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Name: Albania, Aljason Lei B.

Section: BSMT 1-B

In our discussion in art appreciation throughout the semester, I have learned

various concepts that I can incorporate to help me become a better and more observant
individual. I have learned the importance of pre-historic art as it helps me realize how art
was born and how art is related to our life. I have learned that there are various artists
that have striven to change the way art is perceived such as Leonardo da Vinci who
through his knowledge he was able to create a detailed representation of human
anatomy and geometrical proportions. I have also learned that art reflects our feelings
and emotions as I have observed some subjects of art express our love towards
someone and our perceptions towards the happenings in our life. I have also learned
that we need to learn various arts for us to understand the hidden meaning of the art as
well the reason for its existence. I have learned that art evolved through the influence of
others which is why some artworks and crafts are somehow similar. I have learned that
art reflects our history as Filipino, as art can somehow be a form of guide for us to
understand the condition that the Philippines has endured in the past. I have learned
that we need to appreciate all the artworks of other people as they are unique and
beautiful representations of their stories. I have learned that through art we humans are
able to share our creativity and enhance our artistic skills. I have learned that the world
is a big canvas, and we humans are filling it up with beautiful and diverse kinds of art
showing that we humans are creative beings who are able to express our thoughts and

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