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Best Practices in Research for

Quantitative Equity Strategies

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The Journal of Portfolio Management 2016.42.5:135-143. Downloaded from by IOWA UNIVERSITY on 06/01/16.

JOSEPH A. CERNIGLIA n this article, we examine the research thoughts on building quantitative forecasting
is a director at Black- process and principles underlying suc- models. Our discussion centers on developing
Rock Inc. and a visiting
cessful models used in quantitative quantitative models regardless of asset class,
researcher at New York
University’s Courant Insti- equity strategies. The research process but our examples draw heavily from equities.
tute of Mathematical Sci- is at the heart of the development of suc- Although we focus on quantitative research
ences in New York, NY. cessful quantitative strategies. Key factors methodologies, we think that some of these for their success are the availability of more ideas are valuable for a fundamental research
and better data, advances in computational process.
is a professor of finance
and econometric methods, and better under-
at EDHEC Business standing of how to enhance judgment in the WHAT ARE QUANTITATIVE
School in Nice, France. research process. Our discussion does not MODELS? provide rules to follow, but rather tenets
that emerged from our collective experience In this article, we refer to quantitative
P ETTER N. KOLM of researching and developing quantitative modeling in a broader sense. A quantitative
is the director of the Math-
ematics in Finance Masters models. strategy is a systematic, data- and model-
Program and professor of By identifying and examining the based approach to making investment deci-
mathematics at New York characteristics of quantitative strategies, we sions. We can further qualify quantitative
University’s Courant Insti- attempt to highlight some best practices in strategies by their underlying core charac-
tute of Mathematical Sci- quantitative modeling and aspire to outline teristics. By examining these core character-
ences in New York, NY.
a broader paradigm for building successful istics, we can attempt to identify some best
models. These characteristics may not be practices in quantitative modeling to develop
strictly statistical or mathematical in nature, a paradigm that will lead to building suc-
but rather they emphasize the integration cessful models.
of market dynamics, data, research design, The most important characteristic of
modeling techniques, and economic and the quantitative modeling approach is the
financial judgment. scientific approach. This approach provides
In Superforecasting, Tetlock and Gardner a paradigm that guides and informs empirical
[2015] state that “foresight isn’t a mysterious work. Similar to other fields that take a sci-
gift bestowed at birth. It is the product of par- entific approach—including natural sciences,
ticular ways of thinking, of gathering infor- medicine, and social sciences—this approach
mation, of updating beliefs.” In this article, in quantitative modeling attempts to describe,
we share some insights on accomplishing this inquire, and interpret with precision. The
objective by providing a framework and some characteristics of a scientific approach as it

Special Issue 2016 The Journal of Portfolio Management 135

relates to quantitative equity strategy modeling include draw conclusions. After drawing these conclusions, the
the following: researcher may then go back to reformulate the explana-
tory hypothesis and repeat the (3)–(6) cycle again.
• Development of a thoughtful hypothesis or thesis Within the context of investment management,
to be evaluated empirical analysis uses data and tools to design, research,
• Use of empirical work to attempt to put preci- and evaluate hypotheses/models. The primary func-
sion around investment decisions and economic tion of empirical research is to create (some) evidence
reasoning for trading models. A large part of empirical analysis
• Reliance on high standards of analytical rigor is research design. A well-thought-out research design
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• Use of sensitivity analysis to challenge assumptions provides support and credibility for validating the invest-
The Journal of Portfolio Management 2016.42.5:135-143. Downloaded from by IOWA UNIVERSITY on 06/01/16.

and context in which the strategy was developed ment insights underlying trading models.
• Incorporation of adjustments to the strategy based Exhibit 1 lists different types of quantitative strate-
on judgment gies. The typical steps in developing these strategies are
• Ability to explicitly measure results as follows: 1) formulate trading ideas and strategies, 2)
• Incorporation of revisions or updates to the model develop signals, 3) acquire and process data, 4) analyze
as new information becomes available the signals, 5) build the strategy, 6) evaluate the strategy,
7) backtest the strategy, and 8) implement the strategy.
HOW ARE QUANTITATIVE STRATEGIES We next examine each of these steps.
Formulating Investment Ideas and Strategies
Dating back to the 17th century, the scientific
method is an approach for examining and understanding A successful quantitative strategy often starts as
phenomena, developing new theories, or modifying or an idea based on economic intuition, a market insight,
integrating existing theories based on the presentation or an anomaly. Background research can be helpful for
of empirical and measurable evidence subject to specific understanding what others have tried or implemented
principles of reasoning. Research based on the scien- in the past.
tific method typically takes steps to 1) define a ques- To distinguish between a trading idea and a quan-
tion, 2) collect information and resources, 3) form an titative strategy, we look at the economic motivation for
explanatory hypothesis, 4) test the hypothesis by per- each. A trading idea has a shorter-term horizon, often asso-
forming experiments and collecting data in a reproducible ciated with a specific event or mispricing. A quantitative
manner, 5) analyze the data, and 6) interpret the data and strategy has a longer time span and exploits opportunities

Types of Quantitative Equity Strategies

136 Best Practices in Research for Quantitative Equity Strategies Special Issue 2016
to process information better, receive premiums associ- Evaluating, Testing, and Implementing
ated with anomalies, or identify mispricings. the Strategy

The final steps involve assessing the estimation,

Developing Signals
specification, and forecast quality of the model. This anal-
After having established the idea of the strategy, we ysis includes examining the goodness of fit (often done
move from the economic concepts to the construction of in sample), forecasting ability (often done out of sample),
signals that may be able to capture our intuition. Signals and sensitivity and risk characteristics of the model.
provide building blocks for the model used to create an Empirical validation and testing are key drivers
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investment strategy. in the development of quantitative trading strategies.

The Journal of Portfolio Management 2016.42.5:135-143. Downloaded from by IOWA UNIVERSITY on 06/01/16.

Built from data, signals are quantitative measures They bridge the gap between stylized financial models
that represent an investment idea. How signals are built and the real world represented by the markets. Financial
varies depending on the investment thesis and the data models are often crude approximations of reality—with
representing the thesis. For example, a quantitative regimes in which they work acceptably, and regimes
signal could be based on a stock’s underlying character- in which they do not work at all or work very poorly
istics such as its return on equity or valuation ratio. A at best. Careful systematic empirical research can help
sentiment signal could be developed from unstructured identify these regimes. The researcher’s judgment and
text from various company-issued reports or news about experience become a critical factor in this step.
the company.
Acquiring and Processing Data
The well-known statistician George Box stated, “All
Data are critical to a strategy’s success. A strategy models are wrong; some models are useful” (Box [1976]).
relies on accurate and clean data to build signals. Data Models simplify the world around us through idealization.
need to be carefully stored in an infrastructure that is Naturally, this idealization describes the most salient fea-
scalable and f lexible. Upon acquiring new data sources, tures of markets, and it is important to note that not every
researchers expand the information set necessary to market dynamic is included in a model. The construction
create new insights. of idealized representations of the financial markets is a
vital part of academic and practitioner research.
Although models are quantitative in nature, the
Analyzing the Signals
research process is subject to data and design decisions
Researchers perform a variety of statistical tests that are more qualitative in nature. Judgment calls
and econometric techniques on the data to evaluate the include deciding how to cleanse the data, how to select
empirical properties of signals. This empirical research a specific model, how to aggregate signals, and which
is used to understand the risk-and-return potential of risk measures to rely on. Researchers make these deci-
a signal. For example, a researcher might be interested sions, of course, based on their experience and prefer-
in statistically testing whether a signal’s Sharpe ratio ences. Besides the research process itself, judgment is
is larger than 1. This analysis may form the basis for also prevalent in the feedback mechanism of backtesting
building a more complete trading strategy. and running the strategy.
Generally, most quantitative models are based on
two approaches of thinking—hypothesis based (deduc-
Building the Strategy
tive) and pattern based (inductive). Each approach
A model represents a mathematical or systematic requires a different model-building research process.
specification of the trading strategy. There are two For the hypothesis-based approach, the starting point
important considerations in this specification: 1) the is some insight about why a trading opportunity exists.
selection of the specific signals and 2) how these signals It is dependent on an economic thesis or hypothesis on
are combined. Both considerations may be motivated how the market works or why the opportunity exists.
by the economic intuition driving the trading strategy. Frequently, the “story” precedes the empirical work.

Special Issue 2016 The Journal of Portfolio Management 137

The second approach is inductive or pattern based. an expected return forecast on a security or a set of
This approach is exploratory in nature, and the discovery securities. For fundamental investors, model forecasts
of insights emerges from the empirical work. A key create new insights to synthesize with other qualitative
feature is that learning occurs throughout the process. information (e.g., management meetings and industry
In this approach, it is critical to be able to distinguish strategy) being acquired to make investment decisions.
between correlation and causation. Are measured sta- Working with fundamental investors, we apply quantita-
tistical correlations spurious or causal? Understanding tive models to understand complex relationships, to verify
underlying economic mechanisms and theory may pro- investment theses, and to discover new opportunities.
vide insights to this question. Collaboration of quantitative researchers with
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Best practices involve understanding how to make fundamental investors is a social experience that can
The Journal of Portfolio Management 2016.42.5:135-143. Downloaded from by IOWA UNIVERSITY on 06/01/16.

better decisions in the research design process. It is useful create an “investment edge.” The process of building a
to draw on sciences from other disciplines that study quantitative model jointly produces unique investment
decision making, often in experimental settings; these insights. Numerous studies and anecdotes provide evi-
include psychology, philosophy, and organizational dence that combining computer-based forecasting and
behavior. human judgment results in better outcomes. We can
A good question to ask is, “How do we make draw on the literature from other disciplines to assist in
better decisions in the development of quantitative strat- providing insight into how to better integrate the two.
egies?” We compiled the following list of attributes from For example, in “freestyle chess,” a chess tournament in
the research of various experts in the areas of decision which players are open to consult any resource available
sciences, including Leamer [1978, 1983], Tetlock and to assist them, the winners of tournaments are humans
Gardner [2015], and Tversky and Kahneman [1974], as paired with machines—beating machines only, or human
well as from our own personal experience: experts alone, or machine alone (Cowen [2013]). The
key to the winners’ success is being able to synthesize
• Start a research project with scientific caution. information from multiple sources, while recognizing
• Understand the assumptions underlying the the strengths and weaknesses of each approach.
research methodology decisions and why those
assumptions were chosen. TAXONOMY OF QUANTITATIVE
• Formulate an alternative hypothesis. EQUITY STRATEGIES
• Make (reasonable) changes to key assumptions to
evaluate their robustness. Quantitative strategies exist across different
• Look for contrary evidence of the findings. markets. The characteristics underlying these strategies
• Tweak the research question being asked and try vary substantially. We categorize strategies along a
answering this revised question as a way of gaining number of dimensions, such as the asset class, type of
additional perspective. securities, horizon, trading style, and investment phi-
• Focus on causation and probabilities, rather than losophy. Each of these categories inf luences the quantita-
statistical correlations. tive modeling process, often starting with the research
• Break down the investment thesis into its underlying design, data, modeling techniques, and evaluation
assumptions and scrutinize each assumption. methods.
• Examine what you know about the investment thesis Commonality in these traits allows us to classify
from what you do not know or cannot know. strategies into groups. In Exhibit 1, we attempt to create
a simple taxonomy of quantitative strategies. There is
The benefits of using quantitative models extend some overlap in this classification because strategies share
beyond pure quantitative trading. These models provide common traits. We also considered how investors imple-
valuable analytical tools in a traditional, fundamental ment the strategies.
investment decision-making process. It is important to Quantitative investment strategies differ in their
differentiate between how purely quantitative investors motivation to trade, the frequency of trading, infor-
use model forecasts and how fundamental investors use mation used to trade, and the markets traded. The
them. For quantitative investors, model forecasts produce strategies employ different holding periods and trading

138 Best Practices in Research for Quantitative Equity Strategies Special Issue 2016
frequencies—the latter of which can occur in milli- interactions. When estimating the model, the authors
seconds, or extend to months or years. Separately, the incorporate concepts from the statistical learning litera-
holding period of each trade varies along similar horizons. ture, mirroring methods used to estimate decision tree
Both trading frequencies and holding periods are func- and ensemble methods.
tions of the investment theory underlying the strategy Ogneva, Piotroski, and Zakolyukina [2015] use
and the empirical results uncovered in research. the lasso (least absolute shrinkage and selection operator)
model by Tibshirani [1996] to select a parsimonious set
TECHNIQUES FOR EMPIRICAL WORK of fundamental variables for a probability of recession
given a failure model. Lasso estimates a sparse solution
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In addition to insights about the market, quantita- of a regression problem by setting some of the regression
The Journal of Portfolio Management 2016.42.5:135-143. Downloaded from by IOWA UNIVERSITY on 06/01/16.

tive computational methods are critical for success. Many coefficients to zero. They are primarily interested in the
of the traditional financial econometric techniques con- out-of-sample classification ability of a proposed model,
tinue to be widely used. Their success results from their using cross-validation as a performance measure.
tractability—being well understood and fairly straight- Unstructured data have become more valuable
forward to implement. These include regression-based in developing quantitative signals for equities. Textual
techniques, such as Fama–MacBeth and generalized least analysis of corporate disclosures such as financial state-
squares, and nonparametric techniques, such as portfolio ments, earnings releases, and conference call transcripts
sorts. Our understanding of how to effectively apply and are sources of unstructured, qualitative data. Li [2010]
interpret these techniques has matured. provides a survey of various techniques to extract signals
Researchers continue to extend and innovate upon from textual data, showing that the communication pat-
traditional computational approaches. For example, terns of management could reveal certain management
Patton and Timmermann [2010] propose new ways to characteristics that have an impact on understanding cor-
test for monotonicity (in portfolio sorts) in the expected porate decisions and forecasting stock returns. Focusing
returns of securities sorted by characteristics that theory on research related to earnings quality, stock market
predicts should earn a systematic premium. They pro- efficiency, and corporate financial policies, he highlights
vide a summary statistic for monotonicity, allowing two general approaches for conducting content analysis
researchers to decompose the results to better diagnose using a rule-based dictionary approach and statistical
the source of a rejection of (or failure to reject) the approach, such as the naïve Bayesian machine-learning
theory being tested. algorithm.
New computational methods continue to emerge Equity markets react to news f low. Although it
and f lourish. An increasingly popular computational is potentially rich in information, this source of data
field among quantitative researchers is statistical learning also contains substantial noise. Heston and Sinha [2015]
(sometimes referred to as machine learning). These ana- compare different methods of textual analysis using news
lytical tools—which can be classified into supervised reports from Dow Jones to predict cross-sectional stock
and unsupervised methods—are valuable for building returns. They analyze the horizons over which returns
models because they reveal the structure of data, incor- are realized for sentiment signals created using different
porate nonlinearities into the model, and provide robust computational methods. Some signals provide a fore-
predictions. In our view, these approaches should not be casting horizon of up to a quarter, whereas others fore-
viewed or used as “black boxes” but rather as analytical cast returns over shorter horizons, such as a day.
tools. A growing amount of information comes from
Researchers in finance are applying these newer Twitter, Internet searches, and other sources of text-
methodologies to create insights into the dynamics based social media. These data sources can also be useful
of equity markets. Moritz and Zimmermann [2014] for building quantitative measures of investor sentiment.
address the research question of which variables pro- For example, Da, Engelberg, and Gao [2015] use daily
vide independent information about the cross-section of Internet search volume to construct a measure of market-
stock returns. Their computational approach, called deep level sentiment. They show that this measure is useful
conditional portfolio sorts, is designed to deal with a large in predicting short-term reversal, increased volatility,
number of variables and potential nonlinearities and and fund f lows.

Special Issue 2016 The Journal of Portfolio Management 139

It is important to understand the intuition, assump- and construct a story to explain what happened. Taleb
tions, and strengths and weaknesses of computational [2007] calls this “narrative fallacy”— looking backward
approaches. The choice of a method involves trade-offs. and creating a story to fit events. Being aware of poten-
The computational approach should align with the data tial biases and understanding how our assumptions drive
structure, research design approach, and underlying our choices in the modeling process are key to building
investment strategy being research and traded. For successful strategies.
example, research that uses a hypothesis-based (deduc- Quantitative strategies are systematic; that is, the
tive) approach to modeling typically relies on more tra- underlying strategy is consistently applied to identify
ditional computational approaches, such as regression and implement trading opportunities in a structured
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and information coefficients. Pattern-based approaches framework. A framework brings structure and logic
The Journal of Portfolio Management 2016.42.5:135-143. Downloaded from by IOWA UNIVERSITY on 06/01/16.

are applied to unstructured data sources and/or data that to a disorderly and complex activity of identifying
contain nonlinearities or other unusual features. opportunities in the markets. This framework provides
a process—a common plan of direction and action
EXAMINING SOME CRITICAL ASPECTS to use in developing, evaluating, and implementing
OF QUANTITATIVE STRATEGIES investment ideas through quantitative models. In mar-
kets filled with near-constant information f low, not
There are many advantages to using a quantitative all information inf luences asset prices. The benef it
model. The scientific approach to developing models of having a systematic model is having a consistent
bring advantages such as rigor, creativity, avoidance of process to focus efforts on information that inf lu-
biases, and process. ences prices—and to avoid reacting to noise (useless
Rigorous analysis is an underlying principle of the information).
scientific approach. A rigorous approach allows one to Empirical research is often based on historical data,
validate ideas through a framework incorporating statis- and there is a limit to how much information about the
tical rigor by employing backtests, in-sample/out-sample future we can infer from the past. Sometimes, quantita-
comparisons, and Monte Carlo analysis to study the tive investors are at risk of being too systematic in their
robustness and sensitivity of a strategy to a given choice approach. There is always the risk of low-probability
of parameters. This verification should also incorporate events that will challenge the underlying assumptions.
new market and theoretical developments. New assump- Because markets change and the current environment
tions (paradigms/theories) require the reconstruction of looks different from the past, we need to evaluate
prior assumptions and the reevaluation of prior facts. whether those changes are structural or transitory. It is
The numerous computational tools—from statis- important to understand how both types of changes will
tical learning to traditional statistical approaches—and impact the performance of quantitative models. We need
the expanding set of data sources provide tools and raw to continually evaluate our models and the markets they
materials to explore new trading ideas. Similar to an operate in, revising a model when our judgment and
artist who has access to paints and canvases, a researcher experience indicate it is no longer effective or a different
benef its from creativity—which results from hard opportunity set for alpha arises.
work, introspection, and inspiration. This creativity
is the driver for new investment ideas. With the right At the Core of a Quantitative Model:
tools, researchers have the ability to develop ideas about The Data
investing strategies and create models.
All decisions are subject to biases. In investing, the At the heart of a quantitative model is data. Quan-
behavioral biases are well documented—confirmation titative analysis relies on nonexperimental inference.
bias, optimism bias, and overconfidence, to name a few. How the data are used and the source of the data are
Quantitative models give us more objective benchmarks of critical importance. “Garbage in and garbage out”
to measure our decisions and to (partially) eliminate is a commonly used phrase referring to how the data
these biases. inputs of a model can affect its output. For researchers
The decisions we make to build quantitative strate- of quantitative strategies, this means that a quantitative
gies are also affected by biases. We sometimes see data process is only as good as its data.

140 Best Practices in Research for Quantitative Equity Strategies Special Issue 2016
Data impact the outcome of a research project. In • Understand how the database evolves over time. Most
any dataset, there are some data features we understand, databases change over time, and those changes
and some we do not. For researchers, it is critical to explore include what data were collected, how the data
data features and expose unexpected features of the data. were collected and its coverage.
We can classify data in a number of different ways. • Understand how the database’s standard procedures
More recently, it has become common to characterize data work and how they differ among different data sources.
as structured or unstructured. Structured data are organized Most databases have standardized procedures for
into tables with clearly identified and organized informa- reporting certain items in their system in order to
tion. Unstructured data, such as text containing natural ensure comparability.
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language, do not have a formal structure. It requires spe- • Beware of potential biases in the data.
The Journal of Portfolio Management 2016.42.5:135-143. Downloaded from by IOWA UNIVERSITY on 06/01/16.

cialized processes to extract the important attributes that • Choose one data source to build the model and a second
can be used in various computational techniques—and data source to confirm the model.
thereby, it introduces new opportunities and challenges • Include statistics that describe and compare the usability of
for researchers. The infrastructure to store and access this data items with regard to standard empirical applications
information is still evolving; thus, it requires substantial in finance.
effort to utilize this information in modeling. • Look for economic explanations of any outliers. For
Data containing errors, missing values, and other example, Brown, Lajbcygier, and Li [2008]
f laws affect the validity of the analysis. For example, examine the economic significance of outliers
Kothari, Sabino, and Zach [2005] find that nonsurviving in their dataset. In their work, they show that
firms tend to be either extremely bad or extremely good the outliers result from f irms with materially
performers. Survivor bias implies truncation of such different financial situations. In contrast to out-
extreme observations. The authors show that even a liers caused by bad data, this set of outliers had
small degree of such nonrandom truncation can have a material implications for the conclusions of their
strong impact on sample moments of stock returns. results.
Data are often available from multiple sources, and
the number of available data sources is increasing. It There may be opportunities in using less clean data
is well known that different data sources maintain a sources or data with shorter history, and so on. This
different level of detail. These differences can have a type of data might provide a source of alpha that others
large impact on strategy development. It is important to overlook because of the work and patience required to
understand the comparative characteristics of databases. make the data usable for a research process.
In particular, the researcher needs to explain how dis- How does poor data affect strategies? High-quality
crepancies between databases affect the research output. data are critical to success. The validity and power of
The issue is to determine whether the use of a particular the results rely on well-prepared datasets. For example,
data source might have inf luenced the results. Ljungqvist, Malloy, and Marston [2009] document
Characteristics of good data include the changes in the collection and recording of historical
following: I/B/E/S analyst stock recommendations. They show
that these changes are nonrandom, and the consequences
• Clear and consistent definitions of what the data of these changes affect returns generated on trading sig-
represent nals using these data.
• Reasonable detail underlying the data
• Appropriate data availability: length, frequency, WHAT DO WE MEAN BY “GOOD”
• Consistent view of history
• Free from survivorship bias In this section, we describe five key properties of
• Free from look-ahead bias “good” quantitative models. We leverage the work of
Successfully working with data means under- Gabaix and Laibson [2008], who describe critical prop-
standing the nuances of data sources. The following are erties for building economic models. These properties
a few best practices for data. are intended to be broad guidelines.

Special Issue 2016 The Journal of Portfolio Management 141

Parsimony: Parsimony means models with few successful quantitative models are a blend of science and
assumptions. All models are only approximations of art. Our endeavors in model building require constant
reality, and some features will always be omitted. innovation and rigorous analytics to be successful.
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It is illegal to make unauthorized copies of this article, forward to an unauthorized user or to post electronically without Publisher permission.

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The Journal of Portfolio Management 2016.42.5:135-143. Downloaded from by IOWA UNIVERSITY on 06/01/16.

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142 Best Practices in Research for Quantitative Equity Strategies Special Issue 2016
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Heuristics and Biases.” Science, 185 (1974), pp. 1124-1131.

To order reprints of this article, please contact Dewey Palmieri

at dpalmieri@ or 212-224-3675.

Special Issue 2016 The Journal of Portfolio Management 143

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