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4A GRAMMAR cause and effect

a Complete the facts in the scientific information with the words and phrases in the box.

because of as a result this means that this is perhaps why which is why which gives therefore

Men and women’s thinking – same or different?

There are conflicting and inconsistent theories about whether there are anyy
differences between the male and female brain and the thought process
produced 1 as a result. However, some experts believe that each gender
does have tendencies in their thoughts and actions. Here are four of them:

Women generally have a larger hippocampus, which is the part of the brain
where we store memories. 2 women are considered to
have better memories and tend to be better than men at recalling past detail.

Problem solving
Men tend to be convergent in their thinking. 3 they are likely
kely to begin the
problem-solving process by eliminating and isolating issues, moving quickly towards finding a
solution. Women, on the other hand, will often think more divergently and look ok at a problem in
a broader context. 4 this, they are more likely to examine a wider range of factors and
talk through and around a problem before looking for solutions.
Addressing conflict
Men tend to depersonalize and externalize conflict issues, 5 them time and
space to think about solutions. Women tend to personalize conflict and are 6
generally more inclined to discuss the issue to reach understanding.

The pre-frontal cortex is the decision centre of the brain, which, among other functions, controls judgement,
hindsight and foresight and consequential thinking. It is thought that women develop their pre-frontal cortex
at a younger age, 7 they tend to take fewer risks as teenagers than males of the same age.

b Complete the cause and effect phrases by adding one word.

1 Legislation prevents employers discriminating against employees on the grounds of their marital status.
2 to the traffic, we missed our flight. I think there’d been an accident near the airport.
3 There’s a decrease in illegal goods entering the country on of the new border controls.
4 One of a few hundred viruses is usually the of the common cold. For this , it’s
virtually impossible to vaccinate against it.
5 Obesity is the of the interaction of genetic and environmental factors. This
that diet and exercise, as well as genetics, both play an important role.
6 In of the weather warning for the coming weekend, the school fete will now be held
indoors. And of this, a number of the activities will have to be cancelled.
7 The rural population in the area decreased to mass movement to nearby urban areas.
This in turn was primarily of a lack of employment opportunities by several
consecutive years of drought.

Think about six cause and effect situations. This could be world events or situations in your personal life.
Complete the sentences about your situations.
1 as a result of .
2 Due to , .
3 , which is why .
4 In the light of , .
5 because .
6 . For this reason .

English File fourth edition Teacher’s Guide Advanced Plus Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2021

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