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Science Paper 2 SBA 3 Year 5 2019


Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided.

1. Match the phrases in Column A with the correct words in Column C and write the correct
answers in the spaces in Column B.

Column A Column B Column C

i. The most important source of light.


ii. They make their own food with

sunlight, water and carbon dioxide. Friction

iii. This instrument make use of a Sun

reflection of light

iv. This force slows things down.

v. This can be used to split white
lights into seven colours.

(5 marks)

2. Write “T” for every true statement and “F” for every false statement in the brackets given. (5 marks)

i. Shadow is formed when light is blocked by an opaque object. (________)

ii. Translucent materials allow only some light to pass through. (________)

iii. Lights only travel in a straight line. (________)

iv. Most cooking utensils have handles that are good conductor of heat. (________)

v. Amphibians are animals that live on land for the whole of their lives (________)

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Science Paper 2 SBA 3 Year 5 2019

3. Fill in the blanks with correct words given below. (10 marks)

stopwatch nose vibrate compass

evaporates adaptation electricity nestling string

translucent sound freezing water

a) _____________________ is used to measure time.

b) Sound is made when object ______________________.

c) When water changes to steam, we say that water ______________.

d) A baby bird is called a _______________________.

e) We use our _______________________ to find out the smell of things.

f) A pilot uses a ______________________ to find his direction.

g) Lightning is the natural source of _____________.

h) Material that only allow some light to pass through them is called __________.

i) All organisms have special characteristics that help them to survive. These characteristics are
called _____________________.

j) Piano and guitar are ___________________ instrument.

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Science Paper 2 SBA 3 Year 5 2019

4. Label the parts of the insect on the diagram below.

5. Group the following objects into the table below:

colour pencils iron nail rubber steel

Magnetic Objects Non-Magnetic Objects

1) _______________________ 1) _______________________

2) _______________________ 2) _______________________

(2 marks)

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Science Paper 2 SBA 3 Year 5 2019

6. Study Figure 1 below and answer the questions. (5 marks)

Figure 1

a) After one minute, which object feels warmer?


b) Which object does not feel warm?


c) Which material is a good conductor of heat?


d) Fill in the blank below.

i. A material that allow heat to pass through is a good _____________________ of heat.

ii. A material that does not heat to pass through is a ______________________ of heat.

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Science Paper 2 SBA 3 Year 5 2019

7. Study the diagram in Figure 2 below and answer all the questions that follow carefully. (7 marks)

Figure 2

a) Look at the shadows of three girls. Which shadow shows that is close to mid-day?


b) How does a shadow form?



c) When the sun is blocked by thick clouds, what will happen to the shadow of the girls?


d) When the sunlight passes through the glass prism, seven colours always appear in the same
order. Complete the table which is shown in the correct order of the colours:
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
Red Yellow Blue

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Science Paper 2 SBA 3 Year 5 2019

8. Fatimah did an experiment to show the growth of bread mould as indicated in Figure 3 below
(3 marks)

Figure 3

i. Which group of organism does the bread mould belong to?


ii. Why does the bread mould not classify as a plant?


iii. How does this organism reproduce?


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Science Paper 2 SBA 3 Year 5 2019

9. Observe the animals in Figure 4 carefully. (10 marks)

Figure 4

(a) Write down the LETTERS to the correct statement below.

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Science Paper 2 SBA 3 Year 5 2019

(b) What is a habitat?


(c) Name the habitat of the following animals.

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Science Paper 2 SBA 3 Year 5 2019

10. The diagram show the life cycle of a cockroach. (10 marks)

a) Label the missing stage in the life cycle above,

b) How many stages are there in the life cycle of cockroach?


c) State two differences between the young cockroach and the adult cockroach.

i. _________________________________________________________________________


ii. _________________________________________________________________________

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Science Paper 2 SBA 3 Year 5 2019

d) Name the stages of the life cycle of a mosquito in Figure 5 below.

Figure 5

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Science Paper 2 SBA 3 Year 5 2019


Answer only one question from this section.

11. The following is a list of musical instruments. (10 marks)

a) Name two wind instruments.

i. __________________________

ii. __________________________

b) Name two string instruments.

i. __________________________

ii. __________________________

c) Complete the table below by choosing four musical instruments from the list above.

d) Which one of the musical instruments in the list above list produce sound when blowing?

e) What do you call a person who cannot hear properly?

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Science Paper 2 SBA 3 Year 5 2019

12. a) Write the word ‘attract’ or ‘repel’ into the correct boxes. (6 marks)




b. Classify the following objects into the table provided. (4 marks)

Iron nail Pencil Safety pin Paper cup

Drinking Straw Paper clip Eraser Scissors

Magnetic Object Non-magnetic Object

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