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Coleen Jade Condino @ ABM 12 - B


I think that I have made the correct choice of Strand as the foundation for my
career in the future. Last Pre-Immersion Seminar that I attended and prepared together
with my fellow peer facilitators last February 13 and 14, 2023 at the USA GYM and
AUDITORIUM, although I was so busy at that time and can hardly listen, I did hear the
speakers speaking about about our interests, passion, and desire for our future. Each
speaker has undoubtedly synergized with the students within a particular strand that is
related to the direction their course or department takes. As an Administrative,
Business, and Management strand student I particularly am very interested in
accountancy and throughout the talk of the speaker from the College of Commerce it
made me anticipate my learnings for the future. While the speaker was speaking, she
showed us what accountancy programs their department is giving such as Bachelor of
Science in Accountancy, Management Accounting, Internal Auditing, and Accounting
Information System this gave me a clear view of what my options are as a Grade 12
graduating student, in which I have decided to pursue Bachelor of Science in

In the seminar, she stated that if we enter into a business studies program, we
will have plenty of opportunities to specialize. For example, I could specialize in
management, marketing, human resources, accounting, or business finance. She also
stated that if we truly want to pursue a business career, the industry has so much to
offer us, such as having more opportunities for career advancement than any other
industry and that we can advance our business careers by taking those opportunities,
but it takes time. Finally, she emphasizes the importance of always challenging
ourselves if we want to pursue a business career in the future. Her statement prompted
me to always challenge myself and complete my tasks as a student in the present, as
well as to pursue advancement in life and, eventually, in my career. Other speakers
throughout the seminar mentioned how we should always start at the bottom of any
industry and how hard work, humility, love for our chosen career, passion, and a
never-give-up attitude will help us become successful in the future.

To be honest, I believe that these statements will not help us unless we apply
them to our actions and ourselves. The seminar made me realize how fortunate we are
as students to have these professionals assist, guide, and advise us. It also allowed me
to further analyze my path, and plans for the future. It gave an idea of what I should do,
and what type of attitude I should have in the present as a student, and future, as a
working professional.

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