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READ: Read the text about Madeline, Nick, Winnie and Luis. Circle the answer.

UNIT 3 – S4 - “People that inspire” People who inspire

Competencia Capacidad Propósito
This is Winnie Harlow. She is
Lee diversos tipos de texto  Obtiene información del texto escrito Comprendemos un texto acerca from Toronto, Canada and
en inglés como lengua de cuatro personas inspiradoras. Her name is Madeline
 Infiere e interpreta información del texto escrito she is 25 years old. She is a
Stuart. She is from Brisbane,
extranjera Australia and she is 23 years
famous model and has
vitiligo. Her mother is Lisa,
Evidencia Ficha de comprensión de texto , gramática y vocabulario. old. She is a famous model her father is Windsor and her
and has Down´s syndrome.
VOCABULARY : Complete the sentences with words in the list. Follow the examples: Her mother is Rossane. She
sister is Christina. They are a
great support for Winnie.
is a great support for Their love for Winnie. Their

His name is Luis Sandoval

Lopez. He is from Chiclayo ,
His name is Nick Vujicic. He
Peru and he is 22 years old. He
is from Melbourne in
is a famous athlete and is
Australia and he is 37 years
blind. His friends are his eyes.
old. He is a famous
They are a great support for
motivational speaker and
Luis. Their love for Luis is
has no arms or legs. His wife
is Kane. She is a great
support for Nick.

Put the letter next to the correct word.

Read the question and answer with their full name.

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