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Avatar & Niche Worksheet

This worksheet will require some thinking, but it will set you up so that everything you do, say, and write will
speak directly to your most perfect customers or clients. You cannot charge premium prices while pleasing the
“masses.” You must zero in on your avatar’s deep problems.

If you get stuck on this, we’re happy to help (our email for sharing is but the sooner
you get this done, the sooner you can craft your offer and start selling.

1. The biggest result I can help a business or person achieve is?

Is to lose weight and keep it off forever.

2. Describe the favorite client you’ve ever had that you want more of...

CEO Peter Wall. Had a lot of money so paid me well and was really easy. Over 35+ because they are more
established and have more money.

3. What’s the biggest problem your most ideal client has?

They have a knowledge gap. Don’t know what to do.

They are super overweight
Low self esteem
Bad health

4. What frustrates your most ideal client the most?

Not knowing what to do and trying a million programs over and over again without any real results.

5. What are THE four to five steps for them to achieve success and get results?

1. Learn how to eat properly

2. Learn how to train properly
3. Find something sustainable they can do long term and enjoy
4. Have accountability measures in place.

6. What keeps your perfect client awake at night (worrying, fearful, anxious)?

Lack of understanding.
Poor health and the consequences of it.
Not being able to play with the kids
Poor self esteem

7. What humiliates your perfect client (an event or occurrence they are trying to avoid)?

Going to events and people thinking they are out of shape.

Having a heart attack or serious health issue that they can’t control.
Being made fun of or staying inside for fear of what people think.

8. What is the cost of staying where they are right now? How bad can things become if they don’t fix

Could have a health scare.

Will never reach their goal and continue to purchase program after program.
Will lose more money trying things over and over by trial and error than just fixing it in the first place.

9. What is their most urgent, pressing crisis they have to have solved right away (the real pain they’re
facing, the thing they need fixed immediately)?

Lowering weight to fix health scares.

Self confidence/self esteem.

10. What are the top 3 things that frustrate your perfect clients on a daily basis (is it doing things they
don’t want to do? people? circumstances? chores?)?

Tying shoes or getting ready for the day. And daily activities that are made harder by being out of shape.
Not feeling comfortable in their own skin.
Struggling to exercise or know what to eat.

11. What does your perfect client want more than anything else?

To never have to pay for help again or guess what to do.

12. Explain what you would do if you were in their situation - high level steps. (Share 'what' you
would do, not 'how' to do it.):

1. How to eat whatever you want WITHOUT sabotaging results.

2. How to train however you want WITHOUT sabotaging results.
3. Lifestyle Recalibration
a. Why personal trainers suck
b. Why $47 online programs suck
c. Why I’m the best option to work with.

13. What is the BIGGEST MISTAKE your perfect client is making right now (related to the problem you

They are guessing and hiring everyone and their mom without any real path to success.

14. What does your perfect client complain about when they’re with their friends or family (i.e. “not
enough money,” “not enough time,” “don’t know how to do something,” etc)?
That they just don’t know what to do.

15. Name (and link to) your 4 most important competitors.

Thomas Delauer
Six pack shortcuts

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