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Power BI

 If Prospect say Yes:

BDE: Hi, may I speak with Prospect's Name?

BDE: Hi Prospect's Name, my name is Your Name, and I'm calling from Carbynetech. How are you

Prospect: I'm doing fine, thank you. What can I do for you?

BDE: Great to hear! The reason for my call today is that I noticed your company is in the
[industry] sector, and I wanted to discuss how Power BI can significantly enhance your data
analysis and decision-making processes. Power BI is a powerful business intelligence tool
developed by Microsoft that allows you to turn your data into insightful visualizations and
interactive reports.

Prospect: I would like to schedule a small demonstration for you where we can go through our
capabilities. How does [proposed date and time] work for you? If it's not suitable, feel free to
suggest an alternative, and I'll do my best to accommodate.

BDE: Perfect! I'll send you a calendar invitation with all the details. In the meantime, if you have
any questions or specific topics, you'd like us to cover during the meeting, please let me know.

Prospect: Will do. Thanks for reaching out!

BDE: You're welcome, Prospect's Name. Looking forward to our meeting. Have a great day!

Prospect: You too. Goodbye!

 If Prospect say No:

BDE: Hi, may I speak with Prospect's Name?

BDE: Hi Prospect's Name, I'm Your Name from [Your Company]. I noticed your company's in
[industry], and I wanted to discuss how Power BI can boost your data analysis. With Power BI, you get
real-time insights, beautiful reports, easy collaboration, and mobile access. Can we schedule a meeting
to explore this further?

Prospect: No, thank you. We're not interested in Power BI at the moment.

BDE: I completely understand. May I ask if there's a specific reason why Power BI doesn't align with your
current needs?
Prospect: We already have a data analysis tool that meets our requirements.

BDE: That's fair. Our goal is always to offer solutions that provide the most value to our clients. If you
ever find yourself considering Power BI in the future or have any other data-related challenges, don't
hesitate to reach out. We're here to help. Thank you for your time, and I wish you continued success
with your current tool.

Prospect: Thank you, I appreciate that.

BDE: You're welcome. Have a great day!

Prospect: You too. Goodbye!

2. SAP
Greeting: "Hello, [Prospect's Name]. My name is [Your Name], and I'm calling from [Your
Company Name]. I hope I'm not catching you at a bad time."

Establish Purpose: "The reason for my call today is to discuss how [Your Company Name]'s SAP
solutions can help your business streamline operations, increase efficiency, and achieve greater

Establish Value:

Highlight Benefits: "With our SAP expertise, we can help you optimize processes, gain real-time
insights, and drive digital transformation. This will lead to cost savings, better decision-making,
and an enhanced customer experience."

Credibility: "We have successfully implemented SAP solutions for [mention a well-known client
or an industry success story]. Our team of experts understands the unique challenges your
industry faces and can tailor solutions to your specific needs."


Ask for Interest: "I believe a brief meeting would be beneficial to explore how our SAP offerings
align with your goals. Would you be open to a 15-20 minute call next week?"

Offer Flexibility: "Of course, I understand your schedule is busy. If you prefer a different time or
method of communication, please let me know, and we'll accommodate your preferences."


Confirm Follow-up: "If you're interested, I can send you more information about our SAP
solutions via email. What is the best email address to reach you?"
Thank You: "Thank you for your time, [Prospect's Name]. I look forward to the possibility of
discussing how [Your Company Name]'s SAP expertise can benefit your business. Have a great

Sales Call Script Industry: Consumer Products/Food & Beverage

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