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1 This is the way Mother combs my hair,

Combs my hair, combs my hair;

This the way Mother combs my hair.

My Mother loves me.

2. This the way Mother cooks my food,

Cooks my food, cooks my food;

This is the way Mother cookss my food.

My mother loves me.

3. This is the way Mother gives me a hug,

Gives me a hug, gives me a hug;
This is the way Mother gives me a hug.
My Mother loves me.

4. This is the way Mother reads to me,

Reads to me, reads to me;

This the way Mother reads to me.

My mother loves me.

5. This is the way Mother prays with me,
Prays with me, prays with me;
This is the way Mother prays with me.
My mother loves me.

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