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BSA_3rd year



Salient Points for Writing Conclusions:

1. Based on Findings: Conclusions should be derived from and supported by the findings of
the study. They should provide a clear summary or synthesis of the key insights
obtained through data analysis.
2. Backed-Up with Evidence: Conclusions should not be mere opinions but rather
realizations that are substantiated with evidence gathered throughout the research
process. This evidence can include both quantitative and qualitative data.
3. Hypothesis Utilization: The conclusions section is an appropriate place to address
whether the original hypothesis was supported or rejected based on the study's
findings. It allows for a direct assessment of how well the research objectives were
4. Avoid Numeric Values: When presenting conclusions, it is recommended to avoid using
numeric values as this section focuses more on summarizing overall trends, patterns,
relationships, or significant observations without delving into specific numerical details.

Salient Points for Writing Recommendations:

1. Anchored on Findings and Conclusion: Recommendations should stem directly from the
identified findings and conclusion of the study. They are practical suggestions aimed at
addressing any gaps, limitations, or areas requiring improvement highlighted in these
earlier sections.
2. Diplomatic and Suggestive Voice: Recommendations need to be phrased diplomatically
using suggestive language rather than imposing directives or commands upon readers or
stakeholders who may benefit from implementing those recommendations.
3. Action Research Intervention/Program/Plan (if applicable): In cases where the study
falls under action research methodology, recommendations can involve presenting
specific interventions, programs, strategies, plans, or initiatives that could be
implemented based on identified needs or opportunities revealed by the research.

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