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Marketing & Web Development

Approach to Cold Call

The Goal

To understand if there is a business match and how’s their

business doing. What are the customer’s current needs and
Your main goal is to have a clear next step after the call:
have a lead to pass on to the team
Get some indication of when the next project might
happen. (make a note)
Agree to call next week/next month to touch base.
Send more information on Slack Chanel to follow up the
next day/week.

The Structure

Opening statement with a trigger:

Hi, how are you?
Briefly, introduce yourself
Talk about trigger (TPD)
How are things for your business in the wake of the
Government's new guidelines?
Are you working from home or are you still in the office?
Link to Mrkting Wizards status:
Introduce Mrkting Wizards briefly - We are still open as
usual, our marketing and web development capabilities
are still available to you offering efficient lead time.
Back to them:
Ask regards current needs? Do you have any projects that
are stuck at the moment?
Close and call to action:
Conclude with their problems
i. Agree on the next step
ii. Is there anything that you would like us to quote
for, we are extending our capabilities in this difficult
time to help you boost your business in this difficult

Call To Action

Have a clear next step after the call. Choose one.

To have a new order/lead
i. Any projects on the table I could help with?
ii. What projects do you have running right now on a
marketing budget?
iii. Are you currently developing any parts of your website?
Get some indication of when the next project might
happen (make a note)
i. When is the next project happening?
ii. When do you want to start getting conversions?
Think of lead times.
Agree to call next week/next month to touch base.
Give them a chance to choose. Next week (Monday or
i. Morning or Afternoon
ii. 1 pm or 3 pm
iii. Confirm call


Do you have any areas which you are particularly looking

to improve on?
Just to wrap this up then, you are looking to improve
on..................................................... I am more than confident that
we can improve these for you, having experienced this
Thank you for your time and I look forward to working
with you very soon!

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