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Prospecting Script -

Date @February 7, 2024

Jessica: Good morning/afternoon, Am I speaking to ——?

This is Jessica from M&J Consultants. Can I have a minute of your time.
Client: How can I help you?
Jessica: Thank you, [Client's Name]. I'm reaching out because we specialize in
enhancing business operations through our Sales, CRM, and Website services.
We've helped businesses in your industry achieve a 20% increase in Sales and
Lead Generation. Do you have a moment to discuss how we might help you
achieve similar results?
Client: I'm curious, but quite busy. Can you give me a quick overview?

Quick Overview for Busy Clients

Jessica: Absolutely, I understand. In brief, we provide tailored CRM solutions
that improve customer relationships and sales processes, alongside developing
high-performance websites that drive engagement and conversion.

Our goal is to help businesses like yours efficiently manage sales pipelines and
enhance online presence. Could we schedule a brief meeting to explore this in
detail at a time that suits you?

If the Client Shows Interest

Client: Yes, that sounds interesting. What do you need from me?
Jessica: Great! I'd like to learn a bit more about your current sales and
customer management processes, as well as your website's role in your
business strategy.
This will help us tailor our suggestions to your specific needs.
Can we set up a meeting on Friday at 14(Any Date)

Handling Rebuttals

Prospecting Script - CRM/Sales 1

Client: I'm not sure we're looking to make changes right now.
Jessica: I understand, change can be daunting. How about we conduct a no-
obligation assessment of your current systems? We often identify opportunities
for quick wins that can make a significant impact without overhauling your
existing setup. It’s a good way to see where you stand, with no pressure to

Scheduling a Call or Meeting

Jessica: When would be a convenient time for you? I can ensure we keep the
discussion focused and relevant to your priorities.
Client: Let me check my schedule. How does Thursday at 10 AM sound?
Jessica: Thursday at 10 AM works perfectly. I'll send a calendar invite and a
brief agenda to make the best use of our time. What's the best email for you?
Client: [Client provides email]
Jessica: Thank you, [Client's Name]. I’ve noted your email and will send the
details shortly. I'm looking forward to our conversation and exploring how we
can support your business. Is there anything specific you'd like us to prepare or
any immediate questions I can address?

Client: Not at the moment, but I'll think about it.

Jessica: No problem at all. Feel free to reach out if anything comes to mind
before our call. Thank you for your time today, and have a great day.

Prospecting Script - CRM/Sales 2

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