (combustion) control and protection .................................................................. 64
3.10.3 Start, stop control and interlock........................................................................................ 64
3.10.4 Remote control operation ................................................................................................. 65
3.11 Normal running ........................................................................................................................... 65
3.11.1 Boiler normal operation notes .......................................................................................... 65
3.11.2 Normal operation .............................................................................................................. 66
3.11.3 Shift and running record ................................................................................................... 66
4. Maintenance and common faults............................................................................................................. 67
4.1 Maintenance .................................................................................................................................. 67
4.1.1 Notes during running .......................................................................................................... 67
4.1.2 Daily maintenance .............................................................................................................. 67
4.1.3 Periodic maintenance and overhaul .................................................................................... 69
4.1.4 Boiler stop for maintenance ............................................................................................... 71
4.2 Common faults and treatments ...................................................................................................... 72
4.2.1 Combustion equipments ..................................................................................................... 72
4.2.2 Safety accessories and valves ............................................................................................. 73
4.2.3 Water pump and fan............................................................................................................ 76
4.2.4 Tube explosion ................................................................................................................... 77
4.2.5 Boiler and tube water hammer ........................................................................................... 78
4.2.6 Furnace wall damage .......................................................................................................... 79
Appendix ............................................................................................................................................. 80

This Manual is written according to DZW boiler general configuration. If it is not

consistent with actual product, please refer to actual installation & operation manual.

1. Brief introduction of boiler system equipments
DZW type biomass fired boiler is dual drum vertical arranged with chain grate boiler.
Its main components are the chain grate and boiler body which is delivered after packaged or
DZW boiler system general configuration is as follow:

1.1 Boiler main components

1.1.1 Boiler body
DZW type biomass fired boiler body adopts dual drum vertical arranged water pipe
structure. Boiler furnace is composed of water-cooled wall tube, front and rear arches and
furnace bed. Several backhauling convention tubes are arranged in the rear part of boiler
body. Generally, the combustion room is set between furnace and convention tubes. Boiler
body is equipped with different function doors and holes such as fire view door, poke door,
slag door, manhole, handhole, etc, and external steam water piping connector, continuous
blowdown and periodic blowdown connector.
Boiler body structure and manufacture quality should conform to the requirements of
Safety Technical and Supervision Specification of Boiler TSG G0001-2012, Shell Boiler
GB/T16507.1~.8-2013, etc.

1.1.2 Chain grate

Chain grate is the most widely used mechanical combustion equipment in industrial
boiler and its combustion mode is moving fire bed combustion. DZW series biomass fired
boiler adopts light chain grate. Material of grate bar could be selected from normal cast iron,
high temperature resistance cast iron and high temperature resistance alloy according to
different requirements.
Grate driving device adopts stepless speed regulation motor with speed control gear and
speed control gear speed ratio is determined according to different fuels. DZW boiler is
equipped with the GL-P series speed control gear which has two series motor:
electromagnetic speed regulation motor and variable-frequency speed regulation motor.
To meet the required air volume in different fuel combustion period, segmented air bin
and air register equipment are set at the bottom of grate part.
Chain grate should comply with Specification for Travelling Grate Stoker JB/T
3271-2002 and other standards.

1.1.3 Economizer, air preheater and superheater
Economizer and air preheater are the energy saving device for flue gas heat utilization
at the rear part of boiler.
DZW boiler is usually equipped with cast iron economizer which has the advantages of
corrosion resistance, abrasion resistance and low maintenance cost.
Air preheater adopts vertical arranged tube structure. Flue gas flows in the tube and air
flows horizontally outside the pipe.
Boiler standard configuration is with economizer only. Air preheater is equipped
according to requirements of users.
Design, manufacture and acceptance of economizer are according to Shell Boiler
GB16507-2013 and Specification for boiler pressure grey cast iron parts JB/T2639-1993.
Superheater is a steam re-heater that equipped according to specific requirements.
Generally, it is coiled tube structure which is set in the rear of convection tubes area mostly.
Superheater is used for heating saturated steam under the rated working pressure and
supplying steam which has certain features of superheat temperature and low humidity.

1.2 Boiler auxiliaries

1.2.1 Combustion system equipments
Boiler combustion system equipments are composed of fuel supply device, front
furnace hopper, grate, air distribution equipment and slag extractor. Fuel supply equipment: Forms of fuel supply system of biomass fired boiler
are various and can be selected according to fuel type, fuel storage methods, fuel supply
smart requirements, etc.
There are two commonly conveying methods of biomass fuel: mechanical conveying
and pneumatic conveying.
Mechanical conveying equipments commonly include: bucket elevator, electric hoist,
belt conveyor, scraper conveyor, screw conveyor.
Pneumatic conveying equipment is usually composed of fan, gas and fuel separation
device, transmission pipeline and so on. Boiler front hopper Boiler front hopper is a temporary fuel storage vessel set
before fuels entering the combustion and inside hopper is set fuel lock or fuel shifting device
which separate the fuel and furnace to prevent flame from reversing to the hopper.
The volume of boiler front hopper shall not be very large to prevent boiler backfire
which may lead to fuel burning in hopper so as to be difficult to put out fire. Feeding system
which uses large capacity boiler front silo shall not be connected to boiler front hopper and
boiler front silo directly by articulated chute. Adopt mechanical conveying equipment to
convey fuel from silo to hopper and can set reliable isolating device in the connection
channel. Grate and Grate speed control gear :( see 1.1.2) Air distribution equipment: Boiler air distribution equipment includes FD fan,
secondary air fan and ID fan.
FD fan: This is used for supplying primary combustion air of lower boiler grate and air
volume could be adjusted by the air damper or speed governor.
Secondary air fan: Send secondary air to furnace by secondary air tubes in upper
furnace and the secondary air capacity is 25-30% of total air rate. Air speed of 50m/s is
ID fan: This is used for overcoming flue gas flow resistance. ID fan of biomass fired
boiler should be able to change speed to adapt the problem that fuel may generate black
smoke due to anoxic spontaneous combustion when combustion stops.
Fan structure parameter of rotation direction and angle are determined by installation
situation and technical indicators of air volume and lift are determined by flue gas resistance
that caused by equipment.
Design, manufacture and acceptance of fan are according to Centrifugal ID-fan for
Industry Boiler JB/T 4357-2008. Slag removal equipment: Biomass boiler is generally equipped with SGB
double chain slag scraper extractor for slag-out.
Biomass fuel composition is different and its ash content, ash composition and
hydrophilic are completely different, so the use and adjustment of slag extractor are very
Design, manufacture and acceptance of slag extractor are according to General
Specification of Boiler Slag Removal Equipment JB/T 3726-1999.
1.2.2 Water supply system equipment
Boiler feedwater system is composed of water softener, soft water tank, water pump,
deaerator, dosing device, etc. Water softener: Industry boiler usually adopts ion-exchange method for water
softening, dealkalization and desalination. There are two kinds of water softener: automatic
operation and manual operation.
Water softener specification, resin loading capacity and salt consumption are directly
related to raw water hardness, so it is crucial to select correct water softener according to raw
water situation.
According to its working control method, full-automatic water softener could be
divided in two types: time type and flow type. Time type control is according to set period of
time to regenerate ion and clean. Flow type control is according to set water volume through
water softener to regenerate and clean. Commonly used automatic water softener brands are
"Fleck", "Autotrol", "Neptune", etc.
Manual operation softener is divided into fixed bed and floating bed two kinds and the
most commonly used softener is LFN type floating bed sodium ion exchanger.
Boiler raw water and treated soft water quality should meet the requirements of Water
Quality for Industrial Boilers G/B 1576-2008. If raw water quantity is lower than standard
requirement, it shall be pretreated through mechanical filtration or other measures.
Water softener shall meet the standards of Specification for Water Treatment Equipment
JB/T 2932-1999, Boiler Water Treatment Equipment Parameters JB/T 6692-1993, etc.
Water inlet temperature of automatic water softener shall not be higher than 45℃.
Water inlet pressure is generally controlled between 0.2Mpa and 0.3Mpa. If water inlet
pressure is lower than 0.2Mpa, booster pump should be installed in front of water softener.
When raw water hardness is higher than 4mg/L, water treatment ability of softener shall
be increased. When raw water turbidity is higher than 20°, mechanical filter should be
equipped in front of softener. Soft water tank: This is used for storage of treated soft water and its volume
should be larger than boiler water consumption in one hour. Soft water tank could adopt
concrete, carbon steel, stainless steel structure, etc. Its inside should be anti-corrosion
treated. Water pump: Water pump of water supply system is equipped with deaerator
water pumper and boiler feedwater pump.
Deaerator water pump supplies water to deaerator from soft water tank. Water flow
should be slightly larger than the boiler water consumption and its lift is usually around 25m.
Boiler feedwater pump supplies water to boiler from deaerator. Water flow should be
not less than the boiler water consumption and its lift is usually greater than boiler rated
pressure plus 25m.
Design, manufacture and acceptance of water pump are according to Technical
Specification Category for Centrifugal Pumps-Class III GB/T5657-1995 and so on. Deaerator: Boiler that evaporation is not lower than 10t/h should be equipped
with deaerator. The most commonly used deaerator for industrial boiler is thermal deaerator.
DZW boiler is usually equipped with the atmospheric thermal deaerator whose working
pressure is 0.02Mpa and working temperature is 104℃. Deaerator output is determined
according to boiler rated evaporation and recovery amount of system condensate water. If no
condensate water is recovered, deaerator output is equal to boiler rated evaporation.
Deaerator water tank in the lower part of deaerator could be the boiler feedwater tank and its
volume is mostly 50% output of deaerator.
Design, manufacture and acceptance of deaerator are according to Specification for
Boiler Deaerator JB/T10325-2002 and so on. Sampling cooler: This is used for boiler water and steam sampling. Cooling
high temperature medium that flow through sampler by cooling water is to avoid sample
deviation due to evaporation and prevent scalding accidents during sampling simultaneously.
Boiler water sampling point is generally selected on the offlet of boiler surface blowdown
pipe. If there is no surface blowdown, sampling point could be selected on the offlet of water
level gauge. Steam sampling point should be selected on boiler main steam tube and there
should be 6D (main steam tube diameter) straight pipe in front of sampling point. Dosing device: This is used for adding chemicals into boiler to improve water
quality and loose scale. Dosing device usually adopts diaphragm metering pump driven by
electromagnets to continuous measuring and conveying.
1.2.3 Steam supply system equipment Steam distributor: Boiler supplies steam to steam usage position through steam
distributor. Standard steam distributor interface of boiler that evaporation is lower than 10t/h
is one in and four out and that evaporation is higher than 15t/h is one in and five out.
Specific required steam distributor interface should be designed as requirements.
The diameter of steam distributor which is calculated according to flow requirement is
small. Diameter of steam distributor barrel is usually determined by strength requirement,
namely, steam distributor diameter is two times greater than the maximum connecting tube
diameter. When maximum connecting tube is boiler main steam tube, diameter of steam
distributor barrel shall be two times greater than main steam tube.
1.2.4 Blowdown system equipments Continuous blowdown expansion tank: This is used for continuous blowdown
of boiler surface dirt and for reducing boiler water salt content. Steam-water separation of
blowdown water is done through continuous blowdown tank to recycle steam (generally the

steam is access to thermal deaerator). Working pressure of continuous blowdown expansion
tank is generally 0.2Mpa and there are four models of continuous expansion tank divided
according to its volume: 0.7m³,1.5m³,3.5m³and 5.5m³. Periodic blowdown expansion tank: This is used for periodic blowdown of
drum and header bottom impurities. Blowdown water is cooled, noise reduced and steam
recycled by periodic blowdown expansion tank. Working pressure of periodic blowdown
expansion tank is generally not larger than 0.15Mpa and there are four models of periodic
expansion tank divided according to its volume: 0.8m³,3.5m³,7.5m³and 15m³.
Design, manufacture and acceptance of blowdown expansion tank are according to
Pressure vessel GB150-2011.
1.2.5 Dust removal system equipments
Commonly used dust removal equipment of DZW boiler includes multi-tube dust
collector, wet scrapper and bag filter. Multi-tube dust collector: XTD type vertical ceramic multi-tube dust collector
has the advantages of wear-resistance, high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, low
cost, etc. Its collection efficiency is not less than 95%, resistance is not higher than 900Pa
and mainly removed dust granularity is greater than 20μm.
Design, manufacture and acceptance of multi-tube dust collector are according
Multicyclone for Industrial Boilers HJ/T286-2006 and Technical conditions of Cyclone Dust
Collector for Industrial Boilers JB/T8129-2002. Wet scrapper: XL type wet scrapper has single drum and double drum two
kinds which can separate gas and steam by inertial separation and water film wash and
adsorption. Its collection efficiency could be 92-98%, drum resistance is 700Pa, and venturi
resistance is 1200Pa. Flue gas desulfurization can be carried out by using alkaline water for
flue gas cleaning.
Design, manufacture and acceptance of wet scrapper are according to Specification for
Granite Wet Flue-gas Desulphurization & Precipitator Device HJ/T319-2006. Bag filter: DZW boiler adopts pulse bag filter whose collection efficiency is up
to 99% and resistance is lower than 1500Pa. It uses compressed air pulse to clean dust.
Temperature endurance, filtration efficiency, air permeability and strength are the
important quality indexes of bag filter and also are the important factors of price.
Manufacture and acceptance of bag filter are according to Steel Welded Atmospheric
pressure vessels JB/T4735-1997 and Specification for Bag House GB/T6719-2009.
In order to meet flue gas discharging standards in the different areas, double-step dust
removal is generally used to reduce the particle content in flue gas. With double-step dust
removal of multi-tube dust collector and wet scrapper, flue gas particle content can be
controlled to lower than 100mg/m³while with double-step dust removal of multi-tube dust
collector and bag filter, flue gas particle content can be controlled to lower than 30mg/m³
and can be controlled to lower than 20mg/m³by using coated dust bag.

1.3 Control system equipments

DZW boiler control system provides the control of boiler water level, pressure,
combustion and safety protection.
1.3.1 Control cabinet
Boiler control cabinet is a collection of boiler electric control components and is boiler
operation signal collection and processing center, and is also the operation platform for
transferring execution instruction to each execution unit.
DZW boiler usually adopts one-way hand automatic control mode, or some adopt
programmable control (PLC) mode.
Control cabinet generally uses piano desktop, platform type or cabinet type.
1.3.2 Power cabinet
Power cabinet is a collection of boiler electrical power components and is the power
source of boiler execution components. Control cabinet controls execution components by
power cabinet. Power cabinet generally uses cabinet type.
Control cabinet and power cabinet are integrated into a whole if boiler evaporation is
lower than 4t/h.

2. Boiler running conditions

2.1 Three major safety accessories

Three major safety accessories: Pressure gauge, safety valve and water level gauge
should be in effective and normal state and then boiler can be put into operation.
2.1.1 Pressure gauge
Pressure gauge is used for indicating medium pressure and 2 pressure gauges should be
installed on boiler body to reflect steam pressure in drum. Pressure gauge dial diameter: If
visual range is more than 2m, diameter is not less than 150mm. If visual range is more than
5m, diameter is not less than 250mm. Measurement range is 1.5~3 times of boiler working
pressure and 2 times is best. The accuracy level is not larger than 2.5 grade and commonly
used grade is 1.6.
The pressure gauge should be calibrated by the local metrological department and its
validity period is 6 months. The pressure gauge shall be equipped with water storage bend
pipe and three-way cock.
Pressure gauge should be checked or replaced if following conditions occur:
1) That deviation of pointer back to zero is out of standard after pressure relief;
2) Dial glass is broken or scale is not clear;
3) Seal is damaged or inspection validity period is exceeded;
4) Gauge internal pressure relief or pointer jump is abnormal;
5) Two pressure valves show different pressure values.
2.1.2 Safety valve
Safety valve is a safety device for overpressure relief. DZW boiler uses spring safety
valve. The pressure grade and discharge capacity of safety valve are according to the boiler
needs. Steam boiler should adopt full lift type safety valve.
Boiler that rated evaporation is higher than 0.5t/h should be installed two safety valves
(If rated evaporation is lower than 4t/h and reliable overpressure interlock and protection
device are installed, one safety valve can be installed in the boiler.). Safety valve should be
inspected by technical supervision department before it is put into use and safety valve
should be checked at least once a year. Its set pressure can refer to the following table.
Table 2.1.1, Safety valve set pressure of steam boiler

Safety valve set pressure

Boiler steam pressure Mpa
Minimum value Maximum value
Working pressure Working pressure
+0.03Mpa +0.05Mpa
1.04 times working 1.06 times working
pressure pressure
1.05 times working 1.08 times working
pressure pressure
2.1.3 Water level gauge
Water level gauge reflects boiler water level directly, monitors water level change for
operators and controls water level in the allowed range. DZW boiler adopts two plate type
water level gauges or one plate type water level gauge and one bicolor water level gauge.
Water level gauge is closely related to the boiler safety running, so keep it clean and in
normal working state.

2.2 Boiler water quality
Boiler water quality is an important technical measure to ensure the safety and
economical use of the boiler.
Boiler water should be up to Water Quality for Industrial Boilers GB/T1576-2008.
Boiler operators should check water quality periodically (once each shift)
See 3.2 water quality inspection for boiler feedwater, boiler water and water quality
standards and inspection.

2.3 Basic running conditions

Boiler running should be up to the following basic conditions:
1) Each index of boiler water should be in accordance with Water Quality for
Industrial Boilers GB1576.
2) Bearing box oil level of rotating parts is normal and cooling water piping of bearing
box should be unblocked.
3) Each boiler auxiliary runs well and all accessories, especially three major safety
accessories are in accordance with safety calculation requirements and in the validity
period of inspection;
4) All pipe valves are in normal open and close condition;
5) All electric control instruments work well;
6) Boiler feedwater system works well and boiler water level is in normal position;
7) Boiler steam supply system works well and steam usage equipment is in standby
8) Boiler safety manager, operation workers and boiler water treatment workers should
be employed with certificates according to stipulations of Measures for the Supervision
and Management of Personnel Operating Special Equipment issued by General
Administration of Quality Supervision. Their operation should be trained strictly. They
should not only master the basic skills of boiler operation, but also be familiar with
boiler features and its operation methods (including being familiar with usage of boiler
electrical control system). Boiler management department should formalize relevant
regulations and make necessary boiler operation records and boiler room management
system and carry out strictly.

3. Operation, adjustment and running

3.1 Operation of three major safety accessories
3.1.1 Pressure gauge operation
Pressure gauge bend pipe should be flushed periodically. To keep bend pipe unblocked,
rotate gauge cock between pressure gauge and bend pipe and use steam to flush pressure
gauge bend pipe. Generally, pressure gauge bend pipe shall be flushed once a shift. Pressure
gauge flushing shall be conducted when boiler is in lower pressure state. After flushing,
confirm pressure gauge cocks are in right position and pointer indication is correct.
3.1.2 Safety valve operation
In order to prevent safety valve core from adhering to valve base, manual steam
blow-off test of safety valve should be done periodically by pulling valve handle to let valve
open and cleaning the sealing surface by steam. Safety valve flushing shall be done once half
a month. There should be no leakage condition after valve flushing and safety valve flushing
should be done under higher pressure state in boiler. Every 2-4 weeks, steam pressure shall
rise once to do steam blow-off test for safety valve inspection.
3.1.3 Water level gauge operation
In order to keep the water level indicator clearly visible, the water level gauge is
washed once a shift.
Water level gauge flushing process can be according to the sequence of "lower, middle,
middle and then upper, upper, lower" and separately flush the water level gauge by mixed
flushing, steam flushing and water flushing. Water level gauge has upper, middle, lower
three cocks that upper cock connects to steam interface of boiler water level, middle cock
connects to interface of boiler water level and lower cock connects to drainage tube. When
water level gauge works well, upper and middle cocks are in open state and lower cock is in
closed state.
1) Firstly, rotate lower cock to open state. At this time, three cocks are all in open state.
Boiler high pressure water steam is discharged by steam cock and water cock and water
level gauge at same time. The process that high speed water steam flow simultaneously
cleans the water level gauge is called "mixed flushing".
2) Rotate middle cock to in close state and upper and lower cocks are in open state at
this time. Boiler high pressure in drum is discharged by steam cock and water level
gauge. The process that high speed steam flow cleans the water level gauge is called
"steam flushing".
3) Rotate middle cock again to make it in open state. At this time, water level gauge

restore to state 1) and water level gauge is in mixed flushing again.
4) Rotate upper cock to make it in close state. At this time, middle and lower cocks of
water level gauge are in open state. Boiler high pressure water is discharged by water
cock and water level gauge. The process that high speed water flow cleans the water
level gauge is called "water flushing".
5) Rotate upper cock again to make it in open state. At this time, water level gauge
restores to state 1) and water level gauge is in mixed flushing again.
6) Close lower cock. Water level gauge returns to normal working condition and
cleaning work is over.

3.2 Water quality test

Boiler water quality is divided into boiler feedwater quality and boiler water quality.
3.2.1 Boiler feedwater
Raw water is up to boiler water quality standard (including condensate return water)
after treatment, popular said is the water in the boiler soft water tank or in the deaerator. Five
main indicators of industrial boiler feedwater quality are as follows:
1) Turbidity: The obstruction degree of water suspension when the light through
(Content of inorganic impurities and solid organic impurities that insoluble in water
forms the main index of sediment and flotage in boiler).
2) Hardness: The sum of water calcium and magnesium ions is an important index of
the scale.
3) PH value: Acidity and alkalinity index of water. Water that PH value is lower than 7
will accelerate the corrosion of metals and the general requirements of the boiler
feedwater pH value is between 7~9.
4) Dissolved oxygen: Oxygen content in water. The most harmful gas for boiler metal
in the water is oxygen and is an important index of the occurrence of metal oxygen
5) Grease: The content of grease in water is an important index of the formation of
false water level and priming.
3.2.2 Boiler water
Boiler internal water is called furnace water (also called boiler water). Five main
indexes of industrial boiler furnace water quality are as follows:
1) PH value: Acidity and alkalinity index of furnace water. After boiler feedwater is
heated and evaporated and added drugs, furnace water PH value will increase. When
water PH value is less than 8 or larger than 13, Fe3O4 protective film of heating surface
water side will dissolve or fall off so as to increase the metal corrosion speed of heating
2) Dissolved solids: Content of dissolved solids in furnace water. That boiler water
evaporation and concentration increase dissolved solids in furnace water will lead to the
increase of water conductivity and the corrosion acceleration of metal electric ion, and
also can make furnace water "sticky" and priming. Steam quality will deteriorate.
3) Total alkalinity: The content of all alkaline substances that can neutralize with acid
in water. Too high alkalinity content of furnace water will lead to boiler metal alkaline
corrosion, priming and deterioration of steam quality. Too low alkalinity content of
furnace water will lead to residual hardness of feedwater scale in heating receiving
4) Relative alkalinity: The ratio of free NaOH content and dissolved solids and it is the
important index of preventing intergranular corrosion.
5) Phosphate: It prevents scaling and is the effective components of protective film of
metal surface. Usually phosphate content in water is controlled and corrected by adding
phosphate containing additives. Too high phosphate content will form twice scale.
3.2.3 Boiler water quality standards and water quality inspection
1) Boiler water quantity standards: According to Water Quality for Industrial Boilers
GB/T1576-2008. Natural circulation steam boiler usually adopts water treatment outside
the boiler. Quality of feedwater and furnace water can refer to requirements of table 1.
2) Water quality inspection: According to attached water quality test method of Water
Quality for Industrial Boilers GB/T1576-2008.

3.3 Combustion operation and adjustment

3.3.1 Firing operation
1) Boiler shall be checked completely before firing (including related accessories and
pipeline) and then the feed water work will be done. Blowdown valve should be closed
before water is not inflow. Open a safety valve to let air in boiler discharged.
2) Injecting processed water to boiler through economizer and generally water inlet
temperature is not higher than 40℃. When the water level in boiler rises to the lowest
water level of water level gauge, close feedwater valve immediately. After water level is
stable in boiler, observe if water level decreases.

3) Biomass fuel is easily combustible. Biomass fuel in hopper can be conveyed to
poking place in the middle of boiler by grate when firing. Open ignition door, put
several papers and paperboard in front of grate for ignition and open flue gas damper of
ID fan to enhance natural ventilation. After fire accelerant burning, turn down flue gas
damper and periodically open the ID fan and FD fan. After fuel layer burning strongly,
close ignition door, drive grate periodically, strengthen observe fire conditions at left
side of poking door, and poke fire at suitable time. After front arch is heated and fuel is
continuous fired, adjust FD fan and maintain furnace pressure load in 20-30Pa to make
combustion normal.
4) During firing, temperature should not rise too fast so as to avoid too large thermal
stress caused by uneven heating of different parts that will affect boiler work life.
During first firing, time from cold furnace to pressure rising to working pressure should
be 4~6 hours. Later during firing, cool furnace not less than 2 hours and heat furnace
not less than 1 hour.
5) Pay attention to water level in boiler regularly after firing. Because after heated,
water level will rise. If water level exceeds highest water level, start blowdown.
6) When steam comes out from the open safety valve, close safety valve immediately.
When steam pressure rises to 0.05-0.1Mpa, flush pressure gauge bend pipe and water
level gauge. When steam pressure rises to 0.3~0.4Mpa, check if there’s leakage in
manhole and handhole cover. If there is, tighten manhole and handhole cover bolts and
check if blowdown valve is sealed at the same time.
7) When steam pressure gradually rises in boiler, pay attention if there’s special noise
in boiler components. If there is, check immediately, stop the boiler to check if
necessary and continue to operate when failures are solved.
8) During boiler firing, supervise the outlet water temperature of economizer. The
temperature should be 40℃ lower than saturation temperature under working pressure.
If the temperature is higher than the prescribed temperature, close the valve of
economizer that connecting to boiler piping and open the recirculation valve of
economizer that connecting to water tank to feed water to economizer separately.
3.3.2 Combustion operation and adjustment
Biomass combustion characteristics are different from coal. It is high volatilization,
flammable, low fixed carbon, not resistant to combustion and easy to spontaneous
combustion in the anaerobic condition with large amount of black smoke. Determining the

thickness of fuel layer, grate speed and air distribution correctly is the key point of
combustion operation for biomass boiler.
1) Fuel layer thickness and grate speed: Kinds of biomass fuel are various and
generally natural bulk density of biomass fuel is very small. In order to meet the output
of boiler, there should be enough thickness of layer and fast grate speed as support.
Recommended thickness of common biomass fuel can refer to following table:
Table Fuel thickness and grate speed of biomass fuels (recommendation)
Low calorific Natural bulk Fuel layer
Fuel name value density thickness: Grate speed
KJ/KG KG/m3 mm
II type
18850 750-1000 80~90 V
Rice husk 14360 123 160~180 (4~5)V
Waste wood 18500 200-300 180~200 (1.5-2)V
Sawdust 18500 240 120~150 2.5V
Wood pellet 18500 >600 80~100 1.1V
Straw pellet 15000 >600 80~100 1.3V
2) Fuel layer thickness control: DZW boiler supplies fuel by hopper in front of boiler.
Because biomass fuel is very combustible, in order to prevent fuel fire in advance or
burn and spread in boiler front hopper, airlock type fuel lock device should be set in
front hopper of biomass boiler or use fuel shifting device to supply fuel and separate
combustion chamber which is showed as picture. Speed regulation devices of fuel lock
device and fuel shifting device are all driven by variable frequency motor and the fuel
layer thickness could be controlled by adjusting motor rotation speed.

fuel lock impeller fuel shifting drum

Picture. Fuel partition device

3) The grate speed control: DZW boiler grate speed control device can be driven by
frequency conversion motor or electromagnetic slip speed regulation motor. Its running
speed can be controlled by adjusting the motor speed.
4) Adjustment of air distribution:
Reasonable air distribution is the basic condition of biomass complete combustion. Due
to high volatile and rapid precipitation, only intensive mixture of gas and air can guarantee
the complete combustion of gas. Flue gas perturbation in furnace by secondary air is the
effective measure to guarantee volatilization and complete combustion. So DZW biomass
fired boilers are all set secondary air fan and secondary air tube.
a) Adjustment of primary air distribution: Theoretical air quantity of common biomass
fuel is 4~5m3/Kg and best air coefficient of excess of furnace outlet is controlled
around 1.4. Primary air accounts for 70-75% of total air capacity. Try best to make
fuel even combustion in grate length direction by adjusting air register equipment in
segmented air bin of lower grate to prevent fuel combustion in boiler front hopper.
Generally front and rear doors of grate damper are all closed and few windows in
middle are slightly opened or full opened. Only when firing and fuel burning is
difficult, open the front damper. When furnace is filled with fire and charcoal is not
burn out at the end of grate, then open the rear damper. Biomass fuel is given
priority to volatile matter which is easy to get fired. Combustion zone is
concentrated in the front of boiler and primary air distribution adjustment is to make
boiler front (lower hopper) get fired slightly. Primary combustion zone should be in
front arch underneath to inlet of rear arch and adjust air distribution volume in grate
rear according to fixed carbon combustion situation. Total air volume of primary air
is adjusted by damper of FD fan or fan rotate speed to guarantee the complete
combustion which minimum air volume supplied is preferred.
b) Adjustment of secondary air distribution: Secondary air accounts for 25-30% of
total air capacity and air speed of 50m/s is better. Secondary air volume is adjusted
by damper of FD fan or fan rotate speed to exhaust no black smoke which minimum
air volume supplied is preferred.
3.3.3 Normal combustion operation
DZW biomass fired boiler is equipped with automatic control system of combustion
start and stop and automatic operation should be adopted in the normal condition.
Note: When boiler stops, there should be no fuels under any circumstances in the
position 0.5-1m in the front of the grate to prevent fuel from continuing to combustion
in anaerobic condition which may lead to fuel burning in hopper.
1) The normal combustion operation in furnace should be: Fire bed is smooth, flame is
dense, even and bright yellow, no cold wind through the burner burnout section is
uniform and the smoke exhausted from chimney is light grey. Furnace pressure load
maintains 20~30Pa
2) Boiler pressure load and operation of combustion chamber should be adjusted
timely according to steam usage situation to ensure the stability of boiler steam pressure.
Steam usage department should strength contact with boiler room. When steam usage
volume has a great change, boiler operators should be informed in advance. When
boiler pressure load increases, increase inducing air first, next increase air supply and
then rise the speed of grate. Increase the thickness of fuel layer if necessary. When
boiler pressure load decreases, slow down the speed of grate first, then reduce air
supply and then reduce induced air. Reduce the thickness of fuel layer if necessary. The
increase and decrease of blast volume and air input amount are mainly adjusted by open
air damper wider or turn down air damper and furnace pressure load should maintain
within the range of 2-3mm water column after adjusted.
3) To deal with ash deposits of air chamber, each shift should withdraw ash plate at the
bottom of air chamber 1~2 times which makes ash deposits at the bottom of grate
transfer to ash box at front bottom of grate. Each shift should clean ash box twice. Ash
deposits at the upper part of rear arch can be cleaned by clean door of upper rear arch of
boiler and each shift cleans 1~2 time.
4) Lack fuel in coal hopper is not allowed and remove bridging phenomena (coal not
drop to grate) at any time.
5) Biomass fuel is high volatile and combustible. In order to prevent fuel burning
under the coal gate, combustion condition in furnace should be paid attention to and
adjust grate speed, fuel layer thickness and air distribution timely.
6) When coking is found, it should be smashed and coking blocks shall not be more
than 300mm to ensure slag enters into slag extractor successfully. If large coking is
found, it should be smashed timely. If coking is appeared on two sides walls under front
arch, open ignition door and smash coking.
7) When fire hole or burning layer uneven is found on fire bed, rake it level, eliminate
fire hole and ensure fire bed smooth.
8) Long time banking fire should be avoided because fixed carbon content of biomass
fuel is low and long time banking fire will lead to be unable to re-ignition. Short time
banking fire should make fuel layer away from feed inlet 500mm (combustion
automatic control system has this faction) to prevent fuel spontaneous combustion
which may lead to fuel in hopper burning and damage the hopper.
9) During operation, pay attention if there’s special noise of boiler parts. If there is,
check immediately and stop boiler to inspect if necessary. If grate is stuck, the safety
clutch must be beating. At this time, handle of speed control gear should be pulled to
neutral position and grate should be stopped and inspected. Continue to operation after
faults are removed.
10) Grate bar stuck can be caused by the following reasons:
a) Tightness and looseness of adjusting nuts on left and right sides of grate are of
great difference which causes serious running deviation of grate.
b) Grate hunches up at sprocket wheel and gets stuck with side seal angel steel.
c) Grate gets stuck by iron objects, grate fragments and countersunk screws that
get loose and falling off.
e) Resistance increasing is caused by large coking.
11) Looseness and tightness between grate bars: Generally, after bars are connected,
each of left and right sides has about 10mm clearance totality. Connected too tight will
cause grate hunch up and get stuck. Too loose will increase coal dust and is not good
neither. As for installed grate, nuts can be tightened in cold state to prevent grate hunch
up at sprocket wheel. If hunching up phenomenon still exits, remove two columns of
grate bars longitudinally or properly move two sides’ chain wheels outwardly, and then
tighten adjusting screws. Tightness is appropriate if grate doesn’t hunch up and can’t be
too tight. If there’s hunching up phenomenon in hot operation, adjusting screws still can
be fastened to tighten chain grate until hunch-up phenomenon is removed. When fasten
or loose, the distance to left and right side must be equal in order to make looseness and
tightness consistent and remove running deviation.
12) There are many different kinds of biomass fuel and hydrophilicity of part of
biomass fuel ash is poorer. Ash floating in the water easily may lead to extract slag
difficultly. When burning this kind of fuel, water level in slag extractor should be
reduced appropriately so as to ensure the normal operation for slag machine. When
burning fuel which has high ash content, slag extractor should be driven to extract slag
continuously and each shift should pull ash discharge handle once when burning any
kind of fuel.
13) If iron, stiff lump of coal cinders and so on stuck slag extractor (safety clutch

beating at this time), turn off motor immediately, open inspection hole to inspect and
handle faults.
14) If screw slag extractor is adopted, spring compression clearance sum of head
reducer should be not less than 10mm.

3.4 Operation and adjustment of feedwater system

3.4.1 Water softener
DZW series biomass fired boiler is equipped with full-automatic ion exchange water
treatment device (water softener) which has the features of unmanned operation, compact
structure, small occupied area, reliable effluent water, etc.
1) Softener operation
After it is adjusted one time, full automatic softener doesn’t need operation, but only
needs to put quantitative cyclic salt into brine tank. The brine which is used in sodium ions
regeneration in water softener should be saturated brine (when salt doesn’t melt in water, the
brine is saturated brine at this time). So make sure that there is some solid salt at the bottom
of brine tank.
2) Softener adjustment
Time type full-automatic exchanger should calculate and determine regeneration date,
set regeneration date and regeneration time according to boiler actual usage time, raw water
hardness, needed soft water quantity for exchange regeneration once, and in accordance with
exchanger operation manual. Regeneration time is set at the period of time that boiler heat
load is low and the time duration is long.
Time type full-automatic exchanger can be regenerated manually.
Flow type full-automatic exchanger should calculate, determine and set regeneration
flow rate according to boiler actual usage time, raw water hardness, needed soft water
quantity for exchanger regeneration once, and in accordance with exchanger operation
There are two types of water softener controller: mechanical type and electronic type.
Please refer to softener operation manual for detailed adjustment and operation set.
3.4.2 Boiler feedwater pump
DZW boiler adopts multistage centrifugal pump to supply water. Actual pump lift is
relevant to atmospheric pressure, suction head, suction line loss and vaporization head, and
keep safety margin 0.5-1m.The following situations will affect the feedwater capacity of
water pump:
1) High water temperature: With water temperature rising, vaporization pressure of
water will drop. Operating temperature of ordinary water pump should be less than
80℃ and operating temperature of hot water pump should be less than 120℃. Only
water temperature rises will cause vaporization pressure drop, for example: When water
temperature is 80 ℃ , vaporization pressure is approximately 5m. When water
temperature is over 90℃, the vaporization pressure will rise obviously. When water
temperature is 120℃, vaporization pressure rises to 20m.
2) Large water flow: When water flow is obviously larger than rated water flow, pump
lift will drop obviously;
3) Large suction pipe resistance: Pump water from low position, long water pipe and
bad inlet conditions will affect the inlet pressure of water pump.
Water pump can’t run without water. Running under non-cooling condition will damage
the sealing face of water pump. Water pump with cooling pipe should keep cooling water
unblocked during water pump running.
3.4.3 Deaerator
DZW series biomass fired boiler is equipped with atmospheric thermal deaerator.
Atmospheric thermal deaerator heats feed water by steam to make partial pressure of gas in
water drop and escape.
Pressure and temperature in deaerator should be kept stable and the optimum operating
condition is that working pressure is 0.02Mpa and temperature is 104℃~106℃.
Keep proper steam discharge quantity on deaerating head to ensure the parsing oxygen
be discharged.
Deaerator should feed water continuously and stably.
Steam water system of common thermal deaerator is as shown in following drawing.
Feed water quantity of thermal deaerator is controlled by feed-regulating valve (fs). Steam is
controlled by steam control valve (fz) and goes into deaerating head, mixes with feed water
and heats feed water. Regulating valves fs and fz are controlled by water level and water
temperature and its opening should be adjusted according to actual operating situation. Vice
steam valve f2 is used for auxiliary heating when water temperature in water tank is too low
so as to maintain water temperature in deaerator at 104℃.





water outlet

Test oxygen content in water of water tank regularly and test methods see the appendix
of Industrial Boiler GB/T1576-2008: Test Methods of Water Quality.
3.4.4 Sampling cooler
During sampling process, steam or boiler water sample should be cooled to 30-40℃ by
sampling cooler.
Sampling container should be glass and enamel products which should be washed clean
before sampling and flushed by sampling water 3 times when sampling.
Steam and boiler water sampling should be carried out simultaneously.

3.5 Steam supply operation

Boiler usually supplies steam through air distributor and steam supply operation should
be carried out when steam-using points are prepared. When pressure in boiler is close to
working pressure and is ready for steam supply, water level in boiler shouldn’t be higher
than normal water level before steam supply, and during steam supply, combustion in
furnace should be stable. As for cold pipes which supply steam should be warmed up.
Slightly open steam supply valve to let small amount of steam preheat pipeline and open
drain valve of pipeline at the same time to drain condensate. During pipe warm-up, pay
attention to piping expansion and piping supports and if abnormal situations are found, stop
pipe warming up immediately and eliminate faults and defects. After pipe is warmed and
condensate water of piping is reduced gradually, steam supply valve could be opened wider

gradually until fully opened. After steam valve is fully opened, handle wheel of main steam
valve should be returned half a circle to prevent defects like unable to rotate after thermal
Notice if there are special noise and abnormal situation in boiler parts. If there are,
inspect immediately and stop boiler to inspect if necessary. After boiler steam is supplied,
inspect again if there are water leakage and air leakage phenomena in the auxiliary, valve
and instrument. To prevent boiler water increases and then decreases (steam carries water),
water level shouldn’t be over glass tube under any circumstance and main steam valve
shouldn’t be opened too wide at the same time and usually controlled 1 1/2-2 circles. So
under normal combustion condition, it can reach rated output.

3.6 Blowdown operation

Minerals and impurities in water will concentrate and precipitate after evaporation and
alkali content will also increase with evaporation. To prevent that scale and granulating slag
destroy boiler heat transfer which will cause damage to boiler, that eliminate priming
accidents caused by high alkalinity, reduce impurities and water alkalinity of boiler water
through blowdown.
Periodic blowdown can be adopted according to boiler operation situation. Blowdown
times and volume depend on water quality. Generally once a shift, blowdown time is 0.5-1
minute, and blowdown volume is determined by boiler water turbidity (eye observation) and
alkalinity content (test).
3.6.1 Continuous blowdown
Continuous blowdown is to make boiler water alkalinity content not exceed a certain
concentration and be in accordance with the requirements of boiler water alkalinity.
Blowdown volume should be according to the results of chemical analysis and controlled by
adjusting the opening of needle valve.
3.6.2 Periodic blowdown
Periodic blowdown is to eliminate the sediment in drum and can adjust salt content of
boiler water. Periodic blowdown is in good effect when boiler pressure load is low.
Blowdown times and volume depend on water quality. Generally once a shift. Blowdown
time is 0.5-1 minute and blowdown volume is determined by boiler water turbidity (eye
observation) and alkalinity content (test).

3.6.3 Periodic blowdown operation notes
1) If two or more boilers share the same blowdown main pipe and there’s no check
valve on blowdown pipes, notes of blowdown are as follows:
c) Blowdown of two boilers at the same time is forbidden;
d) If the other boiler is in maintenance, separate the boiler from blowdown pipes;
2) Blowdown should be carried out when boiler load is low and water level is high.
During blowdown, pay close attention to water level in boiler. Each blowdown is
appropriate if it decreases boiler water level 25-50mm.
3) If the blowdown pipes’ ends are not connected to blowdown tank or waste disposal
well and there’s no protective equipment, blowdown can only start when there’s no
person near the blowdown piping ends so as to avoid unfortunate accident during
3.6.4 Periodic blowdown operation
1) Separate blowdown systems of drum and header are set on the boiler and each
system is equipped with two blowdown valves in tandem. During blowdown, full open
the first valve (blowdown valve is connected to boiler blowdown joint), then slightly
open the second blowdown valve (the one far from drum or header) to preheat the
blowdown pipe, quickly and widely open the second blowdown valve after blowdown
pipe is preheated, use short and intermittent type open and close operation which means
that close blowdown valve immediately after open and open blowdown valve
immediately after closed, repeat this operation several times, and concentrate scale by
suction force and drain it through blowdown outlet. First close the second blowdown
valve after blowdown is finished and then close the first valve. The purpose of this
operation is to control blowdown through the second valve, to keep tightness of the first
valve, and to prevent boiler stop caused by damage of the first blowdown valve. If
impact sound is found in blowdown pipes, turn down the first valve until impact sound
is disappeared and then slightly open the valve wide. Blowdown should not be
continuous and long time so as to prevent affecting the water cycle.
2) After blowdown is over and blowdown valves are closed, check the tightness of
blowdown valves. Touch blowdown pipe by hand to see if blowdown pipe is cool after
blowdown is over for a long time, and if not cool, there should be leakage in blowdown

3.7 Boiler heat transfer surface clean and soot blowing operation
During operation, ash is easy to be deposited at boiler heat transfer surface, especially
in the convection tubes internal. Furnace temperature is too high during operation of some
boilers and melted fuel will bind on gas inlet pipe surface of convective heat transfer surface
which is needed to be cleaned timely to ensure the normal operation of boiler.
Comprehensive soot blowing clean of convective heat transfer surface tubes is usually
conducted every two months. In ordinary times, regularly use compressed air through the
soot blower of boiler convective heat transfer tubes to clean heat transfer surface. If
necessary, heat transfer surface can be cleaned by steel wire brush and then soot blowing.
Heat transfer surface of furnace is usually cleaned during boiler maintenance.

3.8 Operation of dust removal equipment

Content of sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides in the smoke dust of biomass fuel boiler is
low, but dust content is relatively large and dust density, particle size are very small, so
centrifugal dust collector efficiency is low. More effective method is that uses the bag filter.
In order to prevent large particles of spark into the bag, centrifugal precipitator and bag filter
can be used together.
According to environmental requirements of different areas, the common dust removal
equipment includes two types: multi-tube dust collector plus wet scrubber or multi-tube dust
collector plus bag filter. For the former type, dust content of flue gas can be lower than
100mg/ m3 and the latter type can be lower than 30mg/m3.
Atmospheric pollutant emission limits of new boiler can refer to attached table 2.
3.8.1 Multi-tube dust collector
After it puts into normal operation, ash should be discharged timely and generally
discharging time is not more than 4 hours one time to prevent excessive dust in dust hopper.
During discharging ash, ID fan should be closed first and knocking with hammer and
other heavy matter should be strictly forbidden. Regularly check if ash outlet is sealed.
Ash air lock is installed at ash outlet. Regularly check if ash discharging is normal and
prevent ash not being discharged in ash hopper which is caused by the ash bridging.
3.8.2 Wet scrubber (water film desulfurization dust collector)
Before operation, check if quality is up to standard, feedwater system is unblocked and
water seal of ash outlet is tight and not leak.
During operation, control ID fan and feed water system together and start ID fan and

feedwater pump at the same time. When ID fan is closed, feedwater pump should be closed
at the same time. During operation, water break of drum is not allowed. Periodic check if
overflow launder is unblocked and regularly observe flue gas temperature and flue gas
resistance situation.
Use alkaline waste water and slag flushing water to neutralize acidic waste water in
settling tank. Waste water neutralized by alkaline waste water can be recycled after subsided
and filtered. Regularly check dust slag in settling tank and clean it and keep space for water
Periodically check the PH value of water in recycling tank and take corresponding free
alkali program according to the test results (use PH test paper). It is suggested that water in
recycling tank should keep in alkaline state (PH value keeps 9~10).
If wet scrubber stops operation for a long time or there’s flashing phenomenon at upper
overflow launder during operation, clean water should be fed to launder( for example tap
water)and flush for about an hour, so as to move ash deposition in the launder.
When flue gas needs desulfurization treatment, desulfurizer should be added to
recycling water which usually adopts NaOH as desulfurizer, and the desulfurizing result
depends on sulfur content of fuel and amount of desulfurizer. Sulfur content of fuel is 0.8~
1% and desulfurization effect can reach above 85%. Biomass sulfur content is very low,
desulfurization operation is generally not required to be carried out.
3.8.3 Bag filter
Due to low ash content of wood biomass fuel (about 2%), slag discharge system can be
cleaned by hydraulic scouring, pneumatic clean or manual clean. Under normal conditions,
boiler that evaporation is lower than 10t/h could be manual cleaned and each shift 1-2 times.

3.9 Boiler stop operation

There are generally four conditions of boiler stop: Temporarily failure stop, temporary
stop, complete stop and emergency stop.
3.9.1 Temporarily failure stop
When grate is stuck or grate bar is broken and slag extractor is stuck, in order to solve
failure quickly, temporarily failure stop should be adopted (also called a short period of
banking fire).
Temporarily failure stop should shut down the FD fan first, slightly open ID fan, stop
grate rotation, and eliminate coal below coal gate to prevent burn damage to coal gate. Deal

with relevant failure rapidly. If failure can’t be solved within 1~2 hours, transfer into
temporary stop and continue to remove the failure.
3.9.2 Temporary boiler stop
In weekly holiday or under other circumstances, temporary stop of boiler should be
adopted if the steam is not used in a short term. Temporary stop of boiler is carried out in a
planned way. When stop boiler, pay attention to the safety and proper maintenance of
equipment and save coal and water. Detailed steps are as follows:
1) Stop feeding coal to fuel hopper for 20~30 minutes in advance before stopping the
boiler according to steam usage conditions. Turn down grate speed to the lowest and lift
the ignition door. When coal in the front of grate conveys 400~500mm behind coal gate,
stop grate rotation, put down coal gate to prevent large amount of cold air from entering
boiler, properly turn down FD fan to let coal combust completely and stop the FD fan at
2) Water level of boiler will decrease after cooling. So when stopping boiler, the water
level should be higher than normal water level.
3) After steam supply is stopped and pressure in drum decreases to zero, shut down
main steam valve and flue gas damper.
3.9.3 Complete boiler stop
In order to be clean, check and repair, and when boiler is not used in a short term,
complete stop should be adopted. Complete stop of boiler is carried out in a planned way,
and usually stop boiler after operation for 1~3 months. Pay attention to safety and proper
maintenance of equipment when stopping the boiler. After boiler is stopped according to
steps of temporary stop and when the boiler water cools to below 70℃, drain boiler water. At
this time, safety valve should be lifted first to let internal drum connect to air. If shortening
the cooling time is needed, feed cold water into water piping and drain hot water through
blowdown piping at the same time, but water level should not be lower than normal water
level. After boiler water is drained, open manhole, handhole and flush boiler scale with
3.9.4 Emergency boiler stop
Encountered special circumstances or major failure of boiler, emergency boiler stop
should be adopted for safe and reliable.
During boiler operation, if any of the following situations is found, emergency stop
measures should be taken and relevant departments should be informed.

1) Water level in the glass tube of water gauge can’t be seen and when water level still
can’t be seen by the method of "ask for water", then sudden water inlet is forbidden.
2) Continuously increase feedwater volume and take other measures, but water level
still decreases;
3) Boiler water level increases over upper limit of water level that specified by
operating code.
4) All feedwater equipment is failure.
5) All water level gauges, safety valves and pressure gauges, one of them is total
6) Boiler main components (drum, header) are found cracking or main steam pipe,
water wall tube and economizer are found tube burst.
7) Combustion equipment and furnace wall are seriously damaged which will threat
safe operation of boiler.
8) The others that cause the situation and exceed the permissible range of safe
Emergency stop should be focused on preventing accident expanding and detailed steps
are as follows:
1) Stop forced draft first and then stop induced draft.
2) Fall coal gate to the lowest position, shovel out the remaining coal in hopper
quickly, open ignition door, and eliminate the coal accumulation of grate head.
3) Rotate grate with the fastest speed, eliminate slag and coal in furnace through screw
slag extractor (coal which is not burn out can be reused) and stop grate rotation at last.

3.10 Set and operation of boiler control system

Control system of DZW boiler is generally equipped with control, alarm and interlock
of water level and steam pressure and speed remote control of fan damper or fan rotate speed
and speed control gear.
There are two patterns of boiler control: interlock pattern and non-interlock pattern.
Boiler is in semi-automatic operation state at interlock pattern and boiler equipment
operation is controlled manually at non- interlock pattern.
3.10.1 Water level control and protection
There are two patterns of boiler water level control: position water supply control and
continuous water supply control. Boiler that evaporation D is not more than 4t/h usually
adopts position water supply control and that evaporation D is 6t/h usually adopts continuous

water supply control.
Position water supply adopts electrode type water level controller while continuous
water supply adopts floating ball type water level controller. Water level alarms adopt
electrode type.
Electrode type water level controller is composed of two electrodes which are pump-on
water level control electrode and pump-off water level control electrode.
Continuous water supply control usually adopts floating ball type water level controller
or pressure gradient water level controller.
Water level alarm is composed of two electrodes: high alarm electrode and low alarm,
interlock water level electrode. Boiler that evaporation is not less than 2t/h should set one
limit interlock electrode at the bottom of drum.
Working scope of water level control is as shown
in the right drawing.
1) Position water supply control: Water level
controller controls water pump operation from
pump-starting water level to pump-stopping
water level. When boiler water level is lower
than pump-starting water level, water pump will
automatic start. When water level is up to
pump-stopping water level, water pump will
automatically stop running.
2) Continuous water supply control: Floating
ball type water level controller or pressure
gradient water level controller controls opening
of feedwater electric control valve or water
pump speed changing by current signal. When
water level is between pump-starting water level
and pump-stopping water level, water supply
volume will gradually increase with the water
level decreasing.
3) Water level alarm and interlock: Water level alarm is in operation during water level
controlling failures. When water level is lower than pump-starting water level and up to
low alarm and interlock water level, stop running of ID fan and FD fan and alarm.
When water level is higher than pump-stopping water level and up to high alarm, start
4) Controlled state: When control system is set in interlock pattern, water level
control and interlock are both in function. When control system is set in
non-interlock pattern, low alarm and interlock is in function, other operations and
protection are manually controlled.
5) Limit interlock: When water level decreases to very low interlock protection
electrode (electrode at drum bottom), no matter water level control is in interlock
or non-interlock pattern, stop running of ID fan and FD fan and alarm.
6) Water level electrodes need to be cleaned
once after new boiler operating for 3 months.
After that, clean it semiannually.
3.10.2 Pressure (combustion) control and protection
DZW boiler adopts the electric contact pressure
gauge and pressure protector for boiler combustion
control and overpressure alarm. safety valve blow-off

Set high and low working pressure points rated pressure

according to the actual working pressure range of overpressure alarm

boiler respectively on pressure protector and set high working pressure
(stop fan)
overpressure alarm point on the electric contact
low working pressure
pressure gauge or pressure protector (see the drawing (start fan)
of pressure control and alarm work range). When
steam pressure rises to high working pressure point,
pressure 0
it goes into the control program of boiler stop. When
Working scope of pressure control, alarm
steam pressure falls to low steam working pressure
point, it goes into the control program of starting
combustion (detail boiler start and stop can refer to
article 3.10.3). When the steam pressure reaches to
overpressure alarm point, alarm and interlock.
3.10.3 Start, stop control and interlock
During the normal boiler combustion, control system is running by controlling grate,
FD fan and ID fan to realize boiler stop and start. During boiler stop, it should follow the
sequence: stop FD fan - ID fan – grate. During boiler start, it should follow the sequence:
start FD fan - ID fan – grate.

To prevent positive pressure appearing in furnace and avoid high temperature smoke
exhausting to hurt people, coordinate control is set in FD fan and ID fan. In boiler start, open
ID fan and then FD fan. In boiler stop, first stop FD fan and then ID fan.
Biomass fuel is combustible in hypoxia condition and will generate large amount of
black smoke, thus when temporary boiler stop is needed, fuel lock device or ejecting device,
FD fan should be stopped first, and grate continues to run, ID fan turn to slow running to
supply small amount air for volatile matter of fuel combustion in furnace, and then continue
for few minutes, stop grate and ID fan. At this time, no fuels are on the position about
0.5-1m of long grate in front of boiler and no black smoke generating in furnace. Adjust and
determine the best delay time by time-delay relay in control box according to the features
and combustion conditions of actual used biomass fuel.
Due to the failures which appeared in control system or some other reasons that may
cause steam pressure rising to over the overpressure alarm working point, the interlock
control will start, alarm and stop the work of FD fan, ID fan and grate.
3.10.4 Remote control operation
Control cabinet is set fuel lock device, remote operation of grate speed, air damper or
rotational speed of ID fan, FD fan. According to the combustion situation, adjust material
layer thickness, the grate speed, air volume and furnace pressure load by manipulating the
knob to achieve the goal of reasonable economic combustion.
Recommended data of fuel layer thickness, grate speed and air volume of common
biomass fuel can refer to 3.3.2 and furnace pressure load is 2-3mm water column.

3.11 Normal running

Boiler normal running should meet the following requirements: Boiler water level is
normal, steam pressure is stable, and boiler room is kept clean and tidy for handover.
Comply with the post responsibility system, strengthen the supervision of the mechanical
equipment and instrumentation, ensure the safety and reliability to prevent accidents, and
pay attention to saving fuel. The Stoker should summarize operation experience regularly
and improve operating level continuously.
3.11.1 Boiler normal operation notes
1) Water level in boiler: Often pay attention to the boiler water level change and keep
it within the scope of the normal water level ±25 mm that is not higher than the highest
water level or lower than the lowest water level. Water level in water level gauge
usually has slightly shaking phenomenon and if water level keeps still, there might be
blocking condition in water level gauge and be flushed immediately.
2) Water level gauge: Glass tube of water gauge should always be kept clean and
ensure water level clear, accurate and reliable. If it is found that tube gasket leaks water
or steam, tighten packing. If the glass is blurred or the water level line is not clear and
when flushing is still no effect, it should be replaced. Each boiler is equipped with two
water level gauges. If one of them is found damaged, it needs to be repaired
immediately. If two simultaneous damaged, boiler should be temporary stopped
immediately until one water level gauge is back to normal. Details of water level meter
flushing operation see section 3.1.2.
3) Pressure gauge: Pressure gauge should work well and if damage is found, it should
be repaired or replaced immediately. Pressure gauge should be checked once every six
months. If the difference of readings is more than +/- 2.5%, it should be repaired or
replaced. Pressure gauge should be checked once every six months.
4) Safety valve:Safety valve should be normal operation state and checked once a
5) Feed water equipment: All feed water pumps should run well and it should be
carried out test drive during shift handover. If there is any failure, then it should be
repaired immediately. Boiler feed water should take continuous watering as soon as
possible to keep steam supply pressure stable and reduce the temperature change in
6) Steam pressure: Often pay attention to pressure change and keep pressure in boiler
stable as far as possible. The steam pressure shall not be higher than the maximum
allowable working pressure.
7) Blowdown: Do blowdown work well according to the provisions of section 3.6.
3.11.2 Normal operation
See section 3.1 to 3.10.
3.11.3 Shift and running record
To ensure each shift safe, reliable and economic operating, stocker should
conscientiously do the following jobs:
1) Stocker should arrive at boiler room earlier than specific time and get ready for
taking over shift.
2) Stoker turning over shift should do the following jobs:
a. Normal boiler steam pressure and water level;

b. Stable combustion in furnace;
c. Normal running of mechanical equipment;
d. Boiler auxiliaries (piping, valves and instruments) are safe, reliable and sensitive.
e. Boiler room is clean, tidy and brightly lit.
f. Turning over shift should be careful and responsible, and situation and problems of
work hand-over should be recorded in operation book.
g. Boiler operation situation should be recorded for machine set of economic accounting
and responsibility assessment.

4. Maintenance and common faults

4.1 Maintenance
4.1.1 Notes during running
1) Boiler room should be clean and tidy. Other sundries shouldn’t be put in boiler
2) Pay attention to indoor lighting, water gauge and pressure gauge should have good
lighting, and stoker can see clearly. Often patrol around the boiler, and check if the
boiler and auxiliary parts are normal.
3) There can’t be pounding water on the ground of boiler foundation in case of
foundation corrosion caused by moisture.
4.1.2 Daily maintenance
In boiler daily use, inspection, testing, measurement and record job should be done well
to know and master the equipment state and timely solve existing problems.
1) Daily inspection
Daily inspection items see below:

No. Contents Requirements

Valve instrument system: Including
Performance meets the
pressure gauge, water level gauge, safety
1 requirements and the valve switch
valve, blowdown device, steam valve,
is in good condition.
water valve, etc.
Automatic control system: Including test,
Performance status meets the
2 control, alarm and interlock of combustion,
water level and pressure
Feedwater system: including water level of
3 soft water tank, feed water temperature, In the normal state.
water softener equipment, etc

Combustion system: Including equipment
4 like feeding device, grate, furnace wall, See 3) Daily maintenance
slag extractor, etc
Fan operation, damper opening,
Ventilation system: Including FD fan, ID
5 smooth air duct flow, no air
fan, air damper, flue gas duct, etc.
2) Test, measurement and record
a. Test: Regularly do water level measurement and test of alarm interlocking device,
automatic water supply equipment and other devices to ensure that automatic control
equipment work well.
b. Measurements: DZW coal-fired boiler standard equipment has testing items like
steam pressure, feedwater pressure and temperature, boiler water level, furnace
pressure load, air damper opening or fan rotate speed, furnace temperature and flue
gas temperature, and be regularly checked and maintained the correctness of these
measuring instrument.
c. Record: Record boiler daily operation and analyze and solve the problems.
3) Daily maintenance
a. Grate speed governor and the guide rail place of chain wheel bearing should be
kept clean to prevent sundry entering parts internal which may influences its normal
work. Speed governor belt pulley tension should be moderate and the dislocation of
the belt wheel end should control within 1mm. Speed governor crosshead coupling is
full filled with steel calcium grease. After installation and use of three months,
machine oil should be replaced for the first time and then replaced once half a year.
Each shift should check lubricating oil in grate speed governor and ID fan bearing
box to keep it within the change scope and be filled oil timely if oil is shallow. Oil
leakage should be eliminated in time. If the grate needs to be tightened or loosened,
bolts on gearbox lower shell and movable supporting plate should be loosened in
advance. Chain wheel shaft in front of grate and grease cup of rear roller should be
fastened and filled with beef tallow each shift.
b. Blowing smoke of pressure firing is not allowed because coal door, fire view door
and arc tube plate are easy to be burnt out. If it is found that the front arch bricks are
broken off, stop furnace for replacement within 24 hours, otherwise the arch board
will be burned out and gas will leak.
c. If there is severe vibration of ID fan, fan should be stopped and checked.
Generally, it’s caused by impeller abrasion and the impeller should be changed timely.

d. When using the spiral slag extractor, if mortar leakage is found, compact packing
timely or temporary stop for replacing new padding to stop the leakage. Check if the
mortar leaks into the bearing. If there is, disassemble and clean it.
e. Whether dust collector will be failure because of leakage of connecting interface
and dust discharge valve.
4.1.3 Periodic maintenance and overhaul
1) If problems that need to be solved in daily maintenance and cannot be handled
immediately are found but the boiler can keep running, confirm annual, quarterly or
monthly maintenance plan to make regular maintenance.
2) Boiler runs for 2-3 weeks and following aspects should be checked once:
a. Carry out a comprehensive inspection and measurement of automatic control
system equipment and instruments and important test instruments like water level and
pressure and automatic control equipment should work normally.
b. Check convection tubes and economizer. If dust is found, it should be cleared. If
there is no dust, extend the time of inspection and inspect once a month. If there is
still no dust, time can be extended to 2 or 3 months. Meanwhile check if there is any
leakage in welding joints of pipe ends. If there is leakage, it shall be repaired timely.
c. Make chain grate no-load rotate and check line by line if there are broken grate
bars in front of sprocket shafts. If there are, the broken grate bars should be changed.
d. Check if the fan bearing oil level is normal and the cooling water pipe should be
e. Check if front arch bricks are broken and fall off.
f. If there’s leakage at water level gauges, valves and piping flanges, it should be
3) Boiler should be comprehensively inspected and maintained after running for 3~6
months. In addition to do the various above-mentioned jobs, the following work should
be done:
a. Water level electrodes of electrode type water level controller should be cleaned
and after using for 6 months, pressure gauges should be re-inspected.
b. Open the top cover of the economizer, remove the ash outside the pipe, remove
the elbow, and clean inner dirt.
c. Eliminate scale and sludge in drum, water-cooled wall tube and in two headers,
and flush with clean water. Eliminate soot and furnace ash on water-cooled wall tube

and drum fire surface.
d. Check the boiler internal and external like welding joint of pressure parts. If
there’s corrosion phenomenon of steel plate internal and external, serious defects
should be repaired immediately if found. If the defects are not serious, they could be
left to the next boiler stop and got repaired. If suspicious points are found, but they
will not affect safety production, take notes for future reference.
e. Check if rolling bearing of ID fan is normal and check the wear degree of impeller
and shell.
f. Clean dust in dust collector and wear condition. Each interface should be tight and
no leakage after installed.
g. If necessary, furnace wall, its shell and insulation layer can be disassembled for
thoroughly checking. If serious damages are found in certain parts, these parts should
be repaired. At the same time, fill the inspection results and repair status into boiler
safety and technology register book.
4) The following inspection maintenance work should be done for boiler operating
over a year:
a. Speed control gear, reducer casing of slag extractor, bearing box of ID fan and so
on should be discharged and washed, and be changed lubricating oil. If there’s
sanding at tooth surface of safety clutch, the sanding should be repaired and grease
seal should be replaced if it’s broken.
b. Replacement of slag extractor wearing accessories
c. Check the wearing condition of dust collector and sealing condition of ash
discharge valve. If wear-out phenomenon is found, collector can be sealed by welding
similar shape iron plate on it, and then it can still use or paint wear proof coating in
inner wall to make it more durable.
d. Disassemble chain grate, check wear conditions of sprocket, grate bars, grate pin
shaft, friction plate on the rear roller flange shaft support and bottom plate. If serious,
they should be replaced. During pulling grate, pull back from the upper head
according to the rotation direction of operation. Unloading clip can’t be used at wire
rope angle place to avoid bottom get stuck. Roller assembly should strictly pay
attention to the axis parallelism to avoid grate running deviation when roller is
e. Boiler insulation cover and boiler base should be painted at least once a year.

4.1.4 Boiler stop for maintenance
Maintenance method for boiler not used for a long time: There are dry method and wet
method. If boiler does not use more than one month, dry preservation should be used to
maintain. If it is less than one month, wet preservation can be use to maintain.
1) Dry preservation
Drain boiler water after boiler stop, eliminate internal dirt thoroughly and flush clean.
Use micro fire for furnace drying (note not to use big fire), put 10-30mm lump quick lime or
anhydrous calcium chloride desiccant in disks separately, evenly put into the drum and its
quantity is that: quick lime according to drum volume is 1-2kg/m³, anhydrous calcium
chloride is 1-2kg/m³. Then close all manholes, handholes and pipe valves and check once
every two months. If it is found that desiccant is failure, it should be replaced. When boiler
puts into operation again, desiccant and disks shall be taken out.
Boiler furnace and flue can also be put in some desiccant and close furnace door and the
other doors and holes.
2) Wet preservation (suitable for short maintenance)
Drain boiler water after boiler stop, eliminate internal dirt thoroughly and flush clean.
Re-inject treated alkaline water to the full, heat the boiler water to 105 ℃, let all air out of
boiler, and then close all valves.
After boiler internal flushed clean, fill in alkaline solution to make metal surface formed
alkaline protective film to prevent moisture. Wet preservation is suitable for short term
furnace stop and its alkaline solution is sodium hydroxide or trisodium phosphate, or also
can be the mixed solution of sodium hydroxide, trisodium phosphate and sodium sulfite. The
dosage of sodium hydroxide or trisodium phosphate is different from putting condensate
water or softened water, and its dosage per ton is as below.
In wet preservation, boiler water alkalinity maintains between 5 mg/L and 12mg/L and
check one time every 5 days. If alkalinity is lower than lower limit, then add alkalinity water.
During wet preservation, remove ash in flue gas side of heating receiving surface and keep
dry to prevent moisture condensation and corrosion. In winter, please do not carry out wet
preservation in the place with no anti-freezing measures.
The dosage of wet maintenance method alkaline solution (kg/t)
When condensed water When softened water is
Alkaline solution
is put into boiler put into boiler
Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) 2 8~10

Trisodium phosphate
5 20
(Na3PO4 ·12H2O)

To keep heating receiving surface dry, furnace should be dried by low fire periodically
during maintenance. Open pumps periodically for water circulation to keep solution
concentration is consistent.
Wet preservation can not be used in cold site to prevent boiler damage caused by
freezing furnace water.

4.2 Common faults and treatments

4.2.1 Combustion equipments
1) Grate

Items Contents
1. Grate intermittently stops or completely stops rotating and the grate has the
phenomenon of deviation.
2. Speed control gear or grate has a sound of impacting.
3. Grate motor current abnormally rises.
4. Safety clutch of grate transmission mechanism moves or safety pin is
1. Stretching screw of grate two sides is not adjusted well. Front and rear
axles are not parallel or two sides’ boards are not vertical.
2. Chain is too loose with sprocket and meshed not well or sprocket wears
seriously, which makes grate rotate abnormally.
Cause of
3. The grate bars are broken and grate long pin is bent.
4. Grate was stuck by foreign matter or big coke button.
5. The clearance among grate bars is too small and grate bars are hunched up
after heated.
6. Grate surface clearance of header and side sealing iron is too small.
1. If grate stops rotating, cut off grate motor power, find and solve the failure
2. Use a wrench to reverse the rotation direction of grate and judge the failure
degree. If reverse is not difficult, then reverse more. Check if there is
something in grate that may make grate stuck, remove it and restart the grate.
Check the bearing temperature and motor current. If no abnormal
phenomenon, put it into operation. If stuck again, stop running, check
carefully and solve it.
3. When boiler should be stopped for maintenance, bank fire and stop furnace
to keep safe.
2) Fire bed is too near the front

Items Contents
Combustion is too near the front and hopper paint is discolored by high
temperature baking

1. Adjustment of silo thickness and grate speed is not reasonable.
Cause of 2. Air distribution of front air bin is too much
failure 3. Dead space of fuel retention exists in the front of boiler and part of fuel is
not moving with grate
1. Make fuel layering thinner and increase the speed of grate
2. Reduce air supply amount in the front of boiler
3. Remove the dead space in boiler front and if necessary, boiler front
structure can be change to remove the dead space
3) Dust coking

Items Contents
Slag hanging phenomenon exists in the inner furnace wall and there is coking
and dust deposition conditions
1. High boiler load and too high furnace temperature
Cause of
2. Fuel ash fusion point is too low
3. The secondary air distribution is not enough
1. Keep boiler operation under the rated output and furnace temperature is
better to be controlled between 950-1000℃
2. Ash fusion point of woody fuel is high and ash fusion point of plant straw
fuel is low, so it is better to select the higher ash fusion point fuel.
3. In addition to ensure sufficient combustion of flue gas, secondary air
distribution also can adjust the temperature
4. As to low ash fusion point fuel, flue gas recirculating system can be taken
into consideration to control combustion temperature
5. Eradicate slag hanging, coking and ash deposition mechanically and
4.2.2 Safety accessories and valves
1) Pressure gauge

Items Contents
Pointer does not move or return to zero. Pointer jitters and surface blurs or has
1. Cock is not open or position is wrong or cock and gauge bend pipe channel
is blocked.
2. The pointer and center shaft are loose or the pointer is stuck.
Cause of 3. Joint of spring bend pipe and gauge stand is leaky or spring bend pipe is
failure permanent deformed.
4. The sector gear and small gear are loose or disengaged
5. Gossamers on center wheel loss elasticity or fall off
6. Both ends of the central axle is bended
Failure Pressure gauge should be repaired or replaced in professional department and
treatme repaired or replaced pressure gauge could be put into use after checked by local
nt measurement department.
2) Water level gauge

phenomen Cause of failure Failure treatment
1. Cock material or processing have
Cock 1. Cock replacement
2. Wear or corrosion in the surface
2. Cock grinding or replacement
leakage between cock core and socket
3. Replacement of packing
3. Insufficient packing or
1. Connecting pipe or cock is 1. Unchoke the connecting pipe and
Stagnant blocked cock and flush the water level gauge
water level 2. Cock is closed 2. Open the cock
Water level 1. Steam cock is blocked
shown is 1. Wash or unchoke steam cock
2. Steam cock is closed by accident
higher than 2. Open steam cock
3. High alkalinity of boiler water
the actual 3. Strengthen blowdown
results in foaming
water level
3) Safety valve

phenomen Cause of failure Failure treatment
1. Clean safety valve and if
1. There are dirt on valve sealing
cleaning is no effect, tear it down
and clean
Steam 2. Sealing surface is damaged
2. Replace the valve core and valve
3. Stem bending deformation or
leakage seat or grind after machining
valve core and valve seat support
3. Replace the valve stem or reset
surface deflection
to level
4. Spring failure
4. Replace the spring
1. Adhesion of valve core and valve 1. Manually flush safety valve. If
seat serious, grind the valve core and
Not open if 2. Stem and shell clearance is too valve seat after furnace stop
overpressu small, and is stucked after heated. 2. Increase the clearance of valve
re 3. Spring is too tight stem and shell
4. The valve channel is blocked by 3. Readjustment
the barrier 4. Remove obstacles
Open in 1. Spring tightness is not enough 1. Safety valve re-adjustment
low 2. Spring deformation failure 2. Replace the spring
Open and
close 1. Spring bending
1. Replace the spring
pressure 2. Stuck because valve seat and
2. Re-installation of safety valve
difference core installation location is not right.
is over

Note: Safety valve repair is usually conducted by safety valve calibration department.
Repaired safety valve should be inspected by local metering department and then it can be
4) Water level controller and alarm

phenomen Cause of failure Failure treatment
1. Power is disconnected
2. Connecting pipe blockage 1. Power-on
No water 3. Dirt is in floating ball type shell 2. Dredge communicating pipe
level signal which may hinder floating ball 3. Clean-up
1. Floating ball type
1. Floating ball type
Water level switch position is not
Alarm Adjust the water level switch
adjusted well
level does location
If the water level is little high at the
not match Check whether the floating ball is
same time, there may be leakage in
with the damaged
the floating ball
actual 2. Electrode type
2. Electrode type
water level Adjust the electrode position and the
Measuring electrode is not adjusted
status of insulation
1. Floating ball type
Wiring and part of the electrical
joint have virtual connection
Alarm Dirt is in floating ball type shell
sometimes Check the electrical line, check the
which may hinder floating ball
is normal, work status of water level control,
sometimes alarm and repair.
2. Electrode type
is Strengthen the daily check.
Wiring and part of the electrical
abnormal joint have virtual connection
Electrode and measuring tube
insulation is not good
5) Blowdown device

Cause of failure Failure treatment
1. Blowdown 1. Blowdown pipe diameter is 1. The blowdown pipe diameter
pipe blockage too small and installation position should be greater than DN25 and
2. Dirt in of the blowdown valve is the diameter of the blowdown
boiler is not improper pipe in drum should be greater
discharged 2. Blowdown operation does not than DN40
totally conform to the requirements 2. The blowdown pipe should be
3. Blowdown which leads to 2 series of in the lowest place of the drum or

valve leakage blowdown valve wear at the header.
same time or blowdown valve 3. Blowdown valve installation
core is stuck by dirt. location should be easy to
4.2.3 Water pump and fan
1) Electric centrifugal pump

Cause of failure Failure treatment
1. Cooling water tube is blocked.
2. There is air in the pump head
Water in water
3. Impeller is reversed
pump can not
4. The actual resistance is more than lift of
be out.
the pump.
5. Impeller seal is damaged
1. Working pressure of boiler increases.
2. Lower power supply voltage.
Flow or lift
3. Bad sealing of water absorption of pipe
4. The water temperature is high and the
suction valve resistance is big.
1. The poor quality of lubricating oil or
Repair or improve
Bearing lack of oil
according to the
temperature 2. Shaft deformation or damage of bearing
specific circumstances
rises sharply 3. Improper clearance between shaft and
1. Friction between impeller and shell
2. Shaft deformation or damage of bearing
3. The water suction pipe or outlet pipe
Vibration and
fixation is loose.
4. The resistance of water suction pipe is
large or the water volume is too much.
5. Anchor bolt is loose
Pump power 1. Packing is too tight or there is friction
consumption is between impeller and shell
too big 2. Water pump overload operate
2) Fan

Cause of failure Failure treatment
1. The fan shaft and motor shaft are
Bearing box 2. Deformation of the impeller Repair or improve
vibration 3. The unstable foundation or loose according to the
anchor bolt specific circumstances
4. Friction due to sealing too tight
Bearing 1. The poor quality of lubricating oil or

temperature lack of oil
rises sharply 2. Bearing is improperly installed or
bearing is worn
3. Bearing cap bolt is too tight
4. The cooling water pipe is blocked
Air volume and 1. Speed is not up to the rated speed
air pressure is 2. Blade loss, deformation, wear
insufficient 3. Air leakage due to wear of shell
4.2.4 Tube explosion

Cause of failure Failure treatment
1. Unqualified water quality and no water
treatment measures or lax supervision of
When heat feedwater and furnace water quality lead to
receiving surface pipes scaling or corrosion, pipe wall too
pipe bundle hot and strength decrease.
broken is not 2. Water circulation is damaged and pipe
serious, the inside is blocked by scale. Coking outside 1. Furnace tube is
sound of steam the pipe and uneven heating destroy its damaged slightly. If
water spraying normal water circulation. make-up water still can
could be heard. 3. Mechanical damage. Mechanical be maintained and the
When serious, damage of pipes in the installation or pipe failure will not expand
obvious blasting damage by the refractory brick or large rapidly, load operation
noise could be slag fall-off in the operation. can continue for short
heard. 4. Ash wear, tube wall is thinned by time and boiler stops
Furnace pressure long-term erosion of flue gas. until spare boiler fired.
rises, steam 5. Pipe quality is unqualified. Pipe 2. When the furnace
water and flue selection and acceptance are not according tube is burst and the
gas spray from to stipulations. Defects such as slag water pressure can not
furnace doors inclusion and tube layered or poor welding be maintained, boiler
and holes and air quality may cause blasting. should be emergency
leakage place. 6. Fire up too fast or the boiler stop and stop.
water too early and uneven cold shrinkage 3. If supplying water
Water pressure and thermal expansion the pipe may cause for several boilers in
and exhaust gas joint fracture. parallel, the failure
temperature drop 7. When pipes are serious short of water, boiler should be
rapidly. water shortage part overheating may separated from the
feedwater reduce strength of pipe. mother water supply
volume increases 8. Furnace tube is welded with fins, fins pipe.
are too wide, temperature is too high in fin
Flame is dark place and furnace stop and start too
and combustion frequent may cause cracks due to
is not stable or alternative stress and cracks will expand
even put out. gradually, crack pipes and result in pipe
Feedwater pipe 1. Air or steam in feedwater pipe 1. Open the
water hammer 2. Abnormal feedwater pump or failure economizer and

feedwater check valve condenser water return
3. Strong change of feed water valve to make steam in
temperature economizer and
condenser back to soft
water tank.
2. Check the water
pump and feedwater
check valve
3. Keep balance of
feed water temperature
and water temperature
1. Warm pipe and drain not well before 1. Warm-up and drain
Steam pipeline steam supply pipe
water hammer 2. Main steam valve opens too fast or too 2. Slowly open the
large before steam supply main steam valve
1. Open the safety
valve of economizer
and condenser to
exhaust steam and open
1. Air in economizer and condenser is not water return valve of
discharged when firing. economizer and
Economizer and 2. Outlet water temperature is too high condenser to make
condenser water and vaporization in economizer and steam in economizer
hammer condenser and condenser back to
3. Check valve in economizer and soft water tank.
condenser inlet is abnormal. 2. Control outlet water
temperature of
economizer, condenser
3. Maintain check
4.2.5 Boiler and tube water hammer

Cause of failure Failure treatment
1. Repair or replace the check
1. Loose close of check valve in
Water feedwater pipe
2. Better adopt continuous water
hammer in 2. Stop supplying water for a long
supply and open economizer
drum time and vaporization exists in
back-water pipe valve to make the
economizer or pipeline
steam back to soft water tank.
1. Open economizer back-water pipe
1. Air or steam remains in
valve to make the steam back to soft
feedwater pipe
Feedwater water tank
2. Abnormal feedwater pump or
pipe water 2. Check the water pump and
failure feedwater check valve
hammer feedwater check valve
3. Strong change of feed water
3. Keep balance of feed water
temperature and water temperature
Steam 1. Warm pipe or drain not well 1. Warm-up and drainage pipe

pipeline before steam supply 2. Slowly open the main steam
water 2. Main steam valve opens too fast valve
hammer or too large before steam supply
1. Open economizer safety valve
1. Air in economizer is not
to discharge steam and open
discharged when firing.
economizer back-water pipe valve
Water 2. Output water temperature is
to make the steam back to soft water
hammer in too high and vaporization exists in
economizer economizer
2. Control economizer outlet water
3. Check valve in economizer
inlet is abnormal.
3. Maintain check valve
4.2.6 Furnace wall damage
Items Contents
Damage 1. Find bricks off
phenom 2. Temperature of furnace wall support, shell and so on suddenly rises.
ena 3. Cracks are found in brick wall and insulation packing falls off.
1. Construction quality of furnace has the problems like brick edge
fragmentation, brick joints too big, improper proportion of mortar, not leaving
enough expansion joints and so on.
2. Furnace drying is not complete.
3. Excursion of flame center, positive pressure combustion, too high furnace
temperature, severe coking in furnace, and firing too fast.
1. If furnace wall is found damaged, strict inspection is carried out and
operation load is reduced to maintain the pressure load in furnace.
Treatme 2. If brick wall has the possibility of collapse, furnace should be urgently
nt stopped to repair.
3. Adjust combustion to prevent positive pressure combustion and control
furnace temperature

Appendix 1 Boiler water quality of natural circulation steam boiler and dual purpose steam
water boiler that water is treated outside the boiler (GB/T1576-2008)
Rated steam
pressure P≤1.0 1.0<P≤1.6 1.6<P≤2.5 2.5<P<3.8
Demi Demi Demi Demi
e Softe Softe Softe Softe
nerali nerali nerali nerali
m ned ned ned ned
Make-up water zed zed zed zed
water water water water
water water water water

Turbidity (FTU) ≤5.0 ≤2.0 ≤5.0 ≤2.0 ≤5.0 ≤2.0 ≤5.0 ≤2.0
≤0.03 ≤0.03 ≤0.03 ≤0.03 ≤0.03 ≤0.03 ≤0.005 ≤0.005
e PH value (25 ℃)
7~9 8~9.5 7~9 8~9.5 7~9 8~9.5 7~9 8~9.5
e Dissolved oxygen ≤0.1 ≤0.1 ≤0.1 ≤0.05 ≤0.05 ≤0.05 ≤0.05 ≤0.05
d (mg/L)
w Oil (mg/L) ≤2.0 ≤2.0 ≤2.0 ≤2.0 ≤2.0 ≤2.0 ≤2.0 ≤2.0
e Total iron (mg/L) ≤0.3 ≤0.3 ≤0.3 ≤0.3 ≤0.3 ≤0.1 ≤0.1 ≤0.1
r Electrical
— — ≤550 ≤110 ≤500 ≤100 ≤350 ≤80
(25 ℃)
Total No
alkalini superhea 6~26 ≤10 6~24 ≤10 6~16 ≤8 ≤12 ≤4
ty ter
(mmol/ Superhe
— — ≤14 ≤10 ≤12 ≤8 ≤12 ≤4
L) ater
Phenolp No
hthalein superhea 4~18 ≤6 4~16 ≤6 4~12 ≤5 ≤10 ≤3
B alkalini ter
oi ty
le (mmol/ — — ≤10 ≤6 ≤8 ≤5 ≤10 ≤3
r L)
w PH value (25 ℃) 10~12 10~12 10~12 10~12 10~12 10~12 9~12 9~11
Dissolve superhea ≤4000 ≤4000 ≤3500 ≤3500 ≤3000 ≤3000 ≤2500 ≤2500
d solids ter
(mg/L) Superhe
— — ≤3000 ≤3000 ≤2500 ≤2500 ≤2000 ≤2000
Phosphate (mg/L) — — 10~30 10~30 10~30 10~30 5~20 5~20
Sulfite (mg/L) — — 10~30 10~30 10~30 10~30 5~10 5~10
Relative alkalinity <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2

Appendix 2 Air pollutants emission standard limit of new boiler (GB13271-2014)

Limit value Pollutant

Pollutant items Coal-fired Oil-fired Gas-fired monitoring
boiler boiler boiler position
Particulate matter (mg/m³) 50 30 20
Sulfur dioxide (mg/m³) 300 200 50
Chimneys or
Nitrogen oxides (mg/m³) 300 250 200 flue duct
Mercury and other
0.05 — —
compounds (mg/m³)
Flue gas blackness
The chimney
(Ringelmann blackness, ≤1


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